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File: 45 KB, 499x364, funny-bunny-suicide-seo-pjlighthouse-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3989094 No.3989094 [Reply] [Original]

I think I live because committing suicide is too much of a hassle, and I don't want to experience the intense pain, however brief, that suicide may bring. Also, I do not want to risk failing at suicide and being paralyzed or something.

>> No.3989108 [DELETED] 

Living is very enjoyable. At least it is for the moment, pretty much always has been, and is likely to be for the forseeable future.
i'd only an hero if life were shit, and although i dont particularly want to live to be old and broken, i'm not going to an hero for many many years yet.

>> No.3989140

I would miss out on all the stuff I enjoy.

>> No.3989145
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>Living is very enjoyable.

Feeling the sensation of enjoyment is simply a chemical reaction in the brain.
So basically you are saying you continue to live because you have the desire to feel pleasing chemical reactions in your brain.

In other words, you're a drug addict.
OK fine.

Although if one died, enjoyment wouldn't even be needed or desired.

>> No.3989152

i agree with this

>> No.3989160 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 792x720, 1305195475668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

erm, yeh i guess
i prefer to feel enjoyment than feel nothing at all.
and yes, life is ultimately pointless, but then, you can pick your own point, and your own purpose, do whatever you want. i prefer to be doing something than doing nothing.

>> No.3989164
File: 89 KB, 415x599, big_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could try multiple methods at once so theres no single point of failure

>> No.3989165
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...to understand the origin of reality

it's the only fucking incentive I have to continue living on this turd of a planet

>> No.3989183
File: 31 KB, 371x604, 164520_1619196924093_1361490112_31611290_1381930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A gentleman passing through the United States, on the Union and Pacific Railroad, was one morning telling the guard about a relative of his lately committing suicide. ‘Very sad, indeed,’ replied the guard, ‘but the most determined attempt at suicide happened the other day down Sacramento (California) way. A young man went down to the beach when the tide was out, with a long pole, sharpened at one end, and a hook in the other; he had also a rope with a noose in it, a phial of poison, a pistol, and a box of matches. He drove the pole into the sand, and climbed up it until the tide had risen high enough to drown him, when he swallowed the poison, set his trousers on fire, put the noose round his neck, and then fired his pistol. The bullet, instead of entering his forehead, grazed the top of his head and went through the rope; the rope, being weakened, snapped, and dropped the unfortunate man into the sea, which, of course, put the fire out, and swallowing some sea water made him vomit the poison, and in two or three minutes he was washed ashore alive, and only suffering slightly from the effects of his immersion.’.....http://www.futilitycloset.com/2010/05/19/a-most-determined-suicide/ love this website

>> No.3989212
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>i prefer to feel enjoyment than feel nothing at all
Well, yes of course. me too. However that is because we are alive, so we have an instinctive feeling to gravitate toward that which creates those addictive "enjoying" chemical reactions in our brain.

You are saying that feeling nothing would be boring or something. However, feeling nothing would mean feeling NOTHING. Not even feeling aversion or boredom.

>> No.3989229


>> No.3989238

i bet you're an atheist

>> No.3989247

this is my only goal too

i eat, sleep, have social connections, fuck, and browse 4chan only so I can sustain this damn vehicle of mine. i probably have 70 more years on this planet so I am doing all I can to learn about... whatever the hell is going on.

>> No.3989248
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If I could just go buy a pill(s) that I know would kill me quickly and painlessly, I would definitely do that.
Maybe not right now, but maybe in 10 years or if something bad happens that makes me fail at life.

And I would go about my life much different. I would take more risks, and have a lot more fun.

>> No.3989258

I saw a documentary once where a guy went all over he world exploring ways that people could be executed trying to find the most painless. He eventually settled on the Nitrogen narcosis used to put down cattle. It's supposed to be not only painless, but enjoyable.

The lulzy part was at the end where he brought his results to an ultra conservative prison warden: "What the fuck are you doing retard? Who ever told you we don't want these people to suffer?"

>> No.3989267

That's a stupid way to look at life

>> No.3989291
File: 378 KB, 1239x795, helium_suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3989303

I continue to live to generate money so I can buy all of the cool things that will be coming out this century like rudimentary augmentation and VR.

I also continue to live because I like the idea that I'm an abstraction of the universe with the ability to change and warp it to my (or the universes) liking.

>> No.3989304

He said it as true as it is tho. Deal with it. It is pretty enlightening to me, because I gave up trying to depend on my bodies release on its own drugs for happiness. So much more to felt out there in the world of plants than the body can make itself.

>> No.3989312
File: 36 KB, 393x475, 1294437660718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a stupid way to look at life

That's a stupid way to reply to something on a science forum.
Simply saying something is stupid without giving any reasons says more that you are stupid.

