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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3929228 No.3929228 [Reply] [Original]

How do the bright minds of /sci/ handle members of the opposite sex?

>> No.3929231

/sci/ and the opposite sex are disjoint sets.

>> No.3929235

lol so true


>> No.3929241

whats the opposite of asexual?

>> No.3929246

For all definitions of "the opposite sex", mind you. /sci/ has no sex.

>> No.3929248
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not by being pedos that's certain sure

>> No.3929249

double negative much?

>> No.3929245 [DELETED] 


>> No.3929254

The same way I treat members of the same sex. Happy to lend a hand if they need help and I'm free, extremely cold if they try to get to know me as a person, filled with poorly concealed disdain if they are not in the same field of study as I am.

>> No.3929255

Oversexed? Sex-addicted?

>> No.3929260


>> No.3929265

You are me

>> No.3929270 [DELETED] 

>extremely cold if they try to get to know me as a person
huh? why?

>> No.3929273

Keep contact to a minimum

>> No.3929278

Because I am not comfortable around people and I can only cope if it's for work-related reasons.

>> No.3929280

I will continue to be myself. Unfortunately, myself is not the kind of person any girl would enjoy being with. In the incredibly implausible scenario that I meet a single girl who can stand me I probably wouldn't even have the drive to ask her out.

>> No.3929282

I tease a lot.

>> No.3929286

You are obviously me as well

>> No.3929290

Everyone in this thread is obviously me
sup me

>> No.3929331

I hate members of this group. They are annoying as fuck and all this promiscuity is just not logical.
As for females, I treat woman with respect but I have very stricts requirements of a woman. Most females my age are girls. Treat girls as girls, just tell them to shut up and grow up

>> No.3929353

Define over-sexed. What qualifies one to earn your hatred?

>> No.3929354

Opposite sex, what's that?

Engineer here btw.

>> No.3929411

You'd be surprised how many chemicals can disable the human body without damaging it permanently

>> No.3929469


In the same fashion as ted bundy.

>> No.3929475

EK is a faggot.

>> No.3929479

Although I try not to hate people, its when people have sex and not try to make something of the relationship is what sparks my hatred, e.g. one nighters/friends with benefits

>> No.3929487

Okay, you'd hate me.

>> No.3929511

probably, but its a passive rage. Right now I hate my two roommates because they are hooking up sort of. They are very touchy feely as well yet they don't claim to be together. Ugh it disgusts me, lol I wish it didn't disgust me

>> No.3929516

lets touch eachother..it'll be fun..dont be scared

>> No.3929520

Okay, I can sympathize with that. Even with the girlfriend, I don't do PDA. Touchy, feel-y whatnot in public or around others in general is not my thing.

>> No.3929543

femanon here. mostly i treat males as females alike.
exept someone hits on me. then i either flee or go on a date, depending if i like that person. in the past i used to flee, but after 4 years of running away from males i went out with a physicist i met and it turned out nice. not sure how to lable what we have though, but maybe i dont have to.

>> No.3929549

Yeah I also hate people who`are different than me.

>> No.3929603

I consciously treat them no differently from my own gender. Subconsciously, I may be a bit nicer (no white-knighting) if it's a gorgeous lady (depending on other parameters).

>> No.3929637

If a female is attractive and intelligent, then I'll like her almost as much as I like myself.
Stupid bitches make me rage SO HARD in the inside. Especially the ones trying to talk about deep shit on Facebook. OH THE HORROR

>> No.3929679

I'm a guy and I'm fairly intelligent and educated. I find most women to be too insane to even bother with. I can be cordial and respectful, but I don't let any of them into my life enough to let their rampant fucking insanity start destroying my inner peace and quiet. Predictably, women just flock around the alpha males, and get involved in the most drama possible, as their insanity demands.

My sexual needs are taken care of through Internet pornography and masturbation. I have money and sanity and there are no women and children to wreck my life. I have nephews and nieces if I want to feel parentally fulfilled, and then I can disconnect, since children are far too much to take for long.

