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File: 104 KB, 516x567, when-i-grow-up1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3973865 No.3973865 [Reply] [Original]

I want to ask a very mind blowing question(at least in my mind). If unemployment was not an issue and you could have any job you wanted, just as long as you got the education and experience necessary...What would your profession be!? Also, (*here's the catch*, )All jobs pay THE SAME. That's right, every job pays exactly the same.

Just for further clarification: lets say you live in America, make $55,000 a year, and work a full 40 hrs per week.

I'm very, very interested to hear your responses.

>> No.3973876

Obviously people will choose a job that is both very easy and enjoyable, if they are paid the same wage as a very strenuous and exhausting job.
I think perhaps I would be a film critic. At 55K a year, and an easy and enjoyable job, I think it would be a good choice.

>> No.3973879

What the fuck is America? In Los Angeles/NYC 55,000 is not that much.

>> No.3973881

I would like to be lab rat. Instead I am just code monkey.

>> No.3973885

Butterfly repairman

>> No.3973900


I'd sit on my ass doing nothing, for a job.

>> No.3973902

test pilot

>> No.3973903


You would have to watch many films a day - many very terrible films. And you wouldn't be able to enjoy them - you would have to watch them with a Reviewer's eye.

>> No.3973904

Exactly what I am going now. Professional procrastinator.

>> No.3973915
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I'd do the same: Be a slave for the university. If I'd care for money (I was lucky enough to be born into a wealthy family) I'd probably study economics and try to get into IB. Biochemistry is more interesting, though.

>> No.3973952

May I ask what you plan to do with your biochem degree? or do you already have it?

>> No.3974036

Thought about culinary, but shit sounds stressful and heard it makes cooking miserable

Still considering Air traffic controller

Maybe computer science

i would like graphic design, thought about video game designing in some sort but the industry is run by kids now with no taste

Dream job would be something with Astronomy, but i would need a major effort change.

Something with music production would be nice

Just fuck man. I don't even know what i would do.

Probably just pizza delivery or a job at a government base

>> No.3974053
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Aerospace engineering and if I can get a second profession, nuclear engineering.
I wanna make spaceships and habitats.

>> No.3974106


Do a PhD and research aging and tissue regeneration.

>> No.3974130


>> No.3974132

i wanna be the author of restaurant critiques who has to test haute cuisie restaurants.

>> No.3974153
File: 68 KB, 600x529, front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would just sit around and play music all day, listen to albums and learn about math and physics. However, I don't think anyone can make money doing that. I'm doing EE instead, but I still sit around a lot and listen to albums.

>> No.3974166

Beer brewing or radio. Both are things I looked into, enjoyed very much, then abandoned due to how little is made by both people.

What's weird is that most of my engineering and science professors seem to enjoy making beer...

>> No.3974206

I'd be a farmer, but the farm would fail if I only worked 40 hours a week.

>> No.3974219

park ranger , that job would be soo awesome

>> No.3974225

porn industry.

>> No.3974229

55k is not a whole lot, but if that salary is guaranteed then i would love to work in the entertainment industry.

or product engineering.

there is a small bit of overlap.

>> No.3974245
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I'd be a painter.

>> No.3974249

>culinary, ... stressful
>considering Air traffic controller
if you think handling food for an entrepreneur is stressful, don't even consider handling people's lives for a corporation.

>> No.3974260

Research in academia.

>> No.3974292

That's mostly because average income there is higher than oultlying areas per square foot. If everyone in the entire country was making the same amount, then prices would stabilize, or all metropolitan areas would collapse, as there wouldn't be any incentive to deliver goods to those shitholes.

>> No.3974305

Mayor, or Chairman of a small town or city.

>> No.3974308

bounty hunter mercenary STALKER loner

>> No.3974327

Educational guru

Hitchhiking from town to town, helping problem children learn to love school. And remind teachers about their passion from when they first started.

All in a 30 minute syndicated package

>> No.3974331

After graduation I chose to work for a non-profit cancer research agency instead of a much higher paying position with Intel. Non-profit doesn't mean we don't get payed, it means our research is freely available and funding comes from grants/donations.

I'm getting a new job in two weaks. The money is part of it, and I'm also losing interest in my projects. I had assumed that after two years and some big accomplishments I'd have recieved a raise, but my superiors take the credit for my work and take big cuts of our grant money for themselves. Fuck this shit; I'm out. I'll work a job I hate that pays really well until I've saved up enough to start my own enterprise.

