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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 250x250, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3967587 No.3967587 [Reply] [Original]

-Using asterisks for multiplication.

-Using MS Word (instead of LaTeX) for anything.

-Using "we" in research papers. I know it's the most common thing in the world, but it's just always pissed me off for some reason. I prefer using "one", or just avoiding personal pronouns altogether.

>> No.3967590

Comic sans.

>> No.3967591

>Using asterisks for multiplication
You must hate programmers then.

>Using MS Word (instead of LaTeX) for anything
You must hate people who do essays then.

>Using "we" in research papers. I know it's the most common thing in the world, but it's just always pissed me off for some reason. I prefer using "one", or just avoiding personal pronouns altogether.
You must hate people that can actually socialize with others and do research then.

>> No.3967593

Isn't 'We' a personal pronoun like 'I'? I thought that sort of thing was taboo.

>> No.3967599

>You must hate programmers then.

Doesn't everyone?

>> No.3967598

only in shitty writing

>> No.3967601

-Using Comic Sans

>> No.3967602

not using latex

"knowing" C++

using godel's incompleteness theorems in support of any philosophical argument

supporting anything like current intellectual property laws

>> No.3967603

Only stupid people.

>> No.3967604

>implying its not harder to read xiyjzl or xixyjxzl instead of xi*hj*zl
>implying MS word does not support a variation of latex
>implying, well i agree with that one.

>> No.3967606

the pope

>> No.3967614

Any formal paper written in comic sans.

>> No.3967616

>>implying its not harder to read xiyjzl or xixyjxzl instead of xi*hj*zl
>implying the only alternative to an asterisk is nothing
>>implying MS word does not support a variation of latex
>implying the Word equation editor isn't a billion times harder to use than Latex and doesn't produce crappy looking garbage

>> No.3967619

>using godel's incompleteness theorems in support of any philosophical argument
>supporting anything like current intellectual property laws
ooh, good ones

>> No.3967620

People who volunteer their IQ without being asked. The higher they claim it is, the less respect I have for them.

>> No.3967622

I don't hate anyone, but if i learn that someone is;
I instantly dislike them

>> No.3967624

People who chose anything but science, mathematics, or engineering as their major.

Pop scientists and anybody who tries to mainstream science to the general public (i.e.: retards).

Artfags, and dumb girls who think artfags are more superior and attractive than every other majors in a university.

Social scientists because a). they present a field that's not tangible enough to be considered a real science; and b). see popsci reference above.

Fags who try to built their entire life around getting laid regularly.

Idiots who think foreign or non-American movies are superior.

Eurofags and Britfags and Slavs.

Meatheads who constantly exercise and work out, yet fail really hard at academics.

When an attractive dumbfuck is considered intelligent by girls because he knows some obscure fact he heard about it, yet people with real intelligence get passed up because they're not physically attractive.

>> No.3967626

by this logic, you'd have more respect for someone with 80 IQ than 105 IQ?

>> No.3967627
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>mfw it's actually possible to use comic sans in Latex


>> No.3967631

If they're volunteering it themselves, possibly. Funny though, it's never come up that someone volunteers their IQ as anything less than 110.

>> No.3967632

>So, my friend fucking punched that guy right in front of his kids! That'll teach him to injure him [for driving like a dangerous fucker]

I hate people who boosts themselves in regard of the humilation of others.

>> No.3967634


how the fuck is it harder to use? yoy press alt= to open an equation then type in "\Gamma_0^\nu / \nabla G_h" and it gives <span class="math"> \frac{\Gamma_0^\nu}{\nabla G_h} [/spoiler] . seems pretty much the same. o wait, you just use "/" instead of "\frac{}{}" so word is actually better than latex.

>> No.3967638
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Aspie foreveralone virgin detected.

>> No.3967639

>still using outdated technology because you're a rage against the machine teenager at heart

both latex and linux (minus server applications) fall victim to this

>> No.3967641

i hate it when inferior people act like their worth a shit.

>> No.3967644

I hate the Cornucopians (ie. those who don't understand resource depletion, or who don't understand that energy is a resource).

>> No.3967645
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>> No.3967652

I agree with this one. Somehow I find it unlikely that everyone who volunteers their IQ without being asked has at least a 160.

