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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3999074 No.3999074 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ is human.
What music do you enjoy?
What do you study?
What do you do?

What fascinates you?
What's your favorite beer?


It's to what I'm listening right now. Let's be human, let's relax.

>Pic is vaguely what I enjoy. The game is fantastic in that I can use my "lawyering" skills

>> No.3999125
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physics, pure&further maths, computing (UK)
>what do
procrastinate errday

>alcohol general: can drink anything, especially after a few, but generally like blue vodka and nothing else
games/maths/physics, and thats pretty much it. and not so much on the games as of late

>pic somewhat related, been playing this game for the past few days

>> No.3999178

> What music do you enjoy?
Various substyles of metal, rock, electro and sometimes even pop.
> What do you study?
Mostly CS
> What do you do?
Mostly study CS

> What fascinates you?
About everything
> What's your favorite beer?
Probably blond grimbergen, among the beers you can get in roughly any bar.
> Liquor?
Anything rhum or vodka based
> Hobbies?
Answering questions on /sci/ without knowing why the fuck I'm doing it, starting programming projects without ever finishing them, enjoying roughly any kind of media that isn't TV, etc.

>> No.3999182

What music do you enjoy?
>a lot; http://www.last.fm/user/Doppz

What do you study?

What do you do?
Study, listen to music, play some video games, mess around on my computer

What fascinates you?
Mathematics and music

What's your favorite beer?
Don't drink

Same as "what do you do?"

>> No.3999216
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OP here, fagging it up.

I have a BS in biochemistry as an undergraduate. I currently am a 2L in law school.

I do some trading and speculation, drink, and homebrew because it's fun.

I scuba dive because the ocean and its life is amazing. I take winter break every year for the last 4 to go somewhere in the caribbean to witness a shark migration. I also keep the pictured lizard because he's interesting.

Having lived in Germany, I have a soft spot for Altbier and Koelsch. That said, I support my local microbreweries in a big way. I love scotch in a way that only Ron Burgundy understands.

Diving, home brewing, dicking around on /sci/, writing my own horrifically shitty SF, lizard-keeping, and identifying with most Foul Bachelor Frogs.

>> No.3999279

vidya game muzak
>>area of study
>>what do you do
grad school
>>fascinates me
machinery, robots, mother fucking space
Generally I don't drink beer, though I will drink sake
Gin, whiskey, whatever the fuck I had at the club on free drink night that was really fucking good
building stuff, evolving virtual creatures, simulating random shit, world domination, crushing other people's dreams, CADing stuff up while drunk.

>> No.3999309

I need an engineer sometime in the near future. That, or an architect.

I want 5 domes, 2 levels above ground and a basement each, of 3,500 ft^2 bottom floor space. I wan them to have basements connected by tunnel. I want them to form a pentagon arrangement. In that pentagon, I want an atrium that is glassed in. Is that feasible?

>> No.3999316

You haven't specified enough in the way of design specifications.

>> No.3999324

also what for? Some settlement in a cold area where heating is an issue?

>> No.3999338
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>/sci/ is human.
I'm a real human being and a real hero.
What music do you enjoy?
Things like Arcade Fire, Justice and Regina Spektor
What do you study?
What do you do?

What fascinates you?
Philosophy of science, and people and language.
What's your favorite beer?
solving small sci question problems, apparently

>> No.3999351


It's like my mp3 player when I was 16. Well, Rhapsody of Fire, anyway.


>What music do you enjoy?
Imma just post last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/TheSheikah
>What do you study?
I'm doing my Masters in mathematics at the moment. My focus is Crypto and Operations Research
>What do you do?
I work in a microbiology lab so I can eat while studying.

