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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4009646 No.4009646 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, here's the deal.

I'm 18 years old.

I've never had a job ever.

I have a CompTIA A+ certification

Every place I apply always requires bullshit like 5 years of experience for computer related jobs.

What do I do?

>> No.4009658

Go to another field.

I have a 3year diploma in computer networking/administration with CCNA certification and I haven't been able to find a job in this field for almost a year and a half now. I have sent over 100 resumes/coverletters to places but if you don't have any experience or know someone in the industry you are pretty much fucked.

GL bro, I know that feel.

>> No.4009670


Holy fuck are you serious.

I mad.

I guess this is it, life is over, here we go.

>> No.4009677

should've majored in english

>> No.4009681

1. Volunteer anywhere you can to get something on your resume.
2. Go to college, so you can be considered for internships.
3. Get internships during college so you gain experience.
4. Graduate and get a good entry level job.

Easy as fuck bro, are you even trying?

>> No.4009691


Can I not be considered for internships unless I go to college?

Also, what about being a typist? I'm at average 80 wpm. Where can I become a typist and what does that kind of work entail?

>> No.4009697

judge judy

>> No.4009706


>Also, what about being a typist? I'm at average 80 wpm.

Damn son, you're thinking big.

>> No.4009715



>An average professional typist reaches 50 to 70wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other typing jobs)

I can push it up to 93 if I really try hard.

>> No.4009740


I refuse to believe someone is this dense.

>> No.4009747


you mean women's studies?

>> No.4009775

The world is a lot faster at typing than it was when those numbers were relevant.

>> No.4009786

'Sup, kid?

I'll say this the short way : any job out there worth having takes either high levels of college or special training these days. Your A+ alone isn't going to cut it. If you really want into IT, at least get some higher level certification (CCNA, MCSE, or whatever the equivalent is these days.), and make sure you have the real-world, hands on skills to back it up.

>> No.4009791

find a hobo to give you a reference.

>> No.4009805

Every single one of my friends and myself have that same certification OP. Why dont you try getting a job meant for 18 year olds? Like washing dishes or factory work, or are you just a lazy worthless piece of shit?

>> No.4009809

I suggest moving to a growing town and getting experience there. Established areas are gonna be much harder to find that kind of work in without experience than newer ones.

>> No.4009812

wash dishes or go to college or both you lazy faggot

>> No.4009846
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>you can't live unless you go to college

Thanks /sci/

>> No.4009889


shows you how many people on /sci/ are angry and angsty as they move on through college and realize it's a waste of money

>> No.4011173

You're screwed op, don't worry, economy is going to collapse soon enough though.

>> No.4011203

> What do I do?
Kill all boomers.

>> No.4011209

This is /sci/, not /adv/.

>I'm 18 years old.
>I guess this is it, life is over, here we go.

Definitely >>>/adv/

>> No.4011226

rip off old people by offering computer repair services.
That's how people like you get by. By selling old HW as new for high prices.

>> No.4011230 [DELETED] 

>CompTIA A+ certification

That sounds like a case for >>>/g/

>> No.4011236


Yeah... that's what it shows. Your a fucking idiot...

>> No.4011244

OP why don't you just start your own computer repair business in your town? Spread info by fliers or word-of-mouth.

>> No.4011269

yfw its free where I come from

I even get paid

>> No.4011425
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Goddamn you Scandinavian countries!