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3975300 No.3975300 [Reply] [Original]

Can science explain why women prefer abusive men over considerate, nice men? And not realize this as well?

>> No.3975304

they're hooked on drugs.

>> No.3975312

Because abusive men are more attractive in both the physical and personality department? I used to date nice guys, but they always get so clingy in the end. And I do mean every single one of them. At least the "assholes" give you space and make you feel independent while with them.

>> No.3975313

Before looking for an explanation, you should test whether the hypothesis is true.

>> No.3975314
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this thread again?
because intelligence is only one factor! if that is all you have going for you, and apart from that you're a fat ugly uninteresting aspie prick! then you can hardly complain that the girls dont come flocking.

also dunning kreuger effect, if you consider yourself clever, then you probably arnt as fucking clever as you think!

>> No.3975315


>> No.3975318

Here's something like that: http://articles.cnn.com/2010-04-14/living/mr.nice.guy.backlash_1_mr-nice-guy-nice-guy-persona-bad-bo

>> No.3975327

because the type of girls that actually do go for nice guys aren't very datable types. they're usually fat, unattractive, and beta themselves. unless you have low standards, you're going to have to ditch the nice guy shit to get a decent girl

>> No.3975335

I'm just going to throw out guesses here.

>Emotional attachment to a perceived confident and strong figure, sometimes persisting even after abuse due to attributing it to personal failings
>Perceived lack of options, possibly from fear of retaliation
>It's better than living with a total pussy

I used to be one, so trust me when I say there's a difference between a nice guy and a Nice Guy. One is great to be around, the other's a doormat.

>> No.3975342

Okay, mostly advice from "pick-up artists" selling their books and coaching sessions in that article, but this part is interesting:

>Academic studies have reaffirmed that women prefer the bad boy archetype over the nice guy. A 2008 study at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces examined how college students perceived "dark" traits such as thrill-seeking behavior, deceitfulness and narcissism. The study found the female students preferred the males with these traits.

Now to find the article.

>> No.3975344

Oh yeah, and this.

>> No.3975358

Can science explain why inexperienced teenagers prefer to make broad generalizations over actually talking to groups of people older and wiser than them to discover if their perspective is slanted or not? And not realize this as well?

>> No.3975369

Looks like Wikipedia has links to several studies:


Although for this particular one, their refs are media articles. :(

>> No.3976729

The fact the nice guy enigma has spread so much to actually produce a Wikipedia article about it saddens me. Also, sociology and psychology would be the only sciences capable of explaining this "nice guy" thing (unless neurology actually finds different brain wave patterns to explain it), so the bulk of it's research will be from the media.

>> No.3977354

Simple Darwinism. We live in a competitive society. Therefore the most ruthless males will provide the most resources to any potential off spring. Therefore women selecting such males will increase their own fitness and the fitness of their children in such a society. Women going for violent thug types who are more likely to rape their daughter than become a cut-throat CEO is explained by the fact that drives like this are not rational. Criminal males share many of the same attributes as tycoons and simply fool female instincts.

All this is elementary. The real question is in the wake of such drives how could altruism or creativity ever evolve within male psychology. Why aren't we all a bunch of mindless head butting ogres?? Perhaps it is simply a case of natural selection beating sexual selection, I am not sure.