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3931936 No.3931936 [Reply] [Original]

Aspie here. How to relate to plebeians? How do I think of meaningless/thoughtless things to say that people find funny? The things I usually say make sense and require thought, and I don't think people like hearing those things. I notice that people who are "popular" just say stupid things and people like them for it. How do you do that?

>> No.3931948
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>> No.3932213

yoru not an Aspie. your a socialpth. it ok. socialpaths are needed more in this world then aspies.
http://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/ start here.

>> No.3932217



Are you fucking serious?

>> No.3932228


>> No.3932239

>The things I usually say make sense and require thought, and I don't think people like hearing those things. I notice that people who are "popular" just say stupid things and people like them for it. How do you do that?

It's because people don't want to think, they want to have fun when they're with friends. I mean I'm sure that even friends of respectable intelligence don't have entirely meaningful conversations either.

>> No.3932241

you are aware that social-paths hate society. hate interacting with retarded people. do you not understand that social-path was coined because the term psychopath was too menacing a word. and that social-path is now coined as ANTI-SOCIAL.... yes im fucking serious.

>> No.3932245

Confirmed for idiot.
Intelligent people just have different kinds of fun in their conversations. The most common seems to be wordplay.

>> No.3932255

>The things I usually say make sense and require thought, and I don't think people like hearing those things.
>implying you're superior to anyone

Nah. You're just a boring faggot who doesn't know how to socialize.

>> No.3932257


How is wordplay meaningful? And fine, if you think intelligent people are better conversationalists why aren't you friends with them instead of making this thread?

>> No.3932269

You have to actually appreciate the fact that they're people, rather than "plebeians". They're people, with hopes, fears, dreams, neuroses, problems, joys, interests, secrets, the whole deal. People who might find social interaction just as difficult as you do, maybe even moreso. Who also find it unpleasant to grasp around in the dark for something solid that they can use to form a genuine connection to another human being. Once you understand this; you've taken the first step on the path to being a genuinely interesting person, with friends who truly like you, rather than an ant who coasts through interaction with the other ants by rubbing feelers in the right place and walking on.

>> No.3932278

Sociopaths can fake social skills rather well, in fact they often can do it so well they come off as the life of the party, and the most socially successful person in the room. Autistics and Asperger's aren't capable of putting themselves in other peoples shoes and gauging what they might be feeling or perceiving. It's kind of way people with Asperger's are considered assholes is because they can't tell if a person is feeling one thing or another, regardless of how obvious it is through either expressions or conversation, and at times they can be disabled from being able to learn how to do so, making it nearly impossible (and sometimes just straight up impossible) for them to relate to others.

>> No.3932289

How did you just confuse me with the moronic OP?

>> No.3932295

Not that guy but I am friends with intelligent people, we have intellectual discussions all the time.

>> No.3932297

Alternatively, the vast majority of people with asperger's use it as an excuse to not even try.
I fucking hate this. I know at least three actually diagnosed aspie's and they all blame all sorts of bullshit on it. I fucking hate them sometimes.

>> No.3932306

I know what you mean OP, do you find that you hate everyone and it's frustrating as hell because everyone thinks you're a dick for stating facts regardless of emotion?

>> No.3932311

"Why can't I just be an asshole and not be considered an asshole guys??!?!?!?"

>> No.3932322

>Alternatively, the vast majority of people with asperger's use it as an excuse to not even try.

No, they just aren't capable of seeing the reason behind it and whatever benefit it can gain them. They don't try because it doesn't make sense to them to do so, they can't see it or gather why would it be logical for them to do so, it's just an alien concept to them. Though you might find some high schoolers who don't even have Asperger's or any form of autism using it as an excuse, or people who were misdiagnosed with it.

>> No.3932326

I..Yes, my opinions are asshole ish, but fact.

>> No.3932331

If they're diagnosed and actually have it (and not just telling people they have it to make up for prolonged shut-in behavior), then you can't really blame them for not trying to do something they'll never be good at (depending no the severity).
That would be like railing on you for not trying out for the basketball team at your school, when you're a clinically diagnosed midget (and not just telling people you have it to make up for prolonged shut-in behavior).

>> No.3932334
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Pic is how you relate to them.

