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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3935523 No.3935523 [Reply] [Original]

Occam's razor, anyone?


Just read this article. It is truly dumbfounding that these "researchers" faced a nearly endless amount of data showing one consistent pattern, and had to think hard to skate around the outcome of applying Occam's razor. They submit tomes of policy recommendations to politicians, all of which suggest spending more money or resources on "urban" schools.

Yet none of these recommendations have done anything to close the racial achievement gap. Is it not a general rule of scientific research that when a hypothesis is not consistent with experiment, one must abandon that hypothesis in search of others? Educators are still relentlessly pursuing the same hypothesis that more resources will close racial academic gaps. If this were ANY other topic, this would be unanimously viewed as a silly waste of money.

In the face of these consistent statistical patterns, can we draw any inferences other than the popular one (environment) which fails in experiment?

>> No.3935544

the only people who pretend to be surprised by this are the ones that secretly support the secularists and jews in academia who lie their ass off and dont give a crap about science. the modern atheist movement, for example, is the biggest offender.

>> No.3935566


>> No.3935579

Since when are atheists denying observable evidenc...

Oh-ho. You got me.


>> No.3935602

>that secretly support the secularists and jews in academia who lie their ass off and dont give a crap about science.

What the hell do jews and secularism has to do with science? Will you people ever get over your conspiracy mindset for one second, else /x/ might be a better board for you to browse.

>> No.3935626
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those dubs
those numbers
is this even possible...

>> No.3935639

Well, United States Christians are a paranoid lot.

>> No.3935654

>/b/ bullshit

Well, this thread has gone well.

>> No.3935661

>doesn't take into account differences in cultures based on race and socioeconomic standing in the community.

>> No.3935687

>Doesn't take into account that some racial minorities outperform the majority in their own countries, even when adjusted for income.

>> No.3935691

OP here

>implying I proposed a hypothesis

Maybe "culture" is the reason. But that needs to be tested. If it fails experiment, then culture is not the reason.

The fact is that I did not state what I thought was the explanation, so you cannot take me up on a point for which I was not even arguing.

>> No.3935714

Teacher here

The correlation between socio-economic status and educational performance is far stronger than that between race and performance.

The numbers showing blacks/latinos lagging behind "whites" uses blatantly manipulated statistics to make this seem like it's as bad an issue as it was in the 50s. They don't count Russians as "white". They don't count other Eastern Europeans as "white". They cherry-pick the highest performing students with light skin and deem that's representative of all white people.

If you really want to fix this issue, then you need to get into the discussion of WEALTH, not race.

>> No.3935723

>The correlation between socio-economic status and educational performance is far stronger than that between race and performance.

No kidding. Low IQ minorities are not likely to earn much money.

>> No.3935733


Not the OP, but I've done some work in high schools in Miami and if you don't think that the current black culture doesn't promote ignorance than you yourself are ignorant to current black culture. I don't think it's a hereditary thing, but a cultural one. Throwing money at the problem wont solve anything. Leaders of black culture need to stop selling out their own race.

>> No.3935736

>imply that all minorities share one identical culture

Why are you simplifying the situation ? To fit in your preconcieved interpretations ?

>> No.3935747

American society as a whole should stop making such a big deal of skin color.
Once I tried to find statistics for socio-economic origin amoung the US carceral population, on the official site. I didn't find it, but there was a lot of statistics regarding the race of the inmates...

>> No.3935782


actually they've correlated race and money, and the rich black kids test like poor white kids

there's more to it than that

also check out "Defining Deviancy Down" for all you libtards especially, written by Daniel P Moynihan


"A few months before Barton's study appeared, I published an article

showing that the correlation between eighth-grade math scores and

distance of state capitals from the Canadian border was .522, a respect-

able showing. By contrast, the correlation with per pupil expenditure

was a derisory .203. I offered the policy proposal that states wishing to

improve their schools should move closer to Canada."

he also argues it has a lot to do with viable family structure

>> No.3935829

Read Why Race Matters by Michael Levine. It demolishes arm chair arguments like these.

>> No.3936218

itt reality whens and liberalism (fantasy) loses as usual, but that doesnt stop liberals (schizos) from bringing up tired arguments like "hurr socioeconomic status matters more" that have been constantly debunked by studies that account for every variable that liberals (psychos) invent after each consecutive one has been ruled out

>> No.3936223
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This is one of the main reasons I don't think the race issue is because of money.

