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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3961953 No.3961953 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3961956

niggardly pie man.

>> No.3961970

There are no good tripfags on /sci/.

Not saying there are any on the other boards, but /sci/ is expecially shitty on this frangent.

>> No.3962058

That hurts.

>> No.3962082

Who cares what anon thinks.

>> No.3962094


EK is my favourite trip.

>> No.3962106

Right, anon is a spammer and should be b&.

>> No.3962107
File: 202 KB, 500x275, doctor-sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought me and anon were becoming buds.

>> No.3962111

kinky_strawberry09@hotmail.com aka EK is my favorite tripfag.

>> No.3962114

Looks like we have ourselves a trip party boys and girls.

>> No.3962119
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 1318924248558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there will be someone stupid enough to send an email to this troll address

>> No.3962122
File: 475 KB, 270x203, sagan_you're_awesome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyways, I can always count on CCM, Mad Scientist, and Inurdaes for good threads.

>> No.3962124


They already tracked down EK and her facebook nigga.

Just letting her be less anonymous like she clearly wants to be.

>> No.3962126

Either you're dyslexic or you don't like me ;_;

>> No.3962131

>doesn't know who the good trips are
>thinks his omission was a mistake, rather than indication of faggotry.

>> No.3962140

Mad scientist, of course.

>> No.3962147

The fuck am I reading?
Keep your cancer to >>>/b/

>> No.3962148

Relax, it was self-mockery

>> No.3962150

hes practically the only good tripcoder here...

>> No.3962156

Good in anything that isn't science or math.
This guy is fucking retarded.

>> No.3962177
File: 731 KB, 1003x2264, 1265054402310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still love you bruh. I have your guide in my premium content folder.

>> No.3962183

Krakengineer and Inurdaes.

>> No.3962184

I don't agree. He is contributing to this board greatly, considering 90% of it are troll posts.

>> No.3962187

Mad Scientist is good, but the minutia of his underwater fantasies get tedious after a while.

CNS has made a few good neuroscience threads so they're alright.

Krakengineer is solid.

Inurdaes is obnoxious underage b&.

The rest are meh. The obvious shitty ones are already filtered.

Sage for not Science and Math.

>> No.3962205

How many posters are regulars on this board? 30?

>> No.3962216

I always wondered how many times have I argued with the same person...

>> No.3962221

Liberty. No wait, Aether. NO WAIT... EK.

>> No.3962240

Get the fuck out, EK.

>> No.3962256
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>> No.3962261

>No Teacup
Well, people said EK, and we're one and the same, so I guess that counts.

>> No.3962263


>> No.3962264

Oh, also, my personal favourite is Harriet. She's like EK, only colder and not trying to ruin my reputation. Like EK. And Blackman.

>> No.3962267

I have pics of harriet too if you'd like?

>> No.3962268

Makes sense you'd say something like that, since you, Harriet, Blackman, and Liberty are the most worthless pieces of shit in /sci/. I even like that underage b& faggot more than the three of you put together. Fuck off and die.

>> No.3962269

No. I don't want pictures of anyone.

>> No.3962273

Harriet barely posts.

Blackman is the worst tripfriend. He is a tripfag. The scum of this board.

Liberty? I haven't talked to her/him much, actually. I think they sound nice.

>> No.3962275
File: 491 KB, 586x439, lolharriet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sure? harriets the one in the back

>> No.3962276

Where's Inurdaes? I love him.

>> No.3962281

Um, no? Left is EK, middle is Harriet. Right is someone, back is EK's mother.

>> No.3962298

I will never use a tripcode.

Violent Simians Guy aka Peak Oil Fundie

>> No.3962302
File: 12 KB, 539x157, lolphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're right to apologize for the confusion
EK's phone number.

>> No.3962307

Stop that.

>> No.3962322


Afraid the ghosts and demons are summoned when people share phone numbers?

>> No.3962318

Stop what this is what the attention whore wants? TO BE KNOWN, this is what all you tripfags want.

You want to be recognized right? you want people to know who you are.

>> No.3962332

EK doesn't.

Bitch you crazy

>> No.3962340


My favorite tripcode user is moot.

Apart from that, they're all fags and Josef is the greatest rtoll of all of them by the way.

>> No.3962341

If she didn't want to be known she wouldn't be a tripfag FACT.

as for the rest of you faggots I'd be careful what information you let slip out, doesn't take much for faggots on the internet dedicated enough to find out who you are.

>> No.3962345

EK just doesn't want people pretending to be her, she doesn't want attention.

>> No.3962352

IF EVERYONE IS FUCING ANONYMOUS HOW CAN ANYONE PRETEND TO BE HER. fuck are you retarded? she's an attention whore like you Faggot.

>> No.3962363

A says something
B says something
A replies
C pretends to be A and fucks up argumment

Got it?

>> No.3962367

>implying you need persistent trips for this
>implying her arguments add any value to /sci/

>> No.3962373

Then A can clarify which post are theirs and continue the discussion with B.
Not a hard concept and how often does that really happen stop making up shit excuses for why you're attention whoring tripfags.

>> No.3962374

They add more than yours.

>> No.3962377
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>copy any tripfag's code

>> No.3962378
File: 215 KB, 585x640, 1319742667740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretentious Hipster Faggot
"X is my Waifu" namefriend
Frank Yang

[spoiler]I don't really like EK

>> No.3962380

patently false.

>> No.3962405

Btw if you want to get EK off the board all you have to do is start posting her details/info facebook or pics or whatever it's worked twice now I've done it she just stops responding to any threads.

>> No.3962412


This. A million times.

>> No.3962421


> EK doesn't.


>> No.3962426


Or he could use random tripcodes, like every sane and mildy intelligent person does.

No offence, just sayian.

>> No.3962431

I know this guy is just another fucking white knight faggot rushing to her defense in hope of an internet blowjob.

>> No.3962434
File: 62 KB, 603x451, ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on the board.

Here on /sci/ I think EK (of course) and Mad Scientist.

>> No.3962436


> implying I did that
> implying you actually read what I responded to
> implying you're able to think while being as mad as u are.

>> No.3962439

/sci/ - meta discussion

>> No.3962441
File: 525 KB, 742x566, whiteknightfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay filip

>> No.3962446

>Implying I was calling you a whiteknight and not the fag you were responding to.

>> No.3962450


Totally accidental. I don't have a facebooko account since I'm not gay.

>> No.3962453


Wasn't clear from seeing your post. I retreat my statement, sir, and beg for your pardon on my harsh treatment.

>> No.3962457

whatever filip.

>> No.3962461

Is alright nigga in the heat of battle against such a land whale friendly fire is expected especially with so many white knights defending.

I'm actually gonna send her a text see what happens.

>> No.3962477


do eet

>> No.3962480


You did notice he wrote sayian while filip wrote saiyan, right? No?

>> No.3962491


>> No.3962494

did anyone point out that OP amps are faggots?

>> No.3962498


> implying sayian wasn't a meme and pretty much anybody used it

>> No.3962513


>> No.3962546

>implying that's bad

>> No.3962551