>> No.3932340

This, autist here, alcohol loosens me up.
Well, sort of..I have to be completely intoxicated to talk to strangers..

>> No.3932341

Stop making excuses for them.
"It's not my fault I failed school. It's that damn asperger's."

>> No.3932346

Is it the idea that strangers aren't interesting? That what they have to say is totally irrelevant? Is that the root cause of apathy towards social interaction?

I'm nigh certain there's at least some form of reasoning behind a lack of desire to socialize.

>> No.3932350

Opinions are not facts. Absolutism never got anyone anywhere.

>> No.3932351

Yeah, that's definitely not Asperger's right there. People with social problems often do very well in school because they have more times to themselves and their work. You sound like you picked up somebody with an LD or something.

>> No.3932356

>Is it the idea that strangers aren't interesting? That what they have to say is totally irrelevant? Is that the root cause of apathy towards social interaction?
Not samefag, but I'm thinking it's either shyness and second guessing himself.

>> No.3932357

Well, if someone says "I got pregnant wat do"
I would say "It's your own fault, retard"
And not care for the persons feelings, and just want to state the truth.

>> No.3932361


opan 14 year is an expensive way to relate

>> No.3932362

Meh. Professionally diagnosed before asperger's was even popular.
But now one of my best friends uses it as a goddamn crutch at the drop of a hat, and I want to kill him.

>> No.3932364

You would be wrong.

>> No.3932365

>Is it the idea that strangers aren't interesting? That what they have to say is totally irrelevant? Is that the root cause of apathy towards social interaction?
I'm apathetic to all of those things and just don't really care, i'm also extremely shy.

>> No.3932367


>> No.3932368

Yeah, but it's so delicious.
So you just don't care for social interaction? You don't think it necessary?

Out of curiosity, because I'm sure there IS an answer, what makes you happy? What do you enjoy doing most? There must be something that, if not joy as most know it, still gives you pleasure of fulfillment.

>> No.3932375
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Were you diagnosed with it, or him? If you, and not him, have this gun for obvious reasons. If he was diagnosed with it, well it just means he has an explanation for his issues, and that it's an answer for them altogether. Doesn't prove/disprove whether or not he has it, people just think something you're born with is enough to explain itself and them, without actually knowing what the explanation even is. Even families, if they have a member that's mentally impaired or unusual, would have the same mindset for him/her and just leave them alone with it instead of actually trying to help or accommodate them.

>> No.3932377

I don't even enjoy anything anymore, I mean..I enjoy talking to people I know, when i'm in the mood, but I don't really want to.
Nothing fulfills me.

>> No.3932382

Obviously not me, thank god.
But there's a difference between having a valid and invalid excuse.
An excuse becomes invalid if you don't even TRY to correct the behavior. You just say "I couldn't fix it because my brain is fucked" over and over.
That's stupid. Not even TRYING to fix something that bothers you and bothers other people is disgusting behavior for any human being.

>> No.3932388
File: 227 KB, 675x503, palancar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a solution for you. It solves every problem I have, regardless of its magnitude.

>Get scuba certification
>Go to Cozumel, Mexico
>Go scuba diving in the beautiful reefs, no human can help but feel overwhelmed being in them
>Drink a ton, like, a shit-ton
>Hang out at the cigar bar with the old fucks and expats. The conversation's almost always about more than just sports and bullshit and the cuban cigars are great
>Keep drinking
>Go out, wander around, hit on girls from the cruise ships
>If successful in the previous step, bang them. If not, keep drinking until you pass out.
>Repeat until vacation ends.

It fixes all problems in life, I promise.

>> No.3932392

1.Can't afford it.
2.It's scary
3.I don't want any social interaction.

>> No.3932398

>An excuse becomes invalid if you don't even TRY to correct the behavior.
Aspergers/Autism are mental disorders that often develop at birth. There's not a complete chance it can be cured or corrected despite the effort, some with it could overcome it with little effort, and some will probably be stuck with it permanently regardless of what action and how much work they put into it, there's either a bright chance or doomed future with it for them. It all depends on the person not only in a personality sense, but sometimes how is mind and brain are structured. And often times overcoming mental and emotional issues are the hardest things for your average individual to attempt, and can take entire lifetimes to treat and manage, which is why people tend to default to psychiatry instead of psychology, because taking pills to loosen it up is easier than doing it manually with will power, especially with the average citizen often has too little time to themselves to do so.

