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File: 443 KB, 800x800, 3446_by_aleksandra88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3948212 No.3948212 [Reply] [Original]

I seem to have developed Glandular Fever or some other virus.
Is there any way I can alleviate the pain when I swallow - my tonsils are quite inflamed.

The doc says to just wait it out. I've been taking paracetamol regularly and drinking warm lemon tea.

>> No.3948222

bamp 4 wellbeing

>> No.3948224

don't suck so many cocks

>> No.3948227

>taking paracetamol regularly and drinking warm lemon tea.
good, keep doing that.

also, having a hot shower and and faceing up towards the hot faucett stream and gargling the nice warm water might help (or at least make you feel a bit less sore)

>> No.3948233

>having a hot shower and and faceing up towards the hot faucett stream and gargling the nice warm water

I have no idea what that means.
Could you please post a picture of yourself doing that?

>> No.3948234

Thanks, will give it a go.
Will sucking on an ice cube help?

>> No.3948251

no, i doubt it.
any cold feeling wont feel good, and wont help the soreness. you want heat, and liquid.

here: http://www.drinkstreet.com/searchresults.cgi?drinkid=1063
i like to add fresh orange juice as well :)

>> No.3948255

haha, nice try hun. [sarcasm] i'm sure you wouldnt photoshop that image at all... [/sarcasm]

>> No.3948267

EK wants someone to create that image because she is an attention whore

>> No.3948268

No, not good going.

Paracetamol is for mild pain and fever reduction. If you want to bring down swelling without a prescription, take an NSAID like Ibuprofen. If you're an adult male with a healthy liver and kidneys, up to 600mg 2x a day is a reasonable place to start.

Avoid alcohol and drink plenty of fluids like water or green tea. Nothing with enough caffeine to act as a diuretic. That should work for you.

>> No.3948273

I don't even have photoshop. I'd just fap to it.

>> No.3948283
File: 319 KB, 407x333, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhuh, which is why i'm not uploading it?
makes perfect sense...

>> No.3948287

As far as treating your virus, there's nothing to do. If you find you have breathing problems at night with your tonsils (depending on how enlarged they are) you may want to ask your doctor about a steroidal anti-inflammatory like prednisone. It's dirt cheap and highly effective, thought it may increase your recovery time every so slightly.

If you do go on prednisone, wash your hands and observe strict hygienic procedures. I once contracted viral conjunctivitis that way by accident. Met my one day girlfriend, the optometrist, that way, but still.

>> No.3948299

You were challenging others to make. You don't want your attention craving to be obvious but you still want it. Stupid bitch

>> No.3948300

How's your, and Harriet's, ass doing?

>> No.3948312

i wasnt challenging them to make it, im predicting that they WOULD make it if i DID upload it (which i wont)

>> No.3948321

Thanks guys

>> No.3948327

>predicting that they WOULD make it
which was a subtle hint like a child giggling and trying tell his mother to stop tickling him

please don't even mention it. no one cares enough about you to make the picture,

>> No.3948339
File: 19 KB, 283x297, 1319380277111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't care

>> No.3948337
File: 39 KB, 604x401, Yup, it's her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the same guy, but you're very welcome.

I'm happy to dispense sound advice, rather than put up with EK's attention whoring.

For your viewing pleasure, the girl that treated the cross-contamination between my throat and eyes. Not sure how you pick up chicks with red eyes and insanely swollen tonsils, but whatever.

>> No.3948346
File: 377 KB, 493x348, za1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking retarded? i didnt upload a picture, so your whole argument 'oh, EK is just using reverse psycology, she wants the attention' is absolute bullshit.

>> No.3948350

>Not sure how you pick up chicks with red eyes and insanely swollen tonsils, but whatever.

>> No.3948356

>tries to get attention by denying to want attention

>> No.3948362

itt, paranoid cunt n trolls

>> No.3948366

O rly? Without your post I would never have realized.
You must be a genius and have an IQ of at least more than 100.

>> No.3948373

You must be fucking retarded. the only reason you would even mention the prospect of a photo like that appearing is if you wanted it to be created. But you don't want to let yourself know you think like this. so a little cognitive dissonance comes into play

>> No.3948390

Wow. Nicely done.
Out of interest, who made the first move?

Did you wait for your contamination to go down before you considered anything

>> No.3948394

you're talking like i suddenly imagined this up and posted it myself.
it was anon who asked for the picture (albeit jokingly) if you recall...

>> No.3948420

itt no hard sciences

>> No.3948442

I met her at the optometry school the night of a fundraiser when I was in undergrad. My eyes just had this overwhelming pain, redness, and swelling. This was a rather sudden development after my (viral) sore throat seemed to be under control.

I called up the Op-school's emergency clinic and she was the one on call. I explained (being biochem, I knew what was likely happening to me) and she agreed. We talked as she looked at my eyes and she mentioned I have beautiful irises. I said she was likely seeing a reflection.

Anyway, this banter went back and forth until I asked if she might want to get a drink once I'm no longer a biohazard. She said yes, gave me her card, wrote her cell # on the back, and prescribed me some eye drops. I called her a week later and asked what her favorite movie was.

Since I was a TA at the time, I had access to the university's projectors. I found a small-ish lecture hall that wasn't in use, downloaded the movie (Billy Madison), got wine, made dinner, and told her to meet me in that room number at 8pm the next day (saturday). I remember it like yesterday. We had salmon with a honey/chili glaze and crab cakes with a riesling to go with the fish.
I made it at home, ran it to the lecture hall while still hot, and we had a great first date.

>> No.3948525

Fuck that is a story to tell.
How long have you been together?

>> No.3948548

We were together for 3 years. Junior year, senior year, and the year after that. She got a job offer in NJ and I had no desire to go live there, but the pay was just too good for her.

We parted on good terms, still talk regularly, etc. She'll express her frustration with her current boyfriend's behavior and ask me, of all people, how to correct it.

I've had friends ask how I get girls (it happens pretty easily for me) and I just don't know. Maybe Florence nightingale effect played a role that one time but it still happens pretty easily for me. Maybe it's confidence.

>> No.3948555

i know you didn't start it but you tried to continue it. if you weren't an attentionwhore you wouldn't even respond or you would simply say no i'm not doing that

>> No.3948585

I know this isn't science related, and I apologize for prying into your personal life.

My girlfriend and I have kinda decided to part ways next year as we both pursue different things in uni. We're currently in high school and thinking of doing math/econ, while she's going into engineering.

Was your break up hard? I know it's kind of illogical, but we decided early on in the relationship that next year we would start afresh.

I'd prefer to break up on good terms, because i think there is always room for a second chance.

>> No.3948602

No problem. If it works out for you without any ugliness, you're unusually mature for your age.

It worked out well for us, no real pain. Just a long hug and kiss goodbye and the parting words of "I love you" The words were meant, but that love extended into knowing that to impose one's life upon the other at one's detriment isn't loving at all.

So she left for NJ to take over a practice and I started my own company with connections I had in-state. We're both happy, care about one another, and are on friendly terms. I couldn't imagine a more amicable end to a relationship.

>> No.3948622

I see. Interesting to know.
Have you met up face to face since?

I guess we'll just have to talk things through and see how it all turns out.

>> No.3948633

She's done CME conferences near me a few times since. We meet up, have a great time, and part ways until next time.

Fun stuff.

>> No.3948667

Thanks for the advice on the throat and also the relationship counselling.