Also, people who discuss politics without understanding issues, people who try to sound smart by using unnecessarily long words, and people who chew with their mouth open.

>> No.3967653


>> No.3967664

Word is a bloated, slow piece of software compared to any decent Latex editor (Texnic Center, say). The advantages of a WYSIWYG equation editor doesn't outweigh the speed advantage of using Latex commands to format documents instead of clicking around in formatting menus.

Not to mention all the automatic stuff Latex does like title pages, section headers, indices, table of contents, bibliographies, etc. etc.

>> No.3967667

>Word is a bloated, slow piece of software compared to any decent Latex editor (Texnic Center, say).
Maybe you should use some hardware that's actually good for once.

>> No.3967671

Whatever, d00d. Enjoy being laughed at behind your back by all your teachers and Latex-using classmates.

>> No.3967680

Eh, I think Word is kind of shitty. Stupid things should be difficult, but in Word stupid things are easy to do, and difficult to eliminate. (lol backspace and fonts change everywhere because your coworker didn't use styles but inline formatting like a fucking faggot.) Plus, it's easy to generate latex from a program if you already know your format. Good luck doing that with Word.

I also really, really dislike that Word encourages you to do a lot of formatting up front (stupid, easy) rather than waiting until the end and cleaning it up (smart, difficult). If you're just one guy making your own document, it's as good as anything else, I guess, but otherwise I find it really irritating.

>> No.3967681

>implying teachers and students even use LaTeX
I go to a university, we don't have poorfags needing to default back to something socialist like Linux or open-source software.

>> No.3967684

nice wishful thinking bro

>> No.3967688

As a non-english native speaker, i do appreciate TeX very much when it comes to foreign typography: babel manages it just perfectly (I do not know about recent MsWord versions, though).

>> No.3967693

> tries to pick on others by claiming to not be a poorfag
> on a board where everyone is always asking for free books, solutions, cracked programs
haha oh wow

>> No.3967701

>> on a board where everyone is always asking for free books, solutions, cracked programs
One of the many, MANY cancers that keeps plaguing /sci/: socialist poorfags stealing their materials.

>> No.3967715

You don't even know how wrong you are.

>> No.3967717

playing videogames on consoles and defending it.
general ignorance

>> No.3967720
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Yeah I hate it when people learn things.

>> No.3967733

People who attend college but can't afford their text books, class materials, or even tuition without going into debt and/or student loans. I just can't take them seriously and dread whatever after effects they're going to experience once they leave college. I hate to sound like an elitist, but they shouldn't even be going to college because they're easily screwing themselves over this way, and the job market (no matter what degree or experience you have or field you're in) does not contain enough guarantees to justify taking a loan out for anything. It just worries me too much.

>> No.3967737

they don't really deserve to learn anything

>> No.3967739
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>> No.3967758


People who can't think for themselves and talk in media buzzwords they heard on Fox News.

>> No.3967763

Agreed, we should let The Free Market decide who deserves to know stuff.

And if The Free Market decides only people with money deserve an education, well then I guess 12th century Europe had it right all along.

>> No.3967767
File: 34 KB, 816x284, 1297049229371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3967771

claims without proof
moral realism
most cultural behavior

>> No.3967776

Being against nuclear power

>> No.3967788
File: 97 KB, 854x434, KABOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you do scientific computation in windows? HELL NO you don't!

>> No.3967792

Creationism. Atheismo help me, I'm fucking surrounded by them...

Also, global warming denialism.

>> No.3967797

being sexualy active while not being married

>> No.3967806

Being for nuclear power.

>> No.3967803 [DELETED] 

I hate:

*Fundie Christians
*/sp/ posters
*Gays who feel the need to rub it in your face

>> No.3967822

Using I in research papers. I just found one like this. It sounds like a five year old wrote it.

>> No.3967832

naive confidence. ugh.

>> No.3967841

Won't wear anything that isn't brand name
Unkind to people who are nice but physically unattractive
Lives in Ohio
Militant atheist
Leaves the TV on all day

>> No.3967845

libertarians, I can't get past the desire to kill them

>> No.3967847

My lab partner doesn't understand what passive voice is. I've tried to help him with every one he's done this semester, and he still hasn't figured out how to do it. I'm glad reports are submitted individually.

>> No.3967862

There's nothing wrong with passive voice.