>> No.3989320

Atheist here, quit being a little bitch.

There is no meaning in the things we do. COMPLETELY POINTLESS

So, what do you do with all that nothing? DO SOMETHING WITH IT.

The universe is your playtoy, so long as you are willing to act.

Forge thy own destiny, anon. ScienceSpeed.

>> No.3989355

It's not comparable to being a drug addict. Being addicted to drugs would be supplementing your body with something unnatural to produce synthesized effects.

What your body operates on is natural. It's the niche we've occupied in our corner of the universe-- what nature has bestowed on us. Trying to look for meaning in who we are by measuring the artificiality of our composure is a little obscure and not particularly meaningful. You've hit a threshhold where the world you knew is fading-- the house of cards has fallen and you've seen beyond the illusion, and your unwillingness to concede is blinding you. Your detachment from what was once comfortable and familiar with you is so tragic that you think the abstract world that opened up is not worth exploring-- all is lost because you can't stand behind simple comforts.

So you give up and walk away instead, saying it's pointless to try.

>> No.3989372
File: 15 KB, 414x233, Tammy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quit being a little bitch.
Yes, because anyone who questions the value of the continuation of life must be an emo faggot bitch sissy whore. Very scientific.

>So, what do you do with all that nothing? DO SOMETHING WITH IT.
>The universe is your playtoy, so long as you are willing to act.
>Forge thy own destiny, anon. ScienceSpeed.

You are doing nothing but using emotionally driven catch phrases.
Be more specific on why you continue to live please. thanks.

>> No.3989375
File: 7 KB, 375x244, evolution-against-nihilism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In other words, you're a drug addict.

Even if we accept your retarded-ass logic, how does that change anything? So what if I'm a drug addict?

While you're moping about and planning to kill yourself like an emo bitch, I'm chilling with my friends, playing vidya, smoking weed and hitting on impressionable first-year philosophy students (claim to be part of OWS, it works great). Why on earth would you choose your depressing, shitty way of looking at life when you could be having a great time like me?

>> No.3989389

I continue to live because I am scared shitless of the prospect of dying

>> No.3989403

If you wanna be emo about it:
Because living is like democracy: the worst possible thing, except it's still better than the alternative

>> No.3989404


What the fuck is your problem? Who exactly decided that life is 'meaningless' or other related bullshit? Humans are what assign meaning - it has nothing to do with the physical attributes of a 'thing'. Whatever you want to have meaning will have meaning - this doesn't make your or any other meaning meaningless. Why the fuck would it? That doesn't make any sense. You can assign meaning to what you want - if you think life/anything else within life has no meaning, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

>> No.3989410

> "like rudimentary augmentation and VR."
wtf are rudimentary augmentation and VR

>> No.3989416
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Because i'm a pathetic coward that procrastinated his suicide for the last three years.

My chosen method proved unpractical when I finally checked two weeks back, and now I'm back to start, with a knife I'm afraid to use, no idea how to get drugs, and no high enough rooftops accessiblle around my place.

To think that I didn't actually hate myself when I first decided to die...

>> No.3989419

calm down, it's like trying to teach a retard how to add numbers, you can't do it

>> No.3989432
File: 156 KB, 883x615, 1319682577649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you asspies who obsess over life being pointless and free will not existing want to kill yourselves, be my guest. I'll be busy going for the highest net pleasure as long as I am conscious(come at me), because that's what makes life worth living. I hope you enjoy your fruitless depression, because let's face it, if you philosophically conclude that life is meaningless, you have accomplished nothing.

>> No.3989434


You either don't really want to kill yourself or you lack imagination. Looking around my apartment I can see a half a dozen ways to painlessly kill myself, and only a couple of them are in my medicine cabinet.

>> No.3989452
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why on earth would you choose your depressing, shitty way of looking at life when you could be having a great time like me?

I guess the same reason that you take time out of your life to comment on something you find so depressing.

I for one don't find questioning why people continue to live to be depressing though.

And again. As a great a time that you are having, being dead, one would not even have any desire to have great times. So it's not like you would be sad and longing for something more.

Also, you wrongly assume that I do not do things in my life to create pleasurable sensations in my brain. I do. Even so, I don't feel there is any logical reason do those things, anymore than there is a logical reason to do cocaine. Doesn't mean I will necessarily stop, but it's just interesting to think about to me.

>> No.3989453
File: 15 KB, 450x500, hedonism[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mah hedonistic nigga. i disagree with pic though

>> No.3989462

Probably both. My determination is certainly lacking.

List those that aren't in your medecine cabinet, I'm interested.

>> No.3989466


your view of meaning is so incredibly warped i don't know how you can even let yourself talk about logic.

