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4011157 No.4011157 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when you get back your midterm and get 80%
>First time in 3 years of undergrad EE that you've gotten less than 90%
>That feel when I'm seriously contemplating suicide right now
>80% on a 15% midterm, already down 3%.

>> No.4011166
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>Implying it matters as long as you pass
Average IQ anime weeaboo 2D master race reporting.

>> No.4011169

Nice Asian mentality, OP. It's just a grade, it doesn't that much.

>> No.4011175

It's pretty fucking important. That means in order to get an A in the class, I can only lose another 7%.

>> No.4011179

>OP never had a hard course in his life

>> No.4011182

Who fucking cares?

It's not like you're going to be forced to drop out and work at McDonald's for the rest of your life because you got a B in an undergrad EE course. Get over it, man. Just study and do better on the next one. It's not worth stressing this much over it.

For the record, I'm in EE too, so I'm not some liberal arts fag giving you advice. It'll be okay, just calm down.

>> No.4011186

Ha, I drink 7% milk for breakfast. Come back when you are 1% away. Then you'll be hanging with the big boys.

>> No.4011187

>I'm seriously contemplating suicide right now
If you can't handle such a minor setback as a bad grade on a test you might as well go ahead, you will make bigger mistakes down the road anyway so just get it over with!

>> No.4011193

I'd be a little bit more willing to get over it if I didn't consider this my "easy" course.

>> No.4011197

Just fuck off already. I hate grade mongers like you. Why can't people just focus on learning the material.

>> No.4011200 [DELETED] 

OP, you failed.

>> No.4011205

Maybe because I thought I did know the material? I'm not a fucking grade monger, I'm the chillest person when it comes to discussing grades and such. I'm just fucking pissed about this mark, not at anyone else but myself.

>> No.4011208

kill urself

>> No.4011216

looks like your future is spiraling down the drain. you should quit while you're ahead and go straight to mcdonald's.

>> No.4011235

At least cut yourself, how else will you learn not to let this happen again?

>> No.4011233

I think I'm going to score C at the exams

EE here aswell.

No idea why you are so obsessed with A's.

Sure I want to do well, but I just can't seem to get A's anyway, I always fail at something.

But I don't feel too bad about it.

>> No.4011252

I actually thought about doing this.

In exams I always have a thumb tack with me so that I can stab it into my leg to keep me alert.

True story.