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File: 36 KB, 500x279, yellowstone-killzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3958063 No.3958063 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit, everything is fucked.


>> No.3958065


Post-apocalyptic world, here I come!

>> No.3958067

The only important place in that circle is Seattle.

>> No.3958069

Oh God, it's gonna happen within HOURS? Oh Jesus.

>> No.3958068

Hura hazza!

>> No.3958073

Don't get my hopes up like that OP.

>> No.3958075 [DELETED] 


Breaking News!


>> No.3958076

I'm not in the radius D:

>> No.3958079

dammnit op i was all excited to break into my mountain house

>> No.3958083

>link not working

Need some real confirmation here faggots

>> No.3958093

I hope that five hundred mile devastation radios wasn't pulled out of someone's ass. Another fifty and Vancouver will be swallowed up.

>> No.3958096

Oh my god we're all gonna die. I'm not ready for this. I'm scared.

>> No.3958098 [DELETED] 

>mfw the government made cnn take that page down to not cause panic

>> No.3958099

That's just the immediate effects. Expect a few inches minimum of ash across the entirety of North America.

>> No.3958104
File: 58 KB, 300x598, 1317876229389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Trolled, softly.


It was.

Depending on wind direction and speed, the ash cloud could reach Vancouver and beyond. The "five hundred mile" radius from the eruption is a very conservative estimate.

>> No.3958113 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 445x465, 1285798492120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm not in any zone of destruction

>> No.3958114

Actually, if yellowstone erupts then the whole world is pretty much fucked. Not necessarily dead, just fucked. Once america crashes the entire world economy crashes. Honestly, the places that would be least affected would be countries like africa which are already shit holes

>> No.3958121
File: 259 KB, 463x462, My Body is Ready.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southeastern Idahoan reporting in

I've got 3 months supply of canned foods and 40 gallons of water in the cold storage room in my basement, and everyone around me is a Mormon. HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT, YELLOWSTONE.

>> No.3958128

>not necessarily dead
no, they're dead alright.

>> No.3958136

sooo is this real? can we expect this thing to blow anytime soon and kill everyone?

>> No.3958140


>implying they won't all turn on you after they're saved with their magic underwear

>> No.3958148

you're..you're going to be covered in fire and ash. how do you expect to survive? the ground beneath your feet will melt ffs

>> No.3958151
File: 131 KB, 764x643, pyroclastic flows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellowstone here. Sending some pyroclastic flow your way.

What? Don't have a respirator? That's a damn shame. Good luck breathing microscopic volcanic glass, lol.

>> No.3958163

Geologists are closely monitoring the rise and fall of the Yellowstone Plateau, which measures on average 0.6 inches (1.5 cm) yearly, as an indication of changes in magma chamber pressure.[20][21]

The upward movement of the Yellowstone caldera floor—almost 3 inches (7.6 cm) each year between 2004 and 2008—was more than three times greater than ever observed since such measurements began in 1923.[22] From mid-Summer 2004 through mid-Summer 2008, the land surface within the caldera moved upwards, as much as 8 inches (20 cm) at the White Lake GPS station.[23][24] By the end of 2009, the uplift had slowed significantly and appeared to have stopped.[25] In January 2010, the USGS stated "that uplift of the Yellowstone Caldera has slowed significantly" [26] and uplift continues but at a slower pace.[27] The U.S. Geological Survey, University of Utah and National Park Service scientists with the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory maintain that they "see no evidence that another such cataclysmic eruption will occur at Yellowstone in the foreseeable future. Recurrence intervals of these events are neither regular nor predictable."[11]

now get back to your facebook and porn

>> No.3958166


OP's a troll. But the threat of Yellowstone is the fact that it's already several hundred years overdue, and it can pretty much blow up at any given moment.

It'll happen eventually, but its not something you should lose sleep over.

Or we could put a Geothermal Plant in Yellowstone and see if we can set it off that way.

>> No.3958172
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1319630308640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> The only important place in that circle is Seattle.

We'll never get HL2:Ep3

>> No.3958175

You guys do realize if yellow ston explodes all the ash it will spew will cause an minature ice age, and rendering all faming land infertile.

The only real safe place would be australia and new Zealand.

>> No.3958176

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3958180

I don't care, I just want to know when I can start shooting people outside my window.

'tired of trolling /k/.

>> No.3958181
File: 185 KB, 503x409, dfsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3958188

> But the threat of Yellowstone is the fact that it's already several hundred years overdue, and it can pretty much blow up at any given moment.

The periodicity of the eruptions isn't known to that sort of precision. There are tens of thousands of years of uncertainty, at least.

>> No.3958195

Uh yeah....I am not even from your country but I lived there for awhile...do you have any idea whats in CO? And why losing it might be a bad thing?
Seriously what the fuck

>> No.3958207

I dunno if any of you are old enough to remember St Helen's but we had ash up north of Edmonton (which was cool at the time) and that was a tiny little pimple compared to this thing and it will probably not be a curiousity like last time, it'll be a "oh shit my roof collapsed and none of my vehicles work anymore which I would be more irritated about if I could brea-" type situation.

If that thing ever goes I am hiding in a train tunnel with a rifle and some rye. It probably wont help, but whatever.
Great farming for whoever survives once the sun comes back at least! I think anyways, I dont actually know the exact elements that would be in that explosion.

But we've known about this for a long time and nothing's happened yet so we're probably good.

>> No.3958227

Live in the Minneapolis suburbs, I'm usually on the very edge of their ash zone.
But if it erupts, farming is fucked, and world food shortages are guaranteed