>> No.3974351

Non-profit is almost ALWAYS less satisfying and more frustrating and for-profit.

The only thing worse is actual (unpaid) volunteer work.

>> No.3974354

since op hasn't stipulated that we can't change our professions, i think i'd enjoy taking time off by teaching at private schools or colleges.

i know for certain i can teach math and biology.

...actually, if employment and salary are guaranteed, i'd like to try a lot of disparate jobs, even if just for a summer, including farming, carpentry, anthropological research, wildlife research, land surveying...

i think i'd like to try my hand at damn near every job that deals with creating the things that i use, or else assessing the world and our place in the universe.

>> No.3974364

Probably teaching, I really enjoy having to explain crap to people and getting them to understand. Dunno what id teach but I would like to do it, if it was paying that good.

>> No.3974411


>> No.3974534

My goal requires a large amount of capital. If all jobs have identical payout, then I will start a cultural movement and pool the capital of its members.

>> No.3974544

flipping hamburgers

stand around all day doing ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING and getting paid 55k

sounds good to me.

>> No.3974556

>>flipping hamburgers...paid 55k

What kinda burger joint pays 55k?

>> No.3974562

Phys0x, so hard:
research and teaching, best job ever

>> No.3974566

>All jobs pay THE SAME. That's right, every job pays exactly the same. Just for further clarification: lets say you live in America, make $55,000 a year, and work a full 40 hrs per week.

>> No.3974575

Oh right.

Job would still suck. Spending all day on your feet over a hotplate, dealing with shitty customers.

>> No.3974576

Neuroscientist. Because fuck yeah, neuroscience.

>> No.3974577

thats not work at all.

i could easily do that for the rest of my life.

>> No.3976416

porn star

>> No.3976422


Plenty of time to study on my own while being paid 55k to throw paint on a canvas.

>> No.3976432

I would like to be an imagineer.
a designer

>> No.3976443

Drummer for a country band

>> No.3976449

video game tester

>> No.3976480


Film editing

I love taking a whole bunch of little parts of film and molding it into something awesome.

>> No.3976486

Junior high Math teacher.

>> No.3977979

R&D for the CIA

>> No.3978353
File: 97 KB, 418x384, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this from the escapist?

>> No.3978361

I would build androids, or spaceships, or fly spaceships, and fuck androids.

>> No.3978371

guitarist in a successful indie band

>> No.3978385

Probably artist. I also agree game/film critic would most likely be a shitty job. (Have tried playing mediocre games 8 hours a day?)

You would go insane after a month if you didn't have the personality for it.

>> No.3978393
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I was actually going to say "I wanna get a job in a rock and roll band".

>> No.3978402

I probably wouldn't go down the road to med school if the education costs are what they are now, as paying back those student loans would be much, much harder.
If education costs were a non-issue, I'd be on the same path because the medical field really appeals to me. I'm just glad that what I really want to do is one of the safer career options in this economy (if I make it through all of the schooling), it would suck for my life's passion to be underwater basket weaving and I had to compromise what I really want to do just to make a living.

>> No.3978407
File: 7 KB, 184x177, feels bad man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its sad that I can't answer this question.

>> No.3978410


find otherwise good items and give it to those in need whilst making a living

>> No.3978418

I'd want to go into R&D for alternate forms of space travel/general things that would help us in the cold dark vacuum of space.

>> No.3978475

I'd be a blacksmith. Make swords for movie props and shit.

>> No.3978482

I love how all of the woman's choices basically don't advance the species at all.

>> No.3978498

I'd still have the eventual goal of engineering automated systems.

I could just speed up the intermediary 'get enough money to not be living on the street' goals.

As for the people who'd 'sit on their ass', they're ignorant. They don't realize just how dull their lives would be when the entertainment industry went belly up due to like mind 'I'd do nothing' people no longer working in it.

>> No.3978507

research scientist in physics

esp particle or theoretical

>> No.3978511

RAAF fast jet pilot

>> No.3978513

>educating future generations doesn't advance the species

>> No.3978603

Racing driver.

>> No.3979003
File: 13 KB, 221x235, cowboy curtis see what you did there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a cowboy.
Want you to be my cowgirl.