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4005079 No.4005079 [Reply] [Original]

The Nazis in WWII did a lot of experiments on prisoners, but did they ever find something that could be put to practical use?

I've only heard of their hypothermia revival techniques and nothing more.

>> No.4005086


well the japanese did some useful work
wikipedia Unit 731

they figured out the consequences of doing live vivisections without anesthesia. Apparently it is very painful.

>> No.4005096

hypothermia, effects on the human body in a vacuum which apparently led to some knowledge about going into space and how to survive

>> No.4005101

I remeber a few years ago some moralfag bullshit about sketches, photos, and other documentation gained from NAZI experiments on concentration camp victims being still widely used in medical texts.

>> No.4005111

>implying they were trying to be useful.

they were crazy monsters with bloodlust.
ive gotten sick whenever ive read in detail about them.

>> No.4005126

they were trying to be useful

to themselves at least

Like >>4005096 said, they tested hypothermia revival techniques to save Luftwaffe pilots from the cold when they eject

>> No.4005137

Fuck off JIDF

>> No.4005164


>> No.4005192

can't make an omelet without cracking a few eggs!

>> No.4005200

I'm a Jew, and I think they found some useful things like lowest temperature people could survive at or similar things, but I could be wrong.

>> No.4005214

No one eats BBQ Jew

>> No.4005582

>something that could be put to practical use?

research about long time ingestion of tiny doses of fluoride (it eventually makes you dumb and docile). they found out that the first that goes is the ability to recognize the condition (it acts too slow). it can be further masked by adding trace amounts of lithium. so the plebs feel happy to only think and do what you tell them. and the few that do not respond appropriately are coopted to work as 'guardians of the people'. that surely will neutralize them.

wouldn't that be something for a future scientific dictatorship?

>> No.4005587


Wiki'd it. That sounds horrible if it were done to you.

>> No.4005592

I read cynisms here.

Mengele was a total fail at medschool/university. He could only make it up to something inside the mindless Nazi machinery. And still today German administration privileges the complete conscienceless idiots.

>> No.4005593

Josef Mengele made some advances in genetics, but his findings have either been destroyed or held from the publlic for obvious reasons.

>> No.4005604

His scientific works were of really poor quality. His recordings were shitty. The techniques were sloppy. He didn't do hypotheses before experimenting. Not one finding was reproducible, not even by himself. Worst of all, the tiger-human-crossbreeding project did a total crashlanding.

>> No.4005614


>> No.4005615

Jesus christ.

>> No.4005628

Their work wasn't very scientific. Fuck, if I was in their position I'd something useful like language deprivation experiments etc. so dickheads wouldn't always have to argue about it

>> No.4005630

IIRC, one of the Nazi human experimentation guys made some important findings regarding hypoxia, but I can't find any references to it after about 5 minutes Googling.

>> No.4005633

hans reiter was probably the most scientific nazi experiment doctor.

>> No.4005636


Perhaps this guy?

>> No.4005638

I study EE, and In one of my courses, they talked about what happened to a person when a certain amount of eletrical current when through them(I think 400ma = death).
I've always wondered how they found this shit, could it be that the nazis found this?

>> No.4005653

I guess this research was carried out in US prisons

>> No.4005655

>the tiger-human-crossbreeding
How is it I hear about them trying to teach dogs to talk but not this. Comedy gold.

>> No.4005662


>> No.4005670

anymore? i read unit 731 and the nazi experiments

>> No.4005687

No but they really tried to develop some sort of a nazo super-warrior. With claws and uniform and stuff.
So Mengele inseminated jewish women with tiger sperm. Of course nothing except a waste of time and money happened.

However, a lot of comparative brain anatomy research was performed at the kaiser-wilhelm-brain-institute. Thousands died in this. Nothing was found.

>> No.4005690


like wolverine...?

>> No.4005704

The wolverine story clearly is inspired by this nazo bullcrap. As are a lot of other american comics. Look at superman, he is a depicted as the "Ubermensch" the nazis fancied.

>> No.4005709


Oh, rightio. I thought it was the other way around.

>> No.4005724

"Hey Hitler, did you read the latest edition of X-Men?"

"Yeah, that was pretty awesome, Himmler. Hey, what if we made our own Wolverines, just like in the comic book?"

"Mein Führer, I think you're on to something there."

>> No.4005725


I could see that happening...

>> No.4005726

And it would be glorious.

>> No.4005732

If none of this happened what would medicine etc be like now?

>> No.4005731

shame that all the adamantium mines are in the caucuses and we've just lost stalingrad

>> No.4005753

The exact same

>> No.4005793

except this thread

>> No.4005816

>they figured out the consequences of doing live vivisections without anesthesia. Apparently it is very painful.


>> No.4005818

Useful stuff from the nazis? How about gyropropulsion?

>> No.4005819

how about rocket science

>> No.4005820

which clearly came from a concentration camp.

>> No.4005822


is all you need to know

>> No.4005832


yeah... woo.. really good.. yay...

>> No.4005835

We may have a slightly more limited understanding of human physiological reactions to extreme temperatures and pressures.

I like to that John Stapp would have just got on that shit after he finished with his rocket sled.

>> No.4005855

is this it? or is this all "we" know about

>> No.4006075
