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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4021698 No.4021698 [Reply] [Original]

I believe I see some normalfags on /sci/ tonight, time to flush them out.

>> No.4021713


Physical Health via proxy is tied to mental health because it implies that you are social and therefore have a balanced worldview on which you can perform analysis and perform in multiple points of view an answer to any problem.

-We cannot answer problems with the same thinking or knowledge we used to create them.

-A. Einstein

Out, myopic, pretentious, narcissitic, worthless pawn. You will never be a scientist because you lack the may qualities of intelligence and will be a limited machine.


>> No.4021716

it is not my fault you are unable to attract a mate.

>> No.4021734

Normalfag reporting in. Don't mind me, I'm just having positive social interactions and relationships while being a more well-rounded person than you.

>> No.4021852

1). Am a man
2). Very little of it, if I have time
3). Don't think I've ever been to one, always shy away
4). I have, it was the only time I got laid
5). See 4
6). Taking weight training class along with my studies
7). Pop science fan? Sure. Transhumanist? What's wrong with that? Futurist? I ask the same question as before. Science fiction fan? I don't think I've read or seen many personally. High schooler? Just one more year until my graduate courses start.
8). For side classes I have
9). Chemistry major

I wonder if I should be depressed now.

>> No.4021863

Say hi to a high schooler