>> No.3989475

List them or you are just lying

>> No.3989480

You can't explain a situation that is based on an illogical system (i.e. Emotion and sensation) with logic. There's a little thing called imagination, you should try it sometime, unless you've had a hemispherectomy in your life.

>> No.3989483

>I don't feel there is any logical reason do those things
You exist. You do enjoy those things. So you do.
That's pretty logical.

>> No.3989517
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Could it be that a person may enjoy their life, but commit suicide because they thought death would be better?

Not in terms of some heaven awaiting them. But feeling that, despite the joy that can be obtained in life, death is superior in the fact that in death nothing is wanted, nothing is felt (not even boredom or aversion), nothing is desired. True there is no pleasure, but pleasure is not even wanted. It is irrelevant.

>> No.3989526

Suicide only makes the absurd more absurd.

The only true way of life is to accept the Absurd and revolt against it. It is a futile revolt, but it is a necessary revolt. Il faut imaginer sisyphe heureux.

>> No.3989535

It could be.

It would take a seriously religious mind, though, to give value to nothingness.

>> No.3989536

the problem I see with that is that you can't really APPRECIATE your fancy ideas when you're friggin' dead

>> No.3989538
File: 25 KB, 500x500, enjoy_cocaine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You exist. You do enjoy those things. So you do.
>That's pretty logical.

Well cocaine is a very enjoyable drug I hear. I would surely enjoy getting high on it.
In fact, it would be very logical to get high and overdose on cocaine, wouldn't it?

I mean, it would be an incredible rush, and then you would die and then would no longer need to do anything to enjoy yourself, because enjoyment wouldn't even be desired.

>> No.3989546
File: 47 KB, 357x600, Caligula_bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3989553

Yes it would.

>> No.3989555

Lots of coke =/= lots of fun
Anxiety takes over, euphoria gets lost.

>> No.3989557
File: 523 KB, 1680x1050, evolutionissuicide-211246..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, thanks for the responses guys. I have now evolved into homo perfectus and will proceed to commit suicide.

>> No.3989566

OK, then replace coke with morphine or something like that then

>> No.3989604

This is an inspiring thread. Say more stuff please, I'm lazy and this is making me less so.

>> No.3989627
File: 283 KB, 1798x1259, 1318287247748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was on the whole 'pleasure is just chemical reactions' kick a while ago too OP. Pretty bummed about that. Got myself out of it, decided to just enjoy the chocolate cake instead of asking why I enjoyed it. It worked for so long...but this thread. Fuck.

I feel like my free will is just an illusion, my body a machine that responds in a very binary way to stimuli. Whats the point of living this life, its overrated.

>> No.3989660

>I feel like my free will is just an illusion, my body a machine that responds in a very binary way to stimuli. Whats the point of living this life, its overrated.
Live as though you have free will, accept the possibility that you may not. Your life will be the same no matter which is the case.

>> No.3989679
File: 91 KB, 903x676, 1293256524885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3989691

>Live as though you have free will, accept the possibility that you may not. Your life will be the same no matter which is the case.

Live as though Jesus is your savior and he died for your sins, and that if you so believe in him you will go to eternal paradise, accept the possibility that you may not. Your life will be the same no matter which is the case.

>> No.3989702


Life has as much meaning as you wish to give it

>> No.3989718


that's deep bro

>> No.3989722
File: 117 KB, 256x253, huhdog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then you will die and forget absolutely fucking everything.

But my personal reason to continue living is because like hell I'm going to kill myself (too much of a pain in the ass) and I want to contribute to humankind. That way my actions will be useful for the future generations.

And I don't have the means to kill myself, unless you count jumping from a skyscraper or in front of a truck as a good and painless way of dying.

>> No.3989727
File: 15 KB, 440x310, Jesus-is-Lord.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me, life means that there is a constant struggle between good (Jesus) and evil (the devil).
The meaning of life is for me to convert as many people as I can to Christ.
And preach the word of God.


>> No.3989732


>> No.3989738

listen to some of these
the world is a trippy place.

>> No.3989757
File: 330 KB, 800x680, Iluvmydrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodluck with that losing battle. The increase of atheism is alarming. So is the increase of hopelessness and depravity. So I won't disbelieve your efforts would in the long term do good, I just don't see Christianity succeeding in its quest to raise the level of awareness. Even god has said through NDEs that they have failed him, as has the united states. Tho he also says their is no devil, only ego.

Godspeed but I'm already a egomaniac my self.

>> No.3989767

Because when I was 14, I was an angsty cunt who took too many tylenol to try to kill myself and ended up getting my stomach pumped.

I realized that that kid was retarded and I wanted to be nothing like him, so I made a good life for myself.

