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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 234 KB, 900x1290, 1310026323026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3947658 No.3947658 [Reply] [Original]

Who are your intellectual heroes?

Picture related, s'mine.

>> No.3947667

Richard Feynman

>> No.3947670

>this fucker
choose one

He was a goddamn stoner and a failure at life. He didn't manage to go into research, that's why he had to produce a children's tv show instead.

You are a pathetic retard for admiring such a loser.

>> No.3947671
File: 103 KB, 461x640, Karl_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read him, he's interesting

>> No.3947672

Richard Feynman
Richard Stallman
Richard Dawkins

>> No.3947673

richard dawkins
christopher hitchens
sam harris
daniel dennet
james randi

>> No.3947675

I am my own intellectual hero.

>> No.3947677

either you're a troll or an idiot
whichever is it, gtfo

>> No.3947678
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Eliezer Yudkowsky.

>> No.3947679

That's recursive and it won't work, you'll just be stuck in an infinite loop.

>> No.3947680
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Troll harder.

>> No.3947684
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Also Hawking and Kurzweil.

>> No.3947685

spinoza, tesla, newton

>> No.3947687

Not at all. I just look back on myself and think, "Yeah, that was pretty cool." That gives me inspiration to push forward.

>> No.3947688

Francis Bacon, he's the original scientist.

>> No.3947691

Nope. I'm saying the truth.

>> No.3947692
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Kurzweil is nothing more than a living parody of himself.

>> No.3947694

hey they're all smart guys. You're just jelly and/or too hipster to appreciate popular atheists

>> No.3947695
File: 62 KB, 500x278, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was gonna make a thread for this pic, but oh look...

>> No.3947698
File: 32 KB, 350x285, dontfuckwithhitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he made me realize that george w bush was a good president and the iraq war was the right thing to do

>> No.3947699
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Aki Zeta 5

>> No.3947696


>not a pathetic crackpot who makes obvious short term predictions to make people believe his nerd cult

get the fuck out.

>> No.3947700


I agree. Hitchens is god.

>> No.3947701


I'm a fan of Carl Sagan, but this guy is right. I don't know a single scientist who actually gives a damn about him, either.

>> No.3947702

brian cox

>> No.3947703 [DELETED] 


Neil deNigger Tyson

>> No.3947705


[citation needed]


Other than people who knew him.

>> No.3947708 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3947709

i was being sarcastic, hitchens is a fucking moron and a dangerous one at that because he has a large audience of credulous atheists to buy his empty arguments for murderous illegal wars. good thing he had the sense to kill himself off

>> No.3947710

Michio Kaku

>> No.3947712


Do you listen to his podcast?

>> No.3947713

>Manages to be off by 10 minutes.

>> No.3947715
File: 51 KB, 400x400, bill nye fuck yeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

fuck your shit

>> No.3947717


>> No.3947718


I believe you're thinking of Bill Nye.

>> No.3947720


How come?

>> No.3947723

I prefer reading his books. Sometimes I watch him talk about things on youtube though.

>> No.3947728




I'm not asking that you agree with everything he says. That would be retarded, but you can nonetheless respect him as a journalist. His writing is respected even by the christians I know. What he has to say on bin laden is brilliant and everyone should read it.

>> No.3947734
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>bawww, science isn't popular
>bawww, I hate people who try to make science popular
Whine more, maybe people will get tired of you and discontinue your grant.

I don't really have intellectual heroes. Everyone is just human, with human strengths and human weaknesses.

And I'm okay with that.

Do notice that I'm not saying there aren't heroic people.
I'm just saying they're not mine.

>> No.3947750
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FM-2030 for mine.

>> No.3947762



>> No.3947765
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>> No.3947768

Stephen hawking, christopher walken and marconi.

>> No.3947778
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>> No.3947779

It is this anti-popularizer mindset that is killing science. Society will become increasing anti-science if we make no effort to communicate.

>> No.3947781

more than half of those are worthless gobshites that added nothing to science except lies and fraud.

>> No.3947784


>No Dawkins

retard biology ignorant detected

>> No.3947795


>Implying I don't own all of Dawkins' works
>Implying popularizing science is a bad thing

>> No.3947798


What makes you a part of the scientific community?

