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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3960631 No.3960631 [Reply] [Original]

First semester of college and I completely forgot how to this algebra work. Any help is appreciated

>> No.3960634
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>> No.3960640
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>> No.3960653

>mfw 7th grade math

>> No.3960655


>> No.3960661

You can't divide with (x+4) because if x=-4 you'd divide by zero. Same applies to all sums involving an unknown variable. You cannot divide with them.

>> No.3960664


>> No.3960665

This is basically all application of the distributive property of numbers, and the property of 1 that multiplying a number by 1 doesn't change it.

>> No.3960667

I refuse to believe this is for college

>> No.3960668
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3. (3a+b)/2(3a+b)=1/2
6. (a-b)^2/(a-b)=a-b
7.cant really do much here, (a-b)^2/(a+b)
9. x=0 will prive its fucking retarded
10. not sure without doing long division

looking at your solutions to 21 onwards, lost hope in you. are you doing biology by any chance?

>> No.3960671

the limit as x -> 0 of (x+4)/(x+4) is 1, it's a legal move.

>> No.3960676

>plug all fractions to wolframalpha
>receive answers

>> No.3960679

OP, 23.

a - 5 is not equal to 5 - a

>> No.3960696

OP's solution of 23 is correct.

>> No.3960701

no biology or anything related to math at all, i'm studying creative writing this is just one of the required credits. thank you for the answers

i thought it is if I switch out the subtraction sign to addition?

>> No.3960749


is correct, that other guy is just trolling or has the dumb.

>> No.3960787


thanks. if anyone can help with the ones I didn't have an answer for that would be great.

whats the correct way to write fractions in there? everytime I do a+b/whatever it only puts the b/whatever

>> No.3960806

im fucking retarded

>> No.3960858
File: 35 KB, 541x566, 678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>creative writing
>your answers
>this thread

never change /sci/

>> No.3960861
File: 2 KB, 107x126, iserio11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everytime I do a+b/whatever it only puts the b/whatever

haha, oh wow.

I like this guy

>> No.3960916

So yeah, otherfag here also working on some math.

How would I go about showing that the sequence x_n = 100n^2 - n^3 diverges to negative infinity? I'm familiar with the rigorous definition and have used it before on similar problems, but this one seems to elude me.

I've got the beginning, let M > 0 and try to find a natural number N such that x_n <= -M for all n >= N, but I can't seem to find a suitable N.

Any pointers?

>> No.3960940

<span class="math">100n^2 - n^3 < 0 \Rightarrow 100n^2 < n^3 \Rightarrow 100 < n[/spoiler]

>> No.3960971

Thanks, got it. That was as obvious as I thought it would be.