>> No.3967871

People who constantly tell exaggerated or false stories to make themselves seem interesting

>> No.3967874

Being OP.

>> No.3967881

When people say they "instantly hate" people for doing things that 99.9% of the population does and doesn't matter in any way.

>> No.3967891
File: 55 KB, 268x265, cat-face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a few, it's almost painful to be around them sometimes. Heard this in the comp lab last week:
>Hey have you heard of the new Elder Scrolls game?
>Oh yeah man, I've been playing it a lot recently, so good.
>Really? It's not even out yet.
>Oh yeah well my cousin developed it so I got to test it...

>> No.3967894

> not hating 99.99% of the population

>> No.3967897

I hate people who hate others for random stupid shit.

>> No.3967898

not hating 100% of the population

>> No.3967899

take a writing class

>> No.3967900

>I hate people who hate others for random stupid shit.
that's a random, stupid reason to hate people

>> No.3967908

The passive voice should not be used by you.

>> No.3967920

To learn that there's nothing wrong with the passive voice? Why? I already know that.

>> No.3967931

whats wrong with Ohio?
and yes im from there.

>> No.3967932

being married at all
stupidest idea ever

>> No.3967935

Why are you on 4chan again?

>> No.3967936
File: 54 KB, 600x600, engineering3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Gays who feel the need to rub it in your face

PROTIP: If you open your mouth and suck it, they'll stop rubbing it on your face.

>> No.3967940

maybe he doesn't give a fuck
srsly, fuck passive voice
plain language = direct

>> No.3967947
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I'm gay and had sex tonight. What did you do?

>> No.3967948

-people who like anime and talk about it a lot that are ugly or incredibly fat (I don't know why but for some reason I only hate the ugly ones)

-people who use pretentious or moronic words such as:

-people who have too much fun with the stupidest things (ironically I do this)

-people who post non science and math in /sci/ (hmm..)

>> No.3967951

>Using I in research papers. I just found one like this. It sounds like a five year old wrote it.

I don't have a problem with this. Saying "We heated the test tube to 2000 degrees" instead of "I heated the test tube..." when you're the only one who actually did anything just sounds dumb.

>> No.3967954

This is why the passive voice is common in science.

>> No.3967955


You're dumb.

>> No.3967964

Don't actually hate Ohio myself, it's just that I find it amusing that several Michiganders instantly hate anyone from Ohio.

>> No.3967969


>> No.3967976

my writing class says scientific papers prefer passive voice, since it emphasizes the study instead of who performs it, which isn't the matter at hand

>> No.3967979


No seriously, you're dumb. And (hopefully) underageb&.

>> No.3967980

The point is that passive voice is required for reports. Breaking passive voice more than 4 times is an automatic zero for the report, no matter the actual content.

>> No.3967988

I like to use second person.

>> No.3967990

more importantly, this is why shit like this doesn't matter
science = substance over style, homo

>> No.3968000

your class grades style and calls itself science? haha

>> No.3968006

The reason to use active voice is to make your sentences more clear. I learned that at least big journals like Nature prefer active for that reason. I'm sure the view isn't common across all editors. Either way though, most people's reason for not using I is "that's what I learned in middle school."

>> No.3968008

lol true, it goes the opposite way too though, so i cant really say much

I heard it started back when the states were still forming, i guess michegan was suppose to have ohio as part of it, but the people decided to form their own state or something, cant remember the details. Can anyone verify?

>> No.3968017
File: 51 KB, 540x720, 1319244780351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big journals like Nature

>> No.3968025

i hate extroverts mainly.

>> No.3968126

damn right

they lie constantly

they are annoying

it's like they just can't be fucked to take the time to grasp basic concepts or think for themselves.

>> No.3968153

Science denialist (i.e. people who deny evolution or the big bang theory because it doesn't support their religious beliefs)

>> No.3968160


>> No.3968162

Conservatives and Libertarians.

>> No.3968166

What about people who want to go into finance, journalism, business, architecture? Are their degrees "worthless"?

>> No.3968205
File: 61 KB, 400x675, 1307794984299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authoritarians/Social Conservatives

Extremely religious people

Prius driving tree-huggers.

People who constantly lie.

