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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 135 KB, 650x425, megachurchidiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3950588 No.3950588 [Reply] [Original]

Pictures only.

>> No.3950599
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>> No.3950598

>implying that the money from those people would somhow help and that they have no right to choose to spend their money badly and that what we really need is for someone to take their money... you wouldnt happen to be a socialist or belive in democracy bc it runs government so well... would you?


You athiests are really beginning to grind on my gears.

>> No.3950601
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>> No.3950600

well nasa was just made to save the wealthy so they could escape earth in the cataclysmic event of a nearing 12th planet. i dont expect you to believe me but most people arent worthy of enlightenment

>> No.3950602
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>> No.3950605

correction to try and save*

>> No.3950604
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>> No.3950608
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The estimate for missions to Mars are closer to $60 billion under Zubrin/Weaver's Mars Semi-Direct mission, which includes plans for artificial gravity in transit, and manufacturing the return rocket fuel out of the CO2 in the Martian atmosphere and hydrogen brought from Earth using a 19th century chemical process.

>> No.3950609
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< Thats why

>> No.3950610
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>implying that the money from those people would somhow help

If it's enough to pay for a 'church' like this, yes it would.

>they have no right to choose to spend their money

They do, it's still their fault.

>You athiests are really beginning to grind on my gears.

It's always so easy to spot you people, as you can never spell 'atheist' correctly. I get a smile out of it, anyway.

>> No.3950611
File: 18 KB, 191x275, 1315882560467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also suspect if Al Gore had won we'd have NASA in less bullshit than right now.

>> No.3950616
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>> No.3950614
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And of course, the capstone

>> No.3950612

Its not that i dont belive the wealthy dont want themselves to escape. Or alternativly, for everyone less efficient to die.

Its just that the 12" planet... isnt that makemake... or is it Eris your talking about? Their all dwarf planets.

>> No.3950620
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>> No.3950623
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>> No.3950626
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How about a REAL reason instead of "herpderp religion r bad"?

>> No.3950627
File: 580 KB, 1773x1049, 1277915097134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an entire folder labeled 'AMERIKKA' that has loads of material for me to post.

>> No.3950632


>"herpderp religion r bad"

There's a thread you should read.


Now, tell me again who the herpaderps are?

>> No.3950634
File: 61 KB, 500x343, 1293781071508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP, but I have to post a video that is fucking enraging and is very related to the topic at hand.


>> No.3950635
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>> No.3950637
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>> No.3950639
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>> No.3950643
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>> No.3950647
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These fuckers right here.

>> No.3950648
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I'm the one posting actual scientific/engineering barriers instead of fussing over bullshit politics.

There's a REASON we're in this deadlock - it's because we're always at eachother's throats instead of just ignoring all these irrelevant issues and paying attention to the things that matter. And you fuckers ARE NOT helping the problem.

>> No.3950649
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>> No.3950650


12th planet nibiru whatever you want to call it its on its way to earth. happens about every 3600 yrs or so which maybe is the reason we dont have good records worth shit about what happened more then about 4 thousand hrs ago. it fucks shit up. i dont believe its coming in 2012 tho like everything else mankind has tried to do we have even fucked up our own calendar so its off by about 10 yrs

>> No.3950651
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>> No.3950653
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>> No.3950654
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>> No.3950658
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>> No.3950661
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its really fucking far away man.

>> No.3950664


If you put "/sci/ - science and math" into BadTranslator, you end up having "/sigh/ - we post religion trollthreads all day long".

>> No.3950665
File: 36 KB, 800x600, neemoaquanaut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The oxygen supply and CO2 scrubbing systems on the ISS are directly derived from those developed for submarines decades ago. Every technology used in space that is related to life support, the design and construction of pressure vessels, docking collars, etc. was developed for use in the sea.

Aquarius is being used by astronauts RIGHT NOW to train for an asteroid mission.

I am not yet mad, but my jimmies have been violently rustled.

>> No.3950669
File: 88 KB, 1134x1333, 1300577158739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignorance of the workings of nuclear power and radiation cause a lot of fear when talking about nuclear-powered spaceships such as Project Orion or Zubrin''s nuclear saltwater rocket. These could VASTLY decrease travel times in between planets.

>> No.3950671
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>> No.3950672

> pics only
> text in at least half the posts

Still nice though.