>What fascinates you?
Crypto in particular. I just love using solutions to difficult problems to obscure information. Such a clever, simple idea.
>What's your favorite beer?
In terms of quantity, Toohey's Extra Dry. Great beer. I really like Lucky, though.
Scotch man, myself. Black Douglas, Highland.
I'm a huge fan of nearly every form of passive entertainment: Video games, books, music, television and film. It's expensive being me. I also like to fence, but I'm pretty busy at the moment, so not so much.

>> No.3999358

The five domes are to interconnect in a pentagon arrangement. The space within the domes should be a large, glassed-in garden/atrium.

I want enough room in my heated atrium/garden/greenhouse for:
A small wet bar
Some lounger chairs
a small artificial stream with fish
a few hummingbirds
a chrysalis incubation chamber
a pond or two
a pair of mertens water monitors
some bromeliads and flowering plants
some geckos

I don't live in a cold area but I hate winter. I want a private garden of Eden where I can retreat to relax or host parties. I also want space for my own laboratory (the basement of one of the domes) and a large library. A home theater would also be nice.

Generally tons of space within which to build my ideal living arrangement. I'd also (ideally) like to build a sky shed on the property within which to house a telescope.

>> No.3999372

>>I work in a microbiology lab so I can eat while studying.
So how does Vibrio fischeri glow in the dark sandwich taste?

>> No.3999375

Do you have money and are you planning to take over the world?

>> No.3999390

What music do you enjoy?
anything that interests me at the time i feel like listening to music.
What do you study?
What do you do?
sit at a computer all day

What fascinates you?
What's your favorite beer?
i fucking hate beer
i haven't tried liquor
none ;-;

>> No.3999398

What music do you enjoy?
All kinds mostly Dubstep. Y'all mad?
What do you study?
Mechanical Engineering.
What do you do?
Study, work and game. Mostly.
What fascinates you?
The meaning of life.
What's your favorite beer?
Favorite beer... hmm.. No clue.
Tequila! I love that stuff..
I don't have time for hobbies.

>> No.3999407

Also what should be added to what I mostly listen is Post-Rock.

>> No.3999408
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I have... some money. My business and investments make me enough to build my dream within a few years.

I would like to take over the world, but it's a hassle. I really just want to chill in a man-made Eden with giant lizards.

>> No.3999431


Suprisingly bad. But still exciting to eat.



mah nigga. You ever seen sleepmakeswaves? Best post-rock band ever.

>> No.3999433

>What music do you enjoy?
Post-rock, classical, jazz
>What do you study?
computer science and math
>What do you do?
study computer science and math
>What fascinates you?
Art, animation and science fiction
>What's your favorite beer?
video games, books, and helping people on /sci/ and /g/ with math and computers.

>> No.3999438


>> No.3999439

forgot my oxford comma, but whatever.

>> No.3999443

Normalfags in my /sci/


>> No.3999444

Going to check them out!

>> No.3999447


>> No.3999451

>What music do you enjoy?
certain very specific varieties of Metal/Rock
Medieval folk music

>What do you study?
Officially, Computer Science
dabble in History as well as Astronomy

>What do you do?
Full time student, but I'm on break now until next semester.
Work part time doing in-house software development

>What fascinates you?
Just about anything. Enjoy reading about history, as well as computers and astronomy

>What's your favorite beer?
either Becks of Leffe Blonde

Used to be a liquor fan, not so much anymore. If I had to pick, probably Scotch

Video games
Anything computer/tech related
Target shooting

>> No.3999456

1. Electronica, Post-hardcore, and indie.
2. Not in school yet.
3. Looking for a job.
4. Ballistics.
5. I hate alcohol.
6. I hate alcohol.
7. Video games, building "things" mostly lasers and explosives, making elaborate plans for projects I almost never finish, writing, fishing, and target shooting.

>> No.3999459

So, scotch brother, have a favorite?

Also, what kind of history? Military? Political? Technological? etc.

>> No.3999464

How old are you?

