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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3990212 No.3990212 [Reply] [Original]

It appears that people who hate engineers more than /sci/ do in fact, exist.


>> No.3990245


/lit/fag here.

Why would /sci/ hate engineers at all?

>> No.3990252

For mostly the same reasons mentioned in /lit/

>> No.3990254

I personally love engineers... all their fuck-ups make me look better.

>> No.3990278

so /sci/ is not like the engineers we are talking about?

>> No.3990290
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>> No.3990295

Oh trust me, we hate your silly little arts subjects and literature as well.

It's just that we are forced to interact with engineers a lot of the time, both in real life and on this very board.

>> No.3990296

>itt jelly math majors who teach highschool kids
also ty OP i love /lit/ now so ez to troll

>> No.3990298
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those niggas are mad as FUCK holy shit

>> No.3990305

I'd imagine a lot of /sci/ is.

Who says we hate engineers? I'll have you know I voted against Prop. 8.

>> No.3990310

Was going to major in engineering. Decided to switch to psychology. If i'm going to work with machines, it had better be the most complicated one that exists.

>> No.3990316

lol EK was there.

>> No.3990319

i hope youre ready for a mid career switch to cs 15-20 years down the line

>> No.3990321

Is there any way you can tandem-archive two threads?

>> No.3990325

Nevermind, I thought of the "women attracted to intelligence" thread on this board (which 404'd).

>> No.3990327

>/sci/ is like /lit/'s autistic younger brother
>and /lit/ is like /sci/'s beatnik older brother

Nailed it.

>> No.3990328

not exclusively

>> No.3990333

Just go for the /lit/ one; http://archive.installgentoo.net has /sci/. Or just install any auto-reload userscript.

>> No.3990352

I'm in med school. Where do I fit in?

I don't like engineers in general because generally I always found them to be sort of unfriendly when I was at university. Any reason for this?

>> No.3990356

What did you do before medschool?
Premed? Or phys/bio?

Premed's pretty shit. Medical physics is a pretty strong entry into med though

>> No.3990357

>claim you are some sort of scientist and make fun of engineers
>90% of the board is either still in undergrad or in high school.
>trying to flaunt your career that doesnt even exist yet

>> No.3990358

because they're autistic

seriously that's the reason, the very traits that are most valuable in engineers are basically the diagnostic criteria for autism

>> No.3990362

Med school too, I say /sci/. Remember we practice evidence-based medicine.

>> No.3990369
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Gosh, maybe that's why the autism spectrum has survived in our genes all these centuries... because engineers DO SHIT that BENEFITS SOCIETY

>> No.3990371

Can't the same be said about civil engineers on 4chan who are constantly acting like they're going to be building huge suspension bridges when in reality most of them go into pretty menial, shitty positions like maintaining railway lines or something?

>> No.3990378


Touche. Honestly for me it was one of those things that i love physics, and i love machines, so i figured it was a perfect match. Then freshman year i Socialized with other psych majors and found the stuff facinating.

Eventually you have to face that fact that if your free time is spent studying a different subject than what your learning, then your interests lie elsewhere. Considering both fields end in the same sort of income bracket, why not switch?

I would never switch to CS, despite loving tech, because i hate programming. I can not think of a more tedious way to spend en evening.

>> No.3990384

Yeah but most of the hate and bragging on this board is towards engineers and not from.

>> No.3990395

But /sci/ doesn't hate engineers? It just holds very strongly that they are of the homosexual persuasion as an objective fact, rather than an insult.

>> No.3990508


Everyone hates engineers.

"i wrote a novel" "i discovered this particles spin" "listen to my song" "look at this binary starsystem"


>> No.3990524

>I can understanding hating lit degrees to some degree
>I can understanding hating lit degrees
>I can understanding

... But..

>> No.3990637

wow maybe i do have autism

>> No.3990649

Why would anyone hate engineers?
They are intelligent people who work hard and try to make the world a better place for all of us.

>> No.3990668

Politeness has no place in a troll thread, bitch.

>> No.3990670


People hate people because of lacking social skills, or lack of morality. People like dumb people that do nothing if they are nice.

Engineers tend to have bad social skills, and they dismiss everything everyone else does as useless. Its bad form.

We all love what they do though.

>> No.3990675

There should always be a place for politeness in every thread.

Engineering is just a job. It implies intelligence if they are successful, but you can not say anything else for certain about their character. Some engineers are no doubt dismissive or unsociable, many more are probably not.

>> No.3990678
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Correction: Unless you combine it with a pony reaction image.

>> No.3990702


Most of these people are talking about an observations from their run ins with engineers. Its a bit similar to racists who judge a race based on who they have met. they don't assume that everyone is like that, they simply make the small leap that seeing as how the majority of a group have acted a certain way, there is a propensity for said group to be that.