>> No.3989770

you sholud check these out
its nice to actually listen to people talking about spiritual stuff without them going "hurr durr believe this because i say im right" ... logic is a wonderful thing.

>> No.3989788

I bookmarked it and listening now. Thanks. I could use it.

>> No.3989785

Because while it's not a 100% sure bet, medicine, bio-engineering, and robotics may very well make me immortal, eternally happy, and grant me the physical might of Superman.

A few decades of misery is worth what the future might bring.

>> No.3989849

no problem
here is more because i will never talk to you again... LOL

>> No.3989863

Suicide is very simple, easy, and painless. Here is an easy to follow step by step guide.

1) buy shotgun
2) drive out into the woods
3) place shotgun flush against forehead
4) pull trigger
5) mission accomplished

Do not put the shot gun under your chin! You'll just blow your face off. Point it directly at your forehead.

>> No.3989874

>committing suicide is too much of a hassle, and I don't want to experience the intense pain, however brief, that suicide may bring. Also, I do not want to risk failing at suicide and being paralyzed or something.
Just... tie a plastic bag around your head before you go to sleep... you'll die of asphyxiation and you wont feel a damn thing.

>> No.3989881

>Feeling the sensation of enjoyment is simply a chemical reaction in the brain.
Oh wow, this childish argument again?

>> No.3989904

This is a stupid way.

Here is a good way.
Drive somewhere secluded where you know you won't be bothered. Duct tape a garden hose to the muffler exhaust on your car. Run the hose into a window and roll the window up. Take 3 or 4 benadryl to fall asleep. Take a very long nap.

>> No.3989984
File: 51 KB, 800x600, cool brian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because there is a shit ton of nonexistence time in the universe and a blimp of existence for us human beings, i don't see the point of hurrying up the nonexistence, unless living is constantly painful or i'm unable to fulfill my goals.

>> No.3990026

If you seriously want to die and do not have the balls to do it, then either: 1) you really don't want to die you may just feel down or depressed
2) You're a huge pussy, seriously it doesn't even has to hurt....
It doesn't matter anyways if it hurts, after all it's just chemicals in your brain... neurotransmissors

I live because this is all there is.... reality is a canvas and with enough knowledge and technology or even without them(art) you can create anything you want.

I really don't dislike death either because i know that i won't even be conciouss of my dislike, there won't be any.... and eternal sleep does sounds pretty appealing...but ... there's no rush i can`t avoid it, eventually it'll end... and i'm fine with it.

>> No.3990027

Not really equivalent.

Certainly your life would be different whether depending on if you were religious or not, but why would thinking you do or don't have free will have any effect on your actions? you're either making a decision because you will it to happen or you are making it because causal events force you to make that decision, the decision is the same in either case.

>> No.3990040

OP, if you find suicide hard, then you're a failure. Suicide is very easy, painless, and 100% effective if you do it right. Lying down on railroad tracks or jumping off a tall bring are guaranteed ways to die quickly. If you're afraid of the brief pain, just drug yourself up first.

>> No.3990046

>stating a fact is childish

>> No.3990056

This, except I could easily live without fulfilled goals.

>> No.3991020
File: 167 KB, 995x645, burning_monk_color_splash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think OP has already went off to commit suicide.

See here:

>> No.3991038

I want to know more. I want to understand more. I want it more than I want happiness or freedom.

If humanity ever made one of those perfect VR machines that make everyone's dreams possible and happiness maximum, but we still had things to discover and we could do better technologically, I'd be pretty fucking pissed and depressed because probably such a device would halt advancement forever.

I want to know and understand and use that knowledge and understanding to find out and figure out more things. That's why I continue to live.

>> No.3991048
File: 366 KB, 1405x1405, aubrey_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I continue to live because I may have a chance of continuing to live. And do more shit while I'm at it.

If I die, everything's been pointless and all amounts to nothing, no worth whatsoever. I work under the prospect of being able to avoid death forever. If it happens, yay for me. If it doesn't, it was all pointless anyway. So really, there's no drawback for me in my worldview.

>> No.3991066

Does the fact it's a chemical reaction make it any less enjoyable?

>> No.3991073
File: 20 KB, 363x391, Jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work under the prospect of being able to avoid death forever. If it happens, yay for me. If it doesn't, it was all pointless anyway. So really, there's no drawback for me in my worldview.

I work under the prospect of being able to go to eternal paradise by accepting Jesus Christ as my lord and savior. If it happens, yay for me. If it doesn't, it was all pointless anyway. So really, there's no drawback for me in my worldview.


>> No.3991078
File: 50 KB, 590x382, fuck you darwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3991085


>pascal's wager.txt


>> No.3991086


No drawback besides feeling guilty for things you shouldn't have to, not being to live the way you wan't to, condoning a belief system that impedes the happiness of others, and brainwashes children into being scared to even pleasure themselves? Nope nothing lost. i better go to church.