Also I am doubting it is American culture because that is relatively new, and it doesn't explain why other countries still have the same issue regaurding race gaps.

>> No.3936228
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>'92 81% blacks below average in math
>'05 59% blacks below average in math in 8th grade.
>No Difference

What are you talking about OP? These graphs show a steady decrease in the differences between white's and black's since '92. Occam's Razor would point to this funding actually working.

>> No.3936229

Yeah, it is a shame people don't accept the obvious reality instead of just burying their heads in sand and calling everyone who tries to point out the errors "racists".

The sad thing is when they think they are helping black people by ignoring the truth. I mean honestly, the entire problem with black culture is probably black people being told they are the same and the reason they are so poor is because white people fucked them over. How can you expect them to get better when they are taught to believe the only reason they are in bad shape is because white people screwed them over? There really isn't any hope of finding a solution if people aren't willing to acknowledge the source of the problem.

>> No.3936230
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once more, then bedtime soon:

to the liberal deniers, if you will explain away that, how would you explain this:

almost 84 percent of NBA players are African American males.

Blacks make up 12.6% of the nation as a whole.

>> No.3936233
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>> No.3936234

NCLB is actually a terrible policy and forces schools to lower standards rather than raise education.

>> No.3936236
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>mfw fags already trying to blame culture/environment

Still can't accept incontrovertible facts, huh?
Stay classy, /sci/

"Our results unequivocally confirm that a substantial proportion of individual differences in human intelligence is due to genetic variation, and are consistent with many genes of small effects underlying the additive genetic influences on intelligence."

"Genetic influences on brain morphology and IQ are well studied. A
variety of sophisticated brain-mapping approaches relating genetic in-
fluences on brain structure and intelligence establishes a regional distribution for this relationship that is consistent with behavioral studies. We
highlight those studies that illustrate the complex cortical patterns associated with measures of cognitive ability. A measure of cognitive ability,
known as g, has been shown highly heritable across many studies. We
argue that these genetic links are partly mediated by brain structure
that is likewise under strong genetic control."



>> No.3936242

Its part of denialism, when faced with evidence that completely destroys their worldview, they will come up with absurd excuses to explain how their view is still correct.

It's alot like religion, where when something they believe in the bible is contradicted by science, they say it was the interpretation that was wrong. It is easier for the human mind to come with excuses than admit they were wrong.

>> No.3936244


this is interesting; however perhaps there's more to it than meets the eye

for example, it says "well off" white parents; and as there is a correlation between todoness and intelligence, already this will be a positive influencing factor

second, it did say biological children of the parents scored even higher

third, it could be that the hardship of being adopted gives these children certain intellectual fortitude that normal children would not otherwise have (‘It is a law of nature we overlook, that intellectual versatility is the compensation for change, danger, and trouble. An animal perfectly in harmony with its environment is a perfect mechanism. Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change. Only those animals partake of intelligence that have to meet a huge variety of needs and dangers.")

ellison, jobs were adopted, ex (granted a very small sample)

>> No.3936248
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btw, the paragraph right above that one is worth noting too:

‘I grieved to think how brief the dream of the human intellect had been. It had committed suicide. It had set itself steadfastly towards comfort and ease, a balanced society with security and permanency as its watchword, it had attained its hopes—to come to this at last. Once, life and property must have reached almost absolute safety. The rich had been assured of his wealth and comfort, the toiler assured of his life and work. No doubt in that perfect world there had been no unemployed problem, no social question left unsolved. And a great quiet had followed.

>> No.3936249

It isn't that black people's scores increased, it is that white people's scores increased just as much or more than blacks. Meaning that funding hasn't fixed the race gap.

>> No.3936251

when all else fails, blame the environment

>> No.3936255


environment is part of it too

for example, see defining deviancy down

the correlation between a healthy family environment and academic achievement is very strong

>> No.3936260

I don't get what you are saying here. The data from the graph clearly shows that blacks<mixed<whites<asians in terms of intelligence. The scores are all a little bit inflated because of the superior environment.

>> No.3936264


you're right; i just completely misread the graph

did i mention it's bedtime soon?

>> No.3936269


if you follow the pattern to 100%, it will...

you are expecting someting like magic, it is not.

