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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3980774 No.3980774 [Reply] [Original]

>Talking to my physics professor
>Ask him how many digits of e he knows
>"Uhhh, like 3?"
WHAT THE FUCK /sci/? How the hell do you get a PhD and ONLY KNOW 3 digits of e? What the absolute shit? I used to think he was pretty smart too. I mean, this is just pathetic man...

ITT: Times you were disappointed by your professor's stupidity.

>> No.3980780

>babbys first trying-too-hard

>> No.3980790

hahaha you're an idiot.

>> No.3980793
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Einstein said something like "I never memorize what I can easily reference."

>> No.3980795

How am I the idiot? At least I know more than 3 fucking digits of e... something he probably uses daily in his research and application.

How the hell can you use a number every day of your life for years and only know it to three decimal points? It's fucking pathetic.

>> No.3980798

Rage harder, Defecto.

>> No.3980799

your and asspie

>> No.3980800

>rote memorization

>> No.3980801
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>> No.3980802

I stand corrected. Troll harder, defecto.

>> No.3980808

my english prof. couldnt understand the concept of a chicken ring and went on a 20minute rant about

>> No.3980826

>How the hell do you get a PhD and ONLY KNOW 3 digits of e?
Because when he was defending his dissertation, the panel of physicists probably asked him relevant questions about his work, and perhaps physics in general. They probably didn't ask him how many digits of e he could rattle off, something any fool can find out with a $10 calculator.

They may have asked him what the series expansion of <span class="math">e^x[/spoiler] was once they ran out of good questions.

>> No.3980835

Hopefully you're just trolling, but: why would you ever need to know more than 3 digits of e? 3 digits is a perfectly good approximation for mental math. 10 million digits would still just be an approximation.

>> No.3980837

Bio prof was teaching the class that c = 3.00 x 10^9 m/s

>> No.3980842

See, that's why I'm not a professor, I only know two digits of e. However, I'm around 80% sure the second decimal is a 1.

>> No.3980853


Better than me. I honestly thought e started with a 1.

>> No.3980850

you need to know the number e and a fuckton of its properties, series involving it and whatnot.

But knowing the decimal representation to more than 2 digits even is utterly useless. Numbercrunching should be left to computers nowadays.

In fact for most applications it should suffice to know that e is approximately of the order 10^0.

>> No.3980855

No you're not a goddess.

>> No.3980854

The order of magnitude is at least right, who's nitpicking

>> No.3980857


Nice troll.

>> No.3980870

you clearly haven't had a dimensional analysis class yet.

>> No.3980876

Tell him to learn about motherfucking Andrew Jackson and isosceles right triangles

>> No.3980884

>Talking to my Japanese friend
>Ask him how many kanji(Chinese characters) he knows
>"Uhhh, like 800?"

What the fuck man? And you call yourself Asian. I know 3000, +1 each day!

>> No.3980946 [DELETED] 

I lol'd. So true.

I used to memorize digits of <span class="math">\pi[/matj], mostly because i was science fan (>>3980793), but also because i was bored and kinda interested in studying it. Also, i really wanted to get to the Feynman Point.
I think i memorized up to 50 or 60 digits in like a weekend. But i stopped after that because i realized i couldn't do it, but i could recite them in a pretty cool way with some rhythm, so that was neat.
(3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820... -- something like that)

Then I got interested in <span class="math">e[/spoiler], which is (objectively) a lot cooler.
But i didn't really care about memorizing digits, the only cool thing was that it would kind of repeat, but then break it off: 2.718281828...

But yeah, who gives a fuck how many digits you can memorize? That shit was for like 15 year olds.[/spoiler]

>> No.3980951


>> No.3980964

I keep forgetting the first digit of Euler's constant. I think it was 1.

>> No.3980970

Your physics professor is probably an old guy who grew up using a slide rule instead of a calculator. A slide rule only used three significant digits, so this is not too surprising. You on the other hand, grew up using a calculator which uses nine significant digits. Because of your privileged upbringing, you are therefore expected to know the first -nine- digits of e, not just the first three digits.

>> No.3980976
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are you kidding me?

>> No.3980989

Which one? Doesn't he have a shitload of constants associated with him?

I know Euler-Mascheroni starts 0.577

>> No.3981002

community college

>> No.3981004
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>using a computer/calculator without e hard coded?
>20++th century

>> No.3981016

Seriously?! I fucking hate that about that shitty calculator.

>> No.3981026


hold on.

e has more than 3 digits?

>> No.3981027

I only know e ("number") and <span class="math">\gamma[/spoiler] ("constant").

>> No.3981058


Tell me more about this. Why would that not lead to complex solutions?

>> No.3981062
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Press "inv"

>> No.3981086
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>> No.3981147
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OP is clearly trolling.

>> No.3981167

2.71828 is what i use to approximate

3.14159 for pi

>> No.3981961

>OP mentions stupid example of unnecessary memorization
>open thread
>ctrl+f biology
>no matches

/sci/, I am disappoint

>> No.3981981

That's a trivial thing to know, retard. Get the dick out of your ass.

>> No.3981986

If you make a quick approximation, 3 digits are more than enough. If you want an exact answer, you'll let your software do it anyway.
But you know this. 6/10

>> No.3981989

I'm a grad student in Physics, unless I have a computer on hand, I go by the ages old maxim <span class="math">\pi = e = 3[/spoiler].

>> No.3981990

e from memory is 2.718281828

I remember because of the palindrome.