>> No.3991094

What's your point again?

>> No.3991099

I believe its all about the evolution, people have a desire for living because without it they would just not care, die easily and dont make offspring. People who have desire of living survive and evolve, its in human psychology.

>> No.3991100 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 300x211, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor depressed emo. If that is truly how you view my belief in Jesus, then I feel bad for you. I encourage you to accept Jesus as your lord and savior. But I guess the meaning of life is whatever you say it is. You have the freedo to choose.

Go try in futility to be immortal here on earth. then be sad as fuck as you lay on your death bed.

I will try to have faith in Jesus and be happy as fuck as I lay on my death bed.

>> No.3991111


Unless the Muslims are right, that is. Or god has a different nature than what you think he does. Or do you not really believe in an afterlife, and are just looking for a comfortable illusion? Besides, where do you get off calling me emo: I'm a humanist and a rather happy one at that. When i die one day i will resign myself to the idea of sleeping dreamless forever, which isn't that bad of a fate.

I honestly don't know how people rational enough for science can still believe in superstition.

>> No.3991127
File: 15 KB, 400x400, Jesus-Fish-Bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless the Muslims are right, that is. Or god has a different nature than what you think he does..etc, etc

Well it does require a leap of faith. But the same could be said about living a life believing that you could one day be immortal.
Unless the science never works out, that is. Unless the intricate workings of our brains and bodies have a different nature than what you think it does. There is a lot of room for error and failure in that view. But if you have the capacity to believe in it, then those things will not deter you, only make you more driven.

>> No.3991136


MY beliefs in the possibility of life extension on earth, not only has actual evidence of being a possibility, It also doesn't interfere with my lifestyle. I can abandon the entire idea and it could still become true. I don't have to sacrifice anything:including my logic.

>> No.3991140

...for fun?

>> No.3991144

The difference between believing in a religion and believing in an undeveloped technology, is that science has the precedent of getting the shit it claims done.

>> No.3991149

It also doesn't need your faith. if he says "there was no jesus" and gets hit with a bus, jesus won't let him into heaven. if i say we won't extend life, science isn't going to go "haha, you missed out now die faggot":that would just be immoral.

>> No.3991158
File: 55 KB, 600x601, smile_jesus_loves_you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is evidence for and against Christianity, evidence for and against Athiesm, evidence for and against immortality being achievable.

There are a lot of scientists that would argue that achieving immortality is nothing but a pipe dream.

>> No.3991168


>> No.3991171
File: 27 KB, 499x374, Jesus christ paintings pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It also doesn't need your faith.

Actually it's quite the opposite.
Obviously you all do not actually work any any scientific field, otherwise you would realize how important it is that there are people who have faith in your field.

If no one had faith in a certain field of science, no one would go into it and it would eventually disappear. Also, even if there are people who have faith enough in what it can do to go into the particular field, you still need enough people to have faith in it's future value enough to fund it.

If Jesus Christ is truly our lord and savior, He will be so no matter how many or how little people have faith in Him.

>> No.3991179


Bullshit. Jesus burns people that don't believe. science works on money, not belief.

Also, where is there any evidence for Christianity? creationist "scientists" riddled with confirmation bias, looking for answers that fit their worldview and rejecting those that don't. Ignore all answers that point away or disprove your idea. Science.

>> No.3991188

Again, what is the point you are trying to make? Your religion, its procedures, its conditions, and its achievements do not satisfy us. Science, its procedures, its conditions, and its achievements do. We thus preferently place our trust in it. Simple as that.

>> No.3991194

>The difference between believing in a religion and believing in an undeveloped technology, is that science has the precedent of getting the shit it claims done.

What? Science is not something you can just lump together like that.
Again, you are showing your middle school mind here.

MOST undeveloped technology and scientific theories FAIL. Any real scientist would tell you that.

But, I think what you should have said is that religious claims about afterlife cannot be proven to have succeeded, while a lot of science can be proven or disproven. That is true. But again. There is evidence for their being an afterlife and against their being an afterlife. Just as there is evidence for achieving immortality on earth and against it.

>> No.3991196


He's trying to defend his superstition because he is afraid to die. He can't come to terms with the idea that he believes in nonsence, and yet is a rational person, so he has consolidated those ideas. He is arguing that it is not irrational to believe a 2000 year old desert tribes theories on life the universe and everything, even when it contradicts current knowledge of the universe.

>> No.3991215


>> No.3991223

Trying to make it seem like any personal belief at all makes you no better than a religious person, in assumption that anyone adhering to the materialistic worldview surely sees religion as the lowest of scum, thus trying to troll you.

