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3930853 No.3930853 [Reply] [Original]

If we do ever achieve 'immortality', ie making our biological lives indefinite unless some bastard shoots us...what will become of disabled people? Paraplegics and the like - what of people who can't move or communicate like in this video:

This video really got me thinking about this. There's also other consequences - Rick's father can't keep doing this for hundreds, thousands of years. Things will get messy sooner or later.

>> No.3930958


>> No.3931009

You fail to realize all other technology which comes with that 'immortality'. Robotic limbs, bio engineered body parts, or even the possibility to not even have to have a 'body' in the traditional sense. These people would just regain their communication and movement while also gaining immortality.

>> No.3931014

Why would anyone ever want to be immortal? I would go insane having to live forever in such a shitty world

>> No.3931034

What if longer-living technology comes before sufficiently advanced/inexpensive robot limbs et al though?

>> No.3931046


So why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>> No.3931051

I'd much rather live as long as I want and end my life when I saw fit.

>> No.3931058

That doesn't make sense because it is more ridiculous to be immortal than it is to design a new limb. Also growing body parts is already in infant stage developments today.

You sound like someone who could benefit from our possible expansion into universe.

>> No.3931068

the universe*

>> No.3931075

>You sound like someone who could benefit from our possible expansion into universe.

Or just not being hormonal and angsty.

>> No.3931084

Because I haven't finished all that I've wanted to do.

How can you not agree that most of the people that inhabit earth are shitheads and that we don't live in a shitty society all together

>> No.3931091

Yeah lets find an infinite food source before we even think about becoming immortal

>> No.3931096

Well technically we still need an infinite food source since humanity is going to continue after we die.

If everyone became immortal I'm sure there'd be rules implemented about having kids.

>> No.3931103

Why would the human race ever try to flee death? That's retarded. Nothing can live forever.

>> No.3931127

>Because I haven't finished all that I've wanted to do.

So why do you not want to be in your physical prime while you do all those things, instead of gradually physically declining until you die whether you're ready or not?

>> No.3931130

You don't need food, you just need energy. Since, you know, that's why we eat in the first place.

Why should we invent the wheel? Nothing before us has ever invented anything that's globally adopted before!

Jesus, how about you start helping people be less shitty and society will turn suit. It's not hard, everything you know started smaller than you can imagine.

>> No.3931149

No, I'm just wondering what's so bad about death. Why is it such a big priority to extend lifespans toward infinity?

>> No.3931150

>You don't need food, you just need energy. Since, you know, that's why we eat in the first place.

Because we can just make energy out of nothing now a days right?

The rate at which food is being used up when we no longer die of old age/etc vs the rate at which food is being used up when we're not immorality will obviously be a big difference and lead to that source being depleted faster than normal, even with child laws

>> No.3931152

>Jesus, how about you start helping people be less shitty and society will turn suit. It's not hard, everything you know started smaller than you can imagine.

How about you take your own advice, go ahead try and help these shitheads and the rulers of the nations around us. Go ahead, try. idiot.

>> No.3931158

>No, I'm just wondering what's so bad about death. Why is it such a big priority to extend lifespans toward infinity?

Do you want to die tomorrow? If not, why not? Do you want your body to be crippled with age? If not, why not?

>> No.3931159

They fear death and think it's a horrible thing

>> No.3931163

>The rate at which food is being used up when we no longer die of old age/etc vs the rate at which food is being used up when we're not immorality will obviously be a big difference

What? Why would that be different?

Also, you do realize that food is not a non-renewable resource, right?

>> No.3931166

If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't care. There are two possibilities: there IS something after death, and there ISN'T something after death.

If there IS something, then I get to go there.

If there ISN'T, then I won't be around to care about being dead.

>> No.3931170


If you don't think death is a bad thing, then kill yourself.

>> No.3931175

>I'd much rather live as long as I want and end my life when I saw fit.

>Wants to be immortal
>still wants to be able to kill oneself

doesn't that defeat the purpose of being IMMORTAL?

>> No.3931182
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Goodbye gay world, at least i'll be in a better place with Hitler and Dennis

>> No.3931181

>If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't care.

So why don't you kill yourself? Serious question.

>> No.3931179

This is retarded on so many levels.