Being an Uncle is fine. Being single and alone is also fine. I bank on a lot of schadenfreude by watching the so-called families out there tear into each like packs of wolves. Nobody hurts you like family, and I've minimized that bullshit.

>> No.3929682

I don't. Bitches will just slow my roll.

>> No.3929690
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>Girl:"Hey there"
>You too!

>> No.3929710

I communicate with females the same way I do with males. That is to say, rarely.

>> No.3929717
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>> No.3929722

The same as males really, if there was a choice between talking to a female and male alone I'd go for the female because it's easier to start a conversation by complimenting them on something stupid
unless I end up falling for one then I end up having no idea what to do and fucking the whole thing up, leaving me feeling depressed and hateful

>> No.3929729
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A few links!

Every male has to read this: http://www.singularity2050.com/2010/01/the-misandry-bubble.html

Science proves that women are irrational: http://guyism.com/humor/new-study-shows-women-buy-clothes-knowing-they-wont-wear-it.html

Women think they are equal? They should think again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PYzaHDirXg

>> No.3929738
File: 12 KB, 200x167, large_ceri.brenner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never meet a scientist as hot as this.

>> No.3929744

They usually start the conversation while waiting for class to start.

>her: "Oh wow I like your laptop."
>me: "Thanks."
>her: "May I suck your penis?"
>me: "Maybe later. I'm browsing /sci/ right now."
>her: "Asshole."
>she finds a seat somewhere else

I <3 U /sci/.

>> No.3929745
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/sci/ is male because there are no decent female scientists (same goes for comedians btw.)

>> No.3929755

We live in a world where women wan't to persecute men for no reason and resent our achievements. Women want to be airlifted into postitions of power and have everything handed to them on a plate as the world falls apart around them.
I personally bash women all the time because of this, women want to drag everything down so they can complain about it later. They don't fucking stop, every day I see something that shows me just how completely irresponsible and stupid women are and how they get away with it because everyones devoted to kissing womens asses.

>> No.3929756

>Euler in mid tier

>> No.3929765
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>> No.3929768
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The only time when I agree with the bible is when females are around.

>> No.3929771
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>> No.3929780
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>> No.3929783
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>> No.3929788
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>> No.3929790


II. Make her jealous
IV. Don’t play by her rules
VI. Keep her guessing
XI. Be irrationally self-confident
XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little
XV. Maintain your state control

>> No.3929809

> You will never meet a scientist as hot as this.

Even if I did, she's got 67 other men chasing her, mostly on the "friend ladder". So why would I even care? I'm not some stallion to be put in some bitch's stable, kept there in the rare event that she ever feels like taking a ride.

The beautiful ones are egotistical bitches, and the ugly and fat ones aren't worth it. There's really nothing in between. End result: Essentially all women in Western Civilization aren't worth it. Let the alpha males beat up and knock up the pretty ones, and let the ugly and fat ones herd cats. THEY ALL DESERVE IT.

>> No.3929819

Seems like I hit a nerve.

>> No.3929822

ive never seen or heard of that girl before so she cant be that important or influential

>> No.3929827


You're doing it wrong.

>> No.3929830

She's not. But name a prominent female scientist who is better looking.

>> No.3929852

They say a graduate student who gets straight A's can't be working hard enough on his/her thesis.

Similarly, I'd reckon that a scientist who spends too much time being photographed and looking fantastic can't be working hard enough on his/her research.

>> No.3929853

theres a very small number of prominent female scientists. if anything her looks will work against her and people will take her even less seriously. serious groups will see her as nothing more than a pretty face to put in front of their ideas to attract attention.

>> No.3929863


but she is fucking ugly. are you telling that's as good as it gets? hahaha oh wow. women are so pathetic.

>> No.3929869
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Not gonna lie, I probably would've nailed a young Emmy Noether.

That intellect, those average looks.

>> No.3929875

>written by Roissy, Your Lord and King

So, your king commands you to be his bitch by making the bitches want you?

>mfw your threesome is 2 guys 1 girl

>> No.3929879

what the fuck are you trying to say?

>> No.3929916

It's okay as long as the balls don't touch!

>> No.3930004

i honestly don't know what you are trying to say. are you trying to imply that type of advice is gay or that following the advice of another person is gay?

