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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4024638 No.4024638 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't we succeeded to clone (relatively) recently extinct species like the Tasmanian wolf, Dodo or Mammoth?

the closest we've ever come to bringing back a species was with the Pyrenean Ibex which failed, at what point in time will we able to master cloning of such creatures?

>> No.4024643 [DELETED] 

well probably never. it's really hard to get enough in tact undamaged dna to actually attempt something like this
you'd probably already need to have taken a sample prior to the animals extinction, and then use that to bring it back

>> No.4024650

Fuck animals - let's clone Jesus!

>> No.4024659 [DELETED] 

even if he really existed he was just a man and didnt really have magical powers, and we would never find his corpse anyway

>> No.4024663

You're bad.


"The researchers said they hoped to produce a baby mammoth within six years."

>> No.4024677 [DELETED] 

oh rite, cool

>> No.4024678

So? What can be more lulzy that science trolling all Christians on earth? And DNA should be possible to get, there are some nails with whose he's been supposedly been pierced, that thing which I have no idea what's called in English where the exact image of his face is imprinted since 2000 years, and probably some few other things. It's not like we need his whole body.

Mohammet could be next for cloning, just for the shits and giggles.

>> No.4024682


One day even dinosaurs will probably be brought back, you pessimists just think it's impossible cause we can't do it NOW.

>> No.4024685

DNA extracting is primitive

It's really fucking hard to expect DNA to survive over thousands of years

>> No.4024691 [DELETED] 

well yeah, but the further in time we go, the less likely it becomes as fossils have more and more time to degrade, unless some of the ones we already have well preseved are enough, like the mamoth guy was talking about, so maybe if we already have some good well preserved dinosaurs as well

>> No.4024694

not gonna happen, nothing preserved.

The pharoahs were very well preserved though, so more likely them 30+ years from now

>> No.4024698 [DELETED] 

they probbaly wouldnt be trolled. just like a clone of you is not the same as you, and does different things, a clone of jesus is not jesus, and isnt gods son, and cannot into magic

>> No.4024700

It's EK, if you come on the /sci/ enough you realize she's just an attention whore. Never has any idea what she's talking about.

>> No.4024705 [DELETED] 

nah im not an attention whore or anything, i just know that as soon as things die dna starts to decay, and decays far faster than a lot of other bodily tissues, i mean bones and teeth stay the longest, but just from bones i dont think you can really extract the dna and clone an organism

>> No.4024708
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>> No.4024713

Yes you can. Quit shit posting, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4024716 [DELETED] 

well that isnt me attention whoring, so i dont see why it is relevant, and gossip about me doesnt really belong here and isnt science

>> No.4024723

>gossip about me doesnt really belong here
But then, neither do you, really.

>> No.4024724

Lol, clone Jesus 100,000 times, train them in combat, and go take over Israel.

Where's your god now?!

(and yes, I do know that they consider him to be only a prophet)

>> No.4024725

>Proven wrong because you did no research on the matter and have no sources to site

>> No.4024729 [DELETED] 

well i study science, so i suppose i belong here, and really this is the inetrnet, so anyone can come here even none science backgroudn types

>> No.4024731

>There is an estimate of 150 million mammoth remains in Russia's Siberian permafrost


I'm looking forward to this, should be pretty easy.

>> No.4024740

Learn English grammar and elementary science first then come back without a trip.

>> No.4024736

What kind of science do you study exactly?

>> No.4024743 [DELETED] 

erm, zoology, and i know it isnt always considered 'hard science' by you people, but i really like it

>> No.4024746 [DELETED] 

well i already know those, and i dont see whats wrong with having a trip

>> No.4024753

I wonder if it will kick up any ethical issues. "we can't play god" etc. Maximum trolling if they want to reintroduce the clones to the wilderness.

Of course any action/moral panic/whatever will only happen *after* there is a successful clone, because that will be what is newsworthy and starts the whole thing. Why can we not into foresight?

>> No.4024756 [DELETED] 

Stop posting that. It is none of your business.

>> No.4024764


Well then, I guess my 5 second google search for "wiki mammoth" beats your zoology studies.

>> No.4024767 [DELETED] 

we only study animals that are currently still alive and not extinct

>> No.4024770

Saved just for you <3

>> No.4024775

Because average people are more interested in their TV serials than science, it's fine to keep them in the dark. Most people doesn't deserve to know what's going on around them - they can find out on their own. Their worthless selves aren't really fit to influence greater minds with their oh-so-useful 'moral high ground' etc.

>> No.4024786

Bitch! Calm the fuck down. It's our business if you both annoy us and are tripfags. And usually shitpost to boot. If only you didn't post with trip, that detail wouldn't be known. Kinda retarded of you, eh?

>> No.4024788

Do those non-extinct animals have, say DNA? Maybe even have individuals of the species die on occasion? Perhaps some of them even live in cold climates?

P.S. Zoologist that doesn't know about the so called 'frozen zoos' as a last resort.


My IT job where I read wikipedia when I'm bored > your degree.

>> No.4024792

Yeah like that will stop me.

For a psychology student you sure don't understand reverse psychology.

>> No.4024800
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Lovers quarrel?

>> No.4024842

Seems that tripfags got driven out for now. Kindly requesting anon to explain more of the current limitations of cloning species that are already extinct.

>> No.4024872

I think a lot of it is technological right now. In about 10 years we should start noticing huge improvements in this field as long as it gets the proper funding. It can be done, just not that well. Needs some fine tuning if you get what i'm saying.

>> No.4024882

Long story short we need to sequence and synthesize the DNA, then implant it into an egg and finally put it in a suitable parent.

The problem is actually getting the DNA, most (if not all) of the tissue that would contain that is gone.

As per wikipedia:
"The successful extraction of ancient DNA from dinosaur fossils has been reported on two separate occasions, but, upon further inspection and peer review, neither of these reports could be confirmed."

Also, the longer we take to find it / develop methods of extraction, the more time it has to decay (although IMO another 100 years on what is already done isnt much).

And thats where we stand. I wonder if we will ever get to ride dinosaurs like in futurama..

>> No.4024883

To get this back on track and avoid a circlejerk the Western black rhino has today been declared extinct

Because of poachers who think the horns have magical properties, if I was in charge there I'd humanely remove the horns under a tranq so there'd be nothing for them to poach.


>> No.4024909


Arent more and more tuskless elephants being born?

>> No.4025280 [DELETED] 

It does not matter that we are 'tripfags'. You should not be making fun of, or even drawing attention to, someones serious mental condition.

>> No.4025375

but DNA doesn't always degrade...we've just recently sequenced the neanderthal genome, mammoths shouldn't be that hard. and in a few decades i wouldn't be surprised if it would be possible to backtrace from an existing organism to a mammoth, if you knew enough about the phenotype & selection pressures.

obviously it wouldn't be entirely valid, but would be cool.

>> No.4025399 [DELETED] 

You can not 'backtrace'.
It does not work like that.
Even though the ancestor of living things alive today was a mammoth at some point, some of the information is lost.

>> No.4025412
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>> No.4025439

>wouldn't be entirely valid

i want my fucking mammoth. it's totally possible to create something that appears entirely like one today, through a lot of trial and error GM. obviously it wouldn't be of the same species, but it's close enough.

i'm pretty sure you could develop an algorithm to attempt a backtrace though. retained mutations in a species aren't random, and if you knew enough about its environment & selection pressures you could determine several likely genomes.