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3998764 No.3998764 [Reply] [Original]


Let's have a debate on mental illness. Do you think it exists? Why or why not?

>> No.3998771


>> No.3998773

I'd rather have a debate on physical illness. Does it exist? Why or why not?

I say not. Doctors just label my femur as "broken" because it doesn't fit their arbitrary, narrow conception of how a femur should be.

>> No.3998774
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Engrams. Not trolling.

>> No.3998775

Trolling or no trolling, I hate people like you.

You're either ignorant, or deliberately causing unnecessary uncertainty.

>> No.3998770

Define mental illness.
Define exists.

>> No.3998777

i would consider thining youre more than one person as mental illness

>> No.3998779

If there are illnesses for virtually every single part of the human body, then it stands to chance that there must be illnesses affecting the brain.

>> No.3998782

i on the other hand, would say that mental illness is just a phrase used to what is alien to us.

>> No.3998786


There's no debate on acute mental illness unless you're a Christian of the spirit, who somehow believes in the soul of the mind.

It'd be absurd as having a debate on "bugs" in computer program.

>> No.3998793

what she said

though i guess i would have to answer "yes", since i sure as fuck wouldn't want to have alzheimers or schizophrenia

>> No.3998795

Of course it does. If having imaginary yet seemingly real voices constantly shouting at you to murder people doesn't constitute a failing function of the body, I don't know what does.

>> No.3998796

If physical illness exists, and the physical functions of the brain directly affects the mental functions, then a physical illness in the brain should produce a mental illness.

So the question is, does physical illness exist? And does the brain's physical structure affect mental functions?

(yes and yes)

>> No.3998804


Certainly the expansion of mental illness to include depression and the such is used to privatize large cultural and social causation of those private ailments in so much that the "solution" is an entirely private one (a regimen of pills and such).

Note: I use pills and supplements to alleviate my own depression and it helps but as a social animal, a more meaningful world than modern Christian (we are heirs to 2000 years of sickness!) capitalist society would probably be helpful.

>> No.3998829

For the record a mental illness is defined as

"When a person consistently acts with behavior that causes significant harm or distress to him/herself and/or others."

>> No.3998844

While a Personality disorder is

"When a person repetitiously behaves in a manner that impairs their ability to fit in with society."

>> No.3998851

For the more accurate record, you're describing psychotic behavior, not mental illness in general, which isn't necessarily tied to manifestations in behavior.

>> No.3998879

I'm going out of my textbook, so if someone knows better then I'm okay with that.

>> No.3998883

Oh boy, personality disorders *are* mental illnesses. Read the DSM some time before you lecture other people.

>> No.3998886

Not really, no. Any condition commonly regarded as a mental illness could be fit under this condition.

>> No.3998901

What do you mean "not really"? It's a definitional fact that a condition does not need to affect a person's behavior in order to qualify as a mental disorder.

>> No.3998917

Sources, please. Because I had always assumed that a certain way of thinking only became a mental disorder when it significantly altered their behavior.

>> No.3998918

My textbook says in very clear writing not to confuse personality disorders and mental disorders. while i dont have the DSM, i am interested in getting it (how would i get my hands on a copy anyway?)

i'm not saying i'm right, i'm not saying you are wrong, i'm saying this is what the book tells me.

>> No.3998923

Mental disorder; "a psychological disorder of thought or emotion; a more neutral term than mental illness."

Mental illness; "any disease of the mind; the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems serious enough to require psychiatric intervention"

Mental disorder != Mental illness.

>> No.3998933

Psychosis is problems/inability differentiating reality from delusions/hallucinations or etc...

I have schizophrenia, but im moderately functional. The only relationship outside of family I have is with a teenage girl with the same illness. I get along with her better than my family. I get delusions thinking people are watching me, photographing me when they text, following me, planning to do harmful things (physical, legal, and social) with no basis in reality. I can realize these were probably not true later, but I can never be sure.

Psycosis =/= only problems functioning. There has to be delusions or hallucinations that cause a break from reality.