>> No.3932399

You meet crazy people.

I met an ex-mercenary from South Africa with his own beach club there and a private island in Belize. I've flown his plane for him once since then, he lives two hours from where I do in the states. You have no idea where the social interaction will take you and it's far beyond superficial.

Yes, it is expensive, but so worth it.

Fuck being scary. You know, intellectually, that you'll be fine when scuba diving. The fear is irrational, therefor illogical.

>Okay, it IS considered one of the most dangerous recreational activities on Earth, but whatever.

>> No.3932402

Funny story, I actually went snorkeling and was pretty indifferent to it. Didn't even really want to go to mexico. I don't have any intentions to "bang" women, there are several infatuated with me but I don't want to pursue them, for whatever reason. I think I would like someone to talk to or whatever, but I just think I know they will hamper my lifestyle eventually.. Which is solitude. But perhaps that is for the better, since I am not quite enjoying it currently. The only thing I really enjoy doing is listening to music. I have friends but I don't really talk to them outside of when I am forced to be in proximity, you know?

Different person by the way, just trying to talk to myself I guess.

>> No.3932408

I'm scared of social interaction.
Go ahead and guess the last time I spoke to a stranger.

>> No.3932424
File: 221 KB, 600x528, octopusSmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries. There's no need to bang them. There's no need to talk to people. It just seems to work for me when my life's otherwise gone to shit or I'm not feeling the greatest. A week in Mexico and I'm good to go for another 4-5 months or so.

The bitch about social interaction with strangers is that it's an unknown quantity. They could be vapid idiots, judgmental, intimidating, manipulative, etc. However, there is the chance that they're worthwhile.

Worthwhile as in: interesting, accepting, and sympathetic with you. This isn't charity, which is another pitfall, it is genuine interest in you and concern for your well-being. Though it may sound absurd, there are humans that would feel this way towards you within 5 minutes of meeting you.

I'll admit that such people are exceedingly rare, but you will NEVER encounter them if you don't try. It boils down to odds. No risk, no reward. That's the fundamental bitch of social interaction.

I think the difference is that us "normal" people take it regularly, while others (for whatever reason) shy away because the odds are shitty. I'm not blaming you for your choice, it's retarded to play the lottery. However, to derive full pleasure from life, one must play the social lottery.

>Pic is of an octopus
>I "met" a bro-tier octopus on a reef one night

>> No.3932442

You don't understand do you?
I have a fear of everyone, it's not the fact that they might be retarded, I just can't do it.
There's a bubble stopping me.

>> No.3932443

Yeah I need to find something to recharge myself, so to speak. Like I cannot find anything here to give me motivation, I never feel rested or rejuvenated. Your method sounds great I just need to find something I really enjoy. I guess I will keep searching ,thanks friend.

>> No.3932451

Take some anxiety meds. Get a prescription. If you can't even see a doctor, holy shit.

>> No.3932456

1.I wouldn't see a Doctor
2.I don't want drugs.

>> No.3932460


Not the guy you are talking to but I feel shy around people I do know and can potentially know.

For example if I am around my brothers or their friends I am very careful of what I say and I am very quiet but when I am at a bar very late at night I can go up to anyone and start a conversation.

I actually feel comfortable around strangers sometimes but after meeting people I start to feel more uncomfortable.

Do you know what this is?

I bet if I went to Mexico I could do so much because no one would know who I am even though not many people already know who I am

>> No.3932465


Do you have a job?

>> No.3932471


>> No.3932473

Are you me?
Another Aspie here.
All my life I'd had these little switches in my brain that create or remove blocks.
All my life i was terrified and unable to take pills.
One day I wasn't. And that was that.
ON a more negative note, I was homeschooled, and my mother tells me that I would learn a mathematic principal brilliant on one day, and then the next day I would have no damn clue how to solve the problem. Struggle all I could, ti would'nt make sense.

You may be experiencing something very very similar.

>> No.3932474

Snorkeling, btw, is entry level. Actually being in the reef is a different story. As gay as it sounds, the scene from Avatar where the race-traitor to humanity is in the forest of Pandora? That's how I feel in the reef. Nobody around, nobody can talk. All you can hear is your own breathing and the noises of the reef. You're all on your own in one of the most breathtaking places on the planet.

