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File: 19 KB, 320x264, sexy-muslim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4007355 No.4007355 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw islam supports alien life
>mfw islam supports the big bang
>mfw islam accurately described the formation of earth
>mfw islam supports the theory of evolution
>mfw islam knew the males sperm determined the sex of a child
>mfw islam knew the earth was bulged and a oblate spheroid
>mfw islam knew how mountains were formed
>mfw islam knew the earth spin on a tilted axis
>mfw islam knew the variation of the atmospheric pressure with altitude
>mfw islam knew about the earths inner mechanism

>> No.4007364
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>> No.4007368

>mfw one islamic scholar told the rest of the Muslim world that education was sinful, and they all fucking believed him

>> No.4007373
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>mfw you didn't provide any quotes

>> No.4007372

Neil Armstrong proved the existence of Mecca

>> No.4007378


>> No.4007387


>> No.4007391


As a quranist, it does not apply.

>> No.4007398

as an ex muslim apathetic whatever, frankly i feel that most of those findings are about taking a few quotes from "holy" sources and than being REALLY creative about you interpret them. dumb as hell. of course the irony is Averoes and Ibn Sina and their peers did contribute a lot to science as we know it today but sadly that proud tradition is almost non existent today and instead you get nonsense like what the op is spouting.

blind hatred is just unhealthy and very un/sci/intific.

>> No.4007406

Actually it is all backed up in the Quran and not by loose interpretation, check the link i provided.

>> No.4007408
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>> No.4007432
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>mfw i'm from pakistan and a liberal but i can't say anything unless i want some lunatic with a beard and two brain cells to bash my head open.

saging because this shit is dumb.


you made that up faggot. shitheads like you are dragging down our entire civilization and making us a laughingstock. fuck you from the bottom of my heart. i ws religious once too but i had the balls to question my beliefs at least.

anyhoo, -5billion/10trillion for causing drama and being unscientific.

>> No.4007440

>made up

You are retarded.

I simply reject the hadith because they are false.
Hadith are ”sayings” of Prophet Muhammed that were gathered more than 100 years after his death and were assumed to be verbally transfered throughout generations. Quranist find Hadith compilation time frame and compilation methodology as weak and full of contradictions with the Quran and a major source of confusion. Sunnis and Shia consider the Quran to be an insuffucient source of guidance that lacks details and is only completed by a second source (Hadith).

>> No.4007464

>implying i was referring to either the quran or the hadith
>implying i'm not insulting you for a biased simpleton with no understanding of scientific inquiry.
>implying i'm not aware of the complaints against the hadith but also recognize that its fucking irrelavant today.
>implying i have'nt spent most of life learning about islam by scholars and academics wheres your knowledge comes from some jackass in a two doller mosque somewhere with no critical thinking or analysis.

look maybe one day moot will make a /rel/ board but until than just fuck off.

>> No.4007475

For someone on a science board your ignorance is astounding.

I come from the Maldives, i've been muslim all my life, had islamic class, go to the mosque etc,i became a quranist last year. I find the parrallel with science in the quran very interesting.

>> No.4007502

certainly there are parallels but to extrapolate from that and pull some bullshit out of your ass? thats ignorant.

>muslim all your life
so you've never learned about anything challenging your views and you've never wanted to open your mind to different opinions. whoop de doo.
>go to the mosque
>implying following ritual and dogma increaes your knowledge of anything

just admit you're a bored white guy trolling you asshole.

stupidest fucking thing i've heard all day. all you fucking beards can do is make drama and cause bullshit. you never say anything practical or sensible. its always stupid shit like how pokemon is haram or something. meanwhile, all the countries plagued by your presence have to wallow in shit because the masses love you so much. fucking stupid.

if you have any dignity, you will admit you are some bored white guy trolling and stop shit posting. saging one more time.

>> No.4007503

>mfw islam supports alien life
lol, wut?
>mfw islam supports the big bang
cool. I don't
>mfw islam accurately described the formation of earth
>mfw islam supports the theory of evolution
I doubt this.
>mfw islam knew the males sperm determined the sex of a child
SPERM? no.
>mfw islam knew the earth was bulged and a oblate spheroid
>mfw islam knew how mountains were formed
>mfw islam knew the earth spin on a tilted axis
>mfw islam knew the variation of the atmospheric pressure with altitude
I'm sure the Nepalese did too.
>mfw islam knew about the earths inner mechanism

>> No.4007525
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>studying abroad from muslim country
>making fun of creationisits in the US
>mfw i realize i would never have the balls to do it back home unless i wanted a pitchfork shoved up my ass.

western atheists don't know how good they have it.

>> No.4007550


>> No.4007570

>shitting on the memories of Ibn Rushd, Ibn Sina, ibn Hayyin and countless others who gave us so much despite limited resources and a stupid ignorant population

>> No.4007672
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Its rare to see pan atheist from those countries on the net.

