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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 26 KB, 435x535, Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3961665 No.3961665 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else notice how women stop productivity?

I fall for a girl, and then suddenly my thoughts gravitate towards her, more then float naturally. This shit is annoying

>> No.3961669 [DELETED] 

>falling for a girl


>> No.3961677

Pictures that reveal the thread is likely, though not certainly, shit:
1) sadfrog
2) tesla
3) anime

>> No.3961698

ever notice how emotions cloud objective reasoning
those of our ancestors who weren't bound by subjectivity died off because they saw how awful females were and didn't reproduce

>> No.3961701

It's difficult because the men that don't find it difficult don't procreate.

>> No.3961707

You forgot coolface, ponies and constanza

>> No.3961708


>Not having a harem of women in your home that keeps you nearly on the edge of not wanting any woman contact

What the actual fuck?

>> No.3961715

L2 prioritise and use effective time management. Stop being a sucker. You can have a wife and kids and still be producitve

>> No.3961717

Oh my god, it's true. Shit.

>> No.3961723

The only time I ever "fell" for someone, I was actually motivated to do something instead of sitting around all day in order to avoid thinking about it.

>> No.3961725

Obsessive thoughts tend to cool down after awhile in relationships.

Now if you are just falling for girls you will never even speak to, just fucking masturbate.

>> No.3961732

>putting idioms in quotes
>pretentious asexuality

>> No.3961735

>implying you have had a relationship
>implying anyone on /sci/ has ever seen a vagina

>> No.3961737

>implying there are no vaginas on anatomy textbooks

Nice try.

>> No.3961742

>anatomy textbook
>implying /sci/ studies soft science

nice try

>> No.3961744

>hard science

>> No.3961745


aaaaand this thread just hit terminal troll velocity

>> No.3961752

>implying they aren't so soft I can learn them as my bedtime reading

>> No.3961760

>fapping to anatomy textbook vaginas at bed time


>> No.3961768

Someone please photoshop "COONstanza"

>> No.3961777

there is one already..i may even have it...


fuck, no i don't

>> No.3961788

then why post

>> No.3961797

because she has severe autism.

>> No.3961801

...to inform you that one already exists?

>> No.3961807

Why not capitalize your sentence and not use quesion mark?

>> No.3961810

Naw dude, she posts correct reactionfaces without text. Only non-aspies can pull that off.

>> No.3961818

You know what, this thread sums up /sci/ pretty well

>> No.3961820

>white-knighting 6/10 girl

seriously kill yourself

>> No.3961823

>Only non-aspies can pull that off.
[citation needed]

>> No.3961827

I can't help it if I love her.

>> No.3961828
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>> No.3961829

>implying I fap to vaginas
>implying the penis section is not better

>> No.3961834

that isnt white knighting, and i'm at least a 7...

>> No.3961835
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>> No.3961839

>>3961828 should reference >>3961827

>> No.3961843 [DELETED] 


Oh I get it. COONstanza because African Americans are dirty coons. HAH! YOU ARE SO FUCKING ORIGINAL! You would think on a board such as /sci/ idiotic notions like racism would be as dead as religion. Guess not. Lynch them damn niggers and pass the ammo derp derp derp

>> No.3961841
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>> No.3961844
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>i'm at least a 7

>> No.3961848 [DELETED] 

Looks like we have some buttmad nigger in our midst.

>> No.3961847
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>> No.3961850
File: 3 KB, 126x126, 1317802558282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, is that like constanza-dog now?

>> No.3961856

I used to call him the faggot dog.

>> No.3961857

EK's facebook

http://www.facebook.com/people/Rose-Elizabeth-Kelly-Lines/618615103 no joke seriously

>> No.3961866

Actually facebook is owned by Marc Zuckerberg.
Maybe you meant "EK's facebook account" or "EK's facebook page".

>> No.3961870

Maybe you meant I should bitchslap your pendantic ass

>> No.3961874

how do you know it's her facebook

>> No.3961875

>Actually I'm a huge raging Faggot disregard me.


>> No.3961878


>> No.3961881

Another tripfag posted a picture of herself with EK IRL and left the tags of whose in it uncovered.

>> No.3961883
File: 47 KB, 279x279, 1312829154782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about women derailing productivity
>derailed by EK and this GL character that claims to be a femanon

My mind is fucking blown

>> No.3961885

i wish i had been aborted

>> No.3961888

OMG, I get attention.

>> No.3961892
File: 40 KB, 269x258, 1318560102334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3961905 [DELETED] 

disregard that, i suck nigger cocks

>> No.3961912

It's funny cause it might be true.
Remember how I said I'm femanon?

>> No.3961913

>implying /sci/ is ever productive

religions threads, accusations of autism, and dilettantes trying to impress with their amateur understanding of math and quantum mechanics is not productivity

>> No.3961923 [DELETED] 

Niggers do have some beautiful penises. More so than ill-hung white boys.

>> No.3961922

>doesn't see a problem

>> No.3961925

lol, i kow you're talking about harriet, and you're a fucking idiot, she never posted that picture

>> No.3961931

Are you intolerant or racist?