Also, being able to sink into an overstuffed leather chair, sip fine anejo tequila from a snifter, and smoke a nice Dominican (cubans are too strong for me) cigar is superb. It's especially nice when the people around you are the type that are willing to indulge in a game of chess, backgammon, or risk. A no-pressure match of alcohol-dulled wits.
So it's a fashion of agoraphobia. I'd really look into anti-anxiety meds or you can be forcibly dragged out by someone. It's really not that painful. The fear of rejection is logical, but the fear of other humans is downright irrational. Maybe, a demonstration is in order.

>> No.3932476

Drugs are the only solution to a disorder that serious, other than that you better be content with a hikki lifestyle.

>> No.3932479


Well once you get one and you will have to get one or else you'll be fucked in the sense that society frowns upon men who aren't independent,

You'll gain social skills because you will be talking to people.

>> No.3932481

>ON a more negative note, I was homeschooled, and my mother tells me that I would learn a mathematic principal brilliant on one day, and then the next day I would have no damn clue how to solve the problem. Struggle all I could, ti would'nt make sense.
Holy shit I think you may be me.

>> No.3932489

Glad to know that it isn't just me, that this is an Aspie problem!
Which is also bad news as the same time, but it is better to be depressed by knowledge than terrified by the unknown.

>> No.3932493

Wow, lot of "diagnosed aspies" in dis thread.

Social interaction is a skill, and it's essential in life. It's just like math, and science. Practice and use it. Now please excuse me, I have a world to save.

>> No.3932494
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>You'll gain social skills because you will be talking to people
No..It's not like the sims or some shit where the more you talk the higher the skill goes up..It just doesn't work.

>> No.3932498

Take care shiekah.

>> No.3932502

The aspie from before, bro.
Surprising to say, it sorta does work. I'll explain in detail if you like.

>> No.3932503

What are you doing now?

>> No.3932504


I thought it was just the public education system that fed you that herp derp U R SO SPESHUL, you can do aaaaannything! <3 bullshit. Well, makes sense parents would do it too.

>> No.3932506

How am I suppose to know op I'm a patrician! And unless you're a client of mine I would suggest you fuck off or else!

>> No.3932508

Will the feeling of anxiousness go away?
For one, I know the bumbling fool of me won't go away.

>> No.3932510

>Well, makes sense parents would do it too.
Fuck you too. My mother was clinically chronically depressed due to thyroid damage from her youth: when she actually said something positive, it meant she really couldn't find a DAMN THING wrong.
You have no idea how much we kids hated her for ruining us. I only made it out partially undamaged because I was an aspie, and coldn't feel her depression indirectly

Also, it helps I remember those young days, so personal accounts too.

>> No.3932512

>Will the feeling of anxiousness go away?
Sorta yes, sorta no.
>For one, I know the bumbling fool of me won't go away.
THis is a genetic trait of Aspergers: poor motor control and weak hand-eye coordination. Sorry. IT can be dealt with but it sucks.

>> No.3932518

OP, I just think you're making up excuses for your social awkwardness. Any rational and logical human being finds uses in any "unintelligent" conversation, whether it is something practical such as networking or something as simple and context-sensitive as finding an identity within social hierarchies. Almost every powerful person in the world got there through connections, and if you can't understand that then you will be a failure.

>> No.3932519


This guy is right. Supposedly diagnosed aspie here. I spent the first few years of high school in virtual isolation -- it just created a self-reinforcing loop of neurotic behavior as my social skills decayed sharply. Especially over the summer break and several months in my room. It became harder to think up of things to say, appropriate topics, etc.

After a year or two of regular social interaction, forcing myself to make small talk with classmates, I was actually pretty popular. I don't mean just likable, I mean one of the most well-known people in class (in a good way).

>> No.3932520

>IT can be dealt with
You're not very motivational, it feels like I am being given news that someone just died.

>> No.3932525

Not typo, just stuck shift key.

>> No.3932529

Wait what?
Is she the good guy or the bad guy?

>> No.3932530

Not the guy you're asking. I'm the guy advocating Mexican debauchery and expensive hobbies.

I'm drinking scotch, watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and generally fucking around because I finished all my sample orders today and have literally nothing to do tomorrow. Self-employment rocks.

