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3984966 No.3984966 [Reply] [Original]

What are some common evolved things that you guys think have emerged many many times in the universe? What about the rarest?

Most likely eyes, and wings are quite common (seeing as they have evolved separately on many occasions.)

What else?

>> No.3984986

gills and exoskeletons

>> No.3985067

If anything, eyes, or eyespots

>> No.3985074


>> No.3985077

Opposable digits (not necessarily fingers). The fitness benefits are profound in nearly any context.

>> No.3985242


(turtles, exoskeletons, armadillos etc.)

>> No.3985283


Well, life requires some kind of energy, so I'll bet photosynthesis as suggested by >>3985074
is pretty common. But there are ways to obtain energy other than exploiting a sun. For example, chemosynthesis.
Moving on, there is at least 1 environment on any planet, which can be liquid, solid, or gaseous, or any combination thereof. Some planets have 3, but certainly anywhere there is life, there will be life to fill those niches. Wings have evolved 3 different times on Earth. It's not such an unlikely trait, considering the properties required to move through a gaseous environment, for example.

TL;DR ways things get food without eating other things (photosynthesis, chemosynthesis), and traits that, in general, are advantageous to living in any of the 3 major environments that any planet is going to have at least 1 of (solid, liquid, gas.)

>> No.3985557

Photosynthesis is most likely extremely common, perhaps even almost always going to emerge at some point on a planet that gains sufficient solar energy, also, a more interesting thing to note is that the primary color of our plants is green, it could be different for other stars, plants on a planet around a blue star would likely be white, because of excessive energy, while around a red dwarf they could be black or violet.,

>> No.3985607

Traits listed in articles on convergent evolution.