Have you sucked one? Do they taste good?

>> No.3961937

it doesn't look like her

>> No.3961938

Not gonna lie you need to find a clean-cut black guy for it to taste good.

The thuggish undercover-brothers don't wash it as much as they should.

>> No.3961944

Whats up with this GL character?
Multiple personalities?

>> No.3961945

>genital mutilation

Oh, America! You're always so funny in your barbaric ways.

>> No.3961952 [DELETED] 

The one where you're wearing black and sat next to her? She did. Keeps bragging about knowing you and posted a link to a thread where she had previously posted the picture.

It was in a thread the other day called yfw you will never fuck EK.

>> No.3961954 [DELETED] 

By clean-cut I mean educated, well spoken, well dressed niggers.

I haven't sucked or been fucked by a black guy yet that was circumcised. Thankfully most gay niggers are not ghetto.

>> No.3961962

fucking bullshit, she'd never do that, post links to the threads in the archive.
I sometimes search her name in the archives and i never saw any posts like that.

>> No.3961966 [DELETED] 

>It was in a thread the other day called yfw you will never fuck EK.
WTF? why are people even making that kind of shit thread.

>> No.3961965


>/sci/ - Homosex with Apes

>> No.3961971

like 3 different tripcodes... its a new tripfag and it's being impersonated.
no real recognisable tripcode like the /sci/-oldfags (ccm, josef, pascal etc)

>> No.3961972

>that feel when firefox flails at loading facebook do to noscript.

>> No.3961973


they are just jelly. id fuck you and let you peg me

please love me

>> No.3961974

DW shes really ugly and fat and disgusting.

>> No.3961975

>let you peg me
the fuck does that mean?

>> No.3961978

Anally stimulate a male with a strap-on dildonic device.

>> No.3961980
File: 27 KB, 300x300, 1319318982164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3961983

>not knowing pegging

I thought at least you were at least knowledgeable in your field (aka being a slut).

>> No.3961988

Her sisters a huge fucking slut holy, seriously you should see her facebook.

I'm going round there house later this month.
at Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 just ask around for the local brothel.

>> No.3961990

confirmed for the fucking retard that you are if you doint know what pegging is

>> No.3961993

wtf? why would anyone do that. if its a dildo, theres no nerves, so i dont feel anything, and he'd be feeling like he's having gay sex, so why would he want that with a woman? he could just dildo himself, or go find an engineer...he wouldnt need me.

that isnt my field, faggot!

>> No.3961994


I'd wager Michio Kaku doesn't know what pegging means, and he is one of the greatest minds of our time.

>> No.3962000

>so why would he want that with a woman?

You are now more aware of the prolific obsession with traps.

>> No.3962005

Because doing it with a man would be gay. Christ, you're retarded.

>> No.3962006
File: 9 KB, 240x240, 1289602795958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3962010

taking it up the ass at all is pretty gay if you're a man...

>> No.3962013

>raped when 9
>kill sexuality within
>be an asexual 29-year-old who still posts on /sci/

>> No.3962016

>sex with a woman

Totally makes sense!

>> No.3962017

He's asian. Of course he knows pegging.

>> No.3962020


>> No.3962025

well straight men tend to want sexual stimulation of their cock,
engineers want to be ass fucked.

therefore wanting to take it up the ass, even if its a woman doing it, still kinda shows you have engineering tendencies....

>> No.3962031
File: 662 KB, 849x601, lolfatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the picture EK

>> No.3962032


Get with the times, bro. Only sex with men is straight.

>> No.3962034

>gf wants to rim me
>gives me engineering diploma after

it all makes sense now

>> No.3962040


i knew you meant that one, and that isn't me. it just has someone in it who is called harriet. you think theres only one harriet in the world?
my housemate is a different harriet.

>> No.3962043

Things that make you gay:
>being OP
>studying engineering
>being a fan of Carl Sagan
>having an opinion that differs from mine

Things that don't make you gay:
>anal sex with other males

>> No.3962044
File: 23 KB, 488x225, fattys mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and your mums facebook

>> No.3962048

>implying that Harriet doesn't look like the statist moralfag we've come to know and love.

>> No.3962054


Consider that you are in 14th Century.
At that time, shoving any kind of trinket in your anus would ultimately kill you.
The only trinket that wouldnt do so, is a dick.
Now who has a dick again?
Thats correct, its a man.
And what happens when you have a dick shoved by a man in your anus?
You turn into a homosexual.

Now that my naive children, is why shoving of any kind into your anus is homosexual.

>> No.3962061

>At that time, shoving any kind of trinket in your anus would ultimately kill you

>> No.3962065


It's all here.

>> No.3962081


>> No.3962096

Don't make me call your mobile.

>> No.3962113


Ever heard of infection?

>> No.3962128

Excellent hypothesis.

>> No.3962129


>> No.3962180
File: 16 KB, 248x245, 1318451404551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not saging a thread where EK posts

>> No.3962211 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 144x150, whywubwoo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>not saging a thread where EK posts

>not saging while not saging where EK posts

Also ponies. Is the thread shit enough now?

>> No.3962893


I have seen a vagina.