>> No.3998940

What about FTD (formal thought disorder)?

>> No.3998953

I like you

>> No.3998963

>i'm not saying i'm right, i'm not saying you are wrong, i'm saying this is what the book tells me.
Fair enough. I thought you were talking out of your ass without any references. It really is an incorrect and completely arbitrary distinction, though.

>(how would i get my hands on a copy anyway?)
Cheaply? I don't know. I caved in and just ordered a proper copy from the APA shop.

>Sources, please.
Well, the DSM IV would be one source, but to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen a definition of mental disorders that specifically excluded those that don't manifest in behavior.

>> No.3998983

it's pretty obvious that it exists . the question is where do you draw the line ? would you call "borderline personality disorder" mentally diseased?

>> No.3999010

behavior is used as a defining aspect of any mental disorder because it is one of the few readily available external sources of information about a patient. if there is no action that you can define as wrong, there is no action that you can take to remedy it.

>> No.3999046

Behavior isn't a necessity for something to qualify as a mental disorder, though. It just helps with the diagnosis and identification of specific conditions, but it's not a requirement, mostly because disorders can vary in intensity. A mild depression, for example, that only affects a person's mood and thoughts is still a depression, even if there are no behavioral symptoms.

>> No.3999064

Some people can hide how they are really thinking and they try to act normal.

The thought process is what matters.

>> No.3999065

A persons mood or thoughts would, in turn, affect their behavior.

remember feeling sad sometimes is normal and not depressive syndrome.

>> No.4000743

>thread about mental illness
>not mentioning ponyfags and furries

>> No.4000925
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mental illness is a physical illness.

>> No.4000944

I have ADHD. But it's not a mental illness, it's an evolutionary trait. My ancestors helped keep civilization surviving, always being on the go, always looking for danger, and ultimately bringing home food for the tribe. But in today's more structured society, it is seen as nothing but an abnormality.


>> No.4000953
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your fucking brain can't find any salient stimuli in the environment. that's why we give you adderall. stimulants increase dopamine levels in the nucleus accumbens, the reward center, thereby increasing your concentration by making specific stimuli more salient than others.
and stop making excuses for being an undisciplined ass burger

>> No.4000963

It might just be a bit easier and generally better for all concerned if you adapt to the environment a little bit. Either take the meds or find a niche lifestyle that suits you.

>> No.4000976

Either troll or uneducated opinion.
My ancestors brought you the society you love today, you should be thanking me and working as my slave.

>> No.4000977
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pick one

>> No.4000982

OK perhaps you are a bit delusional.

>> No.4000984

freud would call that projection
but i don't know shit about mental health
i just study psychology.
let's try reverse psych
don't jump out that 4th story window

>> No.4000989

>study psychology.


>> No.4001032


Lies. Freud has been debunked in almost every case. Modern psychologists don't quote him because it makes them look like morons.

>> No.4001379

i believe that psychiatry is corrupted and that psychiatrists have an urge to find mental diseases where there aren't. take a look at the anti-psychiatry movement. it is sad how modern psychiatry labels almost every person on earth as "mentally ill".

i believe mental illness is a fact, but i do not deny that psychiatry is covered with lies trying to enrich the drug industry. "diseases" like depression are either created or exaggerated in order to turn people dependent on medicine.

there is a lot of criticism of how psychiatry is sometimes driven in a not scientific way. psychiatrists often use a approach so empirical testing drugs over and over that they don't have a model hypothesis->study->predictions->testing->confirmation->theory.

and actually, if you take a look of the historical origins of psychiatry, you may be chocked by terms like "drapetomania", a "mental disease" that explained why black slaves fled captivity.

>> No.4001410

>take a look at the anti-psychiatry movement.
How would that help? The anti-psychiatry movement is dumb as fucking bricks for the most part, and their arguments are a wild hodgepodge of conspiracy theories and New Age alt-med babble.

