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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3931229 No.3931229 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /sci/entific masterminds,

My professor is treating us like 5 year olds and forcing a paper outline to be turned in tomorrow. I have chosen to write about fractional crystallization on mars and its effect on possible evidence of life. However, instead of doing that im on /sci/ wat do?

Your friend
Geology major with senioritus

>> No.3931256

No one knows how to break myself of 4chan addiction?

>> No.3931269


dude it's not rocket science it's 4chan just post child porn.

>> No.3931288


or post in a moot thread... problem is i'd have to do that at school work home and wherever else i can get wifi...

>> No.3931292

We don't want that shit here. Not on /b/, and DEFINITELY NOT FUCKING ON /sci/.

The more effort you put into your outline now, the less work you will have to do when you go to turn in your paper later.
Ever heard of a research proposal? It's essentially an outline for a scientific research paper.
Come on, dude. How can you be in your 4th year and not have realized this about paper writing before?

>> No.3931295

The best way to do it would be to blow up your nearest internet back bone infrastructure. That should put you out of the loop for a week at least.

>> No.3931296


Its not that i haven't... i just don't want to...

By week do you mean executed for terrorism?

>> No.3931301

Prof doesnt want you to half ass the first few weeks, only to find out the idea isn't feasible or worthwhile AFTER investing a ton of work. Sketch the plan now, and let him review it. It makes sense if you had intended to spend more than a few days on the project.

>> No.3931302


Then pick a topic you like. Presumably that's why you went into geology, right? Because you like something about it? If you're not allowed to change topics, then that sucks.
What you can start by doing is turning off your computer, and outlining it by hand on paper. With the computer off, it takes more time to go over to it and start dicking around on 4chan.

>> No.3931324


Ha sadly all my articles are ebooks... And i do like the topic... i just don't want to write

>> No.3931339


Nah this was a topic of my own fruition i ran it past her before i chose it. It was such a good idea that she changed the lecture topic the next day to give the class a hint at it... because if quartz can come from other places than just Chemical sedimentary rocks then quartz may not be the best plan to look for life.

>> No.3931356

Hey this thread gave me an idea for a title!

>> No.3931364

Perhaps, just perhaps, and the evidence seems to suggest, you are a 5 year old?

>> No.3931380


Besides, you know, my use of the term fractional crystallization.

>> No.3931835

Hey, I'm a grad student working on Mars. I'd be interested to hear your ideas (even though I do atmospherics). I find talking to people about my work often motivates me and makes me think about the basics, which can help when organizing thoughts for a paper, poster, etc.

tldr; Use us as an audience to help get things rolling?

>> No.3931859


Holy shit your on mars?

>> No.3931868
File: 66 KB, 178x178, 1295115278208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, I'm a grad student working on Mars.
Oh fuck, Robert Zubrin's parallel universe is colliding with this one

>> No.3931882


Yeah, awesome right? But the lag is murder.

>> No.3931932

eqn \Gamma \eqn