>> No.3991226
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>Also, where is there any evidence for Christianity?

Where is any evidence that you are better off living rather than being dead? You say "because it feels good to be alive". so you continue waking up day after day, ingesting dead animals, defecating, creating pleasurable chemical reactions in your brain, and trying to avoid unpleasant chemical reactions in your brain from coming about. Why? What evidence is there to suggest that you are better off living? Why do all that? Other than you are a robot drug addict, addicted to pleasurable sensations in your brain.

If so, then you are in no condition to criticize someone else for believing in something just because it makes them feel good and they are delusional.

>> No.3991234

>What evidence is there to suggest that you are better off living?
Well, define and translate "being better off" into usable terms and we may do some awesome science to answer this question. So far, this whole thing has just been meaningless babble.

>> No.3991241
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>> No.3991243


I am ok with that possibility. If there is an afterlife, awesome. Him subscribing to the belief there is an afterlife is not the problem, its joining a hate mongering anti science cult because he is afraid to die that bothers me. It wouldnt even bother me if he weren't on a science thread, but he gives it the same validity as science. It's just absurd. If some pagan who worshiped the space cow that gave birth the universe through a midget in its feces, and claimed its just as legitimate as science, people would laugh him out of the room. But this strange human sacrificing blood cult we have gotten used to is ok, as is the assertion that we should join just in case.

>> No.3991270
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>this whole thing has just been meaningless babble.
If I enjoyed it is it still meaningless babble?

If so, then wouldn't life itself just be meaningless babble?

So even if I may have enjoyed a good portion of this thread, should I still have not been in it?

Also, would it be better off if the people in the holocaust just killed themselves, gave up and died, by stopping eating or attacking guards?

would it be better off if people living in poverty just killed themselves?

Would it be better off to kill yourself rather than working at some dead end job for the majority of one's life?

Seems to me a good portion of the worlds polulation would be better off dead, since they spend a large portion of their life struggling, and a good deal of their pleasure comes from delusion things like belief in some god.

It seems only a small portion of the world's population is better off living, in the sense that they enjoy a significant portion of their life.

What happens when the majority of the world kills themselves when they no longer believe in superstitions of afterlife and they don't enjoy a significant portion of their life?

would it be a better world without those people?

>> No.3991280

You shouldn't kill yourself because otherwise you would be failing your information (genes, cultural information) perpetuating prime function. On a second thought....do it...overpopulation might be a problem in the future....and it would be troublesome for the perpetuation of others information.

>> No.3991288

People don't really believe in the afterlife. If you told me there a was a lottery, and some time during my life i could win said lottery. The award was a ticket to a private island filled with naked loose women and live music, and i would never die, i would be overjoyed! If i heard everyone else could get this lottery, i would be even happier. Nothing could depress me, nothing would get me down. Now lets say my friend wins the lottery, i will never see him again. I proceed to cry my eyes out and mourn his passing? I weep and wail with friends and relatives about how short his life was here, and how he had so much ahead of him?

Do i get scared when i see the lottery brigade coming because i did something to cause me to win? Do i avoid all things that would increase my chances of winning the lottery?

Fear of death in ourselves and others proves Christians don't believe any of their own bullshit, or funerals would be treated like going away partys to hawaii.

>> No.3991310

>so you continue waking up day after day, ingesting dead animals, defecating, creating pleasurable chemical reactions in your brain, and trying to avoid unpleasant chemical reactions in your brain from coming about
Is your crudeness indicating you are giving any of this negative connotations?

>robot drug addict, addicted to pleasurable sensations in your brain
Would an artificial AI be addicted to electricity? We are chemical machines, of course we operate through chemical reactions. We're as "addicted" to dopamine as we are to oxygen. It's what makes us tick. Where is the delusion here?

>> No.3991316


Obviously you have needs, therefore you are invalid. the only option is oblivion.


>> No.3991348

You're depressed OP, a.k.a. your brain is malfunctioning. Fix it somehow (exercise, get enough sleep, use pills, whatever). Non-depressed people don't need to ask that question because they're too busy enjoying themselves.

>> No.3991498
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/b/tard passing through. Do it OP and stream+timestamp on /b/ would be appreciated

>> No.3991500

Feel like killing yourself?
>purposefully get lost in the woods with only a knife and a bottle of water

>> No.3992445 [DELETED] 
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why being addicted to a drug (be it weed, heroin or dopamine is a bad thing? also, define "drug" please

also, op is implying being alive is wrong in some way. well this is a science board , not some philosophical suicide help debate board faggot, exsistance has only one quality - to exists, there is no "why", reason is an artificial construct our brain is using to organize it's data, there is no reason to either exist or stop exsisting, it's only a condition.

