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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 250 KB, 400x360, shutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3971278 No.3971278 [Reply] [Original]

-People who blurt out answers to future steps way ahead of time, or people who just blurt out stuff altogether.

-People who stop the whole lecture and interrupt the professor's rhythm to try and correct minor syntax mistakes or typos.

-The "Well, couldn't you have just-" smartasses who think their own convoluted method is superior to the method the professor teaches.

I know this is you /sci/. It's always that mildly autistic kid.

>> No.3971291

groups of international asian girls that talk and giggle in class in those horrible languages

>> No.3971297

Can't be. I'm right.

>> No.3971298


Mandarin and Korean will rule the world

>> No.3971301

>-People who stop the whole lecture and interrupt the professor's rhythm to try and correct minor syntax mistakes or typos.

That's actually a helpful thing to do as other people might be taking notice and are not aware of the mistake.

>> No.3971302
File: 16 KB, 300x308, Mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? It's us, autistics, who have problems with normal social dynamics?

>here mirror, I think you missed something

>> No.3971304

so. much. this.

>> No.3971309

People that talk during lectures
People that ask questions that were just answered
People that don't go to lecture and then complain about not knowing the material or say that "this professor doesn't teach anything"
People that ask questions that should really be asked after lecture or during office hours during lecture

I'm sure I can think of more, but this is all I've got right now.

>> No.3971311

Probably could list 100 of these.

>> No.3971312

stinky Indians

>> No.3971315

Fucktarded questions asked by "alternative" idiots (usually girls) that may or may not be actually taking that class.
Happens way too often in physics and chemistry classes. Go be a fucking hippie somewhere else and let me listen to the goddamn lecture.

>> No.3971322

people get more and more anti-social as you get in higher level math/science/engineering courses so eventually no one talks

>> No.3971329
File: 43 KB, 480x200, bigbang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


everybody talks with their minds.

they're higher level assburgers/autistic beings.

>> No.3971334

ITT: People getting mad over other people asking questions in class.

If someone ask a question why the fuck are you raging over it? What does it matter if a stupid person asks a stupid question in class.

>> No.3971336



>Taking physics or chemistry

Unless they're really ugly Asians, NOPE.jpeg

>> No.3971338


This is totally false

>> No.3971339

People who ask questions outside the scope of the class to show everyone how much they know/how smart they are.

People who debate/argue every fucking thing to show how smart they are.

>> No.3971341

Oh sweet Christ on a cracker. I could go on for days...

Probably the most common thing I notice is some douchebag saying something that is intended to make them sound smart but is completely irrelevant. The same faggot does it every day. Fortunately I consistently out-perform him.

>> No.3971342

When i want to fart but i can't

>> No.3971346

In my uni there's 50/50 spread on pure chemistry. Engineering is about 70/30 men high.

>> No.3971354

A classroom full of awkwardfags too afraid to answer questions the professor proposes. I hate being the guy that answers every question, but I hate wasting time in silence more.

>> No.3971351

people who take all the left handed seats for their fucking laptops

>> No.3971352


There are many reasons. The courses I take cover a POTof material. Any time wasted makes it harder for the professor to convey the knowledge and harder for us to grasp it (in the context of the lecture). I could go on, but that's one huge reason.

>> No.3971359



>> No.3971366

discussion/office hours/tutoring is for questions

lecture is a lecture

too many questions and the class falls behind

>> No.3971368

people who turn up to the lecture and spend the entire time complaining about how useless the lectures are if you don't like it then fucking leave no ones making you stay.

>> No.3971381

ITT: OP Rallies his autistic bodies to hate social interaction while re-enforcing cognitive dissonance.

>> No.3971392 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 425x604, 1295440470726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> in an intro to astronomy class that people with no math or physics can take
> Briefly covering black holes
> Someone asks professor what happens to entropy across a black hole to look smart
> mfw when they probably don't even know what entropy is and they asked to look smart

>> No.3971395

people who take part in education

I fucking hate those shitheads.

>> No.3971396

So you don't know what happens to entropy across a black hole?

>> No.3971407

that kid who interrupts the professor every other minute. im fucking paying to listen to the professor, not you.

>> No.3971428

This, plus they interrupt to answer questions that other people ask the professor. Then during instances when the professor DOES answer the question, they turn to the nearest person and answer it WHILE THE PROFESSOR IS TALKING.

There's contributing to the discussion and then there's being a twat.

>> No.3971451

People that complain that the teacher cannot teach because they don't know how to algebraically simplify a calculus problem.
People that text the entire class, not writing anything or even listening to the professor.
People who only bring laptops to sit on facebook or reddit the whole class.
People who sleep - go home.

>> No.3971454

>that one person in class that asks way too many questions

Yeah, yeah, you should be free to ask questions, but this one bitch in my makes it perfectly clear that she understands nothing being taught and stays after class for like 10 minutes just staring at what's left on the chalkboard thinking this will actually help her understanding


I'd love to know why Chinese kids think that just because people can't understand them, that they're free to talk as loudly as possible

>> No.3971485
File: 23 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bringing your laptop to lectures period

>> No.3971491

it's actually ridiculously helpful in certain classes, mostly the ones that deal with 3D stuff. Crystal and complex chemistry is way easier to understand with a laptop to rotate the structures.

>> No.3971495

people who can't hold their pen correctly. it seems that most people are retarded in this way, I assume /sci/ is no different.

>> No.3971502

Camera + microphone.

>> No.3971515

I used it starting in calc II, when we were dealing with 3D structures. There is very helpful software that actually lets you see what you're working with.

>> No.3971525

>professor has slight accent
>everyone uses that as an excuse for doing poorly in that class

I'm almost always skeptical of people who say they have a bad professor/TA who can't teach or whom they can't understand

>> No.3971618

okay but it's not acceptable for people in sociology classes


this guy has the right idea. you bring a recorder and sit it down the front next to the lecturer

>> No.3971664

>have to take a piss/shit
>professor is blocking my path to door
>have to walk close to him to exit
>he stops his lecture when i pass by and stares at me

>> No.3971769

>-People who stop the whole lecture and interrupt the professor's rhythm to try and correct minor syntax mistakes or typos.

Fucking this. Whenever the professor makes a slight computational or sign error, I get fucking mad. Not because of the error per se, but I'm waiting for the retard that wants to have 10 seconds of attention pointing out something that every non-sub 50 IQ monkey understand is a mere typo. And it happens. Every time. Without exceptions. I'm a classical Pavlov dog.

>> No.3972767

>"Will this be on the test?"
All of my hate.