>> No.3999466

Pretty much accross the board, if its a good representation of its genre i enjoy it

Behavioural Neurosci / Cog Sci / AI

What do
Study brains, err day

What fascinates
Fuckin ants (specifically the ones that farm ... badass hivemind)


Cognac, Whiskey (Jack)

Martial arts, snowboarding, chess, brains, behaviour (fuck yea psychopaths), fap

First time in 4 years I've been dragged into posting, well done good sir

>> No.3999474

18.5 years old, lol I know.

>> No.3999476

>What music do you enjoy?
Not sure about if I prefer any specific genre, some of my favorites at the moment are
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5LPGUb2pps

>What do you study?
Physics, but I have very strong interests in computer science and astronomy

>What do you do?
Studying, research stuff, reading, imagining strange stories, cycling, playing the keyboard, drawing

>What fascinates you?
Human mind, the universe. Yeah, pretty original.

>What's your favorite beer?
I don't drink alcohol

Refer to "what do you do"

>> No.3999488
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glad I could drag you into it.

What about Jack, of all things, is appealing? I never found Tennessee whiskey to be all that palatable.

Also, as the OP, I failed to mention that I fence. It's a very physical game of strategy.

>> No.3999498


Not really, but when I do drink its generally either Johnny Walker or Glenfiddich

Used to be big on military history, but I grew a bit tired of it. Nowadays its more Diplomatic and Cultural history of Europe between ~400 and ~1800

>> No.3999511

honestly, not a whole lot, but it mixes great
I generally dont sip whiskey, leave that for my cognac
inb4 mix drinks for pussies, real men know the value of a well made whiskey sour

>> No.3999520


You might want to try Oban, if you're into Highland and Islay scotches. It's a West Highland scotch, which means it's in-between the two localities in character.

I'm way too into history for a biochemist, but that might well explain the lawyer-ey side of me. Maybe it's human arrogance but the story of our species is far more interesting than any fiction.

I have a particular love for the revolutions of 1848, German political history, and pre- WWI diplomatic history.

You should try a good anjeo tequila. It's difficult to find one outside of Mexico, but it's a fantastic sipping drink.

I always preferred scotch to brandies, but I do love Spanish brandy.

The closest I'll come to a mixed drink these days is a bourbon buck:
Kentucky Bourbon or Tennessee Whiskey
ginger ale
lemon or lime juice

It's shockingly good.

>> No.3999526

Mechanical engineering
Work in the fluid mechanics lab
Pretty much anything scientific or mathematic
Jameson whiskey
Badminton, Vidya, improvised weapons

>> No.3999529

>What music do you enjoy?
dubstep, psytrance, drum and bass, used to be a big progressive metal/ thrash metal fan
>What do you study?
biomedical engineering

What do you do?

>What fascinates you?
the brain. the mind-body problem. The world. the things we encounter every day. neuroscience. drugs. the human condition.

>What's your favorite beer?
blue moon? possibly.

Ketel One vodka. Jack Daniels is nice too.

uh, the internet, I guess

>> No.3999539 [DELETED] 
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>What music do you enjoy?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b44k6BL0b1Y ( ignore the books)
Wide range,

>What do you study?
Science, The truth, All of it.

>What do you do?
Attractive women when bored. College, McDonald's( Hate it).

>What fascinates you?
The truth, Transcending reality / Biology. Not being tricked. Being 100% in the now. Becoming enlightened.

More like extension / add on to what I study. Its a web of interconnected of things that I do. Bodybuilding / Fitness / Longevity , Combat( Guns, Marital arts, Awareness),

>Every facet, every department of your mind, is to be programmed by you. And unless you assume your rightful responsibility, and begin to program your own mind, the world will program it for you.

>> No.3999540

dont know how naming goes for drinks in the states (Canfag here), but take away the ginger ale & thats a whiskey sour
best damned mix drink ever made

& yea we got Jose & patron up here, never seen another type of tequila >.>

>> No.3999542


I love fencing. I was never very good at it, but it's as exhausting as rowing, and just as enjoyable.

