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File: 109 KB, 789x680, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3988706 No.3988706 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that women claim they attracted to intelligence, yet default to dating physically attractive "alpha males" that have very little intelligence to account for instead? I'm starting to believe women only think they're attracted to intelligence in men, yet probably never even met a truly smart individual that they could find alluring, interesting, and datable. I'm saddened by this.

>> No.3988718

>Why is it that women claim they attracted to intelligence
I think I found the problem.
It should be "they are attracted".
You are welcome OP.

>> No.3988722

I probably shouldn't be taking a troll thread seriously, but I think men and women have different definitions of intelligence in the dating ring. According to some past posts on /sci/, men don't like dating a girl that's smarter than them, just only if she's equally as intelligent as they are.

>> No.3988725

For. Fucks. SAKE!

Every FUCKING day.

Take your ronery fucking self to >>>/soc/ or something.

>> No.3988729

women are attracted to guys that are good-looking and have a "nice personality" (depends on the woman). After that comes how well-off the guy is (can he provide a house/food for her kids. After that comes intelligence and other qualities.

Most women also just use guys for their money (they stay with them for a few months so they can get free dinners and presents and other things), and then move on to the next guy.

>> No.3988734

Why would >>>/soc/ be an appropriate board for this?

>> No.3988752

I'll admit that women who claim that intelligence is at the top of their list of what they find attractive in a guy, yet date someone who doesn't possess an insignificant smarts, might be just spewing out bullshit, but girls do like smarts to an extent.

>> No.3988755

it isnt.
/r9k/ is

>> No.3988759
File: 7 KB, 167x302, 546456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the guys are smart
there are many kinds of intelligence
girls are attracted to street intelligence, not some sci faggot talking about the universe

>> No.3988775

> Why is it that women claim they attracted to intelligence, yet default to dating physically attractive "alpha males" that have very little intelligence to account for instead?

Because it takes intelligence to recognize what intelligence is, and women don't have that, so they don't, which explains perfectly what's going on here. So women are fairly stupid and fall into the same traps that fairly stupid people fall into.

Similarly we can explain why Niggers claim to be civilized yet fail to act that way. It's because they aren't civilized. They are tribal and that's inconsistent with Western Civilization.

>> No.3988788
File: 80 KB, 450x450, femalebrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'll admit that women who claim that intelligence is at the top of their list of what they find attractive in a guy, yet date someone who doesn't possess an insignificant smarts, might be just spewing out bullshit, but girls do like smarts to an extent.

MIGHT BE spewing out bullshit? Consult with the graphic to the left, please. Lying is intrinsic to the female of the species. Women have no power over men, really, so they lie to obtain a superior position.

>> No.3988795

Actually this guy knows what he's talking about. As much as men prefer a woman who is of equal intelligence as them rather than more intelligent, women prefer a guy who is equally intelligent than more intelligent.

>> No.3988798

fuck you

>> No.3988810

actually, the more intelligent the better
= interesting
= successful
= money
not that money and success are totally required, but they are nice little bonus's to have on a partner.
being intelligent & interesting is a must though. well, it is for me.
i'd never associate with boring retards.

>> No.3988825

you aren't even a fucking female, you neckbeard

you fuck off

>> No.3988826

>= interesting
That's quite subjective now isn't it.. "wan't to hear about my attempts at Hilbert's Problems?" <- That's not going to go down too well at the table.

>> No.3988828

Because most of the people on this board are not intelligent.

>> No.3988840

See the problem is: you only think that about yourself, it's a confirmation bias on your side skewed by vague past experiences and infirm examples of past individuals. You've likely have never meant anybody of significant intellect and skill to account for and paint this misapprehension with a false and altered blend of what makes a person intelligence. And even if you did, all you would have here is confirmation biases, anchoring effects, and anecdotal evidence on intellect than any actual particulars and validity of the subject matter, nothing conclusive to go off of; especially when you keep driving the "speak for all" bias over your head.

>> No.3988855

You're angry at women because you're ugly, lonely and horny. It isn't womens' fault that they aren't attracted to you. It's also not your fault you were born ugly. Life isn't fair much of the time. Don't let bitterness make you ugly inside too, and be willing to settle for someone on your level who is bright, or you're a hypocrite. Having an above average IQ doesn't entitle you to the love or sexual attention of women who aren't attracted to you and trying to make that reflect badly on them will not somehow trick or oblige them to choose you over someone else they would much prefer.

>> No.3988859

fine, maybe its just me, maybe most people are happy partnering with retards.
honestly, i dont really care what qualities other people value, because it doesnt really matter to me, i just know what i'm looking for.

>> No.3988886


Simple answer:

A good portion of 'intelligent' people are boring as fuck. I had dinner with a few people from the Mathematics club at my University, and I absolutely fucking loathed it. Of course, I expect people to converse about Mathematics in Mathematics club, but I didn't expect it for fucking dinner. All they did was talk about Mathematics, how it relates to Physics, etc.