π is 3.14159

Which is fail.

I always work with exact values anyway, so it don't surprise me.

>> No.3981998

That's not a palindrome.

>> No.3982003

a physics professor should be able to calculate a good number of digits on paper

>> No.3982011

The part where it goes


Is a palindrome

>> No.3982015

pi != e != 3
3 is three
pi is three rounded upwards
e is three rounded downwards

>> No.3982016

You didn't specify. You could also say 18281828 is a pattern. Though, really, the 8 on the end of that is rounded, anyways, so it breaks both systems. Whatever helps you sleep at night..

>> No.3982019

Both e and pi contain palindromes of length n.
For any n.

>> No.3982020

And, unless you have a computer, they are exactly the same.

>> No.3982021


Why so assburger?

>> No.3982029 [DELETED] 

I generally like to remember <span class="math"> e \approx 3 * 91%, \pi \approx 3 * 105%[/spoiler]

>> No.3982036 [DELETED] 
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>Tripfag calls people assburgers

>> No.3982039

pi * 483 = approxhigh(3*483) = approxlow(3*500 - 3*15) = 1450
e * 483 = approxlow(3*480) = 1440

Don't tell me you don't do this.

>> No.3982045

What system?

That's just how I remember it, and I didn't even try to.

I use the value of e stored in the calculator.

Think I'm stupid.


>> No.3982051
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>uses word god
>not stupid

>> No.3982054

Hey OP.

Guess what? This will piss you off.

I've worked at 2 engineering firms, doing structural steel design for coal plants.

We use gravity as exactly 10m/s^2.

>> No.3982134

so much fail in here

>> No.3982141

I have pi to 3.14159
and e to 2.718
c to 299,7xx,xxx

don't be a douchebag and think that aspie memorization techniques relate to intelligence. I'm sure I'm smarter than you, and your professor is likely smarter than me.

>> No.3982153


> 2011
> memorizing things you can look up easily

u mad

It's better and smarterto remember how to construct e, so you can calculate a sufficient amount of digits in any situation.

>> No.3982159

In his exam OP will fail epicly, because he didn't understand any of the physcial concepts presented. BUT whenever it came to calculations with pi, he was able to calculate them with a precision of at least thousand digits.

>> No.3982162

> memorising meaningless digits
> probably using stupid techniques for it
> science


>> No.3982164

he could calculate the digits of pi with the rage of at least a thousand suns

>> No.3982166


tripfag samefag circlejerk

Not sure if anyone pointed out that failure.

>> No.3982169


> not typing exp(1)

>> No.3982173

>pointing out failures
>on /sci/

>> No.3982175


> being a tripfag on an anonymous image board

Whatever I do, you're worse.

>> No.3982176

>too immature to become a tripfag
>insult them

>> No.3982178
File: 28 KB, 800x1318, tripfag1310049223743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> "I love being atripfag"
> Stockholm Syndrome

>> No.3982247


too immature to be tripfag?
did you really say that?

ohmygod.... you are the gayest 4chan faggot EVER!!!

>> No.3982269
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>> No.3982273

>too immature to become a tripfag
Gentlemen, welcome to opposite land.

>> No.3982286


> Putting any tripfag higher than "kill him with fire"
> Sensible

> pick one

>> No.3982289

Biofag here
Even I know pi as 3.15159..
Glad to know I beat physics prof.

>> No.3982290

guess i dont post enough to be on that huh, no no, its fine. its not like i post with a trip to make up for the lack of attention i got as a child.

>> No.3982291


Hey that's a pretty cool calculator

Where do I get it

>> No.3982297


>> No.3982299
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lol, so much rage

>> No.3982316


I only see one rage-post among those.

Babby troll is babby-trolling.

>> No.3982326
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>> No.3982332

fun fact: I didn't even intend to troll. I was just stating the truth.

>> No.3982339

Impartial observer here. In case you missed it please see picture in:

>> No.3982343

>Impartial observer here.

I literally lol'd.

>> No.3982351

and why did you lol?

>> No.3982369 [DELETED] 

There was a professor of philosophy there who was a deeply committed atheist. His primary goal for one required class was to spend the entire semester attempting to prove that God couldn't exist. His students were always afraid to argue with him because of his impeccable logic. For twenty years he had taught this class and NO ONE had ever had the courage to go against him. Sure, some had argued in class at times, but no one had ever *really gone against him* (you'll see what I mean later). Nobody would go against him because he had a reputation.

At the end of every semester, on the last day, he would say to the class of 300 students, "If there is anyone here who still believes in God, stand up!" In twenty years, nobody ever stood up. They knew what he was going to do next. He would say, "Because anyone who believes in God is a fool. If God existed, he could stop this piece of chalk from hitting the ground and breaking. Such a simple task to prove he is God, and yet he can't do it." And every year he would drop the chalk onto the tile floor of the classroom and it could shatter into a hundred pieces. All of the students could do nothing but stop and stare. Most of the students were convinced that God couldn't exist. Certainly, a number of Christians had slipped through, but for 20 years they had been too afraid to stand up.

>> No.3982393


> lol i trolled
> no wait i didn't troll

Is it just my perception or are tripfags becoming worse and worse?

>> No.3982398


Wow, that was retarded.

> implying being god is about preventing chalk from breaking

>> No.3982399

Because useless knowledge

>> No.3982828

>c to 299,7xx,xxx
come on, c is an exact and non irrational number dude
or for faggots that use the backwards metric system
c= 299,792,458 m/s