>> No.3968208

>>Using "we" in research papers. I know it's the most common thing in the world, but it's just always pissed me off for some reason. I prefer using "one", or just avoiding personal pronouns altogether.
Using 'one' causes major problems when talking about possession:
You are faced with either terrible redundancy:
>>One must always sterilize one's needles
Or Inaccurate gender assignment
>>One should look both ways before he crosses the road
Or a grammatical abomination:
>>One should always sterilize their needles
This applies to many ambiguous pronouns including 'everyone', 'someone', 'anyone', 'somebody', etc.
Solution: Use a pronoun like "we", which neither personalizes a statement like "I" would, or runs into difficulties like "One" would.
Synopsis: OP is a faggot

>> No.3968221

It also makes the past tense impossible


We sterilized the needles--->One sterilized the needles

>> No.3968223

People that don't understand how to conversation. That's to say arrogant douche bags who prefer to talk at you rather than with you. Some pointers for identifying these morons.

- Will be completely disinterested in a conversation you raised and will either have some shitty msn style responses or demonstrate some behaviorist extinction.

- Will spew all their dumb ass theories all over you which you know they haven't bothered their arse to see if its legit but will happily profess it as if it were their bible and you can bet your bottom dollar it will revolve around some logical fallacy(circular-reasoning, appeal to authority, strawman etc anyone or combination will suit them).

- The moment you do raise a point suggestion or whatever they will immediately try and correct you and get their mouths blathering and your ears listening; this is generally accompanied by that faggoty hand gesture where you have your hands parallel to the floor, directed at the person your in conversation with and them shake them up and down whilst still remaining parallel to the floor, elbows are bent, generally used by adults to signal children to hush.

I know it sounds like a specific person but I find these character traits quite frequently in people, generally the Alex Jones fans or those stoners that have attempted to rewrite history in favor of drugs. There is usually at least one at each party I go to.

>> No.3968247
File: 23 KB, 500x375, my-grammer-is-gooder-500x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The needles were sterilized".


>> No.3968253

Sometimes it's important to note who did what during an experiment. You'd know that if you ever actually wrote a lab report.

Go troll somebody else you worthless pleb.

>> No.3968259

>-Using "we" in research papers. I know it's the most common thing in the world, but it's just always pissed me off for some reason. I prefer using "one", or just avoiding personal pronouns altogether.
I find this practice annoying but it doesn't make me hate the person. It's a shortcoming in the english language, we lack an appropriate gender neutral pronoun.

>> No.3968261

If you're in high school, then maybe it's important to note who did what so the teacher knows who was slacking off.

If you're doing an actual research paper, it only matters what was done, not who did it.

>> No.3968270

No, it does matter who did what because your supervisor might want to know too. It's also good to be that thorough in case somebody messes up something or you find out that they were performing the procedure wrong and you can go back and look at all of the work they put in to make sure that it hasn't been compromised.

>> No.3968278

Annoys me like crazy as well. While it doesn't make me hate the person, it certainly makes me avoid any kind of social contact with them if at all possible. You can't get a word in edgewise and it's not even a conversation anymore.
Good thing most people aren't like this or I'd be lonelier than I already am.

>> No.3968285

> sometimes
Yes. And sometimes you use the passive voice.

fags were told

>> No.3968305
File: 112 KB, 604x453, NOT-SURE-IF-TROLL-OR-JUST-VERY-STUPID-%28n1299498207760%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep track of that in your notes, not in your published research article.

>> No.3969018

People who are flamboyantly nerdy.

i.e. anyone who owns a math-related shirt, or makes math jokes, etc.

>> No.3969028

>using we

whitesides would like a word with you.

>> No.3969035

What's wrong with maths jokes? Do you hate all discipline-related jokes, or do you just feel that mathematicians shouldn't be allowed to make jokes?

>> No.3969043

VERY worthless.

>> No.3969049

- Using a space for multiplication in ambiguous situations.
-People who don't realise that there is no tool that is better at everything than another tool
-People that write everything in the passive tense, when writing a research paper.

>> No.3969060

>Asking me what my star-sign is
>Wearing sunglasses indoors
>Wearing crocs

>> No.3969061

Sure is a lot of pretentious nobodies in there.

>> No.3969069

Agreed OP is retarded.
The excessive usage of the passive tense, expecially the forced usage, is incredibly annoying to read. It just takes you out of the zone.