>implying being a neckbeard who watches David Attenborough documentaries while eating cheetos in his underwear isn't the extent of your scientific involvement

>> No.3947800

>christopher walken
>stephen hawking

>> No.3947801

Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Lenin, Mao, Lin Biao, Che.

Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx helped the understanding the fatal fallacies of capitalism.

>> No.3947802


It's just good that we all agree philosophers do not deserve to be on these lists.

>> No.3947809

well personally nietzsche would be on my list.

>> No.3947810

kaku has said:

-humans don't evolve anymore
-''rough evolution''
-godfads and atheists are equally right
-bullshit about the future
-bullshit about physics
-arrogant tone
-works in a program that takes pseudoscience as science sometimes
-selfish egomaniac cunt
-loves his own voice
-loves to appear everywhere to say ''futuristic bullshit'' instead of teaching actual science

>> No.3947814

Nice comeback there, buddy.
You didn't even disagree with his point.
Only insults? Your debate-fu is weak.

>> No.3947815
File: 58 KB, 494x599, MartinLutherKing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man right here. He showed that in order to introduce social change we must be kind and present our philosophy in a peaceful manner. Even though we do not have monetary system that adheres to this, altruism will always be socially favorable.

He is relevant to my interests because I want to impose a social construction on society. The construction is this:

The differences between people are ridiculous and immaterial, therefore we should not ever consider ourselves truly different. We Are Humans.

It is my hope that such an imposition would unify people under a common human banner and help to concrete our capabilities as a Species and generate a Human Direction of prosperity and scientific forwardness.

>> No.3947818


Those guys are dicks.

>> No.3947823
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>> No.3947824
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You can spend your time yelling at a wall about the implied meaning of the term "scientists" and "we" of other posters or you can discuss the topic at hand. It's your choice.

>> No.3947828
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>> No.3947829

Who are the bottom 3?

>> No.3947830
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>> No.3947835
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He's also socially retarded:


>> No.3947850
File: 16 KB, 372x280, arthur-c-clarke-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP never said "scientists", he said "intellectual heroes". That could mean that their attitude and approach is what we admire, not their feild of research.
Pic related, mine I know he's not a "real scientist", but Arthur C Clarke's writing sparked trails of thought that led to real scientific advancement. As a child, he was who first really inspired my interest in futurism and science. He inspires me to inspire.

>> No.3947853

James Watson, John Candy, Christopher Lee

>> No.3947854
File: 18 KB, 395x315, Brian_Cox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

professor brian cox is mine

>> No.3947855
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>> No.3947856

>as a child, i was inspired by a pedo

>> No.3947869

>Richard Dawkins

I fear for the future. Try Nietzche.

>> No.3947871

Carl Sagan died of cancer.
Cristopher Hitchens is dieing of cancer.

Proof that God exists and that He hates atheists.

>> No.3947876

>hur dur. he's a vocal atheist so he must be stupid and evul

>> No.3947887

Since when is opposing tyrannical dictators considered a bad thing?

And if you're going to take that approach, no war is legal.

>> No.3947891

Oh no. He might be a decent biologist, but he is no historian or philosopher. Please do note that I pointed you to Nietzche, a much better writer on the topic, and the many issues faith (and the lack of it) brings.

And if you can stomach it, Schopenhauer.

>> No.3947894

the pope died
obviously god hates catholics to
hendrix drowned, apparently god hates musicians to
bill hicks died of cancer, apparently god hates ...oh
jfk got assasinated, apparently god loves snipers

>> No.3947901
File: 75 KB, 500x500, 1318592397306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>know you're being trolled
>respond anyway

>> No.3947909

> can't detect a samefag
inb4 samefag

>> No.3947913


he doesn't claim to be a historian or philosopher. why would you critique him on this basis? unless you thought he was meant to be either of these? Oh dear god i hope not, for your sake...

Nietzche is popular but he is entry level philosophy. Schopenhauer is even worse.

the best philosophers are still plato aristotle and kant

>> No.3947916

>cant detect a non-samefag
inb4 samefag

>> No.3947932

I would point at the irony in your statements, but this is pretty obvious. I suggested those two, since they supported atheism, which is the only reason one would read Dawkins. His retelling of History is lacking, at best, if not opinionated. The same goes with the way his logic/philosophy goes.

