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3986348 No.3986348 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /sci/. You're smarter than the average 4chan board, so let's see how this thread pans out.

You have been made Grand Dictator of the United States of America after the populace completely got sick of the current government and decided that someone from 4chan would do a better job.

How would YOU fix America? What would you do to improve education, energy, and overall policies so the nation flourishes?

>> No.3986351

Enslave the negroes or send them to Liberia.

>> No.3986356

that fucking tripfag again
legalize drugs

>> No.3986357 [DELETED] 

considering the country is made of up fat stupid ameritards i'd be hard pushed to make a good difference even if my ideas were fucking brilliant.
but first of all i would demolish all organised religion in the country, or at least tax it like a bitch so it becomes really unprofitable.
would set up a national health service. would try and improve education, there would be a mandatory critical thinking and logic class, and people would be taught to question everything, and all aspects of religion and religious histroy would be analysed thouroughly, and basically we would just show everyone how its a load of manipulative shit.
with that out of the way, i'd restart the fucking space program, and make it bigger and better than before, we can use the extra tax dollars we'll be getting by taking organised religion up the arse! :D
also, i'll cut the military, we wouldnt need to waste so much fucking money on it
i'd also be a lot fucking harder on crime, except for the fact that all drugs would be legalised.
death penalty errywhere, 4 serious crimes. rape murder etc.
would invest a fuckload in renewable energy, nuclear reactors, put loads into thorium reactor research etc,
immigration policy would be pretty harsh, i wouldnt want the place to become too overpopulated, so foreigners can holiday etc, but they cant live permanently unless they are a fucking genius and i can use there expertise to make the country better.
erm, thats all i can think of for now.

>> No.3986361

Call back the army, use it in place of police/firefighters/whatever to save money (what good is it to keep a ton of soldiers basically jerking off all day when you need something done?).

Move to crush the private sector, confiscate every large company and combine them into state-owned conglomerates to reduce redundancy.

Raise wages and requirements for teaching, being a teacher (even in grade school) should be one of the highest paying job and have extremely high requirements (read: PhD).

Finally, pour all left-over money into research.

Oh, and let's not forget. Being a politician, or in any other government related position, should be a minimum wage job.

>> No.3986364
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Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.

Pretty good start.

>> No.3986366

1) Rape is now not only legal, but encouraged.
2) Form army of rape babies.
3) Take over the world.

>> No.3986369
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Grade school should be Masters, not Ph.D.
But even though most of the stuff you've included is quite hardline, I like it.

>> No.3986371

get rid of the idea of 'countries' and live in a utpoian libertarian society

>> No.3986374 [DELETED] 

yeh, i'd call back the army as well. there basically just intervening in a towelhead vs towelhead fuckfest, thats inst really anything to do with them, and its getting soldiers killed needlessly.
let them get on with it, and just protect our own country.
we just need a 'no angry fuckheaded towelheads allowed' imigration policy, and we're golden.
i'd minimise the army, and have most of it converted to just improving the police force.

>> No.3986379

1. eugenics based on IQ
2. calling biology a hard science becomes illegal
3. expatriation of ponyfags and furries

>> No.3986392

foreign policies:

1. nuke china

2. nuke russia

3. join the EU (probably change its name to something more appropriate after joining) then proceed to takeover it

4. gradually and steadily destroy sovereignty of all EU states

5. bit by bit make all european nations and all anglo states including australia join the new EU

6. start doing the same with African and Asian nations

7. now with everyone under the same banner as humans and no nationalities, we can start all working together and make the next big step of humanity and become kardashev type 1 civilization

>> No.3986394

invade mexico.
enslave the Mexicans.
state owned industry with Mexican slave work force.
Americans would receive monthly payments for being loyal citizens instead of being taxed to spend on the goods the Mexican slave produce.
all male over the age of 18 have to join the are army.
Invade Canada.

>> No.3986399
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>first one
Horrible idea.

Everything past 1 and 2 I generally like. Last one I especially love.

>> No.3986411

Join the common wealth, declare the queen as head of state.
start taxing the fuck out of Americans.
strip the country of all its assets.
sell the country to Canada and Mexico.
retire a happy, rich and hated man on Hawaii.

>> No.3986417

>IQ eugenics
>horrible idea

Necessarily not all stupidfags can be euthanized, because we need workers, but it definitely would improve society, if the average person was more intellectual.

>> No.3986420

IQ is a horrible measure of intelligence.

>> No.3986426

What's a better measure?

>> No.3986431

I like some of the Venus Project's ideas. I would do away with money and use technology to systematize free food and resources. Traditional jobs will be replaced, as most of them are unneeded and burdonsome, eg, creating jobs for the sake of jobs, specialist jobs, etc. Environmental enrichment will be a priority. All that remains is housing and infrastructure. This will be the main goal to re-organize.

>> No.3986436
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Sure as fuck not IQ. I don't have a replacement, but then again I think a eugenics breeding program will create a civil war faster than Dick Cheney shitting in Rachel Maddow's mouth on national television.