>and actually, if you take a look of the historical origins of psychiatry, you may be chocked by terms like "drapetomania", a "mental disease" that explained why black slaves fled captivity.
I rest my case.

>> No.4001428

I believe certain mental illness' exist but other can be put down to stupidity and free will. Depression for example can be a result of chemical imbalances. Hoarding (bunch of shows on TV about it now) is a load of shit, people become hoarders out of poor life choices and obsession. It isn't a mental illness and the psychologists who specialise in it are quacks.

>> No.4001441
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>free will

>> No.4001443

>>ITT people talk about thin gs they know nothing about.

>> No.4001445
File: 16 KB, 318x320, Altruistic Narcissism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, or psychology students, Medical students with focus on psychiatry or someone else who knows about it, or even diagnosed people, etc etc...

What can you tell me about borderline Personality Disorder in men?

>> No.4001454

Somone can 'choose' to be anorexic, or atleast make the choices that will set them on a path towards anorexia.

>> No.4001463

What do you want to know? And are you interested in a specific personality disorder?

>> No.4001468
File: 106 KB, 1150x538, fdgfgdg6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking, please. This isn't /x/.

>> No.4001470

Obviously he asked for BPD in men.

>> No.4001475

>implying freewill
confirmed for retard

>> No.4001483

harriet knows all about borderline personality disorder

>> No.4001487

If there's no free will, then why do you call him retard?
It was predetermined that he would believe in free will.

>> No.4001488

So 'free will' doesn't exist? What is a person's conscious action of doing something then? Don't say the result of chemical reactions and eletrical stimuli.

>> No.4001490

and predetermined that he would be a retard. what's the problem?

>> No.4001494

>implying there is a problem
My ignorance was also predetermined.

>> No.4001498


Psych student here. From what i know about BPD, There a concept sometimes referred to as mental gymnastics. A person can use denial and rationalization, while turning a blind eye to the truth, to avoid dealing with certain problems.
Peop[le can dissociate themsleves from the things that they do. Its alot like when one is up at great heights, and tells themselves not to look down. In a way you know you are up high, but the reality doesn't sink in since you keep the facts from the forefront of your mind.

For instance, a person can be emotionally unstable because they can not deal with stress, act out in a monstrous way, then keep that memory out of the forefront of their mind because they can not handle the guilt. they may pretend it never happened. Their mind eventually accepts this way of thinking as reality.

They could in turn be a wonderful happy person, and snap later on. wash rise repeat as needed.

>> No.4001501
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Isn't Borderline Personality Disorder already quite specific? Its ICD-10 number (or whatever) is F60.31.
And what exactly does "psychoneurotic depressive reaction" mean? And "undifferentiated schizophrenia"?

And what illnesses are close related with BPD.

Picture unrelated.

>> No.4001503

Determinism and predetermination/"fate" are not the same thing, you retard. Determinism simply means that everything functions within a system of cause and effect. If I call him a retard, then this may cause him to give his silly beliefs another thought.

No, it's obviously pixie dust.

>> No.4001504

Shame, because the "/x/" version in that pic is the only one with any validity to it.

>> No.4001507

Rational argument, or gb2/x/.

>> No.4001509

Yes, fairly specific, but some people have more severe cases than others.
As far as I know the symptoms are the same in men as in women.
I presume you have it? How are you?

>> No.4001512

You first. Determinism is bullshit and always has been.

>> No.4001515

Consciousness is just chemical reactions in the brain, determined by genetics and environment due to the plasticity of our brains.

Developing language allowed us to create abstract representations so I could say A and you could respond B once we learned to ask questions and answer questions that other people ask we could then ask and answer our own internal questions creating a sort mental imagery of abstract thought.

Consciousness is an inspiring subject and we still need to learn much more but there really is nothing magic to it or atleast no need for magic.

>> No.4001516

>And what illnesses are close related with BPD?

Narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder.
But I don't think you should take the ICD serious as a guide for understanding these things. The diagnoses of the ICD are only important for health insurances.

