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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 51 KB, 466x286, mars.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3995910 No.3995910 [Reply] [Original]

The Mars500 experiment has ended.
Now i wonder how rehabilitation with the outside world will go, and more importantly did any 'go gay' form lack of boredom?

>> No.3995929
File: 246 KB, 467x356, 13635649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[*from]lack of boredom?
no fucking double negatives on my fukken /sci/!

>> No.3995933

There would be some interesting results for long term isolation, wait and see.

I do look forward to the tests they do on ISS.

>> No.3995940

you so easy to piss off aren't you?

>> No.3995956

Oh man tell me EK is really back.

Remember how you got all butthurt and ragequit when we found your facebook and trolled your fat best friend. That blonde bitch, remember?

Hang on I think I have the thread screencapped somewhere.

>> No.3995973

'trolled my fat best friend'?
i dont even have ANY fat friends.
you mean harriet? she isnt actually fat. i mean, moreso than me, but still doefinitely doesnt count as fat by anyones standards.

and 7/7/11-fag detected, GTFO

>> No.3995974

>That blonde bitch, remember?

harriet has dark hair... i have no fucking idea who you mean.

>> No.3995981
File: 46 KB, 432x600, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucked if I know shes your friend. Actually from memory she was just chubby.

But not in a "Mmmmm curves" way more of a human shaped water balloon kind of way.

what made you come back? Did you forget all the mean things we said, like how you're a stupid, unlucky shitfaced filthy gash who should climb into a garbage bin and slit her wrists.

>> No.3995983

wow, a subject i was interested has be high jacket by EK and her ego.

>> No.3995986

Standard EK

>> No.3995987


wow youve already admitted that it was you?


>> No.3995989

I agree. What is ek/harriets background? Are they science trained?

>> No.3995991

Nope. Just a couple of lonely bitches.

yeah she quit after 150 posts of bagging her out. That and we managed to get some of her friends to add us and we told them all sorts of lies and stuff. Good day all round.

>> No.3995992

EK has an AS level in history, grade D

harriet was trained in the whore houses of cairo

>> No.3995993


have more pics of the Mars500 simulation?

what actually happens in the orangey zone

>> No.3995994

lol, im not mad at all, you misunderstood me, im just bemused.

and you obviously dont know who harriet is, if any of the 7/7/11 pics are of chubbies, i dont care, they arnt either of us.

no, it isnt us, you dont know us.

currently both studying at uni. me, zoology, and her, psychology

neither of us are lonely

>> No.3995998



Do you have her full grades?

>> No.3995997

bum sex

>> No.3996002


>> No.3996004

Stop talking to them.

>> No.3996007



ho ho ho

have fun working in advertising

>> No.3996009
File: 12 KB, 461x378, came.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait I forgot the best part.

Every few posts or so EK would write a massive response and end it with:
>Thats it I'm tired and I'm not reading this thread anymore blah blah blah.

Then she would drop her trip, try to defend herself and 10 minutes later come back and have another go.

Seriously when she forgot to remove her trip to samefag I fell out of my chair laughing.

>> No.3996010
File: 1.09 MB, 1200x968, Hutchinson-Gilford_Progeria_Syndrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she acts like an anon, trolling, shit talking, sometimes doing real science, but she has a trip.

if you hate EK anon, you hate yourselves.

>> No.3996012

I would call you both silly now if only I hadn't used Facebook to talk to my own roommate ("flatmate") yesterday as well. <span class="math">\ddot\smile[/spoiler]

>> No.3996013



>> No.3996016


>> No.3996017

>>3995994 Fuck off you bitch. Nobody gives a shit about your dramas.

>> No.3996018

man i love you /sci/

ripping on EK together makes me feel like i have some actual friends

>> No.3996020

I lol'd.

>> No.3996021
File: 223 KB, 477x472, 1307836830187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhuh, that never happened.

>> No.3996024

you forgot she's a girl

and /sci/ is full of childish inadequate males

>> No.3996028

Shut up EK seriously are you always this stupid or are you making a special effort today?

I did but its on my old compy. someone else must have it; it was freaking genius:
>EK "WAH WAH WAH I'm going for the night cya haters"
>EK "ALSO..."

>> No.3996029

So wait, i'm confused?
Is EK mad at the idea of astronauts having anal sex?
Or is there more to this attention seeking than just that?

>> No.3996030


i know thats atheistgirl or something

but that particular img makes her look a little fat

babyfat on the face is the worst place to have it

>> No.3996033

i'm not EK

>> No.3996036
File: 15 KB, 252x270, challenge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will find the screencaps of that day if it takes the rest of my life you useless dog faced attention seeking miserable little rat.

You dare accuse anon of lying then you should be kicked in the womb.

>> No.3996037

lol, if so ISHYGDDT, but that could be part of it, in that thread earlier harriet seemed to be getting quite a few people saying they 'hated her' and she didnt actually do anything particularly irritating or angering, other than posting some shit that was slightly stupid.
i find it quite amusing that i'm liked here far more than her.

lol, you think that was MY samefag? he called me a shitposter...

>> No.3996038

Thats what you said last time.

>> No.3996039

EK why do you use a trip if you know that anons on /sci/ are just going to lavish you with attention

you may not like to admit it, but that is in itself seeking attention

you could always just adopt another trip and NOT MENTION THAT YOURE A GIRL

>> No.3996044

You're not liked on any level.

