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3929692 No.3929692 [Reply] [Original]

I "speak" 10 languages fluently although 2 are dead. Many of you are learning languages so I am here to offer advice.

>Italian (aka Spanish)
>Ancient Greek

I will only use English for simplicity.

>> No.3929697

Video evidence or GTFO

>> No.3929696

why no asia you goddamn racist

>> No.3929703

how do i say "it's a pleasure to meet you" or an equivalent in ancient greek?

>> No.3929701

>Italian (aka Spanish)


>> No.3929706

>Italian (aka Spanish)

>> No.3929720

italian is basically spanish because they are both romance languages and stem from latin, as does french

gee guys

>> No.3929730

What was the time progression for the learning of each language and what age were you when you learned each one?

>> No.3929732

Tell me your secrets, oh great one!

>> No.3929733


pick one

>> No.3929736

Its a joke.

Those languages have countess parallels that learning Spanish greatly helps Italian and vice versa.

>> No.3929741

I'm starting Sanskrit.

No central Asia yet.

>> No.3929752

What's your reasoning behind learning languages? You probably have a gift for it and will learn them faster than the average person, but if you've sacrificed other education in order to learn languages, why did you do it?

I'd love to learn a lot of languages, spend all my time learning languages and reading but it doesn't really open a lot of doors in the job market. I used to work at a hotel with a guy that studies russian at a university level, and he works at a hotel! There's of course nothing wrong with that, but if he'd studied chemistry he would probably have a better job.

>> No.3929759

How do I spell, and say "Rocket-Propelled dynamite" in German?

>> No.3929761


>No Polish, Finnish or Arabic
Well sure, learning 10 languages is easy if you actually exclude any hard ones.

>> No.3929762

What was your reasoning for learning Esperanto?

That explains why my Italian girlfriend manages to stumble through both when she needs to...

>> No.3929770

>not as hard as Polish


>> No.3929781

>>3929759How do I spell, and say "Rocket-Propelled dynamite" in German?


Spelled just like it sounds.

>> No.3929792

English native.
Spanish was while growing up (7?)
My parents took me to learn Latin in middle school but I didn't mind.
Portuguese/Italian were learned shortly after and both were rather painless from Spanish/Latin.
I took a few years of German in highschool and started French. French was mostly self learned and I started taking Greek/Russian in college. Esperanto was slowly accumulated throughout the process starting near the end of highschool.

>> No.3929793

it isn't, trust me.

>> No.3929799

No, I don't trust you, as I happen to speak something similar. Polish is easymode compared to russian.

>> No.3929802


Pick one. Just because it has a different alphabet doesn't make it difficult. Hell, Chinese and Japanese are incredibly easy, but tedious to learn given the completely different vocabulary.

>> No.3929814


Confirmed for talking out of his ass.

>> No.3929815


Hipster faggot.

>> No.3929817

I find them interesting. After the first few learning a new one is simple and the connections between ancient languages and todays languages is fascinating. Consider it a hobby.

I do focus on science and mathematics, infact I have the memory of a biologist due to this practice.

>> No.3929832
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Can you also speak Plattdeutsch or just that Hoch-shit? Platt is some old bullshit if you ask me, sounds like elf language.

>> No.3929833

Mandarin is an extremely simple language, but like he said, the completely different vocabulary is the difficult part.

>> No.3929837


Got quite a few friends and family members living in China and they've all verified that the grammar and sentence structure is very simple. It's just a matter of memorising some words, really.
I took up Japanese for a couple of years a while back, and had no trouble learning new grammar or Kanji. Only had to spend some time memorising words.

>> No.3929836

No real reason. Partly because I am all for a world wide lingua franca and partly because I learned it over the span of several years so it wasn't very time consuming for me.

I don't think we should stop studying other languages though. Latin is important.

>> No.3929834

>implying English is not the hardest living language

Seriously guys...you should do some research before you spout about regressed russian or polish languages.

>> No.3929845

Any tips for a guy who wants to learn russian but doesn't have much free time? I know how to read and pronounce russian words & some grammar but that is about it.

Should I go reading russian newspapers or try translating few sentences a day (as some suggested) from война и мир?

