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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 152 KB, 500x282, 3cd8a33a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3981422 No.3981422 [Reply] [Original]

Damn it.


>> No.3981949

I didn't manage to watch the whole thing. It was too sad.

>> No.3981962 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 341x268, 1312976288557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw the show should have used the word 'integers'

>> No.3981971

In common jargoon number refers to the natural numbers.

>> No.3981973
File: 20 KB, 300x293, 1313204403808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck did I just watch

>> No.3981974

Oh jesus that fucking sucked

>> No.3981976

does he actually go to wake forest for something besides athletics

>> No.3981982

Is this rhetorical?

>> No.3982013

What frustrates me is that the is hardly any math or science questions in these quizzes. And if there is one, it's a goddamn trivial one. And they still manage to get it wrong.

>> No.3982023

This may surprise you but a lot of people suffer at math.

>> No.3982027


The way the question was worded it sort of implied that the two smaller square numbers were equal; at least that's what I thought the first time I read it.

>> No.3982031

biologist spotted

>> No.3982038

If /sci/ was asked this question, they would discuss it at least 200 posts.

>> No.3982042


Actually, I'm researching decision theory right now so ironically your assumption skills are as flawed as mine are.

>> No.3982076

but the question was retarded

They didnt specify if the numbers you sum has to be different, I thought that the logic 2^2=4 and 4^2=16 is sufficient

>> No.3982098

it said the SUM of two square numbers, not the square of two square numbers

>> No.3982122

Uh where is your addition? I see 2^2=4 & 4^2=16.

To recap, she asked which was the sum of two squares.

>> No.3982136

>high-schoolers hating on someone who can't do maths

math major here, sure the question was easy, that's no reason to make fun of him. you're not cool.

>> No.3982145
File: 12 KB, 259x194, troll_facepalm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math major
>considering this question math
pic related

But I have to agree. Stupidity in the form of pure and incurable ignorance is always sad.

>> No.3982147


He is not stupid, simply ignorant. He didn't bother to continue on with math and forgot what he knew, or never really worked at it.

You're not better than him.

>> No.3982149

I'd call this applied math.

That's a part of maths, so it's math.

>> No.3982148

>They didnt specify if the numbers you sum has to be different

nigga you dumb. Also none of those numbers can be written as 2x^2 with x an integer

>> No.3982150

Lacking the ability to mentally operate with natural numbers in the 2 digit range IS an indicator for impairment.

>> No.3982155


Hurr so funny. He probably didn't know what a square was.

If we think in terms of math abilities, you are to me as he is to you. That doesn't mean you have an impairment, it just means you're not great at maths.

>> No.3982160


That is, to-the-power-of-two meaning of "square." Not the shape. Although they're of course related.

>> No.3982168

>didn't know what a square was

Any citizen that got at least elementary school education knows what a square is.

>you are to me as he is to you
Wut? What was your highest math so far?

>> No.3982253


are you EK?

>> No.3982255


Go fuck yourself, worthless kid. Whenever something happens you go up to your little "/b/ folder", pick up UMAD.jpg and post it here, thinking you are the best, laughing behind your screen, flapping these adipous cheeks of yours while your wawa chocolate milk drips all over your XXXL t-shirt. Fucking pederast. You rotten, disgusting slug, bucephalus leech. I hate you and your entire body smells like feces. Do you have any idea of how long you have been there, sitting on this same chair that because of some unknown miracle managed to withstand your massive weight? You have been there for weeks, months, locked up in your room that smells like Doritos and Wawa milk, jacking off to your Haruhi wallpaper and posting "UMAD.jpg" on this fucking imageboard. I don't even know how you manage to type with your thick, greasy fingers, or how you still manage to find your tiny penis among all the fat flaps on your belly and groin area. You pile of shit, bipedal sperm-whale!!!

>> No.3982282



I'd suggest not putting any exclamation marks in there though.

>> No.3982295

No, I'm not. Why should I waste my time with zoology?

Fucken saved for my copypasta collection.

>> No.3982313
File: 13 KB, 219x235, 1273558713472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel I thought it was 16

>> No.3983005

wow, you're not a wannabe. You're a helluva wannabe. You really think you're cool?
Oh wait, no one thinks that. Not even you, and you know it.

You can keep kidding yourself, but we'll all know you're just a loser who isn't even good at math.

>> No.3983018
File: 54 KB, 1062x457, DUM_AMERIFAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, americans are stupid.... this is basic shit

>> No.3983034
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol! only 22% of the AOL fags,
even worse!

