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4044415 No.4044415 [Reply] [Original]

What's the deal with neutrinos? Do they exceed c or what?

>> No.4044434


Yes. Its confirmed.

Quantum physics are counter-intuitive and extremely weird already, but I`m sure this will open new possibilites for discovery.

>> No.4044442

I thought the new experiment wasn't running till next year?

>> No.4044453


The retried and confirmed it already.

>> No.4044457


well thats depressing

So much for physics. back to church

>> No.4044469

Bets aren't settled until a different collaboration repeats the measurement.

>> No.4044470



>> No.4046471 [DELETED] 

I was about to learn relativity, now I can cancel that.
Fucking outdated theory.

>> No.4046477
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You also have to learn string theory already.

>> No.4046482

Waste of time learning Newtonian mechanics, then, too. Not useful for anything. Why do they even teach it in schools?

>> No.4046484 [DELETED] 
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>that feel when I have to learn my undergrad maths and physics first
>that feel when once I'm ready to learn string theory, it might be outdated as well

Nonetheless thanks for the reminder.

>> No.4046487



>> No.4046498
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>that feel when once I'm ready to learn string theory, it might be outdated as well
don't worry, it will not be outdated then. It will never be indated, you see?

>> No.4046505


The OPERA guys allegedly confirmed the experiment, exact results still not published, though.

>> No.4046507 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4046508

Word is they didn't account for general relativity. This isn't the first time the Italians made a ridiculous claim.

>> No.4046509

>CERN does experiment once.
>OPERA, run by CERN, does it again.
Seems legit, then.

>> No.4046512


>OPERA run by CERN

Nope. CERN scientists weren't even allow to check the calculations.

>> No.4046513
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I actually gave a presentation 3 weeks ago, why the OPERA results violate special relativity and why it will turn out to be a measurement failure. I'm looking forward to see what happens now :D
In reality, I'm a big fan or starting from scrath with new ideas.

>> No.4046518

yeah if something were really discovered to travel faster than c, then you'd think they would make a bigger deal about it. Sounds like they did something wrong.

>> No.4046520

OPERA confirms they didn't know how to account for general relativity due to the difference in gravity between CERN and detector. Scientists marvel in the concept as they have just seen it for the first time.

>> No.4046527

"CERN's OPERA experiment continues to clock the subatomic particles traveling faster than the speed of light."

"he totally unexpected finding emerged from research by a physicists working on an experiment dubbed OPERA run jointly by the CERN particle research centre near Geneva and the Gran Sasso Laboratory in central Italy."

"The initial experiment, carried out using CERN’s OPERA instrument in Gran Sasso, Italy, involved firing longer beams of neutrinos from CERN’s facility near Geneva, Switzerland, which each lasted 10 microseconds (10 millionths of a second) some 454 miles away to the facility in Gran Sasso."

"The experiment is a collaboration between CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, and the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Gran Sasso, Italy"

>> No.4046528

Are you kidding? FTL is worthless, you giant science faggot.


Tell it to Jesus and beg his forgiveness for your stupidity.

>> No.4046530



>> No.4046532

Meh, bullshit. I don't see no nutrinoes.

>> No.4046536

Emma Stone guy! I'd like to ask you a thing that's been bugging me for a while. I've been attending a rel. quantum mechanics course and one of the first things they told us is that the klein gordon equation gives rise to negative energies. The way they justify that is by solving E^2=p^2+m^2 for E. My question is: shouldn't these negative energies be something that should arise in special relativity as well? My troubling probably has to do with my professor's explanation.

>> No.4046538

In 1997 a humanzee called lauren was walikng in a forest and then a she just dissapeared no one ever found her untill 2000 when a yoing girl called Mary found her body and markings on her chest saying: I wasnt pretty enough" and now you have read this she will appear in your mirror saying your not pretty enough and kill you. by the way the girl called mary died shortly after.

To be saved paste this to 5 other thread. THIS TRUE
this true

>> No.4046542

There are results that make it appear like they traveled faster than light in certain experiments.

This does not mean they do. It just means there is an effect nobody has figured out an explanation for yet.

Making grand proclamations that "relativity is wrong" is stupid for several reasons. One, it's really, really, really premature. Two, even if they are somehow arriving before they leave (as they would need to), that doesn't mean relativity is wrong, it just means it's incomplete, AS WE ALWAYS KNEW IT WAS.

So basically, everybody calm the fuck down.

>> No.4046543

It's all European lies to discredit Jewish master physics.

Fuck off, Anti-Semites.

>> No.4046544

Bullshit. They never measured them.

>> No.4046597

But if the model is incorrect, how do you build anything with it?

>> No.4046602

Good thing such a thread is up. What would happen if it is 100% confirmed that they are faster than light? Would it mean anything?

>> No.4046606

Of course it would mean SOMETHING. It would, at the very least, mean a particle exists that travels faster than light.

>> No.4046609

>What would happen if it is 100% confirmed that they are faster than light? Would it mean anything?

We don't know what it would mean. Probably some weird quantum trickery.

>> No.4046616

no the experiment was rerun to reduce errors but any systematic error in the timing system would still affect the result.
both experiments were run with OPERA.

>> No.4046638

ALL the clocks would need to be wrong.


Maybe the curvature of the earth threw off the clocks with it's spin.

>> No.4046645

No, it's worse than that. All of the clocks in ONE PLACE would have to be wrong, compared to ALL the clocks in the OTHER place. A systematic clock incorrectness is not even enough.

>> No.4046656
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>> No.4046711

Why the hell did I read that in his voice?