>> No.3936271

I really hope we see /new/ come back soon.

>> No.3936277

yeah, too bad the correlation between a healthy family environment and intelligence is also very high, along with the correlation between intelligence and race.

So yeah, environment is an issue, but it is important to note that throwing money at it isn't going to fix the problem because environment part is a resultant problem, not a root cause problem.

>> No.3936279


well it's something of a catch 22

politically correct liberal america refuses to acknowledge basic biological facts

and labels those who are bringing them up as racist thereby

whereas we shouldn't have to bring them up, and doing so is somewhat racist, by definition; but it's also the truth, and that is what informs the discussion at its best anyway

when the hippies acknowledge reality, perhaps we can move the discussion to something more constructive; like how to treat each other as equal human beings/life forms despite our differences (various strengths/weaknesses) on the margins

>> No.3936282


well moynihan acknowledges money is not the answer

but i do think environment becomes both resultant and root

both cause and effect; sort of a vicious circle, if you will

>> No.3936288

nah, it won't solve the problem. you have to realize that the success for these graphs is more asymptotic than linear. For instance, an increase from 85% proficient to 90% proficient is more of a success than say 50% to 55% proficient. Meaning you really aren't going to get a 100% success rate, really ever.

Just like with literacy where you can never really get a 100% literate population.

>> No.3936300

Okay, let's do some calculations and compare the relative improvements in "below average in math" between white and black students. Correct me if this is wrong:

Whites, 92 to 05, 8th grade math
(34-21)/21=62% improvement

Blacks, 92 to 05, 8th grade math
(81-59)/59=37% improvement

Whites improved by less raw points, but the number of points cannot be taken in isolation. Similarly, the fact that blacks improved cannot be considered in isolation of the fact that whites also improved.

>> No.3936301

So when will white people admit that Asians are the Master Race?

>> No.3936302

yeah, it is a bit of a self sustaining problem. But the main issue is even if you eradicate it completely, it will come back because it is a resultant problem of something that remains unfixed.

I guess it would be analogous to lice or something, where removing the lice on your head won't really fix anything if you don't clean the lice infested pillow you sleep on.

>> No.3936308

Ethnic Germans have an average IQ of 107, two points higher than the oft-touted average IQ of 105 for East Asians. The national average IQ for Germany is closer to 100 because of immigrants and non-native inhabitants.

>> No.3936315


well the equation is more complex than that

most blacks in this country are not here of their own accord; yes, i'm talking about slavery and yes it is unresolved

how to resolve it is another topic entirely


maybe and uhm never

again, these are averages, which is informative but not the whole story

the history of progress in western civilisation is largely by those who are outside the norm; iconoclasts; einstein said "To punish me for my contempt for authority, fate made me an authority myself."

contempt for authority is verboten in east asia; standing out is discouraged; therefore progress is not as dynamic as it is in the west

asians are intelligent, capable, hard working, etc. and different seasons call for different themes; ie. in a world where we've reached the limits of our need vs advancement then the dynamic model will be less present and a maintenance model will be more called for

>> No.3936321


and when the earth is bombarded with massive radiation the physical durability and resistance to skin cancer of the blacks will come into play

we've each got our advantages and disadvantages; no race is superior to any other (tho i have a hard time rationalising mexicans)

>> No.3936326
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> Occam's razor
> IQ
> 2011


>> No.3936339

If the findings on racial intelligence were not almost always used to support a racist social policy, or a racist personal bias, then we could discuss it frankly.

Really, so long as we remember that looking a persons academic or career record is more important than basing our opinion on, first, noting what racial background they appear to have, and then, assuming they are average for that background, we'll be fine.

Yes, Asians are smarter than Africans. Is THIS Asian smarter than THIS African?

>> No.3936341


>most blacks in this country are not here of their own accord


>> No.3936342

>most blacks in this country are not here of their own accord

um. just because my irish ancestors voluntarily immigrated here means i'm here of my own accord?

or....just fucking what?

>> No.3936348

they're not.

they're smarter than the average white (105>100), but whites have FAR more geniuses.

>> No.3936353

>If the findings on racial intelligence were not almost always used to support a racist social policy, or a racist personal bias, then we could discuss it frankly.

like...wanting to get rid of affirmative action?

