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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3985657 No.3985657 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /Sci/ don't fail me now, I have a biology test in 8 hours so teach me everything you know about the origin of life and the structure and function of single celled organisms please. Thank you in advance.

>> No.3985659


>> No.3985663

i don't understand...

>> No.3985671

The cell wall is pretend in all prokaryotes. No membrane bound organelles

>> No.3985676

present*. English how does it work?

>> No.3985679

Would the difference between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria help you?

>> No.3985684

yes, it was mentioned ina suggested reading but i didn't really understand it much

also: if someone can explain teh whole 9x2 thing in flagella

>> No.3985689

Life originated from small bits of dust in the atmosphere. Some of then were mutated into proteins by the suns rays, and began replicating. The bacteria evolved first, and they were the first to evolve cells. Then mold evolved out of bacteria. Then, plants evolved out of mold. Finally, animals evolved from plants. Evolution is a process where life tries to better itself to reach better forms. Things are constantly evolving to reach the perfect form. This is because DNA is constantly changing. Humans are so far the most perfect and highest living thing on the evolutionary ladder.

Single cells work like this. Inside the cells is full of enzymes, they provide a fluid for all the proteins to exist in. The wall of cells is made out of tightly packed dust, the same particles that life evolved out of. Inside the cell are a few important structures that exist in EVERT cell. The main one is the nucleus, in here there is like the brain of the cell, it uses spindles to manipulate what is happening in the cell. Also there is the mitochondria. This is like an engine for the cell. It takes in small food bits to power it, and excretes just waste into the cell. The golgi apparatus cleans up this waste. Ribosomes are not really needed for the cell, they just excrete fat to enlarge the cell.

>> No.3985696

Life is a board game created by Milton Bradley.

>> No.3985705

for fucks sake where did you learn biology?

>> No.3985709

I studied independently while working as a secretary at Milton Bradley.

>> No.3985716

I assume by this you mean your response is full of shit
in which case good because that really freaked me out when it contradicted like more than half the shit i thought i knew

>> No.3985719
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>Life originated from small bits of dust in the atmosphere

>> No.3985731

I had forgotten about that gay 9x2+2 shit. Thanks for reminding me

>> No.3985743

Okay.. If I remember correctly...9 pairs of MTs surrounding two single MTs. Kinesin >> movement towards plus side of MT
Dyenin movement towards minus side of MT

>> No.3985753

OK, that makes more sense than the shit my bio teacher was spewing

>> No.3985758

Dynein of course being what causes the sliding movement between the MT. Damn I really need to brush up my bio. I probably shouldn't be a biochem major lol

>> No.3985777

also if anyone can explain the cytoskeleton (and the structure function of the 3 thingmajiggers that make it up)

>> No.3985787

In the beginning there was a pool of water that was zapped by lightning. This sparked the amino acids into replicating life. The weaker organisms died, and gradually the organisms that could best adapt to their environment mutated into primitive bacteria which evolved into humans. The end.

>> No.3985806

microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate fibers?

mt- made of tubulines these give the CS support. they also the basis of orangelle movement. as you know flagella are composed of these as are cilia.

mf- actin (thin filaments) prove support. mysoin (thick filaments). mf just move shit across the PM

if- bunch of fibers that are basically the janitors of the CS.

>> No.3985809

I'm tired as shit so don't mind my shitty spelling/grammar

>> No.3985810

H-zone, M-zone, Z-line, I-band, and A-band might all be important concepts.. But I don't know exactly what you are learning

>> No.3985822

i'm not supposed to know this but i love bio so if you want to tell me I would love to listen...

>> No.3985827

A-band are the dark bands. think thick filaments
I-band (light). contain only think filaments.
actin- protein that makes up the thin filament
myosin- protein that makes up thick filament
h-zone - light strip in middle of the a band. the width changes depending on the muscle's state
z-line - zigzag line between the i band
m-line - located in the cneter of the m line

>> No.3985829

i-band contains the thin filaments***

>> No.3985833

recursive m-line definition is recursive?

>> No.3985837

Haha oh man... I meant h zone!

>> No.3985844

alright man thank you very much!

>> No.3985851

No problem

>> No.3985870

I had that test a couple months ago.
you should read this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oparin to make it up. and Millers contribution to that theory.

>> No.3985914

>every sentence
What the hell are you smoking?

>> No.3985935
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Next time you make a trip, make it a bunch of random letters, and not a word from the English language.

>> No.3985947

only purpose of trip was to have people know my requests for this post, although thank you for your advice anyway