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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 368 KB, 603x593, feels_bad_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3939562 No.3939562 [Reply] [Original]

Is the engineer hate on this board an injoke or do you guys seriously believe it's a gay degree?

>> No.3939571

I have respect for engineers. Its a hard discipline, no doubt about it. But it isn't really a science, and therefore doesn't belong on this board.

>> No.3939578

Its stemmed from the fact that engineering is a massive sausage fest. Then it was driven into the ground by autistic retards like every meme imaginable.

>> No.3939584

The first time something is done, it's science.
The second time something is done, it's engineering.
The third time something is done, then you now have technicians.

>> No.3939594


Couldn't agree more...now the question is...why is Engineering a huge sausagefest...why do no Girls ever become an engineer is it too difficult?

>> No.3939607
File: 80 KB, 450x450, 1312836542908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do no Girls ever become an engineer

because women are worthless pieces of shit.

>> No.3939609

"Scientists look at the world and ask 'Why?' Engineers look at the world that never was, never has been, and ask 'Hey, why not?' "

--my intro to electrical engineering prof.

Haters gonna hate. I'm gay btw.

>> No.3939611
File: 173 KB, 800x1132, Catwoman_Wildenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But computer science is the same!

>> No.3939617

Girls are taught to play with dolls growing up.
Boys are talk to play with Legos.

Why do you think? It's gender-bias stemming through societal faggotry.

>> No.3939620

its an in-joke.

>> No.3939630
File: 154 KB, 631x743, 1314928191717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nonsense. women fail at everything no matter what they played with as kids.

>> No.3939634
File: 171 KB, 504x991, 1316191443457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related


>> No.3939640

Says the neck-bearded, basement-dwelling virgin faggot.

>> No.3939645


Nope you can go play with Legos right now if you wish do it...go home play with Lego...you won't because you'll find having some time to yourself to play pointless because hey your not a kid your a mature adult...but then you realize your posting on 4chan....what now?

>> No.3939650


nice tu quoque! since you are using logical fallacies to argue I suspect you are either a very stupid male or among the most intelligent women.

>> No.3939676

computer science is not a science

>> No.3939713

Cool story, /b/ro.

>> No.3939799

>>why do no Girls ever become an engineer is it too difficult?

from what I've seen, partially
a lot of girls I know struggle in the program

but so do a lot of guys so I dunno... maybe designing things + physics just appeal to the male psyche more for some reason

>> No.3939831

mlp pic in op should be bannation

>> No.3939837



>> No.3939858

We don't hate engineers really, we hate faggots that spam mlp pictures though (I hope)

>> No.3939861

Is money gay?

>> No.3939864


It's because if a woman does bad in engineering, she can just trot off to art school or creative writing, land a husband when she graduates and never have to worry about anything again.

If a man fails in engineering, he can expect homelessness and destitution.

It's all based on motivation. Women don't have succeed, the only succeed if they want to, men are forced to succeed.

>> No.3939868

>that feel when every time I get cash I rub it all over my dick and anus

>> No.3939876

on average, engineers make more money than science majors. so there's that

>> No.3939897

No it's just sometimes they can be dicks. My high school maths teacher was a self proclaimed engineer. We didn't even bother learning any theory, just went through exam questions from the last 10 years. This maximised the classes scores yeah, but we barely learnt anything beyond a very superficial understanding.

They don't seem to care about WHY something works but rather IF something works.

>> No.3939911

So I'm in first year engineering but I don't really care about money but do care about science. So how easy is it to transfer after a year from science to engineering? Can I still get a degree in 4 years if I take spring/summer courses?

>> No.3939926

Transfer from engineering to science, I mean.

>> No.3939930

only reason.

>> No.3939944

it's an in joke. I mean, I prefer relatively objective science rather than pragmatic application of it, but if you understand and put to use research, I like you.

That said, I object to you equating gay with bad. gay sex is fucking great.

>> No.3940011

Can someone please answer this? I've literally googled it 7 different ways.

>> No.3940027

I think engineering having few girls is because of the kind of education parents give to they'r daughters, and also society's trends, women are programed to go to literature and art degrees and view engineering as a man's only job.
Fortunatly i think this trends are changing and women are gradualy becoming more interested in man's areas such as technology and phisics.

I personaly know 2 of the few women in ee and its great to have conversations with them because we have so many interests in comon, there should be alot more like them

>> No.3940032
File: 159 KB, 760x596, sciencevsengineering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3940050
File: 818 KB, 1444x1608, 1297988939693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfortunately it's extremely true. Haven't been doing well in the classes. I can expect to maybe be homeless within a year. Anything short of a bachelor's means I'm not qualified for anything.

>> No.3940111

If anything I would not mind fewer women in engineering.

Less annoying try hards and more chill bros is always a good thing.

>> No.3940124

If you don't answer this question here, it's getting it's own thread whin I get home.

>> No.3940150

in the same boat here. time to go back to studying binary floating-point arithmetic...

>> No.3940167

Ask your school advisers jesus. You expect us to know how your school handles changes of majors? Yes, this would require talking to someone not over the internet.

>> No.3940192

Hey guise, I study Engineering Science. What does /sci/ this of me?

>> No.3940242

Vaguely remember that stuff. Circuits? Good luck though.