>> No.3936354

you mean racist social policies like 'equal opportunity' or 'affirmative action' which exist because of the fact that people deny the heritability of intelligence?


>> No.3936357


we identify with our own group, and nearly all african americans identify as the consequence of slavery

we can argue whether it's justified or not but the fact of that identity is clear; and once that's established it's hard to escape the implications and their effects (ie. it is justified)

>> No.3936358

i wonder how many /sci/entists have taken a closer look at IQ heritability and race ever since /new/ started posting here from time to time.

>> No.3936361

none, because the average /sci/entist is just an angst ridden teen atheist. they dont value truth or science, they just value secularism. a big difference.

>> No.3936363

OP here. People in this thread (not me) mentioned IQ. I didn't even bother going down that road. I am mainly talking about academic performance, not IQ. But of course, academic performance and IQ are very intimately tied.

My main point is that the researchers did not look at any other possibilities other than "if we change environmental factors, racial differences in (non-IQ) academic test scores will vanish." Perhaps those differences cannot vanish? The country has spent billions (nay, trillions) of dollars on fruitlessly trying to close this gap. Politicians and educators hold out for black test scores increasing in the future--but based on the long-standing trend, Occam's razor would tell us that it just isn't happening.

Before you respond, remember that I am not saying that non-Oriental minorities are inferior and that's why they are unable to perform--I am just saying that maybe the researchers should abandon the "money will close the racial gap" hypothesis.

>> No.3936364


lulz, come on; it's not that bad

>> No.3936369


Exactly like affirmative action. In so far as it's a wedge to get people from groups that are discriminated against into institutions, it's fine. There is a bias against members of certain genders and races that can be seen above and beyond their average lower abilities. This is not okay, and it does not just go away.

But the idea that you would put any weight on a persons apparent racial heritage when considering immigration policy, college admissions, or job applications, is usually nonsense. Telling me that black people are not as smart means nothing to me, even if it's true, since I only care about how smart this person before me is.

>> No.3936371


nice alternating 3s

>> No.3936375


>implying secularism is a bad thing

Good one, anon. Religious and academic freedom can ONLY exist under secularism, numbnuts.

>> No.3936380

>>implying secularism is a bad thing
>implying he said secularism in itself is a bad thing

>> No.3936387


He said

>they just value secularism

Which implies that it is a bad thing when compared to valuing truth or science. You should value all three, of course. But valuing secularism by itself is a good thing, and it certainly is a good place to start.

>> No.3936390

>Yes, Asians are smarter than Africans. Is THIS Asian smarter than THIS African?

There is a higher probability, though, that any given African (of "pure" stock) is less intelligent than any given Northeast Asian (of pure stock).

And only Northeast Asians have the high IQ. South and Southeast Asians have IQs far lower than whites and in certain cases (e.g., Indians), lower than African Americans.

>> No.3936393

and yet america was never secular and religious and academic freedom was one of its top priorities, and in fact there is less academic freedom now that secularists such as yourself have created inner circles, tenure, etc. (marxist tenants)

lets face it, atheists and secularism promoting liberals are really just replacing theism with communism

>> No.3936402

he said

>they dont value truth or science
>they just value secularism

which doesn't imply secularism is a bad thing in itself, but rather only bad if you don't value it because it makes sense.

>> No.3936406

What if you're an Atheist Libertarian/Voluntarist?

>> No.3936409


But you would still want to look at a candidates academic record rather than his appearance when considering them for a position? I mean, you understand where I'm coming from here.

If, say, Fleebs have an average IQ of 80, and Bleefs have an average IQ of 120, would you want to know whether someone was a Fleeb or a Bleef, or would you want to know what their IQ was?

>in b4 IQ is junk, just take whatever academic measure you like

>> No.3936412


your point is just kinda obvious though. nobody disputes it.

there's always someone like you in these threads though.

>> No.3936413

Of course IQ is a poor indicator of academic success, otherwise Indians and middle easterners would not regularly outperform whites in the US as they do.

>> No.3936415

being a succesful academic doesn't show you're smart. it shows you're great at following orders.

>> No.3936418


America is explicitly secular from the start. That's the whole point.

And you don't have to replace theism with communism. The set of values and traditions we all share in the west, those of the enlightenment, though not codified, is good enough. Atheists at least recognise that it doesn't come from religion, while religious folks have to contort their texts to make them fit it.


