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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4009277 No.4009277 [Reply] [Original]

fukkin americans with their feet and inches


>> No.4009286

>be american
>use feet and inches
>take physics and chemistry
>now use only metric and shun imperial measurement
>feels normal man

>> No.4009284

fukking pound is mass and force.

>> No.4009303


>> No.4009304

I don't mind the feet and the inch individually but having a system using both is just cumbersome. Use feet and centifeet or inches and hectoinches.

>> No.4009305

if metric is so great why dont you use metric time

>> No.4009316

I actually don't mind the Imperial measurements for civilian purposes. Even if they are less "intuitive" they are a lot more relatable.

A mile is roughly the threshold of an easily walkable distance.
A hundred degrees is the threshold of unpleasant heat.
A hundred pounds is the threshold of a heavy object.

>> No.4009320

That's because you were raised with the system, fucktard. You think metric wouldn't be relatable if you grew up with it?

>> No.4009323


so why not metric time

>> No.4009335
File: 521 B, 10x10, Costanza_tiny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still using a decimal number system
Base-12 master race here. Metric units are shit.

>> No.4009336

There would be nothing wrong with measuring time in units of ten. It happens that we measure it in consistent units of 60, which is fine. There's none of that arbitrary bullshit.

>> No.4009339


Um. I am a research scientist. I know metric measurements just as intuitively, but there's no way I'd prefer them in my daily life.

There are some where it's a wash, like speed. 100 mph is fucking fast, but 100kph is freeway speed. That's just re-calibration. But the distinction between centimeters/meters and inches/feet/yards? Nah.

>> No.4009340


a foot is twelve inches

sixty is five twelves

how is one more arbitrary than the other

>> No.4009344

lol base 12. have fun with your retarded repeated prime factor base.

>> No.4009347

a yard is 12 feet right?

>> No.4009355


four yards is

so eight yards is like a day of feet

>> No.4009363


Still, it's just habit from growing up with one over the other. You relate your units to quantities around you, chosing to think of the ones that round nicely. Do you think people raised on the metric system do not do the same?

>> No.4009368
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imperial system huh? do you still measure things with rocks and sticks out there?

>> No.4009374


a sundial is literally a stick attached to a rock

until you move to a 10 hour 100 day system you really can't say fuckall

>> No.4009380

>Implying rollercoasters aren't more fun than sailing

>> No.4009378

>Rest of the World
I believe Bangladesh also uses the imperial system.

>> No.4009384

100 day system is impossible because of the seasons. one year on earth is 365.2425... days. no measurement system can change that.

>> No.4009389

USA, Liberia and Myanmar use imperial.

>> No.4009390


so why is 10 hours of 100 minutes each imopossible

>> No.4009395


Tu quoque-fallacy.

>> No.4009402
File: 3 KB, 126x122, 1307876223426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one day = the average time it takes for the earth to complete one rotation.
one year = the average time it takes to complete 1 full orbit.

local /sci/ user goes full retard.

>> No.4009404

why is it impossible because of the seasons

>> No.4009413


gee copernicus thanks for the answer that has absolutely nothing to do wth why its divided in 24 and not 10

>> No.4009420

10 hours would be acceptable along with 100 minutes to an hour, 100 seconds to a minute, etc

but 100 day years don't work.

>> No.4009430


so if consistency is the paramount goal of metric whats stopping them from implementing the 100 minute hour and the 10 hour day?

also why wouldnt the 100 day year work at like antarctica or the desert where the weather is the same year round

>> No.4009449


>100 day year work at like antarctica or the desert where the weather is the same year round

Because of the definition of year. What you are talking about is a unit of time roughly the same size as a year, but it's still not a year. A year is an inherent property of our planet.

>> No.4009463

Imperial and Metric use the same time measurement. It's got nothing to do with being consistent. It is how we have always measured time.

Also a day is one full rotation right?
So that is 86,400 seconds in a day.
You can not fit 86,400 seconds into hours when there is 100 minutes in a hour and 100 seconds in a minute.

You end up with 8.64 hours in a day which honestly is not rounded or consistent at all really.

>> No.4009471

the earth doesn't rotate 100 times per orbit. it has nothing to do with the seasons. and because the current time system is in every country around the world (or at least every important one). every country would need to agree on a new time system other wise it would be way to confusing to have only one country running on metric time.

>> No.4009533


we got the 60 seconds thing from the babylonians, are you telling me all of todays scientists cant improve on a system created by the ancient babylonians?

>> No.4009984


>> No.4009988

So you're a horse?