Automating as many jobs as possible is a great idea, but with current technology you can't do over 90% of it. Wait at least another 10 years.

>> No.3986437

you don't want loads of intellectuals roaming a round unchecked in a dictatorship.
you need to keep a eye on them, so the less the better.
keep the population dumb and fat, feed them on free mc donalds, give them tiny beers, nascars races every week and get the news to tell them that everything the government does is ok.
keep everyone stupid and fat, just give them free mc donadles

>> No.3986448

So status quo, huh?

>> No.3986449
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Lots of Eurofags hating in this thread.

I'm not going to pretend that I anything about how to actually run a government, but I know how to find out. I'd get a group of political scientist together to set up a different form of government for each state so that we can test interaction of variables. The plans for each state would be announced and people would have a year to move if they didn't like what was going to happen. Once these policies are in place, they'll fucking stay that way for 10 years, baring catastrophic failure of a state. The models of the successful states will be implemented in the failing states with new variations. After several iterations, maybe 50 or 60 years, we should have arrived at an effective form of government.

>> No.3986455

I think OP asked how to FIX that. In this spirit a "dictator" needs to give higher priority to the benefit of society than to his own enrichment.

>> No.3986463

Fix america?
there is nothing wrong, its the model capitalist system.
I'd just pass a law that says anyone moaning about the state of the country is unpatriotic and class it as is treason punishable by public lynching.

>> No.3986464

No propper punctuation.
Also this: ":D"

Confirmed for 14 years old.

>> No.3986474

I'm keeping my citizens happy, by limiting there expectations. then to make the country perfect for them, little would have to be done.

>> No.3986477

Don't you grammar nazi on EK.

>> No.3986480


>> No.3986481

First things first - get approx. 100 18 yo's for fun, just because I could.

Rest is quite simple - linear tax on every-fucking-thing-ever, it'll save so much money that I could spend it on some useless things like medicare or so

Stop intervening everywhere, as USA is advanced enough to not need most of it

All subjects like engineering, physics, maths, biology and similar will be free, provided that you're good at it in universities

Most useful institutions (NASA etc) will get approx 20x more funding, expecting to raise in a future

Support nearly all domestic production, be it food, metalwork, or any useful thing that will make USA more self-sustainable

End 'war on drugs', raise tax on most forms of alcohol except beer (it's hard to get piss-drunk on it everyday), higher tax on cigs, marijuana as the prefered choice from those three, most drugs will be strictly controlled and taxed as fuck as it fucks people everyday

require that all religions be funded by people being part of them, no tax breaks or anything of that kind

change America's name to The Imperium of Man, just because I could

>> No.3986484

Most of feminists would be told to GTFO, unless they happen to be particularly beautiful

Reform all levels of education, so that it will actually educate and not preach some weird bullshit all year round, with exceptional teachers getting five times national wage per month

All forms of capital punishment will wait up to 3 years for appeals etc, so that it would be more cost-efficient

Smart people with exceptional track-record to set up some kind of advisory-board

1b$ for the team that will manage to make working, efficient tokamak fusion reactor, as this moment will generally make humanity have pretty much unlimited energy (compared to today's standards)

Pour money into some kind of a final solution for furfags, otherkin and all of those things that make me facepalm every once in a while

Fuck the poor and lazy - there will be compulsory work for anyone that won't work (within his means)

Probably forgot lots of things, and some of it wouldn't work, but most of it would be extremely beneficial to most people

Generally, the world will become my playground, but the betterment of the nation will come first (not like anyone can really attack USA ATM).

>> No.3986487

disband the states, let them sort there own mess out, with out government help.

wait till they come crawling back, then its on to plan 2.

>> No.3986493
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Bunch up all furfags and send them on an interstellar voyage to some random star a few hundred lightyears away.

In a thousand years, discover the Kzinti people and a alien-made ringworld.

>> No.3986499 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 204x197, grammarnazi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, shut the fuck up

>> No.3986498

Narrow down the country to maybe a state with only elite people allowed in it.

All police, military and hospital forces are also withdrawn in here.

Invest everything in technological advancement.
Isolate the elite state from the rest of the world. Making it self sustaining through technoligy, build mecha's to keep the rats that are trying to crawl in out. (people who aren't worthy of tech paradise)

Use mechs to kill off the rest of the world. Live life on earth with smaller amount of people.

>> No.3986503

get every man and woman to surch for Mormon n gold.
with that pay off debts.

>> No.3986530

Become mad with power, heavily regulate the free market,
Try to conquer all he place in the world with high resources.
Segregate the entire nation into races, create meritocracies in every state.
Allow every racestate to have representation in a senate
Senate is useless, but give nation the illusion of voice
Create jobs by building expeditions under the sea, to Mars, Venus, whatever we can throw technology at.
Eventually go down in the blaze of glory
Get remembered forever as a terrible tyrant
Get consolation on deathbed that it was for the greater good
Schools under the sea, on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and mars teach what dark time in humanity it was under my thumb.