>> No.4001518

>Consciousness is just chemical reactions in the brain
Wrong, Hard Problem of Consciousness

>> No.4001519

Yes I have reconcidered my belief and am now doing more research. Would you call a genius like Stephen Hawking a retard at the age of 5 when he lacked education? No, so you shouldn't call someone a retard if the only thing that has lead to their belief is lack of education and not being retarded.

>> No.4001528

I don't blame you for avoiding an actual discussion and just posting one liners.
It's what most people defending a religious belief would do.

Here's the thing you're expecting immediate answers to some very tough questions and if you don't get them right now then Magic.

Surely you can see this is flawed logic.
Also explaining inner thought is not a hard problem take the example I gave you we can create abstract thought from language.

>> No.4001531

>As far as I know the symptoms are the same in men as in women.

I beg to differ.
While BPD in both genders implies emotional instability, women tend to be more dependent in relationships and more self-destructive. Men having BPD on the other hand show more aggression towards others and paranoid symptoms.

>> No.4001536


Self-evident horseshit. 'Engrams' are the mental equivalent of 'subluxtions'. Dianetics is gibberish. Only a moron can think otherwise.

>> No.4001539

Yeah, you're absolutely right. Sorry.

Determinism is a logical consequence once you accept the basic laws of physics and cause&effect. I have no interest in proving those two things to you. If you reject cause&effect, you really are on the wrong board.

And before you babble on about quantum physics: Uncertainty and unpredictable randomness at the quantum level do not support the free will hypothesis either. On a quantum level, your "will" would be random, not free.

>> No.4001551

>I don't blame you for avoiding an actual discussion and just posting one liners.
Four words was all it took to refute your statement. I was trying for efficiency.

>Here's the thing you're expecting immediate answers to some very tough questions and if you don't get them right now then Magic.
Incorrect, that's a total misrepresentation. The answer has been found, it just doesn't fit within your particular religion, so you ignore it.

>Also explaining inner thought is not a hard problem take the example I gave you we can create abstract thought from language.
That doesn't solve the hard problem of consciousness. Searle's Chinese Room would be a little closer to your language example, but it's all thr same, really.

>> No.4001558

Explain the mechanism that has proven how consciousness works please do I'm waiting eagerly to read exactly how the brain works.

I think someone needs to get their head out of the Cartesian Theater it'd do you some good.

>> No.4001559

>Determinism is a logical consequence once you accept the basic laws of physics and cause&effect.
Right, if I accept your postulates your conclusions will seem valid.

>I have no interest in proving those two things to you. If you reject cause&effect, you really are on the wrong board.
So I have to subscribe to your religious beliefs to be interested in science? Nice to know your opinions.

>And before you babble on about quantum physics: Uncertainty and unpredictable randomness at the quantum level do not support the free will hypothesis either.
They do, however, completely contradict your strict causality assumption, and thus invalidate your argument.

>On a quantum level, your "will" would be random, not free.
Quite right, random is also not free. I didn't say it was.

>> No.4001566

Also explain how my 2nd statement was a misrepresentation of what you're asking for because you seem to refuse to actually state your belief in how free will works, You're denying magic and "quantum randomness" so what is your free will.

>> No.4001568

>Explain the mechanism
There is no mechanism. Mechanisms are objective and physical. Consciousness is neither.

>I'm waiting eagerly to read exactly how the brain works.
How the brain works =/= what consciousness is. You're still not getting the hard problem of consciousness.

>I think someone needs to get their head out of the Cartesian Theater it'd do you some good.
It would help if you had some basic philosophical education.

>> No.4001574

Your points are void then, If you cannot give a mechanism if you cannot prove how something works but yet still postulate that it must have no mechanism because we haven't found one yet then you're being intellectually dishonest.

Thanks for wasting my time, sorry you are mentally inept.

>> No.4001593

and yes I understand you can't prove something in science it was a bad choice of words, what I mean is present a theory like natural selection.
(Just cause I know someone will respond with something else like that.)

