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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3963542 No.3963542 [Reply] [Original]

Hey \sci\
What are you doing to celebrate hella-ween?

>> No.3963548

I'm going to stay home. Alone.

>> No.3963609

What is hella-ween?

>> No.3963620
File: 17 KB, 447x335, 1316135971809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm celebrating Jesusween

>> No.3963622


>> No.3964155
File: 3 KB, 125x126, nugget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its my birthday!

>> No.3964175

got an econ midterm on monday and a math midterm on wednesday, most ill do is smoke some weed and probably not even that
theres a halloween rave tomorrow and saturday with fucking skrillex literally at the end of the fucking street i live on but its $75 and i cant fucking afford to go, it sucks so unbelievably fucking much, im gonna look for a scalper for 60 or so but not expecting any luck

>> No.3964179

Making decorations, deserts, and pumpkin carvings.
We will probably also all be dressing up and having a party.
I love Halloween.

>> No.3964186

Marijuana is a bad habit.
If you gave it up and saved some money, perhaps you could afford to go and see the band.

>> No.3964261

Why is it that everytime I see you post, without fail, it is unrelated to science or maths? I think you'd better in /soc/ personally.

>> No.3964267

uh, i dont even like dubstep when im not high lol, and i sell on the side so i havent spent money on weed in august

>> No.3964268


Thats flawed reasoning. If the problem is too much monetary expenditure procuring his marijuana, the simpler and more correct solution would be to procure marijuana without paying for it. He should start selling it instead. Or growing it himself. Or both.

>> No.3964271
File: 25 KB, 640x480, hankventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressing up as this guy, complete with the bad Batman mask.

The girlfriend is dressing up as Dr. Mrs. The Monarch.

Our group theme is "Most disturbing fan fiction of all time", but yeah. We're going to Halloween parties and then a trivia game/costume contest.

>> No.3964278

This thread is about Halloween. It is related to current events, but is not science related.
It did catch my interest though.

>> No.3964290

Stay in and smoke a ton of weed, and be laughing at all the dicks at university who are going out wearing costumes as if they were still 12

>> No.3964300

Wearing costumes can make a social event more amusing and entertaining. It also makes it more memorable and is a reason to take more photographs and video's.
Dressing up is not only for children.
You would prefer to be antisocial and stay in and break the law, while simultaneously destroying your own precious consciousness with illegal drugs, rather than interacting with other human beings and having a good time.
You sicken me.

>> No.3964305

You're concurring with my notion, the only time you respond to something, it is not related to science. A correct response, on your behalf would have followed the lines of something like "Because I don't know shit about science or mathematics." You'd be wise to abandon your tripcode, it only denotes your ignorance.

>> No.3964319

The chastising is unnecessary and childish. I expect nothing less from a tripfag.
If you can find a sufficiently chill party, you might enjoy it. Be someone else for an evening, enjoy some good ol' fashioned tomfoolery, maybe have a good time.

Much like Milwaukee's Best, don't knock it till you've rocked it.

>This is nothing even close to science.

>> No.3964347

>destroying your own precious consciousness with illegal drugs
>implying you have any fucking idea the benefits weed as well as various hallucinogens can have on your understanding of consciousness
>implying laws pertaining to victimless crimes have any moral significance
>implying you arent second only to liberty as far as shitty /sci/ tripfags go

>> No.3964574

Did any of you guys see in IOPs latest email update. Their ideas for haloween?
Higgs boson - stand in a corridor impeding people's movement
There was another few but I can't remember the rest...

>> No.3966291
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can sage with a pic, faggot.

page 12 all up in this bitch