Oh man, can we jump on mother issues? PLEASE?

My mom is a miserable upper class bitch. She's had innumerable cosmetic surgeries to the point that she looks as though she could be my older sister, despite being in her 50's. She's been diagnosed with depression (not the manic variety, which is bipolar) and is on a whole slew of drugs. By drugs, I don't mean just psychiatric. She's on hydrocodone, muscle relaxers, Valium, you-name-it. She's an upper class pill popper. She's a judgmental bitch that wanted nothing more out of her son than an accessory.

Yeah, an accessory. The moment I was old enough to tell her I didn't want to be a baby model, she didn't care anymore. She screamed and went into histrionic fits until I chose biochem as a major and she nearly shat herself when I announced I wasn't going to medical school.


Life's not bad though. I own my own home, run my own business, and have enough money/time to indulge a very expensive hobby.

>Sorry, had to get that out.

>> No.3932531

>You're not very motivational, it feels like I am being given news that someone just died.
HInt for you: I don't do motivational. I can't.
I really don't know how.
Dad was an Aspie before me, and didn't know it until I was diagnosed, and then hm after me.
Mum, like i said before, was chronically depressed.
I never learned.

>> No.3932532

Right..When were you homeschooled?

>> No.3932539

>Is she the good guy or the bad guy?
Bad guy, but a pitiable one for her helplessness.
She married my dad because he was a persistent aspie, and they stayed together for all this time because, again, an aspie husband can deal with her bullshit by ignoring the emotioanl aspect when he wants too.

>> No.3932540

Yes. See what I typed here: >>3932519

As you develop more social skills, you gain confidence in your ability, and it creates a positive feedback loop. Inversely, you isolate yourself, your ability to socialize will decay sharply (or, at least it did for me, when I isolated myself). So avoid doing so. Five minutes of chatting during breaks in class won't hurt you, or even take up any significant amount of time or resources on your part.

Best way to start is by hanging around large groups. You can listen in on convos to learn the flow, and you can pipe in with something to say occasionally without feeling pressured to speak (like you would in a one-on-one convo).

>> No.3932544

I don't do ANYTHING.
How am I meant do do those things?

>> No.3932550

HOmeschooled from birth till age 13-14ish, when I and dad got diagnosed for 100% aspergers syndrome.
Then I was thrown into the public school system so I could learn social skills by way of direct application to the forehead.

It worked. Mostly.
The cost was my college-level education and any ambition or motivation to do ANYTHING. It all jsut dissapeared into the void and died, like finding a hole in the bedrock of minecraft.

>> No.3932557

You really are autistic!

>> No.3932562

What do you do now?

>> No.3932563

Shoulda gone to the boarding school to which I fled/mom sent me.

Not necessarily full of aspies, but a place where you can immerse yourself in whatever hobby you'd like and the greatest C&C or Starcraft champion (over the school's server) was lauded as a hero.

>> No.3932566

>I don't do ANYTHING.
>How am I meant do do those things?
Fuck this, namefagging because this is getting confusing: too many people with the same issues make for not a straightforward debate.

Anyhow, the "don't do anything" is sadly unavoidable. YOu need to find not what motivates you, but what actually gives you a reason to DO things.

For myself, it's a sense independance. I don't DO anything without being ordered too, because I like being given orders, as i respect and appreciate authority in a socially weird way.

Once I'm on my own thoough, with no one to lean on, I feel the NEED to do something, anything, in order to live.

>> No.3932571

Nothing motivates me

>> No.3932580

>You really are autistic!
hardly. I don't have the patience to build: i just love exploring.
Minecraft is the only game in my entire life that actually makes me FRIGHTENED and EXCITED, usually at the same time.
Exploring caverns is the most intense thing ever.
I fucking love exploring anything, ideological or physical.

>What do you do now?
I work retail after dropping out of university with damn good reason.
Taking vocational courses to get acutal life skills. I love those blue-collar guys, they may not be the smartedst, but they have big hearts and full lifes: I JELLY.

>Shoulda gone to the boarding school to which I fled/mom sent me.
I live in Southeatern Texas, by Galveston. Where would I have gone?

>Nothing motivates me
It's not about motivation.
As an Aspie, you have no SENSE of motivation.
You must discover PRIDE.