>> No.3992904
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>Non-depressed people don't need to ask that question because they're too busy enjoying themselves.
Non-depressed people don't need to ANSWER the question because they're too busy enjoying themselves. Therefore, YOU must depressed.

>why being addicted to a drug (be it weed, heroin or dopamine is a bad thing?
who said that it was bad?

>exsistance has only one quality - to exists, there is no "why"
So then there is NO state of existence in which you would choose not to exist? You will exist regardless of how much enjoyment is going on in your life, regardless of what you are doing in your life?

>We are chemical machines, of course we operate through chemical reactions. We're as "addicted" to dopamine as we are to oxygen. It's what makes us tick. Where is the delusion here?
So then you agree that you are a robot drug addict, addicted to pleasurable sensations in your brain.
OK fine.

>> No.3992937 [DELETED] 

you either exist or you don't OP, there is no reason to exist, "why" (as in "why are you still living") implies a reason, according to science, the cells and atoms that make our bodies will keep existing even after our death, it's conciousness we will lose, you can choose to get rid of the counsiousness your brain bestowes upon you, but your body will still exist in one way or another, which "you" won't probably know or care about.

>> No.3992958 [DELETED] 

"lol robot on seratonin on dopamine addict lol"
>implying you have a choice
>implying it's bad for you
>implying dopamine and seratonin aren't a part of an internal system that helped our species reach the top of the foodchain on the planet

lrn2nihilism faggot emo, that or choke on a dick while watching v for venedetta

>> No.3992982 [DELETED] 

omg u guise life is so shallow we are all empty vessels that are fueled by chemicals that is soooo sad

>> No.3992983
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What point are you trying to make, OP? You can strip all reasons and excuses raised in favour of life to experiencing satisfaction. You then point out that such satisfaction comes to us from chemical reactions. Does knowing how it works diminish the feeling itself in some way? Is it less desirable because you know it's all a tangle of triggers and responses inside your think-o-jelly? If so, why?

>> No.3992988
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Oh, i see what you are saying.
well, the original question used the term "why do you continue to LIVE". You are the one who changed the term to "exist".

I am not asking why you live, I am asking why you make the choice to CONTINUE to live. Why you make the conscious choice, if in fact you do, to continue to keep your body and mind in working condition.

>> No.3993029 [DELETED] 
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because it's enjoyable, then you put up the retarded argument of "BUT IZ NOT REAL U GUISE ONLY CHEMOCALS IN BRAIN DERP", then we tell you it doesn't matter and that it's optoonal and you're not obliged to keep living, then you ask us why we keep living and then everybody walk the dinosaur aboard the circlejerk philosophy train.

>> No.3993033
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>What point are you trying to make, OP?

I am not trying to make any point. This thread has no point. I just created it because I enjoy such discussion. And I will continue to post in it so long as I enjoy it.

Just like you guys said about why you live. There is no point to life, you just live because you enjoy it. There is no point to it other than that.

>> No.3993056 [DELETED] 

what's the discussion is about then? what have you discovered from it or contributed to it that wasn't clear as day to any gradeschool halwit?

>> No.3993065

if you're so upset, why don't you just put yourself out of your misery? there's no good reason not to.

>> No.3993075 [DELETED] 

I am not, just a little annoyed by OP's homosexuality and the utter pointlessness of his arguments

>> No.3993080
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>what's the discussion is about then?
It's not about anything! It's pointless! Just like life! I am engaging in this pointless discussion because I enjoy it! If you don't enjoy it then GTFO!

>> No.3993088
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>> No.3993104
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>> No.3993115 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3993123 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3993143

Death is an abomination that obliterates all meaning. It is a foe to fight with all your strength, not a lover to embrace. Do not allow temporary setbacks, no matter how profound, to interfere with your resolve. The first immortals are already alive today - stick around and join us, and the universe will be yours.

>> No.3993163 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3993191

We could make barbiturates legal to buy for anyone who's willing to wait 2-4 weeks.

This whole herp derp how do I kill myself shit would stop.

And the moralcunts could continue their faggotry whining in private without consequence on anyone else's life.

>> No.3993229

Yes, believing in free will and the value of life is about as delusional and self-serving as a belief in god. So what? We're wired to believe in free will, and that's the only way we operate. Even reading this post and typing a response is a product of our brain producing the illusion of free will. You can't escape it; you can't do anything without operating in terms of "free will".

So with this "free will" we are able to decide for ourselves what matters. Are you troubled by the fact that we can't objectively assign value in the universe, that we are fundamentally trapped by our biochemical shell? Is there then no form of life/sentience that would satisfy your conditions of a meaningful existence?

