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3938261 No.3938261 [Reply] [Original]

Most adults in this world have about 50-60 years of life left, AT BEST with current technology and science levels.
Why the fuck they banned human cloning research and not putting trillions of dollars in priority for that? Don't people in charge want to live longer?
We could've had spare organs or even whole bodies by now for fuck sake. Instead we waste money on useless wars and space programs.

>> No.3938269
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You seek for 'The Island' or 'Moon' like scenario?

>> No.3938268


>> No.3938271

Yeah there is a reason why they are not.

A little thing called over population.

>> No.3938276

It's kind of weird that the powers that be don't spend all of their money on longevity research when they get old.

Oh, wait, it's because they're just as hilariously retarded as the "99%". The majority of people have no vision. A bunch of meme-locked penis-heads.

>> No.3938288

> Don't people in charge want to live longer?

Strangely, no. They are the ultimate of violent simians and as such, they are far too busy trying to screw everyone else just to make another few shekels, to stop and consider what's really important in life, which is a long and healthy life. Billionaires are dying, and their fortunes were never particularly devoted to life extension. Those fortunes were only devoted to MAKING THEMSELVES BIGGER.

Violent simians are depressingly stupid animals. Teh end of Cheap Oil is going to kill billions of them off, so there's THAT to look forward to.

>> No.3938292


Alot of them do.

They have so far all failed.

>> No.3938297


i am sure the terminator is a good representation of what will happen if we get advanced AI as well, huh?

>> No.3938298

> A bunch of meme-locked penis-heads.

That's a more succinct form of what I just said. The billionaires are even less culturally developed than you and myself are. They only spend their lives trying to make more money, when they have far more than they will ever EVER need. They are addicts.

>> No.3938310

> Alot of them do.

Correction: NOBODY is sinking billions of dollars into longevity research. If there are billionaires out there with some money in such things, it's probably 0.1% of their fortunes. It's depressingly stupid, but that's what you've got to expect from violent simians. Violent simians are still violent simians even with billions of dollar in wealth.

>> No.3938311

good point, I've asked this myself

Maybe promoting biological immortality and transhumanism is a way to get your foot into the door of the top 0.00001%

>> No.3938325
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That's why you, the good, rational people of /sci/, have the duty to enlighten people.

It's a thankless job, but if you don't do it, who will?

>> No.3938330


>> No.3938336


>Don't worry, my photosynthetic homies, we can keep growing like this and nothing will ever change! Botanical oxygenation is a lie! Opps we all eated now.....

>> No.3938341


But as more countries get access to first-world living standards or something close to that, birth rates decrease.

>> No.3938347

You literally know nothing about population trends.

>> No.3938354

Higher standards of living are probably part of it, but feminism is pretty huge too. Areas that have little acceptance for equal rights for women have inflated birthrates. That's why Africa is getting nutfucked by too high a birthrate.

>> No.3938362

There's a reason Soros, Castro, the Queen and Buffet are taking so long to die.

Of course shit still happens, like what happened to Jobs and Gaddafi.

>> No.3938375

OPs vision of Earth

- average life exectancy is now 200
- old cunts everywhere,
- you cant move for 120 year olds in traffic jams.
- all queues 5 times as long as they are now.
- you'll have to work until you are 170 to pay for your 30 years of retirement

jesus christ its Planet Florida

>> No.3938376
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Okay, just shooting out a question:

Could there have been a civilization hundreds of millions-billions of years ago, with sentient beings? Could there have been a technologically advanced civilization, the evidence of which has been wiped out by the eons?

>> No.3938377

The observed facts seem to show otherwise. We have brought higher living standards to poor countries of the world since ~1970. South America, then Asia, now China is over there dropping pennies on the ground in Africa.

yet....7 billion, here we come!

You might want to look around at fucking reality before you start spouting your 1970's, Club of Rome, globalizationist propaganda.

>> No.3938389
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Higher living standards? A quarter of the population doesn't have electricity. Only a minority will be able to enjoy first-world standards of living until open manufacturing becomes common and the assembly lines go up in flames.

>> No.3938400

Birthrates are not accelerating in Africa. In big cities and some smaller cities, they are in fact starting to decline. The same exact thing happened in 1st world countries some decades ago.

Again, you know nothing about fertility rates. Overpopulation, in the sense of outstripping natural resources at a healthy consumption rate, is a myth.

>> No.3938421
File: 22 KB, 425x292, getthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if?

Get this!

We terraform the Sahara desert!

So, It actually has tolerable living conditions!

>> No.3938430

One word. Oil.