>> No.3932584

>You must discover PRIDE

>> No.3932588

I would recommend starting out simple. This is what I did: first, go to a local college and take a light class load (or if you haven't finished high school, you can take HS classes at most local colleges). This puts you in a room full of people on a regular basis without actually making/forcing you to interact, allowing you to proceed at your own pace.

Next step up is making light chatter with classmates, or maybe earning a bit of respect from them by showing off how smart you are. Maybe chat about homework and questions, or about tests. That sort of thing.

After that, look into extracurricular stuff. All sorts of clubs, parties, and other events going on at colleges -- anything from church groups to keggers.

Took me about three years, but now no one could possibly tell I was an aspie (if I ever was). In my head I still tend to be a bit -- I often find myself trying to calculate the best course of action in a convo, or carefully checking to make sure I don't wear a topic out and bore someone else. Actually, I'm able to get along with people who would normally repulse others because of this method.

>> No.3932591

It was a boarding school. We had people from everywhere.

Despite the Aspergers, if you could row crew, fence, play lacrosse, play polo, or play hockey you'd have been golden.

>> No.3932599


1) Don't drool at what you want
2) Replace the constant need to reaffirm your intelligence in the eyes of others with good ol' fashioned confidence
3) don't refer to people as plebs

So arrogant, don't bring other people down because you fail at socializing.

>> No.3932603

Fuck you..I..I fuck you, not everyone's a damn courageous person, let me rephrase, i'm a damn coward, people in general, terrifying, fuck this thread it's depressing, i'm going to set fire to shit.

>> No.3932609

hold on a sec bro, don;t burn things yet

>> No.3932613

Ok, don't listen to those idiots, ok? They can't relate, jsut console yourself with rage at their ignorance. I'll explai in a sec.

>> No.3932619


If you're an aspie, your extreme hartred for the unfamiliar is your single largest, overwhelming weakness. Be it socially, financially, academically -- you MUST overcome this if you ever want to do anything with your life besides sit around the house.

No one can really force you. It's just something you'll have to contend with if you ever want to live on your own, to go to college, or get a job. It CAN be done. It's just a matter of working through the pain, so to speak. The more you think about it, the more anxious you'll feel about it, and dread it, and you'll never get out. Just do it without thinking. Go for it, mate.

>> No.3932624

I can't do it without thinking, I can't just shut my brain off, well unless i'm completely drunk.

>> No.3932626

>well unless i'm completely drunk
Now you know what you must do.

>> No.3932631

You expect me to get a job and go to college whilst drunk?
I have to get to the point where i'm falling down stairs.

>> No.3932634

Aspies are the most obnoxious group I can think of. They claim every benefit they can from the government; everytime they succeed, it was against all odds; failure, results from their aspergers. They claim to be different yet compatible with the rest of humanity and accuse people of intolerance of their lack of social skills, yet on their forums their favorite topic of discussion is hypothetical discussion on how they are different and "more evolved" than the rest of the 'plebs'.

Kill them, kill them all. Such an odious group, probably worse than those feminists that hate men yet emulate men.

>> No.3932637
File: 2.95 MB, 3000x3000, all the glyphs full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, motivation is derived from our formative years as a kid with mom and dad spanking us for doing 'bad' things and rewarding us with treats for doing 'good' things right? Now generally a noraml kid will think:
>I do X, I get Pain, Pain is Bad, therefore X is Bad,QED.
>I do Y, I get Pleasure, pleasure is Good, therefore Y is good, QED.
And then this formula is what they work off of and build up for the rest of their lives.

For aspies, however, we never make that connection.
>I don't do X, I get Pain. What is Pain? I still don't want X so I will not do X.
>I Do want to do Y, I get Reward. What is Reward? I still do Y.

Now the reason why there is a dissconect is because the most basic connection is the EMOTIONAL connection between parent and child: what Normal Kid is deducing as badd is because the parent is Upset, normal kids picks up on that and insticivly deduces that UPset is Bad because of its connection to pain,a nd vice versa with Happiness.

Aspies don't get that connection, so Pain is just Pain, and Pleasure is Just Pleasure. NO conectionbetween reward and punishment on a basic level, so no platform for future motivation.

with me so far?

>> No.3932641

I guess.