>> No.3929865

Allow me to correct your 'tardiness. First define 'complicity'. What you seem to call 'hard' is actually 'grammar size'. Stating that any language is 'just memorizing words' is even more stupid. Chinese writing is extremely complicated (capt. obvious) and pronunciation is a pain in the ass for almost all people. I know few people who speak it for years and still fuck up the intonation. It is not by any means easy.

To go onto Russian, Slavic languages in general have much more complicated grammar when compared to English. Idea that same word can be be in 20 different forms is not something people are familiar with.

Christ, stop talking out of your ass and act like you know the language. If it is easy, learn it and then start talking shit.

>> No.3929866


I absorbed english over the course of a couple years solely from tv and I want to point out I did not understand more than few words when I started.

Never studied the language otherwise.

I also speak polish and german fluently. I assure you english is the easiest of those.

>> No.3929871

just read, take classic literature, something less redundant than newspapers as they might get boring and tiring very too fast, while with literature you should be kept interested..

>> No.3929881

>war and peace
>just starting

Just no. I have a suggestion, find a russian online news radio station and play it in background. Try to understand shit more and more. Find some simple news article and try to understand shit. When incapable of that, go to a dictionary.

>> No.3929894

I want to learn German, already speak English and Japanese, but I have no time in my class schedule (engineering major). I already know the most simple basics, but how can I learn in a more productive way?

>> No.3929896
File: 59 KB, 780x527, Aladin+I+no+terrorist_51c750_308215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn from Disney songs too, nothing gets a bitch wetter than " A whole new World" in german, "Ein traum wird wahr" incase you're curious....

>> No.3929897

Reading and writing always helps. One of the main things in languages that "click" is when you can think in that language. What I assume you do now is reading Russian, translating it to English, thinking of a response in English and translating it to Russian.

You need to get to the point were you read the Russian, understand, and respond in Russian.

No English involved.

>> No.3929914


> Chinese writing is extremely complicated (capt. obvious)

But that's wrong. The writing system is surprisingly logical, and very often you can see the meaning of a word without having a clue about how it's pronounced. The characters are composed of separate parts, all of which indicate the overall meaning.

Yes, you have to memorise more characters than in Latin-based languages, but it hardly requires as much effort as one might expect.

>> No.3929915

How old are you, OP?

>> No.3929923

We all know you don't.

>> No.3929926

>3000 character alphabet

>> No.3929936

>26 character alphabet

>> No.3929943
File: 7 KB, 251x251, 1304982594316s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw OP can't even into english properly
>mfw he thinks he speaks all those languages just because he knows how to say "Hola me llamo Juan"
>mfw there're some fags who are believing all that without evindence.... in an anonymous board!

>> No.3929947

I took classes for German but self learning can be just as good. I am not sure how basic you are but a book (tor or otherwise) for basic German can do wonders for a base. After learning intermediate grammar/vocabulary and learning how to speak it you can start reading German books and listening to German radio while focusing on trouble spots.

>> No.3929950

>>3929759 How do I spell, and say "Rocket-Propelled dynamite" in German?
Raketengetriebenes Dynamit. (Not that that word would make any sense in the first place.)

>> No.3929955

23 and finishing up a degree.

>> No.3929965

>exclamation point

>> No.3929971

>3000 characters
>each made from between 1-4 elements
>from the same pool of recurring elements
>using basically the same stroke order

once you start to understand how it works, it gets a lot easier

>> No.3930007


Would you recommend learning spanish and italian or just one of those?

I also think about learning russian. Is it very hard compared to the other languages to get the pronounciation right?

>> No.3930011


Are you by any chance female and does your name start with an "A"?

>> No.3930016



I don't remember this episode?

>> No.3930017

I speak English fluently, and can converse in 11 others

>> No.3930040



And to the above, Spanish/Italian can be considered easier for an English speaker but Russian isn't as overly hard as people make it seem.

Pronunciation is just practice. Once you get the hang of it, it is simple.

>> No.3930218

Holy shit I am sooo jelly. I know English, took Spanish for 5 years (didn't like it that much), and I'm learning Latin and Ancient Greek (they're awesome). I hope to learn at least German and Russian as well.