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3959236 No.3959236 [Reply] [Original]

How long until the fall of Western Civilization?

>> No.3959237

25 years.
Civilization on it's own? Not for hundreds of years.

>> No.3959240

about...oh I'd say...2 1/2, 3h tops...

>> No.3959245

I can't wait. I'm sick of being at the bottom of the food chain. Sure, like won't get better for me, but at least it will snap everyone down to my level.

>> No.3959247

was going to throw out 2030-2035 as an answer. hivemind? prophetic convergence?

>> No.3959254
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If we define the majority of western civilization as an Americanized powerhouse driven by capitalism, both by the fade of America, rise of the East and by increased automation will 'western civilization' cease to exist.
I'm okay with it.

>> No.3959255

It's already declining. No more supersonic transport. No more middle class (debt has essentially killed it off). No more spaceflight. Reports of the fucking Visigoths crossing the Rubicon have already been received.

And in the Roman Senate, the Senators call the Emperor a poo-poo head, and he has the Praetorian Guard round up a few of their families for a little correction action. Yes, business as usual in Rome! Er, what's that dust cloud on the horizon?

>> No.3959259

It's not the fall of western civilization, it's more or less the fall of the lower and lower middle class of every modern civilization wether its east or west. People are made redundant with new technology

>> No.3959328

> It's not the fall of western civilization, it's more or less the fall of the lower and lower middle class of every modern civilization wether its east or west. People are made redundant with new technology

Uh, look here, derphole: That new tech doesn't run on fairie cum and pixie shit. It runs on a MIDDLE CLASS that operates the core of an industrialized society. You can't get rid of those guys and then expect customers to buy from you, and workers to construct your products.

Exactly how rarefied is the air outside your ivory tower, freakazoid?

>> No.3959479


Fuck you troll

>> No.3959501

I think he is talking about blue collars, all those people in offices, all those people typing out lines of code to ensure some project is done, all those people providing customer service, all those people selling you insurance policies, all those analysts, all those teachers Managers store owners. They are all middle class. THey cant just dissapear.

>> No.3959505


No, the new technology is affordable exactly because they can kick people out.
The lower class loses it economic worth due to automisation and outsourcing.

Another important part is played by the cultural influences (at least here in western europe).
Why become a computer scientist when we you can study cultural anthropology/sociology/other weak field of study? Because "you should study what you really like"

>> No.3959545


We could take over Anatolia kill some Arabs reconsecrate St Sophia. Demolish the Blue Mosque as well.

Get a radical, christian-western themed Roman Empire going.

Retake the holy land from the Saracens.