>> No.3950677
File: 112 KB, 1105x631, ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, I remember screenshotting these.

>> No.3950687
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ref: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtBy_ppG4hY

>> No.3950716
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>> No.3950725
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>> No.3950731


Hey, leave witches out of this.

>> No.3950742


>> No.3950750
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>> No.3950767
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>> No.3950788


what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

fucking laypeople.

>> No.3950845
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>> No.3950856

>Implying corporatism didn't put us on the Moon in the first place
Sweetheart deals to Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, Douglas, NAA, Grumman, all in one rocket...

If that's not Corporatism, I don't know what is.

>> No.3950861


No picture for it, but Outer Space Treaty. Arms control treaty to prevent weapons in space originally.

Prohibition on active nuclear power in space means no nuclear propulsion, means were stuck using very cost ineffective chemical rockets. Human space travel set back by at least decades.

>> No.3950862

I think it has more to do with the whole International arms agreements and whatnot.....

>> No.3950870

>supporting science

wait what?

>> No.3950872

So Diet Charlie Sheen thinks we should divert funds from groundbreaking research that could render humans immune to malaria in the first place to buy mosquito nets (which we already do) for people whose governments are supposed to be doing that for them. Dammit I mad.

>> No.3950879
File: 31 KB, 400x383, mars1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3950881

I think he was using getting to mars as a metaphor for overall greater reach of man's scientific reach within the known galaxy. And while it it true that religious types hindered the age of enlightenment way back when, this is not news and OP should just get over it.

>> No.3950883

>overall greater reach of man's scientific reach
Oh dear, I need to get to bed

>> No.3950884


>> No.3950890

Shit..so if America and England didnt go to war with Iraq, we could have gone to Mars, completely paid off third world debt, fed and educated every child on Earth for 5 years and saved the amazon... and have $1.5 trillion left over

I pretty fucking mad if this is true

>> No.3950896

oh and become completely energy independant and renewable based

>> No.3950953
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>> No.3950954


Now that 'Bama's taking the troops out I want to see the military's multi-billionaire dollar budget put to reviving our space program.

>> No.3950972


>> No.3950978
File: 64 KB, 460x259, fake-gaddafi-dead-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

African space program could have sent people to mars...

>> No.3950989
File: 999 KB, 300x169, nph.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this sadly won't happen. It will go to paying for lazy stoners on welfare and grandma's social security.

>> No.3950997
File: 92 KB, 493x640, salute-space-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is your mission to Mars


>> No.3951012

Is it bad I saw deadmau5 at first glance?

>> No.3951019

Do you guys ignore the fact that the US spends about 10x the amount of money on the space program as any other nation?

Oh wait, you totally do.

>> No.3951028

You guys are so fucking stupid


Martian Dust is NOTHING like dust on Earth. High winds, lack of moisture means that dust will ruin ANYTHING we currently have the technology for which is necessary to survival

You guys think, oh hurr durr, going to Mars is like going to the moon only a bit further off. NO RETARDS, going to Mars is NOT like going to the moon!

Study up on the current problems science faces in going to Mars before leaping to huge conclusions that just throwing money at the problem will fix things. NEWS FLASH, throwing money at problems almost never has an effect at all.

So stop shoving your heads up your collective asses and research things before you post.


>> No.3951039


Aha...but what if we sent Robots there to do the dirty work?....Like I mean real working robots with working limbs eh? They could terraform it for us while we sit back and control them...

>> No.3951040



>> No.3951043


We just need to bring payloads of soil, water and maybe nuclear reactors or coal...something burn.

>> No.3951045


something to burn* start a chemical reaction.

>> No.3951049


But wait Mars already has Soil so there goes the need for soil. Perhaps they could use seeds down there...on Mars.

>> No.3951050


Why don't we have a little fun with this and use Hydroponics....Maybe set up a base there something that deflects the High Winds...perhaps a dome shaped retreat.

>> No.3951056


I hate people like you. You offer nothing constructive or even anything really relevant to the conversation. And think your special for using google.

Kill yourself.

>> No.3951058


We sent two robots up there and they did fine. We can just build suits and space craft out of robots.

>> No.3951063


Dude, I so want a suit made of robots!


Throwing money at a problem doesn't solve it? But we beat the economy crisis that way!


>> No.3951066


At the very least these Robots could set up the base mentioned above ^

>> No.3951085
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