>> No.3993292


The reason the meek will inherit the Earth is because all these damn nihilists will end up killing themselves seeing no damn point in the future. The hedonists will end up pissing off the wrong guy...and the Atheists will keep arguing whether or not God exists and be so caught up in their arguments that they'll completely miss out on life. All the meanwhile I'll just sit here doing my own thing doing my best not to piss someone off being inconsequential and quietly going about my business. Which would be to inherit the Earth...and go to space.

>> No.3993294


I think I may end up joining Goldman Sachs...they've pretty much already inherited the Earth as we know it.

>> No.3993306

Because I enjoy my life, even if its a pretty bland and boring one.

>> No.3993316
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Because death is the only thing more frightening than life.

>> No.3993354

And not a single shit was given.

All this means is that the moralcunts and religious bullshitters should be happy if everyone who doesn't share their ideology can kill themselves. Then why do they oppose assisted suicide and the availability of barbiturates? We could make it so that everyone can just buy them at the drug store. And for paralyzed people, we could legalize voluntary euthanasia. Problem solved.

And we could finally stop these whiny bullshit discussions that don't increase anyone's quality of life.

>> No.3993359

because only God and serial killers decide who will live, and who will die, and i am neither

>> No.3993365
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>Are you troubled by the fact that we can't objectively assign value in the universe, that we are fundamentally trapped by our biochemical shell?

It's not a matter of being troubled by it. More like briefly fascinated.
Also, we are not "trapped" in our biochemical shell. Many people commit suicide everyday.

>Is there then no form of life/sentience that would satisfy your conditions of a meaningful existence?
Sure there is. For example, a life that actually had a point and meaning to it.

I really have no problem with people living simply to feel pleasurable chemical reactions in the brain though. I just find it kind of silly. I do it to though.

>> No.3993372


Could I get more information on that? It's hilarious.

>> No.3993381 [DELETED] 
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>"Could I get more information on that? It's hilarious."
>read it in his voice
who sounds a bit like peter griffin for some reason...wtf is wrong with me.

>> No.3993403

>And we could finally stop these whiny bullshit discussions that don't increase anyone's quality of life.

You sound like a worker ant.
Yeah, it's sooo important to spend your life working hard to improve people's lives.

And this thread IS improving my quality of life, because I enjoy it. If it is not improving yours then why are you even in this thread?

Non-depressed people don't need to ANSWER the question because they're too busy enjoying themselves. Therefore, YOU must depressed.

>> No.3993411

>139 posts

Really guys?

Why can't you just be happy with the fact that you've got this body to do whatever you please with and move on?

Or just kill yourself, but don't whine about it.

>> No.3993418

>to live because you have the desire to feel pleasing chemical reactions in your brain

The alternative would be to not live at all or to live without pleasing chemical reactions in your brain. The choice is yours.

>> No.3993422

>didnt read the thread

>> No.3993427


>> No.3993449

>If it is not improving yours then why are you even in this thread?
I have made a specific practical suggestion, namely legalizing the broad availability of barbiturates, the most reliable and painless way to kill a human. Also voluntary euthanasia for paralyzed people.

Can't you read?

WHEN everyone will be able to opt out of life reliably and painlessly, THEN we can quit the bullshit discussions and the moralcunts can keep whining in the privacy of their faggot homes.

>> No.3993453

I want to see Israel nuke Iran of the face of the earth and watch world war 3 start.

>> No.3993454
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>Why can't you just be happy with the fact that you've got this body to do whatever you please with and move on?
>Or just kill yourself, but don't whine about it.

Your comment sure sounds like whining to me. Why can't you just be happy? Or kill yourself? What the fuck is wrong with you?>>3993418

>The alternative would be to not live at all or to live without pleasing chemical reactions in your brain. The choice is yours.

So you are saying that there are only three options:
1.) Live to experience pleasing chemical reactions in the brain.
2.) Die and experience nothing, good nor bad.
3.) Live without experiencing pleasing chemical reactions in the brain.

So you agree with others that you live simply to continue to experience pleasing chemical reactions in the brain. And you feel it is the best choce to make out of the three. OK. I have no problem with that. I am just asking the question because I am interested in what people say about it.

>> No.3993529
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>WHEN everyone will be able to opt out of life reliably and painlessly, THEN we can quit the bullshit discussions
YOU can quit this discussion AT any time.

Non-depressed people don't need to ANSWER the question because they're too busy enjoying themselves. Therefore, YOU must depressed.

>> No.3993810

I meant "trapped" in the sense that all our decision-making hardware is tied to our biology. We cannot operate outside of biochemistry. Reread my post in that sense.

>a life that actually had a point and meaning to it.
What does that even mean? List the sufficient conditions for such a life. I suspect that what you want is not only impractical, but metaphysically impossible.