Just foil, or did you do épée/sabre or something?

>> No.3999545

anything from smooth jszz to dubstep, depends on my mood.

Geology / Vulcanology

What I do:
Currently employed at Staples: Easy Tech associate

Lots of things, Land scapes, mechanical things, the universe, the human mind, social networks

Favorite beer:
Guinness draft

Favorite Liquor:
Bushmills Black Bush Irish Whiskey

I try a little bit of everything under the sun, and consider myself a jack of all trades. from blacksmithing, to sailing, drawing, fixing, inventing, building, exploring abandoned mines, urban exploring, photography... Im usually good at what I do, to some degree of sucess.

>> No.3999552

>>3999498 Here

>Pre-WWI Diplomatic
>likes Scotch & Brandy

Gentleman & Scholar etc.
Theres a particular brand of South African brandy called KWV that I'm really fond of as well. Always drink the stuff with my old man. Keep meaning to get myself a good bottle of Cognac though, but I never get around to it (and they are expensive as hell).

>> No.3999562

Saber for 8 years. 4 of HS 4 of college. I still get in matches when I get a chance.
It's difficult to find the truly palatable brands of anjeo tequila outside of Mexico. Shame.
Speaking of South African things, Biltong. Fucking biltong. I love it. I make my own in my oven, drives my electric bill through the roof but it's delicious.

>> No.3999569


>> No.3999592


If you use venison instead of beef, that shit is amazing. Dad would go on these hunts every now and again and bring back deer-meat, and we would hang it in our garage for a few weeks to dry. Shit was amazing.

>> No.3999630

>What music do you enjoy?
Metal, Classical, Jazz, Chill out music
>What do you study?
>What do you do?
School and work

>What fascinates you?
Most anything that I don't already know about
>What's your favorite beer?
Don't have a favorite beer, I haven't tried enough to make a choice
The vidya (rts, rpg, some fps), guitar, piano, read, draw, write stories (that i can never finish), sometimes make random shit, most of my time is at the comp

>> No.3999693

What music do you enjoy?
Anything from post-rock to hard trance. Depending on the mood i am in
What do you study?
Computer Science.
What do you do?
Breeze my way through an education that is somewhat below me, while throwing my spare time into fictive universes.

What fascinates you?
Once again, completely mood dependant. Got no problem spending a full night learning about some piece of high level physics just because i feel like it. Or drowning myself in a fantasy book for 48hours straight.
Got a thing for high level chemistry/physics, but really no motivation to learn the foundation for it any study it.
What's your favorite beer?
Czech Lagers, mostly.
Online gaming. Social events.

>> No.3999747

/sci/ is human.
What music do you enjoy?
Pink Floyd, Buckethead, Yasunori Mitsuda, Aphex Twin, Liquid Tension Experiment, definitive of what I enjoy in each genre.

What do you study?
CS and sociology.

What do you do?
Internet, a very very small amount of Touhou, school, TAing a course.

What fascinates you?
What can and cannot be computed in this universe's lifetime, dramatically speaking. Computer architecture, it fucking blows my mind how we logically manipulate changes of voltage to make computations with neatly placed components. I could go on but jesus christ computers amaze me.

What's your favorite beer?
Don't drink.

Don't drink.

Refer to what I do.

>> No.3999754 [DELETED] 
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>What music do you enjoy?
80's thrash/heavy/glam metal, classical (baroque and piano concertos primarily)

>What do you study

>What do you do?
just quit my retail job after saving up for 2 years. going jobless and living frugally for the next year or two

>What fascinates you?
the human body, chemistry

>What's your favorite beer?
eh, i don't like beer too much

vodka. my inner polak comes out when i'm near it

medical illustration, art, art history, chemistry, teaching myself useless skills

<<pic is one of my old (over a year) med. illustrations. it's 3 feet tall

>> No.3999774

>What music do you enjoy?
wide variety. most favorites come from the 90s

>What do you study?
Aerospace Engr

>What do you do?

