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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 785 KB, 800x577, AirForce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3966931 No.3966931 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I'm a senior in high school, and I'm thinking of joining the air force. I'm very good at math and computer science. I really care primarily about my education, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to enlist instead of getting a ton of debt. Also are the classes that they offer me any good/accepted by good universities?

>> No.3966942


This could be you in the future.

>> No.3966976

>joining the Air Force
enjoy your next to no promotion rate. They're seriously overmanned, but not as much as the Coast Guard.
Navy or Army are your best bets. If you want college, the navy I know at least, possibly other branches, have officer programs that let you go to college & complete your degree before entering service proper. You'll also collect a paycheck, too. If I had known about this back before I enlisted, OP, I would have done it.
Go officer. Do not go enlisted if you do go. They make more money and after the first year or two at their command generally have more free time than enlisted people.

>> No.3966984

I'm planning on doing the same thing OP, but the Navy and with nuclear physics. Sophomore in HS, here.

>> No.3966998

>I'm very good at computer science
Don't say that.

>> No.3967003
File: 143 KB, 908x756, 63014_0_908x756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascinating. You wish to elevate your position in the world by standing on top of the bodies of the men you killed.

You will add their life, everything they could have been, to your own. Just to enrich your life, you will take another. Like a vulture, you will feed your children with the carrion of your perceived enemies.

I wish the best of your enemies, for they are not seeking the life blood of men as payment.

Enjoy the PTSD. It will be well wrought.

>> No.3967006

ok, alternately what about the navy?

>> No.3967029
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>implying sandniggers that blow themselves up could ever be anything worthwhile

>> No.3967032

More like the... wait for it... GAYvy.

>> No.3967036


This goes for most kids in america.

Personally, i'm glad for the military, All the psychos go and join that and remove themselves from the gene pool.

>> No.3967043
File: 25 KB, 341x450, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope. Why the fuck would you think that is even a good option? Smart people do not go into the military. You will be laughed at and ridiculed your entire life. You will also recieve a sub-par education.

>> No.3967044

that's cool, bro. I hope all the people in the military suddenly disappear and your family gets raped by Mohammed Al Somethinajad

>> No.3967051
File: 64 KB, 950x528, 1206119187798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military education has nothing to do with college education. They're two separate things that do not exclude each other, though sometimes may include each other.
One of my Comp Sci professors worked for the navy on submarines, and he was probably the best CS teacher I ever had. Really smart guy, yet down-to-earth and he knew how to keep things interesting.

>> No.3967056
File: 93 KB, 485x563, you_fail-12825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a ton of debt

Why would you have a ton of debt from college? Unless of course you are fucking retarded, and cant get scholarships, grants, and departmental funding.

Are you really that slow? if so, yeah, go into the military, you will fit in nicely with all the other dumbfucks. Have fun forfeiting your life.

>> No.3967064



God, what a coward you are. Need a gun to stand up for yourself lil baby?

>> No.3967070

>Air Force

>> No.3967077


The Air Force, Especially the drone pilots, have the highest reported incidence of PTSD, because of the jarring way that they are disconnected from the killing on the ground, and that the drone pilots can kill people all day, and then go home to their families. Something about that fucks people up.

I think it's something the military tries to drum out of you from the very beginning: Guilt.

>> No.3967081
File: 106 KB, 495x700, tumblr_lawk0yiWXG1qzwf14o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumb and racist

Nice job Anon, I take it you are in the army? How many limbs do you have left?
How did you handle the fact that your wife and kids left you?

Well, at least you have homelessness, poverty and alcoholism to look forward to when you leave the military. And your eventual suicide.

>> No.3967098

OP dont be a stupid faggot
if you join the airforce you will probably be a faggot grunt doing shitty busywork for your whole 4 years

if you actually want to join the airforce and avoid debt apply for an ROTC scholarship. you get to go to a real college, live a college lifestyle (well, with the addition of getting up at 5:30 every morning to work out), get a real degree, and shit is paid for, and when you graduate you get a commission and become an officer, which means instead of dumbcunt officers getting to treat you like shit the entire time you get to shit all over the dumbcunt grunts. and, you actually get paid, and, you are probably getting some level of security clearance as well as valuable experience, so when you do leave the service you will have a ton of pretty high-paying job offers.
oh, and you get tuition covered plus like $200 a month spending money or something like that.

obviously its really competitive to get a scholarship, youd have a better shot at the navy but that obviously sucks a whole lot more, but enlisting in the fucking airforce because youre scared of $30k in debt from a public school is a really fucking stupid decision.

>> No.3967099
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>OP says enlisted
>Anon thinks he'll be a drone pilot (or any sort of pilot at all)
Air Force enlisted get a desk job. Period. If OP goes Air Force, he's not gonna see combat.

>> No.3967108

>implying 95% of the airforce isnt basically sitting on their dicks playing with computers instead of actually killing people
Seriously, the only people actually racking up kills in the airforce are drone pilots and actual pilots, you could say he's part of the organization that's doing that and is just contributing but your tax dollars are funding it so you're just as guilty.

Now, if it were the Marines or something I'd be behind you, but the air force basically has given up on direct combat since 'nam, except for pilots who are officers (ie not faggot OP)

>> No.3967113
File: 1.50 MB, 481x220, Boomtumble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying anyone on 4chan could possibly succumb to PTSD
Please. 5 minutes on /b/ will desensitize anyone more than boot camp possibly could.

>> No.3967115

If it weren't for war, and the US military by extension, all of your precious science would be stuck in the 1800s. I'm surprised by the negativity in this thread. Ignoring the moral questions that come with any debate about war, it inevitably leads to scientific progress. Computers, plastics, nuclear technology, and so much other shit I'm not going to mention here.

>> No.3967124
File: 66 KB, 322x1120, WWIII wiki table.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too true. Nothing stimulates advancement like a good World War.

>> No.3967148


And i recognize that guilt. It's why i vote and why i do not support our troops. They're not joining the military to save me, they're only joining because of the ludicrous socialist benefits they get.

Why should i support someone who is too stupid to get a real job so they kill people to get ahead? Should i support hitmen and assassins too?

>> No.3967225

noone knows how to troll nemore but idiots still get trolled