>> No.3986583

1) Forced euthanizing of boomers
2) Desert solar power farm
3) eliminate intellectual property laws
4) eliminate corporate taxes
5) money or goods that you receive in any way is "income"
6) Negative income tax
7) cut military spending in a Ron Paulian way, put it to social security first, then NASA. Oh wait, boomers are dead! Guess we're going to Mars bitches.
8) Go to Mars.

>> No.3986586
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>> No.3986594

I wouldn't accept the job
I wasn't made for hierarchy, neither for leading nor for following

>> No.3986596
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>> No.3986609

Put marsfags in jail. Marsfags will rob and kill to go to Mars, where they will die in space on their suicidal mission for the glory of their idol, Carl Sagan.

>> No.3986664


Im hopeful for the time when boomers die out, because of more money. I'm also terrified about the medical sector bust after this upcoming bubble.

>> No.3986674

Yeah, usually I try to focus on the glorious aftermath but you're right, we're going to put so many resources to wiping spoiled boomer asses.

>> No.3986765

A thread in need of a bump indeed.

>> No.3986812

- Money will be displaced from our military into social programs & research.

- New forms of energy like LFTR will be put on high priority.

- Raise taxes on the rich & their fortunes.

- All foreign military bases will be used to aid the people that live there when necessary.

- Space exploration & colonization will become the number one priority.

>> No.3986884

I would introuduce the work from home rule for all working class on production lines.
the jobs would be carried out by machines, with there operator at home working the machine using a wii controller.
failing to meet production targets would be punished by a forfeit, raging in severity form loss of air condition, to hard labour.

no one would be alowed to leave there homes, food and work will be brought to them. Limiting the chance of injury, robbery and rebellion.

I'll imprison the nation inside their own homes, and they'll work for the right to live in that home.

>> No.3986908


>I'll imprison the nation inside their own homes, and they'll work for the right to live in that home.

wow...this new government is turning out to be a big let down.
at least herman cain isn't president

>> No.3986913

but productivity and safety would be up by 100%

>> No.3986926

you have a larger chance of being raped, murdered, and cannibalized in your home than on a plane.

>> No.3986948

Making a country self-sustainable is what brought every great empire and nation to the scrap yard. Examples are 14th century China, 3rd century Roman empire, 16th century Japan, 18th century England.
It seems like a good idea, but the cost of shutting yourself off the world is just too high.

>> No.3986952

But that's only because my wife is a bitch. It didn't have to be this way.

>> No.3986954

ok then, correction to my plan. they'll be imprisoned in their own homes alone.
they can use second life for relationships.
no real human contact with out state permission.

or maybe just put everyone in a plane instead of house.

>> No.3986965

i buying a G6.

>> No.3986977

1. Completely pull out of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, wherever immediately.

2. Shut down Gitmo. I dont care if we drop the prisoners off where we picked up in the first place. That place goes against everything America is supposed to stand for.

3. Get rid of the Patriot Act, TSA and all that other post 9-11 bullshit.

4. Slowly cut back on military spending by around 50% over a number of years. Whether you like it or not the military-industrial complex is a huge part of the economy. Cant just scrap it all and not expect huge consequences.

5. Use all that extra money not going to making bombs for other things like education, infrastructure, non-fossil fuel energy and science. Also cut taxes.

Obviously this is a very incomplete list but its a few things that come to my mind immediately.

>> No.3986997

move to Cuba you socialist.

>> No.3987004

>move to Somalia you libertarian.
>move to Saudi you conservative.

see how that works.

>> No.3987043

none of those policies are particularly socialist except maybe the first part of 5. actually most of them are quite libertarian.

>> No.3987056

yes, i do.
only wish fox news could see how it worked.

>> No.3987074

impose secularism
ban private ownership of the means of production
replace corporate executives with democratic employee councils
every corporation's council elects a member to represent them in the nation council, planning the economy and running the government

Now we have a real democracy which can function

>> No.3987156

Eliminate medicare
Take the money and spend it on warp drive research
Put baby boomers on warp drive to infinity
Colonize mars creating jobs on mars
Send ghetto populations and native Americans to mars as a social experiment
Die alone realizing I did the greatest thing in history

>> No.3987196
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Completely transform The United States into an Empirical Nation.

Put aside the farce of 'being peaceful' and move in other nations to take aggressive control.

Establish a Caste System.
Everyone born in the USA during a certain time period are made Citizens, holding high caste rights in a regulated system.

The rest of the populace becomes Denizens, who must either prove their worth as contributing members of society, or serve within the military in order to become a Citizen.

Extend a base net of Welfare to all Castes. Giving them food, health, education and a sustainable wage in exchange for simple work on an extremely lenient scale.

Once the world is conquered, the greatest share of the world's limited resources are only available primarily the Citizen class, while the Denizens will use what they have in order to developed localized and self sustainable communities.

>Somewhere along the line, someone drops a nuke on America, the end.

>> No.3987200

1. Sterilize anyone with an IQ below 115
2. ???
3. Go to Mars

>> No.3987475

Do you realize that IQ 115 is fucking low?
These people are closer to animals than to humans.