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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3952360 No.3952360 [Reply] [Original]

If we evolved from monkeys then why are there still monkeys? Checkmate.

>> No.3952368

<sarcasm>I didn't realize the world was just one ecological niche. Thanks for clarifying that.</sarcasm>

>> No.3952365 [DELETED] 

Bump, what, are you atheists to scared to answer?

>> No.3952373

If I came from a child, then why are there still children?!

Check-mate, age-theorists!

>> No.3952376

we both come from a common acient monkey

>> No.3952380
File: 9 KB, 254x279, 1319227666333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some days ago I visited the zoo.
I watched the monkeys in their cage.
Watched them for hours.
But not a single one of them evolved into a human.

Darwin, I'm disappoint.

>> No.3952382
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>> No.3952383
File: 74 KB, 626x461, Long_arm_doubles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When water dries up where does it go? Atheists think it fucking condenses and comes down as rain or some stupid shit like that, but we all know god replaces it.

>> No.3952387

Aging =/= "Evolving"

>> No.3952397 [DELETED] 


I knew sci had other people who also knew the truth!

>> No.3952401

I know OP is trying to troll.
But he doesn't realize that he is bringing up an important issue.
Macroevolution is still a vague concept and currently has less evidence than creation.

>> No.3952408

>Macroevolution is still a vague concept and currently has less evidence than creation.

>> No.3952431

Im sorta with op on this one, if evolution is the process of animals becoming more and more intelligent, physically supior to other species, then why wouldnt we have half/human half/ape like creatures yet?

>> No.3952441

don't make me say the N word

>> No.3952450
File: 77 KB, 500x449, other964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got ya now, thanks

>> No.3952451


>> No.3952458

> Macroevolution is still a vague concept and currently has less evidence than creation.

Dead Dickfag:

There is ZERO evidence for creation. You're confusing creation with ORIGINATION. Obviously the universe originated, but nobody knows the process of it. Therefore there's no evidence whatsoever of that, hence no creation, and it certainly doesn't imply a "creator", since there's no evidence for that either.

The origination process is unknown, and probably unknowable. But you're still a dickfag.

>> No.3952468

>implying anyone ever said we came from monkeys
>implying we're not posting in a troll thread

>> No.3952479

I was just wondering, do proper creationists actually think that scientists believe monkeys just turned into people a couple years back? As in monkeys in the jungle one day decide to be humans and walk out and put some clothes on?
I assume the zoo copypasta a couple of posts up is a troll, people don't legitimately use that as an argument right?

>> No.3952481

creation is evidence of a Creator

to say otherwise is to be a fool

>> No.3952485

no, christians think that, in trying to explain the universe without a God, evolutionists are doing the best they can with what they have

but it is an ideology, that the universe could be here, without a God; it has become a new religion, in fact, called neoscience, and finds its place in the "naturalist" false religions of the world

>> No.3952501

does it bother you at all that there is ZERO evidence for this? that what you believe is fact is, indeed, merely a conjecture? something that HAS to be true, if people evolved from lower animal forms?

>> No.3952512

> creation is evidence of a Creator

Origination is not evidence of creation. The universe could have cycled, for instance, meaning there was not creation process at all.

The point is that you don't know, and chances are, no one will ever know. Fool. Fucking die, fool.

>> No.3952516

>trolling /sci/

>> No.3952668
File: 62 KB, 320x240, 8f2e0_ORIG-successful_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying evolution implies we came from monkeys

>implying op is not an obvious troll