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3953733 No.3953733 [Reply] [Original]

I was always told to not drink a lot of fizzy drinks( coca cola, fanta, 7Up)

So i come to you guys to tell me why i shouldn't
what effects fizzy drinks have on my throat/voice box/whatever it effects.
All i know is that they reduce your appetite

>> No.3953737

it causes instant death

>> No.3953748

carbonated drinks shouldn't hurt you

it's the obscene amount of sugar in soda that does

>> No.3953749

it's the sugar/high-fructose-corn-syrup/aspartame/sucralose/artificial sweetener. Fizzy or flat, all that's going ot do is make you fat or give you diabetes or mess with your pancreas or liver in other ways.

Everything in moderation: soft drinks are a "sometimes food"

>> No.3953754

Soda is disgusting and rapes your enamel

>> No.3953766

> soda

>> No.3953773

>dat h3po4

>> No.3953777

>voice box
kill yourself

>> No.3953784

nigger what is a voice box

>> No.3953787

>No capital letter when starting a sentence.
Kill yourself.

>> No.3953793

>capitalizing greentext
Kill yourself

>> No.3953802

>punctuating a fragment
Kill yourself.

>> No.3953801

No punctuation when typing, kill yourself!

>> No.3953797

what about diet soda

>> No.3953804

Even worse.

>> No.3953807

what's sweetening it? what's the name of the artificial sweetener?

>> No.3953811


>> No.3953831

>Hurting someones feelings?
do nothing

>> No.3953835

The fizz doesn't harm you. It can actually help an upset stomach. I would just stay away from too much sugar unless you're really active. However, even if you're active I would recommend skipping on all things unnatural (i.e. High-Fructose Corn Syrup, Aspartame, etc.).

For example, I drink natural sodas (i.e. Hansen's, Sierra Mist, Throwback Pepsi/Mountain Dew) from time to time, I always drink soda water (2-3 cans or bottles a day), and I never drink soda-pop (anything with HFCS, so basically most soda in stores and any fountain drinks I have found so far).

>> No.3953843


If I had to choose between aspartame and sucralose as artificial sweeteners, I would go for aspartame b/c at least the body has the biochemical machinery to break it down properly. Even so, the aspartame sometimes comes with acesulfame to stabilize it, & not sure how the body deals with that. (Maybe it's fine, don't know for sure...)

>> No.3953846



>> No.3953851

High fructose corn syrup isn't good for you either

>> No.3953852


(collectively, /sci/ wipes the flecks of spittle from it's face...)

>> No.3953858
File: 88 KB, 400x492, far-side-what-dogs-hear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink a lot of sparkling water (the kind that doesn't contain sugar or artificial sweeteners). Like maybe 1-2 cans per day. I worry that I'm getting too much CO2. Is that a valid fear?

>> No.3953859

Zero calorie sweeteners are dangerous because they can make you fat. They do this by removing your bodies ability to put a calorie value on food based on its sweetness, and therefore know when it's full. If you consume aspartame too much, or any other zero calorie sweetener you are at higher risk for gaining weight.

>> No.3953862
File: 199 KB, 595x536, 595px-Main_symptoms_of_carbon_dioxide_toxicity.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda contains carbon-dioxide which is toxic to humans.

>> No.3953869

CO2's not a problem unless you're afraid of suffocating small animals with your belches (!)

>> No.3953873

>Zero calorie sweeteners are dangerous because they can make you fat.

Logical contradiction, much?

Thermodynamics still apply.

>> No.3953886


I gave a reasonable explanation for it

>> No.3953889

I count my calories, your reasoning is invalid.

>> No.3953890

Aspartame that is all you needed to say.

>> No.3953897

You're just one person who counts their calories.

>> No.3953904

Artificial sweeteners taste bad to me, It has a gross chemical tang to it other people don't seem to notice.

>> No.3953916


I hear you; I totally notice that chemical flavor and prefer the stuff sweetened with regular sucrose.

>> No.3953939
File: 43 KB, 476x359, 1319447362403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the fucking air
>my fucking face when this post
you're like one of those people who think gurgling h2o2 or chewing gum will somehow increase the oxygen content in your blood

>> No.3953963

The diffusivity of CO2 in water is much higher than in air. So, when you drink carbonated beverages, the CO2 gets diffusiviated into your blood much faster.

Think of the lungs as a steady state reactor. Oxygen and CO2 are at balance, and everything's fine in your body. Add some CO2 from an external source and you got problems.

>> No.3953970

Im surprised no one has mentioned the amount of acids used in sodas.

Yeah sugars'r'bad. But the acid they use in many sodas is really strong. It destoyes all kinds of tissue.

>> No.3953977

The stomach is ore acidic than soda. I'm sure you'd be fine. I can't see it hurting your esophagus or mouth very much. I hope you don't drink alkaline water or go on an alkaline foods diet.

>> No.3953980

The human body does an amazing job of regulating total dissolved CO2 in the blood within a very, very narrow range. You cannot perturb it by drinking carbonated water unless breathing is stopped or the CO2 in the air is greater than a few percent, in which case you'd be in too much trouble to be drinking delicious carbonated beverages...

>> No.3953989


Okay, true enough, but, what about your mouth and throat?

>> No.3953994


see >>3953980; the CO2 balance in the blood also regulates blood pH.

the acid's more a problem for tooth enamel.

>> No.3953996

Soda is corrosive as fuck

>> No.3954004


mental picture of someone guzzling a litre of glacial acetic acid...

>> No.3954040

Solution to corrosive soda. Rinse out your mouth with spit, water, brush your teeth, whatever.

Also some people seem naturally more susceptible to cavities and such. I've drank pop and shitty drinks my entire life and never had a cavity or was in danger of getting one. My enamel is fine too.

>> No.3954048

phosphoric acid increases your chances of getting kidney stones

they put a lot of sugar in it as well I guess