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3950868 No.3950868 [Reply] [Original]

Question: Chemical engineering. If I study this am I doomed to work in a factory?

>> No.3950877

Next question?

>> No.3950882

>not doing aerospace

>> No.3950889

There are far worse fates my friend.

>> No.3950898

Yes, you will be in some shitty factory/plant. I am a civil engineer (CSUN). But lucky for me I landed a job as a facilities manager assistant at one of the Valley movie studios. I an surrounded by hot women from all over looking for fame.

Switch you major if you want an office job or are a people person. I worked as an engineer for a while (CALTRANS), and I fucking hated my goofball, nerd co-

>> No.3950899

just get into the nanotech side of chemical engineering

>> No.3950904

Not OP but what chemistry do CHE usually go up to? Organic Chem II with some P-Chem?

>> No.3950907

the program where i went required advanced organic and pchem, but you had room to take more if you wanted

>> No.3950918

Oh that is pretty cool. Right now I'm only in my first chem classand about to take my first physics next semester along with calc II. I know I have a pretty damn long road ahead of me... Do you have any tips for someone this early on?

>> No.3950922

Short of CHANGE MAJORS WHILE ITS STILL TIME? Nah. CHE is less fun than chemistry itself though, mainly because they throw thrice as much maths in your face.

>> No.3950932

So the math is the hardest part then? I hear a lot of CHE majors complainabout Fluids and Mass Transfer so I'll be on the lookout for those classes. How long did it take you to get your degree? Where do you work now?

>> No.3950941

I'm a chemist myself but I have a bunch of engineering friends. Maths was meant in the broader sense, on it's own it's pretty fine (e.g. calculus and shit is p easy), it's how you use all day erry day in all possible situations for calculating all kinds of shit that hurts. Fluids, mass, thermo are usually the annoying bits.
Meanwhile the chemist master race gets to memorize whole books of theory. Good times.

>> No.3950942

well, with pretty much every engineering major, each class isnt that difficult, but trying to manage five at once takes slome effort

>> No.3950944

dont be one of those idiots who tries to memorize his way though ochem. learn why shit happens instead of memorizing what happens, and get good at pushing electrons. you'll have a much easier time than the kids who dont figure this out and devolve into flashcard monsters come exam time

>> No.3950947

Yeah I would imagine. Right now it is nice because the easy GE classes serve as fillers and takes some of the academic stress off but Ireally blew my chem class off so I'm going to have to take an extra semester during the summer.

>> No.3950948

You still need to memorize the starting substrates and the names for all the godforsaken shit.

>> No.3950965

I hope you are a Gook/Curry-Nigger/Russian. If you are good looking, white, and a normal person you will be offered jobs in finance.

>> No.3950969

well OP you'll be better off than me
>study pure chemistry
>stuck in grad school
>still probably no job opportunities
>do shitty factory work
and all i want is a nice r&d job