>> No.3932642

Good, because this next par will take me a while to write up.

>> No.3932643


It helps if you have a goal. That's actually what got me started. I had a egotistical jock-kind of brother. Hated his guts. I wanted to do better than him, and impress my family. So I did. Got into the fucking top of my class in economics. Also, my parents said they'd kick me out after a certain age, so that sort of helped motivate me, too. To be quite honest if it were not for those things...I think I could just be stuck at home my old, neurotic, aspie self.

Anyways, my point is try setting up a goal for yourself, or ask your parents to "force" deadlines on you to put the pressure on you (if you work well under pressure like me). Or maybe ask them to give you a cash reward for each class you complete, or something. Find out some way of motivating yourself, and get your parents to help you reinforce it.

>> No.3932646


>> No.3932648


Don't give cash incentives for educational attainment, over time this practice causes more harm than good.

>> No.3932652


Okie doke. To each their own. Each case is different, and maybe some people are just beyond helping. But I know for me, I am much healthier, smarter, socially adept, and financially well-off as a result of me getting out of my quasi-isolation at home. Damn it, that sounds too much like bragging -- sorry. But you get the picture.

If you really are superior to those "plebs", then back it up by getting out into the world. Anyone can say or think they are smarter -- heck, I bet the average person thinks they're smarter than average. If you really are, go prove it.

>> No.3932657

I'm not OP.

>> No.3932663
File: 223 KB, 1920x1200, GO OUTSIDE or the SUN WILL RAPE YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, now for what makes an Aspie actually TICK.

Aspie's chare one big facet witht he rest of this autistic spectrum: they suffer from extremely deep and powerful 'feelings', or essentially Hyper Emotions. This is due to the fact that your brain does not ahve the equipment to process the natural human empathetic signals that allow for emotional communication, so you never are in emotional contact with other human beings. At all.

You have no Empathy, and this results in having the extreme emotions of a wild animal: your 'Heart' remains unsullied because it has never known true meaningful suffering to temper it. Regular pain doesn't cut it, thanks to the eariler mentioned disconnect.

>> No.3932665
File: 578 KB, 1000x1677, majora abstract.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your extreme irrational fear? That's due to the extreme levels of emotion in your heart that you have never learned to control, becasuse you have never known they NEEDED control.
Why? Because you don't recognize them as emotions, persay.
Humans always need something to compare to to understand themselves, and normally you are supposed to understand your own mind and emotions through nonverbal communication of said understanding with your family.
Aspies don't get to do that.

Now as for why you are so 'intellectua;' as they say, is because you are unable to communicate in any way BUT the written or spoken word.
You can't understand the constant subtle clues of the human body that tells you what they feel, so you can't empathise, especially concerning facial expressions and tensenessof the other persons body, which is key to proper communication and thus socialization.
So you focus on the meaning of what you say, with no regard to the non-verbal implications because they are as invisible to you as radiowaves are to our eyes.

This makes you comepletely and totally self-centered in all and every respects, becuse as far as you are concerned, you are the only being that actually HAS thoughts and feelings. You may academically know otherwise, but without that instinctual understanding, that Empathy, you cannot, are completely unable to CARE.

with me so far?

>> No.3932667


Nigga, you've gone full retard.

>> No.3932670
File: 379 KB, 500x646, bob sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK fine, I went a little far with the 'No Empathy' bit.
Aspies do have what would be considered 'big hearts'. They generally care a lot about others, btu lacking the actual ability of empathy makes them unable to understand how to communicate that.

>> No.3932671

i..I guess..

>> No.3932674
File: 329 KB, 1200x883, dhark the shark dog hybrid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stuck on anything? I knwo from personal experience that my brain gets hung up on one little detail, and refuses to comprehend the whole until that snag is resolved.

>> No.3932675

yeah..im k

>> No.3932700

you there?

>> No.3932717


People with autism have less empathetic mirror neurons not none...

>> No.3932718
File: 54 KB, 270x272, ohgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess i'll go then....

>> No.3933843

Fuck my life. internect died at 1 in the morning right after that post. fuck. oh well.

>> No.3933928


Well you're not going to get social skills complaining on the internet.

>> No.3934138

>use the word aspie in /sci/
>huge thread


>> No.3934383

mm k..