>What fascinates you?

>What's your favorite beer?
No me gusta

No me gusta

music, vidya, cgi stuff, art

>> No.3999795

What music do you enjoy?
indie rock, classic rock
What do you study?
bachelor of science, not sure of major yet
What do you do?
study trying to get a job
What fascinates you?
life, mainly how things work and interact
What's your favorite beer?
none hate beer
vodka or gin

>> No.3999820

What music do you enjoy?
Melodic Death Metal

What do you study?

What do you do?
Study & internet.

What fascinates you?
How stuff works at a fundamental level.
And fantasy fiction.

What's your favorite beer?

Jack Daniels

Whatever - there's plenty of options, it's just whether i have the motivation on any given day to actually do something.

>> No.3999840
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>/sci/ is human.
>What music do you enjoy?
Music is for the sheeple. The only reason people make music is because they're obsessed with status and want people to fantasize about them. Also, if you've listened to a song a thousand times and you still love 'how you can relate to it' then you haven't grown up.
>What do you do?
Work as a Petroleum Engineer at BP.
>What fascinates you?
Physics and History.
>What's your favorite beer?
Implying I drink that disgusting shit the sheeple pretend they enjoy.
Again, only sheeple believe that alcoholic beverages taste great.

>> No.3999874
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I listen to a lot of genres. Currently: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smZA9Jv3qH0, but apart from Frank I especially like The Beatles, Digital Underground, the Talking Heads, Modest Mussorgsky, REM, and Jimi Hendrix.
I'm an undergrad double-majoring in bio and geo, with an aim to go into vertebrate paleontology
I'm a freelance tutor.
I like bees, ambush predators, trilobites, and exploration of any sort.
Kraken rum
Gaming, reading, etc.

>> No.3999875

>>petroleum engineer
Have fun warming the earth and killing us all.

>> No.3999876

>What music do you enjoy?
Brand New, Death Cab for Cutie, Modest Mouse type of stuff usually, but I like metal, ska and other genres occasionally.
>What do you study?
Computer Science.
>What do you do?
On computers a ton (obviously), hang out with friends, smoke, vidya, read, play guitar.
>What fascinates you?
Astronomy, Cosmology,Psychology, little things in every day life that make me go "oh!"
>What's your favorite beer?
Don't like beer.
Vodka or tequila.
See third answer.

>> No.3999883

Mainstream music is designed for sheeple, but not all music.

>> No.3999884

>What music do you enjoy?
Mostly Indie and Folk
>What do you study?
Linguistics, Geology
>What do you do?
Chill at subway

>What fascinates you?
Languages, Astronomy, History
>What's your favorite beer?
Don't really drink beer that much
Whiskey and gin
Skateboarding, various instruments

>> No.3999888

Oh please shut up. If your ancestors who fought in some war were alive today to see the results of their efforts, no doubt they'd be very disappointed. I have no obligation to care about humanity's future, and quite frankly wish not to.

>> No.3999895

Wrong. Non-mainstream music is done by those who couldn't get that marketing company they desperately needed. They still produce the same quality. If Justin Timberlake style music wasn't popular you would probably enjoy it just to be counter-cultural.

>> No.3999896

>What music do you enjoy?

Folk music, blues, jazz, soul, early rock.

>What do you study?


>What fascinates you?

Most everything actually.

>What's your favorite beer?





Video games, playing musc, programming.

>> No.3999903


Yes, because the people working on making petroleum safer and more efficient sure are evil bastards!

>> No.3999908

And why do marketing companies choose certain artists over others?

Clearly not talent. Take a look at current mainstream music, theres hidden advertising and propaganda everywhere.

And no, it's got nothing to do with me being counter-cultural. I rarely listen to music.

>> No.4000407

logic gates quiz today... R-S latches, JK flip flops... >.>