And if you want someone to popularize science, Bill Nye did a much better job than Dawkins will ever do in a thousand years.

>> No.3947945
File: 55 KB, 408x300, peter_singer1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russell (minus the racism)

>> No.3947950


But he only argued for the latter...

>> No.3947963

Wrong. His writing on evolution while basic is some of the best and much better than anything he has to say on atheism, though I don't begrudge his influence here. If you actually read and watch his stuff, you'd see it is just as good as sagan and bye and all the other 'science communicators'.

Also, what irony are you talking about?

>> No.3947978
File: 1.10 MB, 922x1252, Josiah_Willard_Gibbs_-from_MMS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man. enormous contributions and intellect, doesn't seem to pop up in things like this as much as others. other intellectual "heroes" include kelvin, pauling, newton.

>> No.3947990

shit, forgot norman borlaug for sheer contribution to humanity.

>> No.3947999

Except we are not discussing evolution or science, but "intellectuals". Philosophers, if you will. No one is challenging his views on evolution, but his views on everything else.

>> No.3948007
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>> No.3948011
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>> No.3948013

intellect doesn't include science? well fuck you.

why dyou mention bill nye you're only concerned with philosophers LOL

>> No.3948016


nigga, who?

>> No.3948021

By Jesus Christ, Buddha and Muhammad, are you stupid?

>> No.3948028

What does /sci/ think of popularizers of science like Carl Sagan and Friends?

My Opinion:
Practical science is what puts bread on the table at the end of the day, but if scientists don't take the time to communicate what is going on in science then the public will become increasingly detached and skeptical of the realities of the world around us.

The ignorance of the majority has far reaching implications in a democratic society. If the public isn't informed of the fruits of science then the public won't give a second thought to cutting scientific research funding. Popularizers therefore play a big role in practical science.

Plus Carl Sagan published over 500 papers in his tragically short life and scientists who do outreach statistically publish more papers than those who don't (Source = NPR).

>> No.3948046

>in his tragically short life

The dangers or pot. I will publish a paper about this some day.

Not like it matters. Thanks to the Cold War finally being over, nobody cares a damn about space, which means we can focus on things that are more pressing/important, like biochemistry and genetic research.

>> No.3948059

we're not talking about philosophers. we're talking about intellectuals. by alla accounts, dawkins is an intellectual. even though you're an edgy teenage hipster agnostic, you'll have to learn to deal with it

>> No.3948061
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>you will never get to meet carl sagan like this

>> No.3948082
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>implying if he wasn't dead he wouldn't think I'm awesome

This implication is... probably... correct.


>> No.3948105

If I am ignorant about a phenomenon, that is not a fact about the phenomenon; it just means I am not Eliezer Yudkowsky.

>> No.3948121

That brought a tear to my eye

>> No.3948122

Ramanujan. Dude was a fucking boss.

>> No.3948231

Antonio Zaglul

>> No.3948856 [DELETED] 

This thread doesn't have a sufficient amount of replies.

>> No.3950188


>> No.3950194 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 300x330, 1319513622286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Turing
He was Fabulous
He was Ambious
He was Cute <3

>> No.3950203
File: 17 KB, 300x330, Alan_Turing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alan Turing
He was Fabulous
He was Ambitious
He was Cute <3

>> No.3950242


>> No.3950296
File: 25 KB, 553x484, ancient-aliens-guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy..

>> No.3950314

Newton, Sagan, Feynman and Schrodinger.

>> No.3950531
File: 67 KB, 405x405, 1319304340452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Tyson

>> No.3950550

Archimedes - invented calculus
Ford - mass production
Edison - master of inventions and inventor of the laboratory

>> No.3950569

>not tesla

I bet you like steve jobs

>> No.3950573

edison isn't even the inventor of intellectual theft.

>> No.3950578

Nietzsche and Stirner.
One died from a hooker or a gay lover though.
And the other from an insect bite.
But live sucks anyway.

>> No.3950583



>> No.3950590

Not being american... i dont collect heroes...

But i like richard dawkins quite allot.

>> No.3950867
File: 219 KB, 912x912, confirmed bros mosaic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"da Vinci"
>0 results

/sci/, I am disappoint.