>> No.4001596
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I don't know how I feel, but it isn't exactly "bad".

more information? I am not aggressive.

I see the threat is now about determinism/free will. i for one think that determinism is the only logical possibility.

Freud unrelated.

>> No.4001606


Let me correct it. It doesn't feel exactly "good".

>> No.4001610

>Consciousness is neither.
Prove it. After all, your whole premise is based on this assumption.

>> No.4001612

what diagnostic criteria did you meet?

>> No.4001618

Can you describe how you feel or what your 'symptoms" are?
Do you have anxiety, depression, feelings of voidness, fear of embarrassment or, on the contrary, the need to feel superior?
Do you have aggressive fantasies, paranoid ideas or suicidal thoughts?
All of these are related to NPD and BPD.

>> No.4001622

Mental illness exists, it is the only real illness. When we treat physical ailements, we are doing so to prevent mental illness which may be caused by the pain or effects on the person's life (or their family and friends) that the injury may cause.

>> No.4001655

>So I have to subscribe to your religious beliefs to be interested in science?
Gee, isn't that cute? Distorting the actual meaning of the word "religion" to make my base acceptance of cause&effect seem like rigid dogma. Have a fucking point.

>They do, however, completely contradict your strict causality assumption, and thus invalidate your argument.
I didn't argue from a strict causality assumption that would include anything at the quantum level, which is exactly why I mentioned it as an exception in the first place. I was, however, talking about human decision-making processes, which, going by the available evidence, have fuck all to do with quantum physics. Whether there is an element of absolute randomness involved in neural processes does not change the fact that, from that hypothetical, random point onward, everything follows a non-random chain of cause and effect, rendering decision-making a purely deterministic mechanism.

>> No.4001676
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There's no such thing as mental illness, only brains that work in ways which inconvenience their bodies
The brain is still fine, it's still functioning, it's just that the output is not the most favorable

>> No.4001679

Couldn't "free will" be described as a random process?

We use pseudo-random number generators to come up with "random" numbers all the time, but they aren't REALLY "random". They are only perceptibly random. So since nothing that we know of is TRULY random, could we not just call the parts we can't predict "free will" until human behavior has been completely solved?

>> No.4001684

there is no such thing as a flat tire, the car runs perfectly fine. It is just the way it works with the road that isn't the most favorable

>> No.4001691

Obviously we only treat physical ailments because there's a conscious person behind me. However, saying that they cause "mental illness" is absurd. You're probably getting at the embodied consciousness idea, which I agree with, but it's still very important to make the distinction between physical and mental problems. If I break my arm, I'll be pissed, but that isn't a mental illness. By the same logic, having my car stolen would also be a mental illness.

>> No.4001694

>Top comment: "Everythin is a discussion with yall niggaz. Just Listen to the fuckin song Yo. Dont Nobody GIve A Fuck About what yall got to say. Listen to the music"

>> No.4001711

Mental illness most certainly exists, and it is one of the greatest problems facing humanity today. Age-related dementia is one of the greatest, but other issues such as depression, ADD, autism, schizophrenia also place great strain on society. The challenge with these diseases is that we don't know enough about how the brain works to address them.

Anyone who claims that mental illness is a myth, and that some people are simply "different" is completely wrong. Functional MRI's have long proven that these problems are very real.

>> No.4001713

No because if it's random you don't have any choice over it, it does completley unpredictable random things based off nothing.
and no why would we call something we don't understand something misleading until we understand it?

>> No.4001717

That is a false analogy, fixing it

>there is no such thing as a flat tire, the tire works perfectly fine. It just doesn't fit that particular car because it's a race/snow tire in non-race/summer conditions

>> No.4001724

>could we not just call the parts we can't predict "free will" until human behavior has been completely solved?
Well, we could, but why not just refer to them more accurately as unsolved aspects of human neurology, or something to that effect? The problem I'd have with your compromise is that the term "free will" carries a connotation of conscious agency more than it does express blind randomness.

