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File: 11 KB, 645x773, feeeeeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4014263 No.4014263 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you have lab at 8 am and it's 2 am now

>> No.4014272

>having class before noon

>> No.4014280

>having class in the afternoon

>> No.4014281
File: 40 KB, 403x496, 087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel that you finished studying yet you stay up all night anyway just because
>that feel when you are sleep deprived as fuck the following day
>that feel when you do it again

>> No.4014286
File: 53 KB, 558x611, killfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've known this feel since freshman year...

>> No.4014294
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>That feel when you've done this for so long people think you're a drug addict because of the bags under your eyes

>> No.4014298

>start eating a healthy balanced diet
>start exercising daily
>lower or completely eliminate caffeine

i guarantee you that if you do all of these things you will be sleeping like a baby every night.

you are only as intelligent as your actions suggest. sitting on a shitty image board, playing video games, and whacking off to internet porn aren't intelligent actions.

>> No.4014308


>That feel when I'm exactly the same, except actually am a drug addict

This feel is really keeping me down.

>> No.4014316
File: 416 KB, 1386x1074, MeanWhileonBW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have at test at 8 and it's midnight now

>> No.4014328

I'll always say I'm going to do those things but never do...I eat healthy at home but college destroys me. I also haven't exercised in years lol. I only weigh 130lbs so I should probably try gaining weight in a healthy manner

>> No.4014330
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>That feel when I should be writing a paper and studying for the two exams I have this week but I'm not motivated

>> No.4014369

>that feel except eventually you skip the studying and proceed straight to the derping.
>that feel when you have no idea what your classes are about

>> No.4014371

How everyone's senior year should be

>> No.4014372


redderp detected. go back home please.

>> No.4014410

>that feel when you still dont know what your class is called or what the teachers name is

>> No.4014419

>that feel when this makes no difference in humanities classes
>that feel when your superfucked for physics

>> No.4014422

>that feel when other people feel the same
>that feel when you stay up tlil 8 am because of adderall and ace ur exam the next day

>> No.4014434

>That feel when still not asleep because I know that I will feel like I have AIDS when I wake up and when I go to study in the library later tonight I will fall asleep

>> No.4014435
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>that feel when you go to class for the first time in weeks and the professor hands you a midterm.

>> No.4014438
File: 13 KB, 210x304, moe_howard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when 2 modern physics lab reports due tomorrow at 4pm and you haven't started on either

>> No.4014447

>that feel when adderall + caffeine like crazy during finals week.
>that feel when no sleep for 4 days
>that feel when playing in starcraft tournament after last final instead of sleep
>that feel when better than expected.

>> No.4014459

>That feel when finally going to bed
>That feel when I'll oversleep and miss lab

>> No.4014464

that feel when you know you're going to check for a reply

>> No.4014465

>that feel when i lay in bed on the computer
>that feel when i get tired and switch to my tablet
>that feel when i get tired and switch to my smart phone

i will never fall asleep

>> No.4014475

>that feel when 8am lab tomorrow is cancelled, start at 2pm instead

>> No.4014480

>that feel when tomorrow is my only day off of classes but I'm obligated to spend 9-5 in the machine shop working on an engineering project

oh wait, but it's FUN

>> No.4014483

>that feel when computer science doesn't have labs.
>that feel when work whenever you want

inb4 engineers = gay, that feel when cock in butt, etc

>> No.4014485
File: 2.13 MB, 400x300, WelpThat'sThat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when you miss one class because you were sick
>that feel when you show up to class the next day and there is a assignment due that you never heard off, a pop quiz, and you have no idea what material the professor is covering

>> No.4014550

>that feel when cock in computer

>> No.4014563

>that feel when on top of all that you are indeed a drug addict and you look like hell at all times

>> No.4014628

>That feel when you've been studying 8+ hours every day for the last 3 weeks because you want to get good grades, and your first exam is only tomorrow

>> No.4014649

>that feel when I did this as a freshman
>that feel when I aced my first test
>that feel when I now barely have the motivation to pass my classes

>> No.4014674
File: 250 KB, 600x600, 1318280349859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>study like crazy for exam
>do well on test
>have done barely any study on other three subjects
>that feel
Happens every exam block. I ace the first exam, and pull mediocre results on the other three.

>> No.4015194

happens every motherfucking time

>> No.4015211

see marijuana is addictive!

>> No.4015215

>that feel when its 3 in the afternoon and i can relate to you morning fags

>> No.4015223

>that feel when you study like a madman, but still only manage to get a "C"
>that feel when your prof won't bump you up the last 1% to the next grade after finals

>> No.4015926

> that feel when you come back to this thread after cramming all night. These feels never end

>> No.4016328

I sleep like a baby every night and I live on canned baked beans and sausages.

I don't drink coffee, though. And what is so bad about internet porn, anyways?

>> No.4016616

>that feel when you feel all these feelling feels

>> No.4016687

>that feel when Josef still is not pied