>> No.3930023



This did cross my mind especially with me promoting her . but it's irrelevant to my initial comment.

Nice one. But it's a bit late.

>> No.3930091
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Argh, this list bothers me.
It tells you to tease and manipulate women, but I myself absolutely hate teasing and tricking, such pointless indirection infuriates and disgusts me! I can't bring myself to act so horribly towards other human beings!

>> No.3930140

> Seems like I hit a nerve.

You mean you prompted me to say the truth.

Beautiful women are always hounded by a pack of alpha dogs. Always. You have a better chance of winning the average lottery than obtaining her adoration, unless you look like Brad Pitt.

>> No.3930155

more ops pics would improve this thread a lot

>> No.3930194
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So i guess no one else shares this worldview?

>> No.3930224

But this actually works, you can mechanically teach yourself to hit on girls.
But your sex-life is inversely proportional to your grades.

>> No.3930226
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you are projecting your own needs and desires onto women. women absolutely need to be teased and knocked out of their world where men come supplicate before them. you can either open yourself to new knowledge and accept what you know now might be wrong, or continue to live life as an average frustrated chump.

your choice.

>Beautiful women are always hounded by a pack of alpha dogs. Always.
actually, it is the 'alpha' men who have women competing over them.

>> No.3930233

not at all actually. i find the smarter someone is, the easier they can learn game/charisma/applied female psychology- assuming they have basic social skills and are willing to practice.

>> No.3930237

I never said it affected intelligence. It will probably impact your grades though because of the distraction.

>> No.3930242

That still doesn't help me figure this out.
The sheer inefficiency of such indirectness is disgusting, and the act of teasing for the purpose for the purpose of titillation is abominable.

>> No.3930253

You can think of it this way:
Apple markets their products to be the best. Even though they arn't. Are they succesful?

>> No.3930270

>Apple markets their products to be the best. Even though they arn't. Are they succesful?
Sure. Not seeing the connection.
Unless you are implying that the very fact that they declare themselves to be the best consistently, in combination with looking good, is all it takes.

>> No.3930274


>> No.3930280

meh, i learned about it in college and saw the results first hand, my grades didn't go down even in engineering. med school i didn't have the time, but that isn't what 99.5% of the population is dealing with time constraint wise.

leaving aside the fact that such a system is MORE efficient by many orders of magnitude, why do you feel it is wrong to make yourself more attractive to the opposite sex? are bras, high heels, makeup, working out, etc. morally wrong?

whether or not they admit it, those qualities and practices outlined in that blog are exactly what women find attractive in men, hence the girls being attracted to assholes thing. it's possible to assume those qualities without being a raging asshole as well.

heres a site more focused on long term relationships and such, easier to get into for a new person:

ignore reality at your own peril.

>> No.3930286

Well, i guess I can work with that.
I've already figured out the attitude of 'no regrets, i do what i want', and i'm not that far from being /fit/.
I suppose just being stubborn should be enough to let the girls jerk their own chains around, provided i am social?

>> No.3930295

My grades dropped dramatically because of partying and hooking up. No i'm no genius, sorry.

>> No.3930305
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>> No.3930313
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>> No.3930360


>> No.3930378

There are only two of those which you absolutely NEED to follow:
>XI. Be irrationally self-confident
>XIII. Err on the side of too much boldness, rather than too little
All others are unnecessary, and are there simply for your convenience.

>> No.3930380

'being stubborn' is not enough. at least try to educate yourself and see if things work out better for you. what have you got to lose? i mean, what's the point of putting in all that gym time if you aren't going to try to maximize your chances?

meh, it's not an intelligence thing, just a discipline thing.

>> No.3930403

In similliar position, but I would still like to have a girlfriend as I have never had one yet in person.

>> No.3930408

Eh, I'm just going to focus on being stubborn because I figure that women, in their desire for drama, will create their OWN drama. It's what they do.
All I need to do is go into and out of every so-called 'argument' with an unphased personality.

Only when the relationship actually gets some gains will I open up and be willing to shift a little.

