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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3985030 No.3985030 [Reply] [Original]

Is it really worth it to pursue a physics degree and become a scientist?
Because you know you have to get a PhD and that isn't easy.

Seriously though, I'm in a dilemma. I'm going into chemistry because there's at least jobs available, but I'm also getting a minor in physics.

Why not go to school for physics?
Why go to school for chemistry and get a normal job?

Though.. I love chemistry, astronomy, and physics..

>> No.3985050

Why not get your BS in math? There are jobs available with just the BS if you so choose, and you also have the option to get into a master's program for any science you like.

>> No.3985054

Nah.. I really only appreciate math because it is applicable. But on its own, I'm not as interested in studying

>> No.3985058


>jobs available for BS in math
>High kids, I'm the after school geometry tutor!

>> No.3985076

Come on guys, I actually want to know what there is out there for scientists.

I mean, even if you do go to Harvard for your Ph.D, is it really going to get you anything?

Is being a professor worth it? Whats the pay like?

>> No.3985096

Unless you want to build and maintain nuclear weapons, theres not much of a market for Physics PhD.

Seriously, there's a massive shortage of nuclear weapon's workers, and if your really wanted to be a scientist, you probably could do that.

just don't get a PhD in like condensed matter theory, stick with nuclear stuff, and you should be fine, if you want to go that route.

>> No.3985102

BS physics '11 graduate here. I have been trying to get a job for months now but the job market is really crappy. Also, the only "physics" jobs available are engineering/comp sci related so I am having to compete with people who have a degree in those areas (in addition to masters holders).

My advice is to do physics if it's what you love but double major in something more "applicable" (ie a major that doesn't require you to get a PhD to work in the field). If I could go back I would have taken up an engineering and double majored myself.

>> No.3985108

If you are asking "What is the pay like?" for any scientific field, just forget it.

There is no money in science.

Major in engineering if you want money. But it's not for everyone. Of course 99% of the kids on /sci/ cannot handle one day of an Electrical Engineering program.

>> No.3985109

Mmm, thanks for the advice. Are you planning to go to grad school?

>> No.3985124

Yeah, I did electrical engineering for a semester and it's not so much that its hard.. It's just dull.

Circuits are a pain in the ass to wire, but I actually enjoy signals.

It's just not for me, I enjoy other things more

>> No.3985132

Here's some motivation:

The median starting salary at a government lab or a private institution for a physics Ph.D. is 85,000 dollars. That's the STARTING salary.

Also, 98.5% of physicists are employed, and the job turnover rate is very tiny.

You can easily make $150 grand a year with a physics Ph.D., and almost always your graduate school is payed for, and often you even get payed to go to graduate school for your Ph.D.

If you can get into a graduate school for physics, it is one of the best career moves you can make.

>> No.3985152


>implying EE is more difficult than physics or math.

Good friend that is going to get a BS in EE this year. His shit looks tough as hell. Electricity never really was my thing though. Math and CS dual major here.

>> No.3985155


I'm actually in grad school right now. PhD astrophysics program. I wanted to be a Navy pilot but the officer selection boards got shut down the month before I graduated so I joined a grad program at the last minute (and without really wanting to but I didn't have any options).

Personally, I'm tired of school, tired of being broke ass poor and most importantly not enjoying the abstract"ness". I want to do something more applied.

>> No.3985170 [DELETED] 

>physics Ph.D. is 85,000 dollars. That's the STARTING salary.

>acting like that is a high salary

Oh, this is hilarious.
>spend half your life in school to get some useless highfalutin academic degree
>look forward to $85k/year

Stay butthurt and retarded, 99% percenters.

>> No.3985183

I always thought the life of theory would be more entertaining then testing circuits all day as an EE or whatever I could choose to do.

>> No.3985191

Great advice, thanks, I appreciate it!

>> No.3985197

there is no job for any pure science due to the shitty economy. if you want to go to grad school, the only thing you should worry about is doing your best to think quicker and better. keep your mind strong. you will need it for your future studies.

>> No.3985218
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>not having an inheritance of over $35 M

Silly goyim, save your money!

>> No.3985228


This, ladies and gentlemen, is a bullshit statement.

YOU are one of the people standing in a park saying you're part of the 99% because you're too fucking stupid to realize the way the world really works.

>> No.3985238


>85k per year starting, 100K-150K down the road
>Spend every day doing something you love

Yeah, sounds horrible to me.


Envy detected. " While everyone else was blowing through calculus I was stuck in math 95 :-("

>> No.3985250
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>he took calc 1 in college

>> No.3985301

Is it really worth it to get a math minor along with a mechanical engineering degree? Or should I just drop the mathh minor and finish college faster?

>> No.3985322


Looks good, Feels good

>> No.3985326
File: 22 KB, 480x480, Boosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mechanical Engineering..... BOOSH!

>> No.3985337

Only do it if you actually enjoy math

>> No.3985377

halfway thrue a calc 2 class and econ I think Its the best subject.
math parts of chem make more sense too along with the geometry everywere in drafting

>> No.3985382

Show the rest of the picture, for science.

>> No.3985383

I dont think so

>> No.3985391

Well then sure go for it

>> No.3985407