>> No.3969222

>- Using a space for multiplication in ambiguous situations.

lrn2 \cdot. Latex ignores whitespace in formulas anyway, so you can't just "use a space"

>-People who don't realise that there is no tool that is better at everything than another tool

Everything about Latex is better than everything about Word with the exception of the learning curve. Even so, if you had to write a 10 page paper for Calculus it'd take you less time to learn Latex from scratch and use that than it would to do it in Word picking out math symbols from toolbars and shit in the equation editor bullshit.

Every nutjob whacko on the internet who thinks he's proved Einstein wrong or solved FLT with middle-school algebra uses Word (see, for instance http://www.fermatproof.com/).). OTOH, every professional mathematician uses Latex. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT.

>> No.3969253

I wear sunglasses indoors all the time, I have prescription lenses on them and I can't be bothered to constantly switch glasses when I have to be inside for a short while.

>> No.3969276
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Kids who think LaTeX has to be used for everything.
Autism all up in hurr

>> No.3969282

cdot is for scalar products or tensor projections. Symbols should be left out for scaling. If you are using the right notation for operators there and such there shouldn't be any room for misinterpretation anyway.

>> No.3969288
File: 324 KB, 950x600, YMxbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate liberals with no principles who defend everything obama does even if it's a direct continuation of a bush administration policy

>> No.3969298

Implied multiplication wherever reasonable.

<span class="math">a\cdot b[/spoiler] or <span class="math">a \times b[/spoiler] when using no symbol would be ambiguous.

<span class="math">a * b[/spoiler] if you're a programmer or a high school student.

>> No.3969302

I could've swore this was /sci/, not >>>/r9k/

>> No.3969307

Well, if you didn't get all your information about the "liberal lamestream media" from Fox, you'd know that there's almost nothing Obama has done in the last 6 months that's particularly impressed anyone on the left.

It *is* funny to watch the right (i.e. Fox and Rush) bend over backwards to, in every single circumstance, go out of their way to give Obama zero credit for anything, even when it was obviously a success for him (i.e. Libya). I occasionally turn on Fox just to time how long it is until I hear someone blaming Obama for something. It's never more than a couple minutes. WE GET IT, HE'S BLACK.

>> No.3969334

people who don't see logic fallacies

>> No.3969341
File: 167 KB, 687x1038, liberals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you for your first hate. The other two are just common sense.

>> No.3969349

i'm a socialist you moron, and the only reason i hate liberals is because they sometimes act like conservatives, so i don't know what makes you think i watch fox news. i made it pretty clear in my post that i hate the bush administration too.

obama literally murdered an american teenager in a drone strike a couple weeks ago and nobody gave two shits. it just amazes me how quickly obama has shifted his base to the right. people who uncritically support his actions in libya are a good example.

>> No.3969364

unsure what this post means (what it is a response to)

>> No.3969381

>people who uncritically support his actions in libya are a good example.

Yes, they would be an example. If only they existed...

>> No.3969405
File: 17 KB, 482x310, hfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse to bad drawing of the boat, it was done on MSpaint. :)

Drawing motivated by my unconditional hate towards self perfectionist faggots.

>> No.3969410

>(what it is a response to)

People unaware of an an alternative to asterisks for multiplication symbols besides "nothing", people defending using asterisks, that idiot who thought a dot could only ever be used for scalar multiplication

>> No.3969428


Look, you may as well get a tripcode, because you are almost certainly the only person using that word, and I only started seeing it like last week.

>> No.3969432

It is a real word. He is not the only one who uses it.

>> No.3969475

People who think their interest in hard sciences is justified because they saves or "improves" a bunch of maladapted lives. You guys are just in it for the money and prestige, I can tell you're lying.

also, overpopulation

>> No.3969532

Autistic faggots who think any of this matters

>> No.3969536

Not that guy, but I also dislike most jokes related to math/physics/chemistry. When you actually look at those jokes you can see that there is nothing humorous about them and people laugh at them just so they can show that they understand the terms used in the joke. This is especially obvious when you have a group of several people and some of them study something science related while others do not. Then somebody cracks a "joke" he knows only a few people will understand and they all laugh out forcefully, showing the other people how they are smart and shit. That really pisses me off.

>> No.3969542


I never said it wasn't a real word, simply that it only appeared on /sci/ sometimes between last week and this week. It also has the same capitalization.