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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3965398 No.3965398 [Reply] [Original]

I'm arguing with a friend about something.

Lets say you have this special power:
1. You are able to use telekinesis. Its extremely strong and you are able to move really heavy stuff with ease.

Now... lets say you would go to a tv-show (or something like that) and prove your abilities. It is 100% clear that this is no fake for everyone. Scientists approach you and want to analyze your body, but you refuse.

What do you think would happen? It is possible to continue your life how you want if you are that kind of a special human?

>> No.3965401

you would be kidnapped and imprisoned and experimented on until you died, then studied more.

>> No.3965406

you would probably live how you want if someone attacks or tries to kidnap you can kill them with telekinesis and after a while it would be too suspicious especially when u go to the media and tell everyone that they want to try to kidnap you

>> No.3965410

There was this guy in Britain who miraculously cured himself for HIV/AIDS (don't remember). He refused to let them study him. I think he even refused to give them blood samples.

>> No.3965409

>you would be kidnapped and imprisoned and experimented on until you died, then studied more.
this. Someone would come for you, if not a government or private corporation, then a religious nutjob who thinks you're an agent of Satan.

>> No.3965414


Telling the media you are in danger won't help you from being taken away in the night by an unmarked van to a secluded laboratory.

Which is why I would use my powers to fly off (assuming I can do this) to some skyfortress.

Maybe a blimp. I could afford one after using my powers to my advantage.

>> No.3965422


It's good to see that at least ONE /sci/tard has an honest understanding of government. Yes, you'd turn into a lab rat.

>> No.3965433

If those powers were real, they could easily destroy the evil government scientists with these powers.

>> No.3965439


>> No.3965451

If you that powerful they would need to kill you to experiment on you because you would destroy everything around you

>> No.3965453

why didnt he get kidnapped? lol

>> No.3965454

>for science

>> No.3965463


Alas, being awake 24/7 is a hard task. Also, you can be taken from behind with an injection of knock out drugs.

This is why I said "Get a Blimp" because it's fucking hard to hijack a blimp.

>> No.3965473

Yup. Pretty much any kind of supernatural ability that could be verified and your personal life would go down the shitter in about 10 minutes.

>> No.3965477


Science works best without morals.

It's just plain neutral.

>> No.3965493
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I think it would be pretty amazing to be so special and everybody wants go get ahold of you. People that care about you the whole day. If you cooperate I think you will have a quite nice life. Sure, they will experiment on you but I think they will do everything to keep you alive.

>> No.3965496


You'd better practice killing with those powers, then. That's really the first thing you should ever do.

>> No.3965494

>have superpowers
>tell people
this is why we can't have nice things, nigger

>> No.3965515

if you would tell and show it you would get rich and popular

>> No.3965522

Hiding such a power would be difficult, and it would be a waste. All you could do is use it for small meaningless tasks while you are alone, such as picking up the TV remote from across the room.

If the power was revealed, the military would probably want to recruit you, and would pay you huge sums of money for using your power as they command.

>> No.3965526

>Hiding such a power would be difficult

OP already suggested to present it in a tv show.

>> No.3965527

Telekinesis would be fucking amazing.. smashing people against walls out of nowhere..

>> No.3965530

or smashing walls against people,
even more awesome

>> No.3965531

What about the military and scientists of other countries? The russians and chinese people would sure want to experiment on that person too

>> No.3965533

Telekinesis is not that awesome. You could still they in a car or planecrash or get shoot in the head

>> No.3965538

Some people in the thread suggested that it would be a bad idea to reveal it, as you would be captured and experimented on.
This is probably true, people would be far too curious and jealous if you revealed your power to the world and then refused to be examined.

I would personally reveal the power, so that it can be used usefully, but I would allow myself to be experimented on, providing the experiments do not harm me.
Perhaps they can isolate the gene responsible, and allow the power to be transferred to other humans.
A race of superhumans could be created.

>> No.3965546

They would not oppose the combined might of your countries military and your superpower. They would have to leave you alone.

You could stop the bullet in the air, like on the matrix. You could not be shot.

You could gently land a plane of the engines failed. A plane with you aboard would not crash.

You could also move the other vehicle into the air if you were about to crash in a car, and the crash could be avoided, or the impact softened.

>> No.3965551

Thats probably right but no human is able to react so fast to stup bullets in the air or prevent (really surprising) carcrashs.

1) you would have to realize it really fast, faster than a bullet can fly
2) you would have to focus your powers on that, costs also time and energy

so if you dont possess also super human reflexes you will probably die

>> No.3965554

>You could stop the bullet in the air, like on the matrix. You could not be shot.

>You could gently land a plane of the engines failed. A plane with you aboard would not crash.

>You could also move the other vehicle into the air if you were about to crash in a car, and the crash could be avoided, or the impact softened.

All of these assume you sense the imminent danger, which would not always be the case (e.g. snipers). Also no claim was made about your reaction time or ability to lift yourself (flight). So even if you see the gunman/engine fire/incoming car only the 3rd one may be actually avoidable.