>> No.3983037


>> No.3983047
File: 160 KB, 750x600, cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol wut? 'fag' is a suffix that you can basically add onto the end of anything, it isnt actually insulting, depending on what the rest of the word is.

>> No.3983051

I thin it's worse that the overweing majority DIDN'T pick B, a opposed to just one person getting it wrong

>> No.3983054

Now it is possible for him to undergo a mental block and assume x^2 + x^2 = y^2 but the worst thing about this is the audience under no stress chose at 50% chose A).

>> No.3983052
File: 349 KB, 1296x968, vdW3H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfag reporting in =p
(inb4 scottish acusations...fuck blackman for starting that meme)

>> No.3983058

>fag is a suffix
EK I have never seen you make a single fucking post that wasn't deeply, severely retarded.
Why do you keep doing this, you crazy fucking scot?

>> No.3983060

I don't know you.

>> No.3983062
File: 30 KB, 452x339, TTJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it isnt the joke, but thats what OP's getting at

that one guy isnt monstrously stupid, he just went with the majority answer, which is usually a safe bet, even if he had inkligs the other way.
the fact that the huge majority of that american audience is fucking retarded is cause for good humour =p

>> No.3983063

how could anyone get this wrong? It's a question that anybody can figure out on the spot. It isn't some obscure trivia question that 2% of the population knows. It requires no prior knowledge other than what a square is and how to do ridiculously simple addition and multiplication. I think $1000 is a bit too high of a reward to give to someone that stupid. That 22% of the audience who said B must have been shitting their pants.

>> No.3983065

AOL users are fags. Sans suffix.

>> No.3983070

Stop using reaction images wrong.
Stop being retarded.

>> No.3983071

google "fag suffix"

>> No.3983075

fag, CAN be a suffix. on its own it just means you're gay
meaning changes depending on if you use it as part of a word
britfags, amerifags, psychfags, chemfags, bifags, /x/fags

>> No.3983077

Nice try. Go die.

>> No.3983078

If you're gay, you have to refer to yourself as gayfag.

>> No.3983079

Because the question can be interpreted differently, which is why the majority got it wrong.

>> No.3983087

This is fucking PAINFUL samefaggotry.
>If you point out the irony of the last word of that sentence I will FUCKING CUT YOU

>> No.3983085

>1st link

lol, didnt know this was actually on KYM

>> No.3983083

no it can't.

>> No.3983082


Wake Forrest is a shitty university. So he might as well be a math major in it.

>> No.3983084

I thought we had this already. We are not the same person.
When I was b& the last three days, EK still posted.

>> No.3983089

My god, stop. It's almost fucking embarrassing.

>> No.3983091

lol get used to it, im accused of being virtually every tripfags that frequents this board.

>> No.3983094

because they're all equally awful.

>> No.3983098
File: 16 KB, 452x287, adSTFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

conspiracyfags, go eat a dick

>> No.3983099

Stop having conversations with yourself you fucking lunatic.

I'd tell you to try and behave a little more naturally and convincingly, but you're too fucking retarded for that so you should just give up. Please.

>> No.3983158

Believe it or not, EK is actually a single person MANIFEST IN SEVEN FRUITFLY BODIES

>> No.3983171

I have been accused of being the following, and more:


probably more, but i cant remember
how much free time do you fags think i fucking have??

>> No.3983174

A lot, since you study biology.

>a hard science

>> No.3983178

lets be specific, please
and it IS a hard science, retard

>> No.3983179

You are also Blackman.

>> No.3983182

erm, i think it was him doing most of the accusing...so probably not
he also was the one to suggest that the teacup/harriet/ek hivemind was scottish for some reason...

>> No.3983183
File: 49 KB, 446x400, laughingirls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and it IS a hard science, retard

>a hard science


>> No.3983189

It can't be that hard, if you have plenty of time to waste on /sci/. Or you're not putting enough effort in studying.

>> No.3983203

i multitask, im never JUST on /sci/...also im a fucking genius anyway, so i can pass without studying if i need to, i just like studying, as i do it just for the hell of it, or if im bored.
i mean fuck, zoologys interesting, i wouldnt study it at all if it wern't

>> No.3983220

And again: It can't be hard if you manage to learn it casually on the fly.

>> No.3983228

some people in my class still manage to struggle.. i think it's just that i'm really really good at it.
but yes, i do find it fairly easy, and i dont doubt other sciences are more difficult. i still wreckon i could give them a fair go if i wanted.