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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3996160 No.3996160 [Reply] [Original]

The Mars500 experiment has ended.
Now i wonder how rehabilitation with the outside world will go, and more importantly did any 'go gay' form lack of boredom?

>> No.3996163

i'd go gay for you EK

no samefagging

>> No.3996166

probably just the 7/7/11 thread, which has been proved to be bogus time and time again, and is incomplete anyway, and not worth anyones time

very funny
teacup honestly isnt me
you think i'd fucking post that turtles dont have spines and believe in demons and stuff??

>> No.3996169

turtles don't even have shells EK, every biologist knows this

>> No.3996183 [DELETED] 

mfw people delete their posts because they're embarrassed that EK commented on them.

>> No.3996189

lol, were you not in the other half of the thread?
OP deleted it.


i was responding to

>> No.3996192
File: 60 KB, 348x450, 1300666320510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope to see this thread go somewhere other than hating on EK.
Even though she's an extremely annoying cunt who obviously can't come up with any kind of quick/witty fight or flight response; /sci/ y'all keep egging on the same bullshit.

Nao, back to interesting topic, plox??

>> No.3996199


>form lack of boredom?


>double negative

fuck EK can you be ANYMORE annoying than you already are?

>> No.3996211


From lack of boredom?


>> No.3996230

Would you be board if you got to spend a year pretending to travel to Mars?
I wouldn't be.
But i sure would be horny.

>> No.3996238

>not sure if trolling

I didnt first make the thread, OP did. in fact i posted and commented almost exactly the way you did...


>> No.3996243


>> No.3996245
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same applies to you, hun: >>3996238

>> No.3996250

The lack of human communication would be pretty miserable. Especially being around the same people for years on end would make anybody want to kill one.
Looking at space though, would be mesmerizing to say the least.

Also, tons of buttsex was much had

>> No.3996256


why didnt they just have wimmenz on board?

i hear NASA has already planned contingencies for containing fluids from sexual intercourse to prevent ruining the systems on board- why are the Mars500 team so backward and misogynistic?

>> No.3996260


>for years on end

500 days

minimum number of years to be considered "years": 2

>> No.3996263


cuz none of the women were competent enough in maths to qualify lol

>> No.3996264
File: 221 KB, 435x355, 13635748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, after a while it might be like living in a snowglobe...

>> No.3996269

>Mars500 team so backward
Russian are the forefathers of space travel and over all the most successful at it.
Apart form the moon.

>> No.3996271

i mean, it would be without the contingencies

>> No.3996272

eh. You catch my drift

>> No.3996283


no, but without the contingencies, somebody on board a manned NASA mission might

>manned NASA mission, lol i kid myself sometimes

>> No.3996317

I bet you that they didnt really go for 500 days in isolation.

They probably took a break or smuggled stuff inside unknown to people in charge.

>> No.3996338


of course they werent in isolation, each of them had 4 other people accompanying him

>> No.3996418

the hottest guy had a great beard at one point

>> No.3996421

> leave pressurized chamber without anyone notizing

>> No.3996445



pressurised chamber

my arse is a pressurised chamber

like i said, its all shenanigans

they probably had hookers and drugs on board

>> No.3996465

Really, you had to tell us you've got gas?