>I would personally reveal the power, so that it can be used usefully, but I would allow myself to be experimented on, providing the experiments do not harm me.
Implying you get to dictate the terms of the experiment.

>> No.3965557

>A race of superhumans could be created.
>wars, murder everywhere
>people still believing in god
>let's give people super powers!

>> No.3965558

I would love to get experimented on. But I'm not special at all.


>> No.3965559

>a race of superhumans


We've reached one of /sci/'s favorite topics: Eugenics.

>> No.3965563

If you plan ahead, you may see the danger before the trigger is pulled. Telekenesis could be used to remove a gun from a possible attacker.
I do not think car crashes would be an issue. Using telekenesis on yourself would mean you are able to fly. This would be your only means of transportation because it is the most efficient, and you do not need to settle for anything less.

Your second bullet point is speculation. The scenario is fictional, so we have no idea what the potential charge time on casting would be.

>> No.3965565

i like your ideas (realistic or not)

>> No.3965568

"no claim was made about your reaction time or ability to lift yourself (flight)."

If you can lift any object, you can sit/stand on an object and then lift it. This is personal flight.
I would use a comfy armchair.

>> No.3965571

True, perhaps it would be too dangerous for people to be allowed to have such power.


>> No.3965573
File: 99 KB, 500x313, tumblr_lc2z58v0W31qehfnho1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your second bullet point is speculation. The scenario is fictional, so we have no idea what the potential charge time on casting would be.
No, MY point is that all of YOUR points are speculation.

Protip: I can lift heavy objects with ease already (without telekinesis). That doesn't mean I can grab my shoes and lift myself into the air.

>> No.3965575

Oh sorry, I didn't look closely at the post number and I'm not the person you responded to.

>> No.3965586

Scientists would ask politely for your consent to experimentation. Then when you refuse, they'd team up with the military since they are already well acquainted. Who give a fuck if it's not legal. The iraq war wasn't legal but it was still the right thing to do. Collective come before the individual.

>> No.3965589

This is fiction, we can write it any way so long as we all agree on the rules. We may as well be discussing the same situation.
The OP should be the one to dictate the laws governing these powers, as they started the thread.

Obviously you can not lift yourself with your muscles, because you are attached to yourself, and every time you lift something, you push yourself downwards because of Newtons laws.
This power would be something external. You can apply forces to any object or person around you, meaning an upward force should be able to be provided to your feet, without anything pushing you downwards.

I have decided that it would be a good idea to use these powers for good. You could have a job spinning a giant turbine around and create huge amounts of electricity for the entire world.

>> No.3965594
File: 785 KB, 579x4916, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image came to mind.

>> No.3965607

where is this from?

>> No.3965608

Hey Harriet, hat might be offtopic, but I simply have to post it.
You probably heard of Blackman's plan to throw a pie at Josef.
Since you are the only one here personally in contact with EK, I'd like to ask you if you could possibly do the same to her?

>> No.3965609

This is a webcomic called 'saturday morning breakfast cereal'

>> No.3965613

She will not let me post pictures here, and without proof there would be little point. All that would happen is me posting here to inform you I have accomplished the task. That probably would not be very amusing on its own.

>> No.3965617

I am not the only one in personal contact with her. There is another user who also knows her personally, but he does not have a tripcode.

>> No.3965623

I'm not really into anime but the show "Elfenlied" shows what I would do if they tried to capture me:


>> No.3965626

Harriet. shut the fuck up and get naked on cam

>> No.3965635

they would try to kidnap you out of the american kidnapping lol

>> No.3965640

>Scientists approach you and want to analyze your body, but you refuse.
Why the fuck would I refuse? I could benefit mankind with very little effort on my part, and I would be richly compensated for it.
Fuck that, test me as much as you want!

>> No.3965641

Would you trust /sci/entists?

>> No.3965646

No, but I would trust actual scientists with PhDs from credible universities who have been in government employ in their field of choice for quite some time.

>> No.3965662

Never happened to me.

>> No.3965683


>> No.3965791


You could use it pretty effectively in sports with no one catching on, something like golf would be ideal for it because there's so many variables a true prediction of a shot is hard and people would be less suspicious.

You could also use it to stay alive longer, if your heart stops you could manually beat it with your powers, and your lungs simultaneously. This would actually make you really good in an ER to keep people alive if you like that kind of thing.

Controversially you could kill anyone you wanted by stopping there heart from beating and making it look like heart failure.


You could easily just stop the hammer in the gun from hitting the bullet in the first place,or break the guns like magneto depending on how good your telekinesis is.

>> No.3965805
File: 258 KB, 900x720, 371006-screenshot006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> that feel when you will never have any special powers and scientists don't care about you

>> No.3965825

it fucking hurts

>> No.3966033

they would put you into a coma forever and just experiment with your numb body

>> No.3966499

USA > Russia