It's still better to be secular than not, regardless of whether you value truth and science. Even if it's for bad reasons, it's still the most reasonable position.

>> No.3936421


It's still worth saying. It's not my fault that certain discussions are full of dogwhistles. I just want to make sure we're all on the same page. In this thread, at least, it seems we are. This is not always the case.

>> No.3936423

>It's still better to be secular than not, regardless of whether you value truth and science

dunno. i value the methodology, not the conclusions. less prone to mistaking someone for being objective.

>> No.3936425

>India has average IQ of 81
>billion people in India
>0.000000000001% most talented slice of India/whatever-shithole-country is ambitious and intelligent enough to get into a Western country
>implying that tiny minority of outliers can disqualify the measure itself

>> No.3936429

being successful academically is a better indicator of potential worth to a society than nay one test can indicate.

if your IQ is 180 and you don't have any other skills to take advantage of one of your strong points then you will be unsuccessful, you will likely not contribute to society, etc.

I would rather hire someone with a bachelors or masters with an IQ of 100 than someone who only has a GED and an IQ of 140.

Maybe for computers all that matters is processing power, but for humans it requires a synergy of traits of all sorts to take full advantage of your abilities.

>> No.3936430

not really.

it's often implied that race and IQ heritability don't matter because you should "judge the individual". but the whole point of this is to discredit egalitarian political nonsense like affirmative action.

>> No.3936432


It's better for me if they are secular. The more people who value secularity, the better for everyone.

I'd prefer they came to that conclusion in the way most reasonable and informed people do, but I'll settle for them being swept up by peer pressure. At least by internalising secular values, you don't end the discussion about which values are best.

>> No.3936434

of course you'd rather hire someone that can follow orders. what the fuck are you going on about?

the guy with the high IQ will be your rival businessman fucking you over because he hires based on experience and skills, not some piece of paper.

i agree.

>> No.3936439

if you were a science major like I am you would understand

what you're doing is unscientific and nonsensical.

you have to control for all variables in experimentation.

the fact is india and nations like iran have more scientific and cultural contributions one on one to most east asian or white nations.

the fact is india has three particle accelerators whereas most white and east asian nations do not have one.

the fact is india has a scientific productivity higher than most white nations.

the fact is india has a self-sufficient nuclear program and most white and east nations do not.

the fact is indian scientists are studying in some of the most advanced fields and having their own self-sufficient space program.

you cannot do science the way you think, you have to change the way you are.

>> No.3936443

how is affirmative action egalitarian political nonsense.

>> No.3936447

yes, following orders well is essential to being productive.
like i said, a certified and documented academic career is a better indicator of worth than any IQ test ever.

>> No.3936452

Nobody respond to this.

As he failed to put a question mark he clearly isn't looking for an answer.

>> No.3936457


On one hand, you should not have any judgement based on race. And institutional judgement, like affirmative action, is arguably the worst kind.

On the other hand, people are biased against members of other races. And white people are already entrenched in the upper echelons of certain institutions, so in practice the bias is against non-whites. So some feel that corrective measures should be taken.

>> No.3936462

Blacks have all the rights of whites under the law, why should they ever get preference in working for some spot in a university?

>> No.3936472

If it were proven inconclusively tomorrow that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites, I don't think much would change in terms of interpersonal relationships. Companies will still hire talented blacks and Hispanics (yes, they exist), and teachers will not suddenly scoff at black students and fawn over Asian students.

There will be a time in the near future when the genes for IQ are found (there will be many), and blacks are found to have lower frequencies of high IQ alleles, NE Asians and whites higher. At most, I predict affirmative action will end, other race-based preferences will be reduced, most races will be more wary than before of allowing their children to breed with low-IQ races due to regression to the mean, and de facto segregation will rise. But there will be no slavery. People will just have realistic attitudes toward race in a way people have never before had--since this time, science unequivocally will lend support to these ideas.

I have been keeping reading the research on race and IQ. All of the researchers, even the most "racist" ones (like Rushton or Lynn), conclude that there is variation in IQ in all races. The standard deviations of IQ for certain ethnic groups do differ, on the other hand. There is conflicting data, but blacks and Asians have smaller SDs than whites. That is, whites have more high IQ individuals as well as more low IQ individuals. Nevertheless, there are still a sizable number of intelligent blacks/Hispanics such that if a selective breeding program were enforced, the average IQ of these groups could rise to a functional level.