>> No.3996048

he thread rather than making shit up that no1 has ever said.

it isnt attention seeking, most of the attention is clearly bad, its just people saying they hate me.

nope, a few people do like me

>> No.3996055

wtf? no1 ever said that. just read the thread rather than making shit up that no1 has ever said

>> No.3996056
File: 74 KB, 720x529, 1285553051313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey EK, fuck off; ok?

>> No.3996057

the childish casual "girls are shit" talk on/sci/ is it's worst feature now the race threads have gone to /pol/

inb4 there are measurable differences between races and sexes. true, but since when has that been an excuse to be a twat.

>> No.3996064

i like her

if you need reassurance through your dislike being shared by others, you are really fuckng inadequate.

>> No.3996061

That has nothing to do with the hate for EK.

>> No.3996065

Hi EK.

>> No.3996068


i like you ek

>> No.3996066

you get off on the hate.
i bet you are naked right now pleasuring yourself to climax.

>> No.3996069

your hatred, perhaps, but you aren't all of anon.

but a good deal of it is just casual boring sexism. schoolboy sexism.

>> No.3996070

> implying EK is the one who hijacked this thread

>> No.3996072
File: 86 KB, 528x600, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats it ek, just lose the trip forever

>> No.3996073

if thinking i'm EK samefagging helps you feel less shitty about yourself, be my guest.

>> No.3996079
File: 13 KB, 120x120, 4005704184_0415f0883f_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like EK

>> No.3996080

Hi EK.

>> No.3996084

not EK

maybe there are enough "supporters" (this is so gay, i'm not a supporter, just aghast at the silly levels of hate) for one to post at same time as EK. to prove it.

>> No.3996085
File: 22 KB, 542x428, 1260359952129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch guys. As soon as EK starts posting again the pro EK nonsense goes away.

Its like a magic trick, where EK isn't smart enough to circumnavigate the flood detection.

Also EK I've known roadkill with more valid scientific discourse to offer you little piece of rectal discharge

>> No.3996088

samefag, same typing style, and same user name.

samefag guessing is piss easy.

>> No.3996091

not EK

i'm a maths fag and know shit all about biology

>> No.3996087

40 minutes of troll bullshit instead of nice /sci/ related thread. Stay classy /sci/.

>> No.3996094


why are you so mean to a Scotsman with MPD?

>> No.3996095


im not EK because i actually know about biology

>> No.3996097

one was me.

so not true. can't speak for the others, but they seemed to be against each other.

samefag guessing is piss easy if you don't mind being wrong.

>> No.3996101

really? then explain all the hate for harriet? her being a bit thick cant be all it is, can it?

lol, i do kinda enjoy the hate in some way, but no, not sexually =p

thanks hun :)


>> No.3996103

nope. not EK.

can prove it if you like. ask me some maths

>> No.3996104
File: 51 KB, 396x385, Sad-Frog-Color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tripfags will never stop being suspected of samefaggotry
dont even reply to them, just leave them to their delusions.

>> No.3996105

please fuck off and die in a fire you fat scottish cunt

>> No.3996109

doesn't look like it


>> No.3996110

For the lulz

Also EK is a cunt.

>> No.3996116

erm, i know about both math and biology.

lol, i wonder if you actually believe im scottish, or if you're just a bad troll...

>> No.3996119

i'm supporting you here, but no you don't

you know A level type maths, and prob the stats you do in bio

but you know fuck all of maths degree type maths

>> No.3996120

1 minute apart, samfagotry detected.

Seriously EK you are so bad it hurts to look at your posts. You reveal so much of your shallow self centered unintelligent, uncarismatic self that I vomit a little whenever you try one of your transparent, poorly thought out bids for attention.

You are the worst part of this board. /sci/ has a cancer, and its name is EK

>> No.3996125

>lol, i wonder if you actually believe im scottish, or if you're just a bad troll...
the probability that you have DID or a related disorder is very high based on what i've seen...

the scottish nonsense was recommended by blackman, and just tops the icing on the cake, honestly

>> No.3996127

OP here, and i'm shocked out how out of controlled this thread has gotten.

I will delete it with due course unless something wonderful happens.

you have 15 minutes left, use it wisely.

>> No.3996132
File: 11 KB, 320x240, 1259735200467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3996134

oh right
yep, thats right, i know math to an A-level standard, ive never claimed to do degree level maths.

TBH, degree level math doesnt usually appear on this board, and if it does, i usually dont post in the thread, and leave it to people who DO know what they are talking about on that subject.

funny thing is, you're still wrong.

I definitely don't have D.I.D., and ive actually been analysed for that kind of thing, so i know for certain.

>> No.3996137

clearly do.
why post other wise?

>> No.3996140

For the lulz.

Seriously fucking newfags ITT

>> No.3996142


OP just called in a bomb scare to threaten us

fuck off you terrorist

>> No.3996144

OP is against freedom of speech

>> No.3996147


but I don't either...

>> No.3996149

hey ek, what do you plan to do after you graduate?

>> No.3996150



Let me give you guys a hint; chanarchieve.com

I wonder what search results you'd get if you typed EK

>> No.3996151

meh, its his thread, he can do what he likes
if it 404's and theres still something worth responding to, we can always make a new thread.
he cant actually stop freedom of speech, but he does have the right to close the thread.

>> No.3996153

you're kind of the cancer here. i mean haters gonna hate etc

>> No.3996154

perhaps then a PhD afterwards.

>> No.3996155

you're easily entertain.

see what i did there? MEGA LMOHO!

>> No.3996156



>> No.3996157

form another alternate personality with the tripcode "Beercan"

>> No.3996158
File: 70 KB, 317x266, 1315406853350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come hate EK with us its awesome