>> No.3930410

> I can't bring myself to act so horribly towards other human beings!

Good for you. You will have to remain self-satisfied about your moral superiority, while getting no sex. Sorry, but when you're intelligent and moral, that's how it goes. The "sexual marketplace" is disgusting and runs on the lowest sort of motivators and behaviors.

You could try to find a woman that's as disgusted by the "meat market" as you are, but if they're attractive in an acceptable degree, they tend to be willing participants of the meat market in the first place. You're searching for a rare beast. Good luck if you feel like spending the energy on that; I don't.

>> No.3930412
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>> No.3930432

I realize that. So I won't do those things. I won't accept them either.
They tease? I'll either ignore, or take.
They try to be indirect? I won't give them a choice in the matter. I might let them cool off, or I might simply tear them down bit by bit right there until I have received a satisfactorily accurate answer.

Of course, i know that Women follow Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything they say is pure bullshit, so it can mostly be ignored.

>> No.3930497
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if you allow a woman to create her own drama, it will not be the drama you want her to create, and will be a bigger pain in the ass in the long term. plus it won't be drama that is productive for you.

additionally, it's not that women crave drama, it's that they are predisposed to try to push and find limits in relationships. it's when you let this go on for too long that it escalates to drama and unreasonable demands.

what's fucking hilarious is that you think adopting this attitude makes you special and unique. quite the opposite in fact, you are just another beta that will comfort himself in the fact that he is morally superior while all of those 'superficial' 'assholes' are having fun with the women. you aren't better, you are just intellectually lazy and incapable of allowing challenges to your preconceived ideas about how people work.


also a great blog there.

>> No.3930504
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>> No.3930537

Unless I'm explicitly introduced, I convince myself that unfamiliarity is a valid excuse to avoid eye contact. Sometimes I have more or less difficulty with this, ranging from being relatively spontaneous (often when drunk) to being terrified of being approached (this has happened once, I literally freaked out and had to pokerface until I had the opportunity to leave without being awkward.

I have many close friends who are of the opposite sex, some of them are purely platonic others I was interested in but never got anywhere.

I'm also terrified of making an unreciprocated first move; I insist I like to get to know somebody well before I become intimate with them, but that may just be a reactive defense to justify my inaction.

I may sound like a total dork, but I don't look or feel it. I stand proud and I'm around an 7.5-8.5/10 (objectively, I can judge this relatively well), I'm smart but don't have trouble articulating myself in public, I just can't handle intimate one on one communication with somebody I'm unfamiliar with.

I think I might have a social phobia, thanks for reminding me, I was going to see if I can find some tests for it online.

>> No.3930574
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>> No.3930667

>I stand proud and I'm around an 7.5-8.5/10 (objectively, I can judge this relatively well), I'm smart but don't have trouble articulating myself in public, I just can't handle intimate one on one communication with somebody I'm unfamiliar with.
as a man you are not above a 5 if you cannot approach and/or are socially awkward. looks don't matter nearly as much as social presence or confidence.

if you had social phobia, you would not be able to articulate yourself in public as you claim.

>I'm also terrified of making an unreciprocated first move; I insist I like to get to know somebody well before I become intimate with them, but that may just be a reactive defense to justify my inaction.
that's how you get LJBF'd.

>> No.3930700

In my courses there are more opposite sexes than real men, I am slowly being feminized.

>> No.3930766

65/100, mild social phobia. (one test, no margin of accuracy stated)

>> No.3930815


that's how a doctor would consider you for social anxiety disorder. just from that brief paragraph you wrote, i would not lean towards a standard social phobia. like i said, those people (in most cases) are unable to talk to groups of people in public.

that alone doesn't rule out social phobia or a similar disorder, but it would be atypical.

>> No.3930982

I can't rate myself. I have many friends, many of them are chicks. And of my friends, all of them are majoring in science and maths topics. I don't have any issue talking to guys/girls. I'm really outgoing on the surface, but I suck ass at asking people out. I'm forever alone, but not. It kind of sucks. :/

>> No.3930999

That's probably because you don't really have enough of a sexual drive to make you actually 'attracted' to chicks.