Even if someone understands it(I'm a senior, so I've taken all of the classes they're currently in and understand it), it's just a drag to talk about it. I could never imagine being married to a female mathematician who talks my ear off about mathematics. I'm a human being who enjoys other aspects of life, such as art, poetry, writing/reading, sex, hiking/camping, etc. There's more to life than your career choice, and that's what most 'intelligent' people don't seem to understand. That, or their apathetic about everything else that isn't their career/major. Also, very smug. Females can detect pompous attitudes from a mile away, and most women do NOT like pompous attitudes.

Pompous != Confidence. Arrogance != Confidence.

>> No.3988888

You never seem intelligent at all. Your grammar is horrible, you never contribute to any scientific discussions, nor have I ever seen you actually come up with a helpful answer other than to questions solely resembling the intellectual quality present at retarded boards, such as >>>/b/.

>> No.3988911

my grammar is actually fairly good most of the time...perhaps you mean my punctuation is horrible, which his quite true, and i honestly dont give a fuck anyway (i CAN use good punctuation, but it takes a bit of thought, and i prefer to type fast and to not care, seeing as i can still be understood just as well)

even if i dont seem intelligent to you here, i do perform well academically... you can doubt that if you like, i dont particularly care.

and even if i were stupid, that wouldnt necessarily have any bearing on whether i like intelligent guys or not. i could be a complete moron and still be choosey and only go for intelligent guys...would be a bit hippocritical, but i could still do it anyway.

>> No.3988927

>even if i dont seem intelligent to you here, i do perform well academically

>implying academic results is merely based on intellect
>implying academic results is not primarily based on motivation
>implying you are intelligent

>> No.3988931

intelligent woman


>> No.3988933

The only valid answer to any thread starting with that picture is: You are not more intelligent than other people, you just think you are.

>> No.3988934

Yeah, but pompous and arrogance inspires confidence, and often are a common characteristic among those who are intelligent and confident.

>> No.3989198


what you need to do is stop saying you hate women and just admit you are gay ... nobody will care.

>> No.3989208


>> No.3989262

>Why is it that women claim ...

Stopped right there.
When ever in the history of human beings has a woman's claim to anything been a valid indicator of reality?
Answer: Never.
If you give even the slightest credit to any claim make by a woman then I suggest you are a faggot of biblical proportions and that you would probably be happier down at the local public toilets giving out free blow jobs.

>> No.3989620

Never once heard women are attracted to intelligence, I've even seen studies that show when the female is smarter than the male the couple is more likely to be happy.

From what I've seen women like good looking guys who are socially adept and sometimes make stupid decisions.

>> No.3989755

When they say intelligence, what hey really mean is social intelligence. A lot of book smart people aren't all that good with people.

>> No.3990167

> You're angry at women because you're ugly, lonely and horny.

It's not anger. It's CONTEMPT. Pity that you're nowhere near bright enough to have detected the difference, you stupid wet slit.

>> No.3990180

I'm male. And again, you make yourself feel that contempt because it feels better to blame them and vent your frustration as anger than to confront your own shortcomings. Your ego demands that you rationalize rejection
as resulting from defects in women rather than from your inability to appeal to them.

>> No.3990196


Wrong. I didn't "make myself" feel contempt. It arose naturally from observation and cold calculation.

And who said I've been rejected by women? I've turned them down in each and every case. That's what you do when you meet up with some sort of chimp, looking for love. Who the fuck can love a chimp?

>> No.3990201

>implying EK would know intelligence if she saw it

>> No.3990204

I said it. It's plainly obvious. You rage at women as an outlet for your frustration with your inability to attract them. It spares you the ego damaging conclusion that you aren't appealing to women. Post a timestamped picture of your handsome face if I'm wrong.

>> No.3990209

Most of the posters on this board are not very intelligent.

>> No.3990211
File: 112 KB, 688x1434, 1311793588805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3990233

OP's post assumes women date people they are attracted to. I think this assumption is false.

>> No.3990242

Could have been scientific, but wasn't. Shit thread?

>> No.3990268

What about me OP? Oh right, you just think you're intelligent, cognitive dissonance at its finest.

>> No.3990276

Women are attracted to intelligent men, the same way men are attracted to women with a sense of humor.

It doesn't mean women want someone who can calculate quickly, and it doesn't mean men want a girlfriend who's a standup comedian. These indicators are more of a veiled way of saying "i don't want someone who doesn't have these" not "i want a person who has a lot of these"

Women don't want a dolt, men don't want a bore. If they happen to excel in intellect or humor that's fine, but it only matters to the extent that it isn't a persons weak point.

And as far as intelligence goes, shame on sci for thinking scientific mindedness is the default type of intelligence. Women want a man who is savvy, clever, Knowledgeable, and witty. Men want a woman who can have fun, act silly, and laugh at jokes.

>> No.3990297

Don't get me wrong, i love women. I couldn't if i wasn't able to outmaneuver them. They like playing social tests, mind games, and if you can't see what they're doing and outwit them they walk all over you. If you can play their own games better than they can, you have no trouble with them. If you can't, they think you are either weak, or stupid.

Examine everything they say, every meaning, and twist it back on them if they are trying to subvert meaning or manipulate you. Mind games can actually be fun, if you aren't terrible at them. Fox and the grapes indeed.