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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3964602 No.3964602 [Reply] [Original]

what are the mathematics of evolution?

(HINT: If a subject doesn't have mathematics to back it up, it's not a science)

>> No.3964611

   [sahy-uhns] Show IPA

3. any of the branches of natural or physical science.

>> No.3964627

Its largly genetics and statistical analysis of mating behaviour. Its actually very complex research.

I dispute that point actually. Science is about studying the world around you. For example biology stems from the word Bios = life and logos = study of.
Logic seems to be more about studying the relationships between things.
Maths seems to be about quantifying things and arranging and representing information. Thats why its not called mathsology.

>> No.3964633

> vauge-ass psudosciencey jargon
> implying biology is a science

>> No.3964653

Every other computer science student writes an evolutionary algorithm before graduation.

>> No.3964660

fuck off tripfag

>> No.3964661


>there is a change that random genetic mutations occur
>a random genetic mutation will either help, hinder or not effect a species propagation
>genetic mutations that help a species propagate will become increasing present whilst those who hinder propagation will decrease in a given sample with time

>> No.3964684
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>educate yo'self, troll


>> No.3964701

Game theory is a huge part of evolutionary biology, dipshit.

>> No.3964703

Wow... so your ability to see is THAT flawed, is it?

>> No.3964709


Try this book OP.

>> No.3964726

Nice! You don't happen to have access to the missing chapters do you? I'd be quite interested to learn a bit about this but I don't want to fork out for textbooks considering I don't have any biological education, but any mathematics is always a joy to learn about, and I could use some knowledge about evolution.

>> No.3964728

>Thinks all sciences need a mathematical base
>Completely ignores most areas of Biology and Geology

>> No.3964731
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>> No.3964730

>a hard science

>only hard thing in it are rocks

>> No.3964734

sorry, don't have the missing chapters, but the spring 2005 notes are all available on the same site

>> No.3964738
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>> No.3964763

Ah well, thanks anyway, saved those for later. The beautiful thing about studying mathematics is how broad the range of topics it prepares you to engage with is, so I'm always thrilled to learn about new areas.

>> No.3964813


>Maths seems to be about quantifying things and arranging and representing information.

>quantifying things
>arranging and representing information
kind of, but not really

Mathematics talks about the relationships between mathematical entities. Though they don't actually refer to the real world by purpose, more as a coincidence because the real world can sometimes be thought of as an approximation of the perfect mathematics.

Consider a triangle. Any triangle will do. Now, zoom in one one of the corners, do it again some more. Does this triangle ever become less sharp? Is there any atomic scale? no. These things do not apply to the mathematical universe, you can zoom in infinitely and the angle will remain unchanged and the figure won't break down into discrete units (quanta in the physical universe). Now zoom back out so you can see your whole triangle again, as when we started. Consider it's area. One way to deduce it is by doing some geometric operations on it, namely by cutting the triangle in half from the topmost angle (remember, we have on side facing down) and then rearranging the two halfs of a triangle so that they make a box.

This box will have a length of half the triangle's bottom leg, and a height that's the distance from the top angle to the bottom angle (perpendicular to the bottom angle). In other words

Area = (H)(L/2) = (H)(L)/2

If this were the real world we'd only be able to make this measurement approximately. In the mathematical world we know that it is exactly that, no more and no less.

>> No.3964817

>I dispute that point actually. Science is about studying the world around you. For example biology stems from the word Bios = life and logos = study of.
Astrology stems from the word Astro = stars and logos = study of. Astrology is science.

>> No.3964824
File: 3 KB, 280x213, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I uhh... Cut along the red line and then what?

>> No.3964832

Flip the rightmost shape about the axis defined by the perpendicular to the red line. Done.

>> No.3964862

uhh what? try making that in mspaint and see what you get.

>> No.3964874

By that sense, anything with logos on the end of it is a science.


How I will agree Astrology is a science

>> No.3964892
File: 49 KB, 312x368, Ghhardy@72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G H Hardy, one of the greatest pure mathematicians ever, worked on evolution.


>> No.3964901

okay I'm sold

biology is now a science.

>> No.3964905


Also I really hope you're trolling. You do know that astrology and astronomy are different things, right?