>> No.3950887

I had a list somewhere, i wanted a massive collage on my room for inspiration/motivation.
There are so many from different periods and eras, so ill list ones i can remember from Britain.

Erasmus Darwin
Charles Darwin
Alfred Russel Wallace
Oscar Wilde
George Bernard Shaw
John Stuart Mill
Jeremy Bentham
Thomas Hobbes
David Hume
Robert Hooke
Isaac Newton
John Ray
Francis Bacon
Joseph Banks
James Hutton
William Smith
Alan Turing
Richard Owen
Julian Huxley
Aldous Huxley
George Orwell

>> No.3950895

no joke, he actually is one of mine, but goddamn if a cult of personality hasn't developed around his site

>> No.3950914
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>> No.3950930

Socrates, who questioned everything and everyone

Galileo, who stuck to his guns

Newton, who invented modern physics and then walked away

Jefferson, who invented liberal constitutional government, and sealed the deal by dying on it's birthday

Ben Franklin, who was smarter than all the rest put together, but wise enough to stand back and let everybody stand or fall on its own

Lincoln, who knew a good general when he saw one

Oppenheimer, who had the grace to realize he had fucked up big time

Richard Hofstadter, who had the insight to recognize the paranoia in American politics

Douglas Hofstadter, who discovered the first fractal and wrote some of the most maddeningly abstruse but ultimately enlightening books on consciousness and AI ever

Neil deGrasse Tyson, who kicked Pluto's scrawny ass out of the Big 9

>> No.3950934 [DELETED] 

>sam harris
i'm all for being a devout atheist, but the new atheism movement is a pile of shit. however, with that being said, letter to a christian nation is one of my favorite books of all time.

>> No.3950945 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 255x288, 1292639105129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>no face


>> No.3950956 [DELETED] 

>That feel when edgy grimdark Sagan haters

>> No.3950979
File: 161 KB, 512x641, BuckminsterFuller1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buckminster Fuller
>Phrase not found


>> No.3950987

Linus Pauling.

>> No.3950988
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>Oppenheimer, who had the grace to realize he had fucked up big time

[citation needed]

>> No.3950998

Albert Einstein.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.3951001
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>> No.3951014 [DELETED] 

Linus Torvald, John McCarthy (died yesterday, RIP sweet prince), Dennis Ritchie, Donald Knuth, Alan Turing. Fight me, niggers

>> No.3951025

OP's picture, Richard Feyman and Hawking. If Hawking can do what he does in his conditions, no one can say: "I can't do it, it's too hard"

>> No.3951042

Bertrand Russell

This guy has brass balls. His works (especially his responses to other works) read like a British intellectual free-style rap battle - in his wake he leaves the broken syllogisms and hurt feelings of lesser beings. For example:

"I may say, to begin with, that I am totally unable to see any validity whatever in any of Mr. Strawson's arguments. Whether this is due to senility on my part or to some other cause, I must leave readers to judge."

"... he fastens on the word "present" and does not seem to be able to grasp that, if for the word "present I had substituted the words "in 1905", the whole of his argument would have collapsed."

"It is not only as to names and as to falsehood that Mr. Strawson shows his conviction that there is an unalterably right way of using words and that no change is to be tolerated however convenient it may be."

"Having confused the two problems, he asserts dogmatically that it is only the egocentric problem that needs to be solved, and he offers a solution of this problem which he seems to believe to be new, but which in fact was familiar before he wrote."

I would read more philosophy if it was more like this.

>> No.3951044
File: 361 KB, 1027x738, 1319534671121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy.

>> No.3951048
File: 441 KB, 220x132, 1319521763606.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHAT THE FUCK! Those are uranium bullets on his crotch!

>> No.3951098

Hahaha, 'damnit'.
It's 'dammit', foolish picture.

>> No.3951114
File: 58 KB, 328x448, imgcarl sagan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best he was, the best he is, and the best he will ever be.

>> No.3951127


You seem like an angsty teen who's trying desperately to fight his secretly gay love for steve jobs...

>> No.3951321



>> No.3951338


Lol, he deleted his post...

>> No.3951346

Looks like you hurt that brainless kid's feelings.