>> No.3931185

The question I'm asking is what's so bad about living (infinitely) ? You can't really answer either of these questions and since there is no right or wrong you can choose to accept either.

There is a (relatively) infinite amount of energy that is being transmitted to us through radiant light every second this planet exists. This is of course the sun, so we learn to efficiently harvest this resource our energy problems could be solved.

I have actually just started living my life to promote such a goal, and have started communicating my ideas to those around me. These posts are just a small example you could say.

>> No.3931188

>doesn't that defeat the purpose of being IMMORTAL?

Of course not. Why would it?

>> No.3931197

Isn't being immortal the state of being unable to be killed?

>hipsters that never die

oh jesus

>> No.3931203

if you got tired of living i can't imagine it would be that difficult to just kill yourself.

>> No.3931210

>Isn't being immortal the state of being unable to be killed?

"Immortal" in this case presumably means that the symptoms of old age are "cured." Aging is seen as a terminal illness that causes a slow but inevitable decline over several decades. To say that the only choices are having this illness or being UNABLE TO DIE is a silly false dichotomy.

>> No.3931215

"If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't care" doesn't mean "I hope I die tomorrow"

As long as I'm alive I'm going to keep enjoying the journey. It's cliche, but life is a journey not a destination.

>> No.3931225

I fudged up those references, but yeah you get the point.

>> No.3931230

The fact is that all of the claims that biological immortality would be somehow bad are easily refuted, but people will keep claiming it is right up until the point when it is actually available. This is sour grapes: you know you'll grow old and die, so to deal with that you convince yourself it's a good thing.

>> No.3931237

There's an article on Cracked.com that says just the opposite.


If it's on Cracked, then it's true.

>> No.3931242

>"If I died tomorrow, I wouldn't care" doesn't mean "I hope I die tomorrow"

But it kind of does. If you don't want to die, then you want to live. So you do, in fact, care if you die tomorrow.

>> No.3931244 [DELETED] 

>be immortal
>not able to fix shit like this
nigger full retard.

its like "assume we have as much energy as we will even need... what happens to people with no powerlines?"

you don't get to one without the other

>> No.3931253

All I'm saying is that I don't fear death, but I don't let it control my life either.

It's all part of being a human being.

>> No.3931255

Those are pretty superficial reasons to hate immortality.

>> No.3931270

>All I'm saying is that I don't fear death, but I don't let it control my life either.

But you do want to live, yes?

>> No.3931278

Most if not all of those reasons assume you and nobody else is immortal, big difference in those points to a situation in which everyone is immortal

>> No.3931280


Those are all pretty silly and not applicable to a cure for aging being developed.

>> No.3931311

/sci/ hates Cracked.com?

It's a comedy website, but brings up some good points.

I was once asked this question: live forever or live for 500 years? Of course I picked 500 years, but it took me quite a bit of time to think about.

Although, if by "immortality" you mean that, once you hit some age, you stop aging altogether? That might not be so bad, but the topic of death is still relevant.

Of course, death has always been a non-issue. Everything, even the human race, will die at some point. And where will our accomplishments be then? Is there some cosmic leaderboard that will say "Homo Sapiens: 300 millennia"?

So let's not worry about dying. Let's worry about living.


>> No.3931327

>once you hit some age, you stop aging altogether

What else could it possibly mean? It's literally impossible to be immortal without stopping aging.

>> No.3931369
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>> No.3931460

You're a 17 year old kid. Your arguments are invalid.

>> No.3931475
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Luckily there was no argument and only links published by other people.

>> No.3931495


God that article makes me rage so much. "Evolution would make you a freak". Yes because you would be some kind of vampire, the only person to get immortality, and surgery and genetic therapy will never ever become developed.

>> No.3931499

Lets drop the word immortality, and use instead "arbitrarily long lifespan." The only reason death is part of being a human being is because it's predetermined for us by evolution. If by some alternative branch of evolution we managed to live to 200, it would be pretty dumb for us to choose to die before 100. Repeat this argument with higher numbers, and you'll see that there isn't any codified age at which humans should die. You certainly wouldn't want to live in an age where you'd die at 40. People choose to ignore death because they can't change it, and they are right to do so. But now we're saying we can.