>> No.3936475

Blacks have all the rights of whites under the law, why should they ever get preference in working for some spot in a university?

>> No.3936478
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Samefagging by using reverse psychology on angsty teens....?

>> No.3936486

>India's IQ as measured in 2002: 81
>India's IQ as measured in 2006: 82

Coincidence that the tests yielded the same results twice?


>India doing science
>implying there aren't a ton of people at the right end of the bell curve in a population of 1 billion

>> No.3936490

because they were used as slaves, and provided free labor to benefit whites.
so naturally it makes sense their community would be much further behind in societal evolution than whites within the same nation.
affirmative action isn't meant as reverse racism as many people with victim complexes who are unable to compete successfully for positions themselves think.
affirmative action is acknowledging that whites in a nation benefited from the labor of black families and perhaps it makes sense to balance the equation by paying them back in some small way.

>> No.3936494


>and teachers will not suddenly scoff at black students and fawn over Asian students.

Not so. Every failure by an asian student will be taken as a simple once-off mistake, while every failure of a black student will be taken as a sign of incompetence. Except that they will have science to back up this prejudice.

Also, whites and east asians? I think you mean east asians, bro. Whites are in the middle here.

>> No.3936504

what i'm saying is there's a disparity between average intelligence and actual achievement.
there are clear instances where achievement may be even greater than expected given estimates based on a single metric.
india isn't a race anyway, the middle east isn't a race, brown isn't a race, these regions are like conglomerates of various ethnic groups all around the world living together with some degree of homogeneity.

>> No.3936507

how on earth can one consider something with such a mountain of variables a controlled study

>> No.3936512

>Whites are in the middle here.

Whites are only 5 points lower than Northeast Asians. That's 1/3 of the difference between whites and blacks. So "middle" is not an accurate representation of these differences.

>> No.3936516

yes but east asians are genetically deficient in the language of thought and in creativity.
white people are high in all traits on the other hand.

>> No.3936521

>affirmative action is acknowledging that whites in a nation benefited from the labor of black families and perhaps it makes sense to balance the equation by paying them back in some small way.


In fact, neither my father nor my father's father owned slaves, so why should I lose a job because Jamal Gwabongo fresh off the boat from Zaire, who is 1st generation, get my job solely because he is black?

>> No.3936527

You're right that the system isn't perfect.
But in general, having it is righting a wrong more than wronging a right.
Black families provided for the nation, free labor was a huge boon to its early economy, but they weren't able to keep any wealth within their own families.

You're not even being asked to actually pay them back for slavery, all that's being asked is they get a chance at a better education and a better job to work to improve themselves.

>> No.3936529

Affirmative action doesn't right shit.

All it does it put unqualified people in positions they shouldn't be in making the whole race look bad, and make it so people will have doubts about people who actually worked to get where they are because "they're just here to fulfill a race quota".

AA is a fucking failure, just like Title IX and all the other white male guilt programs that came out of the previous century.

>> No.3936563
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you must have gotten an education from the typical liberal secularists i spoke of earlier because 1. jews owned the slave ships 2. slavery accounted for less than 10% of the economy at any given point (many say it accounted for as low as 3%) 3. less than 5% of people owned slaves, some claim 1% 4. the first slave owner in america was a black man 5. every race has been enslaved and slavery still exists in africa 6. whites owned slaves for the least amount of time and were the quickest to set them free

keep repeating bull shit 'scienz lurving atheist' liberal queer

>> No.3936577

If black people are good at sports, and Jews are good at math, why can't I breed black jews to be good at math AND sports?

If black jews are good at math and sports, and asians are good at science, why can't I breed black Asian Jews to be good at math, sports, and science?

If white people are really attractive, civilized, and tall, and black Asian Jews are good at sports, math, and science, why can't I breed tall, attractive, civilized white black Asian Jews to be good at math, sports, and science?

>> No.3936589

assuming your scenario is true, adding black to the mix would bring down the levels of intelligence for the offspring. why would you value playing sports highly at all anyway? this provides nothing of value to anyone.

>> No.3936596

Not really. Races are like dog breeds, right? I want to breed a human equivalent to a German shepherd - arguably the smartest breed that's strong, fast, and loyal.