Is the situation getting any better? Can the west help somehow against the extremists and their influence?

>> No.4007707

>pan atheist
>i had to google this

honestly i don't know. I'm not really taking about extremism as much as general stupidity. recent polls have shown support for extremist groups falling sharply over the last couple of years. but simpler stuff like being against minorities, womens rights or evolution based on a lazy and faulty understanding of islam is what pisses me off and makes me shut up in every conversation. the situation is great and i guess i am being over dramatic

>> No.4007729


Glad to hear that, stay strong.

it was supposed to be an atheist, just a typo

>> No.4007738

>mfw what OP says is true
also the limit determined by salinity between rivers and seas.

>> No.4007747

You guys are all morons, Hinduism is way better than that shit, we have aliens and shit come down and have sex with us to create super humans who have massive battles with nukes and shit! Fuck off! We had like Airships which shotted pew pew lazors and instant transmission and shit before dbz and startrek! And Monkey MEN! WHO INVADED AN ISLAND WITH ROCKS! HINDUISM IS BEST!

>> No.4007755
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>mfw you are op
>mfw you have no face
>mfw you are a shitty troll
saged and reported

>> No.4007758

OP I'm reading your pdf...
It's literally full of shit...
how the fuck can you believe that?
It's really just a translation of a poem full of hatred and warnings about doing wrong and turning it into scientific beliefs...

Cited Verses #(3-38)
In The Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
By the heaven which has numerous precise paths. You are in a doctrine discordant.
(part 26, Surat Al Thaari’yat “The Winds That Scatter”)

. In cited verses #(3-38) ALLAH (SWT) Swears by one of
the characteristics of the lowest heaven. He Says, “By the heaven which has numerous
precise paths”. We have learned earlier in this chapter that the lowest heaven is a huge
enclosure where all the celestial objects are contained within. All those celestial objects
(stars, galaxies, quasars, nebulae, etc.) are in continuous motions. In these verses ALLAH
(SWT) Tells that all the celestial objects are moving along precise trajectories.

>> No.4007760


>> No.4007763

Cited Verse #(3-37)
In The Name of ALLAH, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Blessed is He Who Made constellations in the heaven and Made in it a shining lamp and
an illuminating moon.

In cited verse #(3-37), ALLAH (SWT) Tells that He Has Made constellations in the
heaven (the lowest heaven). A constellation is a formation of fixed stars. The shapes of
the constellations are fixed and do not change. However, the angles at which these
constellations appear to an observer from the earth are related to the location of the earth
in its orbit around the sun. The angular orientation of the constellations relative to the
earth determines the solar year calendar and the solar year duration. These angular
orientations change very slightly over the years (due to the earth’s wobbling motion and
also due to the motion of the sun along its orbit). Another function of the stars and their
formations is to identify the seasons and the solar year.

I want to know what the fuck he is smoking

Seriously, mohammed had anger issues imo. Look at the shit he wrote in the citation. I bet this was his diary where he used to write shit when people wronged him.

>> No.4007786
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Fuck every religion. Especially Islam. Its 21st century for fucks sake. Grow up and use your brain, dont believe medieval fairy tales.

>> No.4007794

Nope he just had something called somarasa and hallucinated. Kabba houses a Shiva Linga which has magnetic properties and is said to levitate at that point of the earth due to reduced magnetic resonance or some shit. All of mid-east where either Zorastrian, Jewish or Hindu back before the rise of the other two abrahamic religions. If you are muslim you are bascially worshipping Shiva, the destroyer. WHo is said to have charactheristics of being merciful and benificent to his followers but a general dick to everyone else as his title of Destroyer, his people the Shaivites used to constantly war against the followers of other gods in a 'Holy Effort' to convert them, Jihad=Effort in arabic. See the similarities? Plus why don't they fucking open the Kabba? Because its got a idol to a hindu deity! You fucking muslims are all hindus.

>> No.4007814


>> No.4007826

Somebody post her personal info with a screenshot of this thread to some extremist islamic site.

>> No.4007833

>blind hatred is just unhealthy and very un/sci/intific
Don't mind her. She's probably on her period.

>> No.4007839

>womens rights
Stopped reading there.

>> No.4007883

>unless i want some lunatic with a beard and two brain cells to bash my head open
I thought you send all those to our countries.

WTF is the population of Pakistan anyways?

>> No.4007964
File: 328 KB, 478x534, 1312017780839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when mohammed didn't even know how to write or read.

>cannot into detecting samefags

>> No.4008150

Too bad it took non muslims too figure all that out so you can go back and realize your book had it the whole time.

>> No.4008334
File: 12 KB, 291x267, 1318535112836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts on Islam and Christianity turning their backs on their great scientific backgrounds when the science became too complex for the lay theologist to understand. Why do I never hear of Jews condemning modern science?