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/sci/ - Science & Math

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4002668 No.4002668 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw engineers can't integrate this

integrate (sin(2x))^2 with respect to x

>> No.4002676

why would I ever need to?

>> No.4002678
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> mfw non-engineers use "integrate" and mean "anti-differentiate"

>> No.4002683

It is funny because only engineers care about actually integrating functions.

>> No.4002688

Use double angle identities.
Stop spamming your homework on /sci/.

>> No.4002689

inb4 wolfram alpha answers

>> No.4002691

mathfags just prove the integrals exist

>> No.4002697

>implying your an engineer

>> No.4002709

1st year ChemEfag actually
>Implying this isn't cleverly homework thread in disguised .

>> No.4002711

too late

>> No.4002718

>Use double angle identities


straight up wolfram answer too

>> No.4002721


>implying you aren't in high school
>implying this isn't your homework
>implying I didn't sage and report this stupid thread

>> No.4002755

>implying your not mad

>> No.4002756

It's impossible to solve with an even powers of sine without it.

>straight up wolfram answer too
It's the quickest answer too, you want me to give you the answer in every possible form? Go play with your fractals you fucking aspie.

>> No.4002774

lol I go to a community college and I know how to solve that
I learned how to solve that in highschool


>> No.4002835

the problem with that is that it can be solved with using the double angle identity

>> No.4002841

so you took calculus BC therefore your probably only in CC because you're saving money and not due to lack of intelligence

>> No.4002848

show me the solution with double angle indentities

>> No.4002883

lol he can't

chemE confirmed for retards

>> No.4002886

You know I was thinking "Fuck you faggot" when I realised I'm on 4chan on a Saturday night...

I don't know latex yet so I'll just use an S symbol to represent the integral symbol:
S(sin(2x))^2 dx
= 0.5S(1-cos(4x) dx
=0.5(x-sin(4x)/4) +C
=1/8(4x-sin(4x)) +C
(last step is just to make it look nicer)

>> No.4002896

*S letter ....goddammit

>> No.4002934

your still not proving why 1-cos(4x) equals sin^2(2x)

how does that relate to double angle identities?

>> No.4002973

It's 1-cos(4x) equals 2sin^2(2x) you halfwit. Half/double angle formulas can be proven using the trig addition and subtraction formulas.

Do your own homework next time, you won't learn anything if you don't try to solve problem on your own.

>> No.4003028

lol the fact is that your suppose to use half angle identities not double. I find it hard to believe that you intuitively knew that 2sin^2(2x)= 1-cos(4x)

>> No.4003044

half and double identities are just algebraic rearrangements of the same identity.

and any fool who uses them regularly will just know them.

>> No.4003062

kid your full shit, just admit that you used wolfram you faggot

>> No.4003080

>I find it hard to believe that you intuitively knew that 2sin^2(2x)= 1-cos(4x)

I did this in my head, I've been integrals like this since I was 15, just YOU can't know it intuitively doesn't mean others won't.

Isn't me lol. And yes I DID use wolfram to confirm my awnswer AFTER I calculated it (too lazy to write it out to test the answer before I post it).

This shit is grade-school tier and you know it, just let the thread die already.

>> No.4003086

>calling me "kid"

>> No.4003088

Hey trig identityfag, integrate this function:

f(x) = sin(x)^2

>> No.4003091

i'm not the anon who showed you the workings out.

but kid, if you act all incredulous every time someone does something easily that you find hard, then you will use up all your incredulity pretty quick.

i teach this shit. it is second nature to me.

and it's "you're" not "your".

>> No.4003104

that's the same fucking function with x instead of 2x

simple sub tells you same answer except doubled

i can't believe how retarded and yet arrogant you are

dunning kruger in full effect

>> No.4003114

Wow, /sci/ knows their trig identities. Someone help me please with this!

integrate: sin(x^2)

>> No.4003116

>Easy math problem. OP acts like it's millenium prize

sure is under age b& in here

>> No.4003119

...you want the easy solution, or the one that differs from wolfram's solution?

>> No.4003124

can't be done without functions you won't have heard of

>> No.4003126


Fresnel integral...

>> No.4003132
File: 40 KB, 550x375, trollfirecomputer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't have heard of

Yeah, I've never heard of a polynomial with infinite terms before!

>> No.4003137

>i've never heard of a fresnel integral

>> No.4003142

>polynomial with infinite terms

can't tell if troll or retard. oh wait, the pic

>> No.4003146
File: 18 KB, 144x163, trollfacenerd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey /sci/ I've heard of a fresnel integral before but I've never actually used one am I smart now?