I want to do that with humans. WHy wouldn't this work? If I did it enough, then eventually, I'd breed out all the imperfections and have perfect people because every person or race has an advantage over another in one area.

>> No.3936608

what do you mean not really you complete faggot? it is a proven fact that the low intelligence in blacks in inherited by the offspring. it is a dominant trait. and you dont know shit about dog breeding or dog breeds. in actuality, some human races are completely separate species when compared to one another, but science (liberal atheists) dont value truth so they pretend its not true for political reasons.

>> No.3936610

You will most likely end up with an ugly mongrel that is average or below average at mental and physical abilities.

Meiosis doesn't work by only selecting the traits humans value.

>> No.3936617

Yes it does?
There are lots of people that are good at everything.
Animals can be bred for specific traits we want.
Undesirable traits are always bred out of stuff.
You guys are being inconsistent now.
Intelligence can be bred into out of people... but combining traits means you get half intelligence, half something else? I don't think so, buddy.

>> No.3936621

You see OP, human nature has not changed in any way in thousands and thousands of years. You know how the obvious truth was suppressed in the past and we look back on it and laugh? We see how "primitive" people back then were? Well, we are those same people.

>> No.3936639

This guy has gone into great detail explaining the hereditarian stance on race and IQ. He has certainly made the case for IQ and intelligence being genetic and therefor mostly heritable.

Full(3 hours 40 minutes)
Abridged(Only 50 minutes)

>> No.3936651

Hey everyone, slaves in America were materialistically better off than wage laborers in Europe and America. Plantation records also show that slaves worked less.

>> No.3936664

>implying that makes slavery morally justifiable, or excuses racism

What the fuck is your point?

>> No.3936667

What would happen is you would get offspring that are not quite as good at either. Frankly, being a little better at sports isn't as useful as being a little smarter. It would be more of a waste at time than anything.

>> No.3936675

Blacks don't bring anything to the table. Athletic ability is not really that important.

It would be best for all races if they just avoided the hell out of niggers.

>> No.3936693

>Athletic ability is not really that important

based on what arbitrary unit of importance?

>> No.3936699

>implying athletics are a science

>> No.3936705

Point is wage labor, renting people, is pretty much the same as owning someone so things aren't really that much better. Racism is terrible. It's just we can't change the facts so we don't hurt someones feelings. Still, evolution doesn't stop at the neck.

>> No.3936713

>implying the world runs solely on science

>> No.3936715

Athletic ability isn't important unless it is in the very top end like a professional athlete. Sacrificing 10 IQ points to make someone be able to do pushups easier is a terrible tradeoff, unless the guy is already a worldclass pushup champion.

>> No.3936752
File: 270 KB, 600x600, 1316915232135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr let's breed niggers (avg. IQ is 70) with Jews (avg. IQ is 115)
>mfw mutts have an IQ in between, so 87.5 will result
>mfw terrible outcome for humanity
>mfw you're an idiot
>mfw you can just use intelligence to synthesize steroids if you really are interested in athletic ability

>> No.3936766

It's okay bro. He doesn't understand regression toward the mean.

>> No.3936815

For all the wannabe humanists out there, the reason this is important is that our social policy assumes that all groups are equally capable on average, and takes any differences in outcome as a sign of discrimination. When an 84th percentile negro is only as smart as a 50th percentile white, the above is disastrous.

>> No.3936847

Most good sir. This doesn't mean we want to go back to slavery. Just we can stop wasting time trying to protect people's feelings. I have never seen a white person upset that east asians have a higher IQ, or try to say that IQ tests must be racist against whites(or culturally biased as they say) because of it.

>> No.3936873


So what? As a white person, I am glad there could be a race with even more potential.

>> No.3936887

Black kids are screwed up by their culture and their genetics.

But mostly by their culture.

Schools can't fix either problem, so they dumb down education, and even then they have to give blacks an easy ride.

>> No.3936893

Well, let's not pretend blacks aren't talented in many ways besides anything involving thought. They were quite good at basketball, picking cotton, and raping white women. You have to give to give them credit to their rich heritage in all three activities.

>> No.3936900

Keeping in mind, if you had a group of people with poor genetic aptitude for intelligence you would expect them to create a culture that does not nurture intelligence.