But for the sake of common ground, I have no problem with the position that, since we don't know everything about brain functionality, and we do know that conventional physics are useless at the quantum level, there may very well be a random component to the process of decision-making.

>> No.4001740

show me where schizophrenia or dementia are advantageous. Most personality types, even non neurotypical ones, could be argued for, but some peoples minds are simply broken.

>> No.4001750
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I have no clue. Which criteria should I take? The internet is full of opposing opinions. So now I went on wikipedia (English) and out of the 5 criteria I do not fit into the 3rd. But this is my personal, subjective opinion.

>Can you describe how you feel or what your 'symptoms" are?
That's a very difficult question. I actually feel like my inner values/aims/interests/moods are changing quite rapidly. And makes me feel stressed. Additionally I am a depressed person by default. There is the occasional (or omnipresent?) and somehow "intense" (its not the right word, but I can't think of a better one) feeling of emptiness and some sort of restlessness.
>Do you have anxiety, depression, feelings of voidness, fear of embarrassment or, on the contrary, the need to feel superior?
How do you define anxiety? English is not my 1st language- but I assume it is some sort of "fear". I am not a fearsome person- but I worry a lot about a lot of useless things. depression, voidness: yes. Absolutely. Fear of embarrassment: yes (who doesn't? Strangely enough: whenever I am taking something, I fear that I can drop it. Strange, huh).
>Do you have aggressive fantasies, paranoid ideas or suicidal thoughts?
Aggressive fantasies: nope. Paranoid ideas? Only a few. I think a healthy amount. Suicidal thoughts? Always. At least when I have time to think.

>All of these are related to NPD and BPD.

Ok... this is one step forward. So feeling empty and depressed is a mental illness? Wow.

But I am not satisfied. This information says me nothing. It doesn't even differs from depression.
Furthermore I am still interested in the meaning of "psychoneurotic depressive reaction" and "undifferentiated schizophrenia".

Because I am absolutely positive that I have no schizophrenia. I am not insane.

Pic unrelated, as always.

>> No.4001815

Are you female?
because most of those symptoms are normal for females, except for this one:
>Suicidal thoughts? Always. At least when I have time to think.
That needs some anti-depressants, or stimulants, or mental medication to deal with.

>> No.4001829

As said at the beginning I am male. And not a fag and/or engage in this style called emo.

I don't like the idea of meds, but it will probably end this way.

>> No.4001841

Hey, sorry i didn't read, bro.
DO yourself a favor, get your hands on some Marijuana, LSD, or Ecstasy.
It's bad to get addicted, but they are useful in altering your own brainchemistry into something less self destructive.
Just a few small doses over the period of a month should help.

>> No.4001849

i recently went to a psychiatrist for the first time. he basically just went down the dsm-iv criteria for bpd (without telling me what the criteria was for obviously). I ended up having 5 or 6 of the criteria, but he did not say anything about it afterwards. I think that they may be reluctant to just hand out personality disorder diagnoses, especially bpd to males.

>> No.4001853

>"psychoneurotic depressive reaction" and "undifferentiated schizophrenia"

Where did you get these terms?
Anyway forget about them, because important is not some made up diagnose, but your emotions and how you deal with em.
You're definitly not schizophrenic, unless you have recurrent delusional episodes and/or hallucinations.

>So feeling empty and depressed is a mental illness?
Don't think about it that way. They are symptoms which can be variable in severity. "Mental illness" isn't a binary concept but a spectrum from "normal" to "ill". Stop worrying and reading the ICD.

Your problem is most likely to be of the narcisisstic spectrum, which I mean less as a diagnosis but more as a descriptive term. This is pretty common and you might even find help on the internet or by reading some books on the topic.

>> No.4001858

If he just went down the criteria, he isn't a good doctor and probably won't be able to help you better than just prescribing some drugs.

>> No.4001865

>important is not some made up diagnose, but your emotions
/sci/ - Intuitive Knowledge & Mommy Instincts

>> No.4001867

yes, i was thinking along similar lines