Its even more justified seeing as how certain jobs draw certain types of people. Lawyers are weasels, lairs, and snakes. They like to debate. They like to hear themselves talk. It gives you an edge in this job.
Engineers obsess over the usefulness of objects, love technology, and worry about efficiency. If they don't they are bad engineers. It doesn't mean some aren't well rounded, but people who have these traits are drawn to the area and so stand out as the rule.

>> No.3990725

Epifauna, also called epibenthos, are aquatic animals that live on the bottom substratum as opposed to within it, that is, the benthic fauna that live on top of the sediment surface at the seafloor.

INFAUNA: Aquatic animals that live in the substrate of a body of water, especially in a soft sea bottom.

Deep Lead Mining Plant

As large deep lead mines developed, simple gold recovery plant constructed on the surface was not efficient in treating large volumes of gravels. Efficiency was gained by treating the gravels high in the air, after which it was simply dumped below, rather than carted away to make way for more treated material. This led to amazing "factories on stilts", with steam engines, puddling machines and other plant suspended high above the ground.

>> No.3990728

That makes it even worse.

>> No.3990761

Can we all just agree that you're all a bunch of undergrads, and undergrads suck? I mean, take this as an example. I recently got my MSc in CS. I studied one year abroad at UW, Seattle on graduate level. Generally, the people around there were really cool, and smart as fuck. Then, sometimes, I took undergrad classes and I had to deal with the undergrads stuck in the basement.. Hooolyy shit what a bunch of retards. They were everything that /sci/ makes CS-people out to be. EVERYTHING. But yeah, that only goes for undergrads, and I'm willing to bet it's the same in other departments.

>> No.3990769

nah honestly CS and engineers contain almost all of the asspies and art/philosophy contain the hipsters and faggots but most other majors are pretty chill, CS is definitely the worst in my experience though

>> No.3990796
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awwww, thats not nice
engineers need luvin too (sometimes thicker and deeper than most realize...)

>> No.3990829

Im studying engineering why do you hate us?

>> No.3990868

because it became a meme a while back

>> No.3990897
File: 291 KB, 1100x777, engineering_branches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no hate for engineers among /sci/entists.
There are friendly jabs from other /sci/entists and "HURRDURR FAGGOTFAGGOT SPAMSPAM DERPDERP AMICOOLYETGIZE" from little kids and /b/tards who also spam other shit here.

>> No.3990913

Holy fuck, that is hands down the best image i've come across in at least 6 months.

>> No.3990916

Thank you. The idea for it came to me when I was looking up some botanical advice while there was some "which engineering branch to choose"-thread on /sci/.

>> No.3990920

cos you're the umpa lumpa of science

>> No.3990925


>little kids and /b/tards who also spam other shit here.
This is true, I've been on /sci/ for a while now and I can still remember how the meme started when /b/tards raided /sci/ with gay porn in "engineers are gay" threads. If you've ever bothered to read through a survey thread you'd know that /sci/ is about 70% undergrads: ~60% engineering, ~30% Physics/math/biology majors and ~10% other "soft science" majors (e.g. economics). Furthermore there about 20% highschoolers/dropouts and 10% actual scientists, engineers and professors (there are actually some really interesting people that frequent /sci/!).

>> No.3990980

this post gave me cancer..

>> No.3991202
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Oh /sci/, why does everyone forget to mention the earth sciences... The bastard child application of pretty much all the other hard sciences.

>> No.3991276
File: 211 KB, 1600x1000, Amazing-Earth-jagodunya-jago-dunya-indian-wallpapers-urdu-news-hollywood-bollywood-lollywood-movies-katrina-kareena-veena-malik-nude-pictures-veena-malik-Abstract_3D_Wallpaper_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now you're baselessly hating on something enough and have become cool.

Different branches of science form an interconnected web. Otherwise unrelated fields can, and often do, contribute to the advance of others.

>> No.3991344

> Having autism
> seeing these thread's

>> No.3991353

>/lit/ not being intelligent enough to appreciate Sci-Fi.

The genius that is Asimov is lost on you stoners and acid-heads.

>> No.3991360


Richard Feynman was a stoner and an acid-head.

>> No.3991377

I wonder if he also was unable to appreciate good writing.

>> No.3991379


>> No.3991382


He loved books, and he was an amateur musician.

>> No.3991386


by "loved books" I of course mean, that he was a very enthusiastic reader.

>> No.3991399

I don't even want to know why you think that that had to be clarified.

>> No.3991420

It must be the acid, making him think he's so much more "enlightened".

>> No.3991473

